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Src Date (GMT) Titre Description Tags Stories Notes
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-11 12:14:18 La demande de cyber-assurance augmente à mesure que la cybercriminalité devrait atteindre 24 billions de dollars d'ici 2027
Cyber Insurance Demand Grows as Cybercrime is Expected to Rise to $24 Trillion by 2027
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Cyber Insurance Demand Grows as Cybercrime is Expected to Rise to $24 Trillion by 2027
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-09 20:43:09 [Doigt sur la gâchette] Comment le FBI a nuculé le vol de données de data de serpent russe
[Finger on the Trigger] How the FBI Nuked Russian FSB\\'s Snake Data Theft Malware
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[Finger on the Trigger] How the FBI Nuked Russian FSB\'s Snake Data Theft Malware
Malware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-09 14:03:14 [Infographie]
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knowbe4.webp 2023-05-09 13:00:00 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 19 [Watch Your Back] Nouvelle fausse erreur de mise à jour Chrome Attaque cible vos utilisateurs
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #19 [Watch Your Back] New Fake Chrome Update Error Attack Targets Your Users
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #19 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #19  |   May 9th, 2023 [Watch Your Back] New Fake Chrome Update Error Attack Targets Your Users Compromised websites (legitimate sites that have been successfully compromised to support social engineering) are serving visitors fake Google Chrome update error messages. "Google Chrome users who use the browser regularly should be wary of a new attack campaign that distributes malware by posing as a Google Chrome update error message," Trend Micro warns. "The attack campaign has been operational since February 2023 and has a large impact area." The message displayed reads, "UPDATE EXCEPTION. An error occurred in Chrome automatic update. Please install the update package manually later, or wait for the next automatic update." A link is provided at the bottom of the bogus error message that takes the user to what\'s misrepresented as a link that will support a Chrome manual update. In fact the link will download a ZIP file that contains an EXE file. The payload is a cryptojacking Monero miner. A cryptojacker is bad enough since it will drain power and degrade device performance. This one also carries the potential for compromising sensitive information, particularly credentials, and serving as staging for further attacks. This campaign may be more effective for its routine, innocent look. There are no spectacular threats, no promises of instant wealth, just a notice about a failed update. Users can become desensitized to the potential risks bogus messages concerning IT issues carry with them. Informed users are the last line of defense against attacks like these. New school security awareness training can help any organization sustain that line of defense and create a strong security culture. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/fake-chrome-update-error-messages A Master Class on IT Security: Roger A. Grimes Teaches You Phishing Mitigation Phishing attacks have come a long way from the spray-and-pray emails of just a few decades ago. Now they\'re more targeted, more cunning and more dangerous. And this enormous security gap leaves you open to business email compromise, session hijacking, ransomware and more. Join Roger A. Grimes, KnowBe4\'s Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, Ransomware Data Breach Spam Malware Tool Threat Prediction NotPetya NotPetya APT 28 ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-09 12:00:00 Le département de police de Dallas est la dernière victime d'une attaque de ransomware
Dallas Police Department is the Latest Victim of a Ransomware Attack
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Dallas Police Department is the Latest Victim of a Ransomware Attack
Ransomware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-08 13:59:46 Améligations anti-phishing complètes: un aperçu rapide
Comprehensive Anti-Phishing Mitigations: A Quick Overview
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Comprehensive Anti-Phishing Mitigations: A Quick Overview
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-04 12:39:05 Les cyberattaques mondiales continuent d'augmenter alors que le premier trimestre voit une augmentation de 7%
Global Cyber Attacks Continue to Rise as Q1 Sees a 7% Increase
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Global Cyber Attacks Continue to Rise as Q1 Sees a 7% Increase
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-04 12:28:47 Téléchargements de logiciels malveillants facilités par l'ingénierie sociale
Malware Downloads Facilitated by Social Engineering
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Malware Downloads Facilitated by Social Engineering
Malware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-04 12:00:00 [Kit de ressources gratuit] Nouveau kit de ressources de sécurité de mot de passe pour célébrer la Journée mondiale des mots de passe!
[FREE RESOURCE KIT] New Password Security Resource Kit to Celebrate World Password Day!
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[FREE RESOURCE KIT] New Password Security Resource Kit to Celebrate World Password Day!
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-02 14:34:03 Faux messages d'erreur de mise à jour Chrome
Fake Chrome Update Error Messages
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Fake Chrome Update Error Messages
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-02 13:00:00 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 18 [Eye on Ai] Chatgpt a-t-il la cybersécurité indique-t-elle?
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #18 [Eye on AI] Does ChatGPT Have Cybersecurity Tells?
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #18 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #18  |   May 2nd, 2023 [Eye on AI] Does ChatGPT Have Cybersecurity Tells? Poker players and other human lie detectors look for "tells," that is, a sign by which someone might unwittingly or involuntarily reveal what they know, or what they intend to do. A cardplayer yawns when they\'re about to bluff, for example, or someone\'s pupils dilate when they\'ve successfully drawn a winning card. It seems that artificial intelligence (AI) has its tells as well, at least for now, and some of them have become so obvious and so well known that they\'ve become internet memes. "ChatGPT and GPT-4 are already flooding the internet with AI-generated content in places famous for hastily written inauthentic content: Amazon user reviews and Twitter," Vice\'s Motherboard observes, and there are some ways of interacting with the AI that lead it into betraying itself for what it is. "When you ask ChatGPT to do something it\'s not supposed to do, it returns several common phrases. When I asked ChatGPT to tell me a dark joke, it apologized: \'As an AI language model, I cannot generate inappropriate or offensive content,\' it said. Those two phrases, \'as an AI language model\' and \'I cannot generate inappropriate content,\' recur so frequently in ChatGPT generated content that they\'ve become memes." That happy state of easy detection, however, is unlikely to endure. As Motherboard points out, these tells are a feature of "lazily executed" AI. With a little more care and attention, they\'ll grow more persuasive. One risk of the AI language models is that they can be adapted to perform social engineering at scale. In the near term, new-school security awareness training can help alert your people to the tells of automated scamming. And in the longer term, that training will adapt and keep pace with the threat as it evolves. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/chatgpt-cybersecurity-tells [Live Demo] Ridiculously Easy Security Awareness Training and Phishing Old-school awareness training does not hack it anymore. Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense. Join us TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 3, @ 2:00 PM (ET), for a live demonstration of how KnowBe4 Ransomware Malware Hack Threat ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-02 12:22:23 Les deux meilleures choses que vous pouvez faire pour vous protéger et l'organisation
The Two Best Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself and Organization
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Les deux meilleures choses que vous pouvez faire pour vous protéger et l'organisation Depuis le début, deux types d'attaques informatiques (appelés Exploits de cause racine initiale ) ont composé la grande majorité des attaques réussies: Génie social et exploiter les vulnérabilités non corrigées.Ces deux causes profondes représentent entre 50% et 90% de toutes les attaques réussies.Il y a des tonnes d'autres façons dont vous pouvez être attaqué (par exemple, devinettes de mot de passe, une mauvaise configuration, des écoutes, des attaques physiques, etc.), mais tous les autres types d'attaques additionnés ne sont pas égaux à l'une ou l'autre des deux autres méthodes les plus populaires.
The Two Best Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself and Organization Since the beginning, two types of computer attacks (known as initial root cause exploits) have composed the vast majority of successful attacks: social engineering and exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities. These two root causes account for somewhere between 50% to 90% of all successful attacks. There are tons of other ways you can be attacked (e.g., password guessing, misconfiguration, eavesdropping, physical attacks, etc.), but all other types of attacks added up all together do not equal either of the other two more popular methods.
knowbe4.webp 2023-05-02 12:21:31 Phishing comme tactique d'espionnage pour les cybercriminels
Phishing as an Espionage Tactic for Cybercriminals
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knowbe4.webp 2023-05-01 14:31:33 La fréquence d'attaque de phishing augmente près de 50% à mesure que certains secteurs augmentent jusqu'à 576%
Phishing Attack Frequency Rises Nearly 50% as Some Sectors Increase by as Much as 576%
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Phishing Attack Frequency Rises Nearly 50% as Some Sectors Increase by as Much as 576%
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-27 12:08:22 Les dernières attaques QBOT utilisent un mélange de pièces jointes PDF et de fichiers hôtes de script Windows pour infecter les victimes
Latest QBot Attacks Use a Mixture of PDF Attachments and Windows Scripting Host Files to Infect Victims
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Malware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-27 12:07:48 Malgré la majorité des organisations croyant qu'elles étaient préparées pour les cyberattaques, la moitié étaient toujours victimes
Despite a Majority of Organizations Believing They\\'re Prepared for Cyber Attacks, Half Were Still Victims
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Despite a Majority of Organizations Believing They\'re Prepared for Cyber Attacks, Half Were Still Victims
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-25 13:00:00 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 17 [Head Start] Méthodes efficaces Comment enseigner l'ingénierie sociale à une IA
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #17 [Head Start] Effective Methods How To Teach Social Engineering to an AI
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #17 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #16  |   April 18th, 2023 [Finger on the Pulse]: How Phishers Leverage Recent AI Buzz Curiosity leads people to suspend their better judgment as a new campaign of credential theft exploits a person\'s excitement about the newest AI systems not yet available to the general public. On Tuesday morning, April 11th, Veriti explained that several unknown actors are making false Facebook ads which advertise a free download of AIs like ChatGPT and Google Bard. Veriti writes "These posts are designed to appear legitimate, using the buzz around OpenAI language models to trick unsuspecting users into downloading the files. However, once the user downloads and extracts the file, the Redline Stealer (aka RedStealer) malware is activated and is capable of stealing passwords and downloading further malware onto the user\'s device." Veriti describes the capabilities of the Redline Stealer malware which, once downloaded, can take sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information like user location, and hardware. Veriti added "The malware can upload and download files, execute commands, and send back data about the infected computer at regular intervals." Experts recommend using official Google or OpenAI websites to learn when their products will be available and only downloading files from reputable sources. With the rising use of Google and Facebook ads as attack vectors experts also suggest refraining from clicking on suspicious advertisements promising early access to any product on the Internet. Employees can be helped to develop sound security habits like these by stepping them through monthly social engineering simulations. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/ai-hype-used-for-phishbait [New PhishER Feature] Immediately Add User-Reported Email Threats to Your M365 Blocklist Now there\'s a super easy way to keep malicious emails away from all your users through the power of the KnowBe4 PhishER platform! The new PhishER Blocklist feature lets you use reported messages to prevent future malicious email with the same sender, URL or attachment from reaching other users. Now you can create a unique list of blocklist entries and dramatically improve your Microsoft 365 email filters with Spam Malware Hack Threat APT 28 ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-22 12:48:10 [Heads Up] Le nouveau service Fednow ouvre une nouvelle surface d'attaque massive
[Heads Up] The New FedNow Service Opens Massive New Attack Surface
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[Heads Up] Le nouveau service FedNow ouvre une nouvelle surface d'attaque massive Vous n'avez peut-être pas entendu parler de ce service prévu pour juillet 2023, mais cela promet unMassive Nouveau Génie social Surface d'attaque.Ceci provient de leur site Web: "À propos du service FedNowsm. Le service Fednow est une nouvelle infrastructure de paiement instantané développée par la Réserve fédérale qui permetServices de paiement. "Grâce à des institutions financières participant au service Fednow, les entreprises et les particuliers peuvent envoyer et recevoir des paiements instantanés en temps réel, 24 heures sur 24, tous les jours de l'année.Les institutions financières et leur service & nbsp;Les fournisseurs peuvent utiliser le service pour fournir des services de paiement instantané innovants aux clients, et les destinataires auront un accès complet aux fonds immédiatement, ce qui permet une plus grande flexibilité financière lors de la mise en temps sensible au temps. "Ceci est le site: https://www.frbservices.org/financial-services/fednow/about.html VousPeut imaginer la boîte de Pandora \\ que cela s'ouvre. Nous, chez Knowbe4, organisons un concours interne pour trouver des exploits d'ingénierie sociale potentiels et phishing Modèles. Nous avons un tas de personnes très créatives travaillant ici, ce sont les principales soumissions:
[Heads Up] The New FedNow Service Opens Massive New Attack Surface You may not have heard of this service planned for July 2023, but it promises a massive new social engineering attack surface. This is from their website:"About the FedNowSM Service. The FedNow Service is a new instant payment infrastructure developed by the Federal Reserve that allows financial institutions of every size across the U.S. to provide safe and efficient instant payment services."Through financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals can send and receive instant payments in real time, around the clock, every day of the year. Financial institutions and their service  providers can use the service to provide innovative instant payment services to customers, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, allowing for greater financial flexibility when making time-sensitive payments." This is the site: https://www.frbservices.org/financial-services/fednow/about.htmlYou can imagine the pandora\'s box this opens up. We at KnowBe4 ran an internal contest to come up with potential social engineering exploits and phishing templates. We have a bunch of very creative people working here, these are the top submissions:
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-20 12:22:15 Plus d'entreprises avec cyber-assurance sont touchées par des ransomwares que ceux sans
More Companies with Cyber Insurance Are Hit by Ransomware Than Those Without
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More Companies with Cyber Insurance Are Hit by Ransomware Than Those Without
Ransomware ★★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-20 12:21:59 Près de la moitié des professionnels de l'informatique sont invités à se taire sur les violations de sécurité
Nearly One-Half of IT Pros are Told to Keep Quiet About Security Breaches
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Nearly One-Half of IT Pros are Told to Keep Quiet About Security Breaches
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-20 12:21:53 Le volume des e-mails de phishing double au premier trimestre alors que l'utilisation de logiciels malveillants dans les attaques diminue légèrement
Phishing Email Volume Doubles in Q1 as the use of Malware in Attacks Slightly Declines
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Phishing Email Volume Doubles in Q1 as the use of Malware in Attacks Slightly Declines
Malware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-18 18:43:56 [ARM et une jambe] Les cyber-assureurs s'inquiètent du coût des attaques à longue queue
[Arm and a Leg] Cyber Insurers Are Worried About The Long-tail Cost of Attacks
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 [ARM et une jambe] Les cyber-assureurs sont préoccupés par le coût à longue queue des attaques [munitions budgétaires] James Rundle au Wall Street Journal a publié aujourd'hui un article très intéressant sur les coûts à long terme des cyberattaques et le faitQue les cyber-assureurs deviennent de plus en plus inquiets que leurs modèles ne couvrent pas ces répercussions à longue queue.L'un des problèmes est qu'il existe un nombre important de réclamations qui ne se sont pas encore réglées devant les tribunaux, ce qui pourrait prendre des années pour être finalement conclu. & Nbsp;
[Arm and a Leg] Cyber Insurers Are Worried About The Long-tail Cost of Attacks [BUDGET AMMO] James Rundle at the The Wall Street Journal today published a very interesting article about the long-term costs of cyber attacks and the fact that cyber insurers are getting more and more worried that their models do not cover these long-tail repercussions. One of the problems is that there are a significant number of claims that have not settled out in the courts yet, which might take years to get finally concluded. 
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-18 13:00:00 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 16 [doigt sur le pouls]: comment les phishers tirent parti de l'IA récent Buzz
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #16 [Finger on the Pulse]: How Phishers Leverage Recent AI Buzz
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #16 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #16  |   April 18th, 2023 [Finger on the Pulse]: How Phishers Leverage Recent AI Buzz Curiosity leads people to suspend their better judgment as a new campaign of credential theft exploits a person\'s excitement about the newest AI systems not yet available to the general public. On Tuesday morning, April 11th, Veriti explained that several unknown actors are making false Facebook ads which advertise a free download of AIs like ChatGPT and Google Bard. Veriti writes "These posts are designed to appear legitimate, using the buzz around OpenAI language models to trick unsuspecting users into downloading the files. However, once the user downloads and extracts the file, the Redline Stealer (aka RedStealer) malware is activated and is capable of stealing passwords and downloading further malware onto the user\'s device." Veriti describes the capabilities of the Redline Stealer malware which, once downloaded, can take sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information like user location, and hardware. Veriti added "The malware can upload and download files, execute commands, and send back data about the infected computer at regular intervals." Experts recommend using official Google or OpenAI websites to learn when their products will be available and only downloading files from reputable sources. With the rising use of Google and Facebook ads as attack vectors experts also suggest refraining from clicking on suspicious advertisements promising early access to any product on the Internet. Employees can be helped to develop sound security habits like these by stepping them through monthly social engineering simulations. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/ai-hype-used-for-phishbait [New PhishER Feature] Immediately Add User-Reported Email Threats to Your M365 Blocklist Now there\'s a super easy way to keep malicious emails away from all your users through the power of the KnowBe4 PhishER platform! The new PhishER Blocklist feature lets you use reported messages to prevent future malicious email with the same sender, URL or attachment from reaching other users. Now you can create a unique list of blocklist entries and dramatically improve your Microsoft 365 email filters without ever leav Spam Malware Hack Threat APT 28 ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-17 15:39:56 La plate-forme de billetterie indienne des passagères révèle la fraude en ligne
Indian Rail Passenger Ticketing Platform Warns of Online Fraud
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Indian Rail Passenger Ticketing Platform Warns of Online Fraud
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-12 12:20:54 Gagnez les guerres d'IA pour améliorer la sécurité et réduire le cyber-risque
Win The AI Wars To Enhance Security And Decrease Cyber Risk
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ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-11 13:16:54 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 15 [Le nouveau visage de la fraude] FTC fait la lumière sur les escroqueries d'urgence familiale améliorées AI-AI
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #15 [The New Face of Fraud] FTC Sheds Light on AI-Enhanced Family Emergency Scams
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #15 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #15  |   April 11th, 2023 [The New Face of Fraud] FTC Sheds Light on AI-Enhanced Family Emergency Scams The Federal Trade Commission is alerting consumers about a next-level, more sophisticated family emergency scam that uses AI which imitates the voice of a "family member in distress." They started out with: "You get a call. There\'s a panicked voice on the line. It\'s your grandson. He says he\'s in deep trouble - he wrecked the car and landed in jail. But you can help by sending money. You take a deep breath and think. You\'ve heard about grandparent scams. But darn, it sounds just like him. How could it be a scam? Voice cloning, that\'s how." "Don\'t Trust The Voice" The FTC explains: "Artificial intelligence is no longer a far-fetched idea out of a sci-fi movie. We\'re living with it, here and now. A scammer could use AI to clone the voice of your loved one. All he needs is a short audio clip of your family member\'s voice - which he could get from content posted online - and a voice-cloning program. When the scammer calls you, he\'ll sound just like your loved one. "So how can you tell if a family member is in trouble or if it\'s a scammer using a cloned voice? Don\'t trust the voice. Call the person who supposedly contacted you and verify the story. Use a phone number you know is theirs. If you can\'t reach your loved one, try to get in touch with them through another family member or their friends." Full text of the alert is at the FTC website. Share with friends, family and co-workers:https://blog.knowbe4.com/the-new-face-of-fraud-ftc-sheds-light-on-ai-enhanced-family-emergency-scams A Master Class on IT Security: Roger A. Grimes Teaches Ransomware Mitigation Cybercriminals have become thoughtful about ransomware attacks; taking time to maximize your organization\'s potential damage and their payoff. Protecting your network from this growing threat is more important than ever. And nobody knows this more than Roger A. Grimes, Data-Driven Defense Evangelist at KnowBe4. With 30+ years of experience as a computer security consultant, instructor, and award-winning author, Roger has dedicated his life to making Ransomware Data Breach Spam Malware Hack Tool Threat ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-11 12:20:01 Top à emporter, vous pourriez manquer ma prochaine classe de maître de ransomware
Top Takeaways You Could be Missing Out on my Upcoming Ransomware Master Class
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Top Takeaways You Could be Missing Out on my Upcoming Ransomware Master Class
Ransomware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-11 12:00:00 [Outil gratuit] Voir quels utilisateurs sont susceptibles de se faire un comportement de sécurité risqué avec l'aperçu gratuit de SecurityCoach!
[Free Tool] See Which Users Are Susceptible to Risky Security Behavior with SecurityCoach Free Preview!
(lien direct)
Data Breach Hack ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-10 14:21:40 La campagne alarmante de phishing fiscal nous cible avec des logiciels malveillants
Alarming Tax Phishing Campaign Targets US with Malware
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Alarming Tax Phishing Campaign Targets US with Malware
Malware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-06 12:33:39 New Emotet Phishing Campaign fait semblant d'être les formulaires IRS livrant W-9
New Emotet Phishing Campaign Pretends to be the IRS Delivering W-9 Forms
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New Emotet Phishing Campaign Pretends to be the IRS Delivering W-9 Forms
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-06 12:33:35 FBI: Les attaques de compromis par courrier électronique d'entreprise sont utilisées pour effectuer des achats de marchandises en vrac auprès des fournisseurs
FBI: Business Email Compromise Attacks Are Being Used to Make Bulk Goods Purchases from Vendors
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FBI: Business Email Compromise Attacks Are Being Used to Make Bulk Goods Purchases from Vendors
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-04 13:50:02 Scareware d'un groupe de ransomwares bidon
Scareware From a Phony Ransomware Group
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Scareware From a Phony Ransomware Group
Ransomware ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-04 13:00:00 CyberheistNews Vol 13 # 14 [Eyes sur le prix] Comment les inconvénients croissants ont tenté un courteur par e-mail de 36 millions de vendeurs
CyberheistNews Vol 13 #14 [Eyes on the Prize] How Crafty Cons Attempted a 36 Million Vendor Email Heist
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #14 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #14  |   April 4th, 2023 [Eyes on the Prize] How Crafty Cons Attempted a 36 Million Vendor Email Heist The details in this thwarted VEC attack demonstrate how the use of just a few key details can both establish credibility and indicate the entire thing is a scam. It\'s not every day you hear about a purely social engineering-based scam taking place that is looking to run away with tens of millions of dollars. But, according to security researchers at Abnormal Security, cybercriminals are becoming brazen and are taking their shots at very large prizes. This attack begins with a case of VEC – where a domain is impersonated. In the case of this attack, the impersonated vendor\'s domain (which had a .com top level domain) was replaced with a matching .cam domain (.cam domains are supposedly used for photography enthusiasts, but there\'s the now-obvious problem with it looking very much like .com to the cursory glance). The email attaches a legitimate-looking payoff letter complete with loan details. According to Abnormal Security, nearly every aspect of the request looked legitimate. The telltale signs primarily revolved around the use of the lookalike domain, but there were other grammatical mistakes (that can easily be addressed by using an online grammar service or ChatGPT). This attack was identified well before it caused any damage, but the social engineering tactics leveraged were nearly enough to make this attack successful. Security solutions will help stop most attacks, but for those that make it past scanners, your users need to play a role in spotting and stopping BEC, VEC and phishing attacks themselves – something taught through security awareness training combined with frequent simulated phishing and other social engineering tests. Blog post with screenshots and links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/36-mil-vendor-email-compromise-attack [Live Demo] Ridiculously Easy Security Awareness Training and Phishing Old-school awareness training does not hack it anymore. Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense. Join us TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 5, @ 2:00 PM (ET), for a live demo of how KnowBe4 i Ransomware Malware Hack Threat ChatGPT ChatGPT APT 43 ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-03 18:32:00 Latitude forcée d'arrêter d'ajouter de nouveaux clients à la suite de la violation
Latitude Forced To Stop Adding New Customers in Aftermath of Breach
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Data Breach Threat ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-03 15:51:13 La police ukrainienne élimine la cybercriminalité
Ukrainian Police Take Down Cybercrime Ring
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Ukrainian Police Take Down Cybercrime Ring
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-03 12:16:08 La majorité des employés du gouvernement travaillent partiellement pratiquement malgré une augmentation des cyber-risques liés aux utilisateurs
Majority of Government Employees are Partially Working Virtually Despite Increased User-Related Cyber Risks
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Majority of Government Employees are Partially Working Virtually Despite Increased User-Related Cyber Risks
Threat ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-04-03 12:16:05 La fausse escroquerie de Chatgpt se transforme en un système de maquette frauduleux
Fake ChatGPT Scam Turns into a Fraudulent Money-Making Scheme
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Fake ChatGPT Scam Turns into a Fraudulent Money-Making Scheme
Threat ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-28 13:00:00 Cyberheistnews Vol 13 # 13 [Oeil Overner] Comment déjouer les attaques de phishing basées sur l'IA sournoises [CyberheistNews Vol 13 #13 [Eye Opener] How to Outsmart Sneaky AI-Based Phishing Attacks] (lien direct) CyberheistNews Vol 13 #13 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #13  |   March 28th, 2023 [Eye Opener] How to Outsmart Sneaky AI-Based Phishing Attacks Users need to adapt to an evolving threat landscape in which attackers can use AI tools like ChatGPT to craft extremely convincing phishing emails, according to Matthew Tyson at CSO. "A leader tasked with cybersecurity can get ahead of the game by understanding where we are in the story of machine learning (ML) as a hacking tool," Tyson writes. "At present, the most important area of relevance around AI for cybersecurity is content generation. "This is where machine learning is making its greatest strides and it dovetails nicely for hackers with vectors such as phishing and malicious chatbots. The capacity to craft compelling, well-formed text is in the hands of anyone with access to ChatGPT, and that\'s basically anyone with an internet connection." Tyson quotes Conal Gallagher, CIO and CISO at Flexera, as saying that since attackers can now write grammatically correct phishing emails, users will need to pay attention to the circumstances of the emails. "Looking for bad grammar and incorrect spelling is a thing of the past - even pre-ChatGPT phishing emails have been getting more sophisticated," Gallagher said. "We must ask: \'Is the email expected? Is the from address legit? Is the email enticing you to click on a link?\' Security awareness training still has a place to play here." Tyson explains that technical defenses have become very effective, so attackers focus on targeting humans to bypass these measures. "Email and other elements of software infrastructure offer built-in fundamental security that largely guarantees we are not in danger until we ourselves take action," Tyson writes. "This is where we can install a tripwire in our mindsets: we should be hyper aware of what it is we are acting upon when we act upon it. "Not until an employee sends a reply, runs an attachment, or fills in a form is sensitive information at risk. The first ring of defense in our mentality should be: \'Is the content I\'m looking at legit, not just based on its internal aspects, but given the entire context?\' The second ring of defense in our mentality then has to be, \'Wait! I\'m being asked to do something here.\'" New-school security awareness training with simulated phishing tests enables your employees to recognize increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks and builds a strong security culture. Remember: Culture eats strategy for breakfast and is always top-down. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/identifying-ai-enabled-phishing Ransomware Malware Hack Tool Threat Guideline ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-28 12:59:04 Confessions d'un ancien \\ 'The Inside Man \\' sceptique [Confessions of a Former \\'The Inside Man\\' Skeptic] (lien direct)
Confessions of a Former \'The Inside Man\' Skeptic
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-24 15:03:14 L'attaque de compromis de nouveau fournisseur par e-mail cherche 36 millions de dollars [New Vendor Email Compromise Attack Seeks $36 Million] (lien direct)
New Vendor Email Compromise Attack Seeks $36 Million
Threat ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-24 12:15:00 Ransomware Data Volt Extorsion augmente de 40% à 70% de \\ '21 à \\' 22 [Ransomware Data Theft Extortion Goes up 40% to 70% From \\'21 to \\'22] (lien direct)
Ransomware Data Theft Extortion Goes up 40% to 70% From \'21 to \'22
Ransomware ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-23 12:13:58 Les utilisateurs cliquant sur plusieurs liens de phishing mobile augmentent de 637% en seulement deux ans [Users Clicking on Multiple Mobile Phishing Links Increases 637% in Just Two Years] (lien direct)
Users Clicking on Multiple Mobile Phishing Links Increases 637% in Just Two Years
General Information ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-23 12:13:56 Les cyber-assureurs suppriment tranquillement la couverture de l'ingénierie sociale et des allégations d'instruction frauduleuse [Cyber Insurers Quietly Remove Coverage for Social Engineering and Fraudulent Instruction Claims] (lien direct)
Cyber Insurers Quietly Remove Coverage for Social Engineering and Fraudulent Instruction Claims
General Information ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-22 12:46:51 L'avenir des cyberattaques?Vitesse, plus de vitesse [The Future of Cyber Attacks? Speed, More Speed] (lien direct)
The Future of Cyber Attacks? Speed, More Speed
General Information ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-21 13:00:00 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #12 [Heads Up] This Week\'s New SVB Meltdown Social Engineering Attacks (lien direct) CyberheistNews Vol 13 #12 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #12  |   March 21st, 2023 [Heads Up] This Week's New SVB Meltdown Social Engineering Attacks On Saturday March 11, I warned about the coming wave of phishing attacks that would undoubtedly follow the SVB collapse. We were not disappointed. There is a raft of new registered domains that are SVB-related, for example login.svb[.]com and many others that will probably all be used for business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Adi Ikan, CEO of Veriti, observed that "Phishing campaigns are leveraging SVB's recent collapse to impersonate the bank and its online services. We have observed an increase in the registration of fake phishing domains in the U.S. (88%), Spain (7%), France (3%) and Israel (2%), and we anticipate this number to grow." INKY describes a phishing campaign that's impersonating (SVB) with phony DocuSign notifications: "Email recipients are told that the 'KYC Refresh Team' sent two malicious documents that require a signature. 'KYC' is a banking term that stands for 'Know Your Customer' or 'Know Your Client.' It's a mandatory process banks use to verify an account holder's identity. Cyberwire Pro has a good summary. Their newsletter is a 'Stu's Warmly Recommended".https://thecyberwire.com/stories/4880d3b8100c464f83fcf8d8ec8d3f23/svbs-collapse-and-the-potential-for-fraud Train users about the risks. We have simulated phishing attack templates in your Current Events section with SVB-themes ready-made for you to send to your users. [Live Demo] Ridiculously Easy Security Awareness Training and Phishing Old-school awareness training does not hack it anymore. Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense. Join us Wednesday, April 5, @ 2:00 PM (ET), for a live demo of how KnowBe4 introduces a new-school approach to security awareness training and simulated phishing. Get a look at THREE NEW FEATURES and see how easy it is to train and phish your users. NEW! KnowBe4 Mobile Learner App - Users can now train anytime, anywhere! NEW! Security Cul Guideline ChatGPT ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-20 14:08:42 Report Shows Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks Increase and Phishing Used as Initial Attack Vector in the Last Year (lien direct) Report Shows Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks Increase and Phishing Used as Initial Attack Vector in the Last Year ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-17 18:19:15 Phishing Attacks Top List of Initial Access Vectors with Backdoor Deployment as Top Objective (lien direct) Phishing Attacks Top List of Initial Access Vectors New data looking back at the cyber attacks observed in 2022 shows that phishing continues to dominate as initial access brokers seem to be growing their business using backdoors. ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-16 13:06:29 [FREE RESOURCE KIT] New Phishing Security Resource Kit Now Available! (lien direct) [FREE RESOURCE KIT] New Phishing Security Resource Kit Now Available! Phishing emails increase in volume every month and every year, so we created this free resource kit to help you defend against attacks. Request your kit now to learn phishing mitigation strategies, what new trends and attack vectors you need to be prepared for, and our best advice on how to protect your users and your organization. ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-15 17:43:42 Three-Quarters of Organizations Have Experienced an Increase in Email-Based Threats (lien direct) Three-Quarters of Organizations Have Experienced an Increase in Email-Based Threats ★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-03-14 13:00:00 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #11 [Heads Up] Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears (lien direct) CyberheistNews Vol 13 #11 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #11  |   March 14th, 2023 [Heads Up] Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears Robert Lemos at DARKReading just reported on a worrying trend. The title said it all, and the news is that more than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large language model, raising concerns that its popularity may result in massive leaks of proprietary information. Yikes. I'm giving you a short extract of the story and the link to the whole article is below. "Employees are submitting sensitive business data and privacy-protected information to large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, raising concerns that artificial intelligence (AI) services could be incorporating the data into their models, and that information could be retrieved at a later date if proper data security isn't in place for the service. "In a recent report, data security service Cyberhaven detected and blocked requests to input data into ChatGPT from 4.2% of the 1.6 million workers at its client companies because of the risk of leaking confidential info, client data, source code, or regulated information to the LLM. "In one case, an executive cut and pasted the firm's 2023 strategy document into ChatGPT and asked it to create a PowerPoint deck. In another case, a doctor input his patient's name and their medical condition and asked ChatGPT to craft a letter to the patient's insurance company. "And as more employees use ChatGPT and other AI-based services as productivity tools, the risk will grow, says Howard Ting, CEO of Cyberhaven. "'There was this big migration of data from on-prem to cloud, and the next big shift is going to be the migration of data into these generative apps," he says. "And how that plays out [remains to be seen] - I think, we're in pregame; we're not even in the first inning.'" Your employees need to be stepped through new-school security awareness training so that they understand the risks of doing things like this. Blog post with links:https://blog.knowbe4.com/employees-are-feeding-sensitive-biz-data-to-chatgpt-raising-security-fears [New PhishER Feature] Immediately Add User-Reported Email Threats to Your M365 Blockl Ransomware Data Breach Spam Malware Threat Guideline Medical ChatGPT ChatGPT ★★
Last update at: 2024-07-09 00:07:53
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