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AlienVault.webp 2024-07-03 10:00:00 Plongeon profonde dans la sécurité de la blockchain: vulnérabilités et mesures de protection
Deep Dive into Blockchain Security: Vulnerabilities and Protective Measures
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Blockchain technology, renowned for its decentralized and immutable nature, promises enhanced security for various applications. However, like any technology, it is not without vulnerabilities. This in-depth examination explores the security aspects of blockchain, identifies common vulnerabilities, and outlines the measures needed to secure blockchain applications effectively. Security Aspects of Blockchain Technology Decentralization Blockchain\'s distributed nature reduces reliance on a central authority, making it resistant to centralized attacks. Every participant (node) maintains a copy of the entire blockchain, ensuring data integrity and availability. This decentralized structure enhances the robustness of the network against single points of failure and external attacks. Cryptographic Security Blockchain relies heavily on cryptographic algorithms for securing transactions and controlling the creation of new units. Hash functions and digital signatures are fundamental components that ensure data integrity and authentication. These cryptographic techniques create a secure environment where transactions are verified and validated before being permanently recorded. Immutability Once data is written to a block and added to the chain, it is nearly impossible to alter retroactively. This immutability ensures a reliable and tamper-proof record of transactions, making it an invaluable feature for applications requiring high levels of data integrity and transparency. Consensus Mechanisms Mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) ensure that all participants agree on the state of the blockchain. These consensus algorithms prevent double-spending and other types of fraud by requiring participants to perform specific actions (such as solving complex mathematical problems) to validate transactions and add new blocks. Common Blockchain Vulnerabilities 51% Attack A 51% attack occurs when a single entity controls more than 50% of the network’s mining or staking power, enabling it to manipulate the blockchain. The attacker can reverse transactions, double-spend coins, and halt new transactions. An example is the 2018 Bitcoin Gold attack, where over $18 million was double-spent due to such an attack. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contract code can lead to significant financial losses. Exploits such as re-entrancy attacks and integer overflow can drain funds from smart contracts. The DAO hack in 2016 is a notable example, where a re-entrancy vulnerability led to the loss of $60 million in Ether. Sybil Attack In a Sybil attack, an attacker creates multiple fake identities (nodes) to gain a disproportionate influence on the network. This can disrupt consensus algorithms, manipulate voting mechanisms, and flood the network with false data. The Tor network has experienced Sybil attacks aimed at de-anonymizing users by controlling a significant portion of exit nodes. Phishing and Social Engineering Attackers use deception to trick individuals into revealing private keys or sensitive information. Such attacks can result in loss of funds, unauthorized access to wallets, and compromised accounts. In 2020, a phishing attack targeted Ledger wallet user, resulting in the theft of cryptocurrency assets. Routing Attacks Attackers intercept and manipulate network traffic between blo Hack Tool Vulnerability ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-07-02 10:00:00 Naviguer dans le paysage de la cybersécurité: une plongée profonde dans des stratégies efficaces SIEM
Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape: A Deep Dive into Effective SIEM Strategies
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Comprehending and effectively addressing cybersecurity threats is paramount to organizational security. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, how companies respond to cybersecurity threats and how they take proactive steps to mitigate them will factor heavily into profitability, reputation and long-term success. Within this context, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) emerges as a critical tool for fortifying your defense against cyber threats. This deep dive aims to guide you through the foundational concepts, the pivotal role of SIEM in cybersecurity, and strategies to ensure its effectiveness. SIEM stands at the forefront, offering a centralized solution for monitoring, analyzing, and responding to security events across your network. This article is designed to be your guide, providing insights into the components of SIEM, the challenges it addresses, and most importantly, how to wield it effectively. Understanding the Foundations To effectively navigate the cybersecurity landscape, a solid understanding of the foundations of SIEM is essential. SIEM is a comprehensive security management approach that involves the collection, analysis, and response to security events. It comprises various components, including: Log management Real-time monitoring And incident response. Recognizing the roots of SIEM is critical as it has evolved in response to the ever-changing cyber threat landscape. As you embark on this exploration, consider how the foundational aspects of SIEM align with your organization\'s security objectives and operational requirements. One of the primary challenges in modern cybersecurity is dealing with the sheer volume and complexity of security events. SIEM directly addresses this challenge by providing a centralized platform for collecting and normalizing data from diverse sources. This facilitates efficient analysis, allowing you to decipher patterns and anomalies effectively. As you delve into the world of SIEM, consider how these foundational aspects align with your organization\'s specific security goals and operational needs. The Role of SIEM in Cyber Defense Now that you have a foundational understanding, let\'s delve into how SIEM contributes to your organization\'s cyber defense. Real-time monitoring and analysis form the backbone of SIEM. Imagine having the capability to detect and respond to security incidents as they occur, providing a proactive defense against potential threats. This is precisely what SIEM offers – continuous monitoring of your network for abnormal activities and potential security breaches. Beyond real-time monitoring, SIEM plays a pivotal role in incident response and threat detection. It empowers you to identify patterns and correlations in security events, enabling you to discern genuine threats from false alarms. Additionally, SIEM serves compliance and reporting purposes, helping you meet regulatory requirements and providing insights into your organization\'s overall security posture. As you integrate SIEM into your cybersecurity strategy, consider these key roles and how they align with your organization\'s specific security goals. Components of Effective SIEM Strategies To implement SIEM effectively, you need to consider the key components that make up a robust strategy. The first step is data collection and log management. Your SIEM solution should seaml Tool Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-07-01 10:00:00 Conformité réglementaire et préparation aux ransomwares
Regulatory Compliance and Ransomware Preparedness
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Ransomware attacks are a huge problem: in the past five years alone, they have brought about a state of emergency across vast swathes of the United States, threatened to topple the Costa Rican government, and brought Portugal\'s largest media conglomerate to its knees. And ransomware attackers show no signs of slowing down: last year, roughly one-third of all data breaches involved ransomware or some other extortion technique. Preventing and protecting against ransomware attacks has become a global priority, with cybersecurity regulations and frameworks playing an essential role. By outlining, standardizing, and mandating preventative measures, cybersecurity regulations and frameworks ensure that organizations worldwide are prepared to deal with the ransomware threat. Let\'s examine them more closely. Understanding Cybersecurity Regulations First, we need to understand cybersecurity regulations and what they do. There are far too many cybersecurity regulations for us to cover in this article, so we\'ll focus on three of the most important: NIS2, DORA, and HIPAA. Broadly speaking, cybersecurity regulations are sets of laws, rules, or guidelines enacted by governments or regulatory bodies to protect information systems, networks, and data from cyber threats and attacks. These regulations ensure data and information systems\' confidentiality, integrity, and availability by enforcing specific security practices, controls, and procedures. But let\'s look at each of our examples a little more closely: NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive 2) The Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) is a legislative framework established by the European Union (EU) to enhance member states\' cybersecurity resilience and response capabilities. It builds upon the original NIS Directive to strengthen cybersecurity measures in critical infrastructure sectors, promote cooperation among member states, and hold organizations accountable. DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a regulatory framework that came into force in January 2023. It aims to enhance the financial sector\'s digital operational resilience within the EU. DORA\'s primary goal is to ensure that financial institutions can withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related disruptions and threats, including ransomware and cyberattacks. The Act complements the NIS2 regulation in the financial services domain. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a US federal law enacted in 1996 to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient\'s consent or knowledge. HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data, and organizations dealing with protected health information (PHI) must ensure that they put in place and follow all necessary physical, network, and process security measures to comply. How do Regulations Improve Ransomware Readiness? Now that we better understand each regulation, we can explore how they improve ransomware readiness. Again, we won\'t have time to explore each regulation\'s provisions in their entirety, so we\'ll pick out some of the most important. NIS2 NIS2 has several provisions that improve relevant organizations\' resilience to ransomware attacks. For example: ● Risk Management: NIS2 mandates that organizations implement robust risk management practices, incl Ransomware Vulnerability Threat Technical ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-27 10:00:00 Analyse du vidage de mémoire: Utilisation de la chaux pour l'acquisition et la volatilité pour la configuration initiale
Memory Dump Analysis: Using LiME for Acquisition and Volatility for Initial Setup
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Le contenu de ce post est uniquement la responsabilité de l'auteur. & nbsp;LevelBlue n'adopte ni n'approuve aucune des vues, positions ou informations fournies par l'auteur dans cet article. & Nbsp; L'analyse du vidage de mémoire est un aspect crucial de la criminalistique numérique, offrant un instantané de la mémoire volatile d'un système à un moment spécifique.Cela peut révéler des preuves critiques telles que les processus en cours d'exécution, les connexions de réseau ouvertes et l'exécution de logiciels malveillants en mémoire que l'analyse du disque pourrait manquer.Dans un précédent blog , nous avons appris à utiliser le FMEM pour l'acquisition de la mémoire volatile.Dans ce blog, nous explorerons comment créer des vidages de mémoire à l'aide de chaux (extracteur de mémoire Linux) et comment commencer par notre processus d'analyse en utilisant le cadre de volatilité dans nos prochains blogs. Qu'est-ce que la chaux? Un module de noyau chargé (LKM) qui permet une acquisition de mémoire volatile à partir de périphériques basés sur Linux et Linux, tels que Android.Cela rend la chaux unique car c'est le premier outil qui permet des captures de mémoire complète sur les appareils Android.Il minimise également son interaction entre les processus d'espace utilisateur et du noyau pendant l'acquisition, ce qui lui permet de produire des captures de mémoire qui sont plus judiciques que celles d'autres outils conçus pour l'acquisition de mémoire Linux. Pourquoi l'analyse du vidage de mémoire est-elle importante? L'analyse du vidage de mémoire est vitale en médecine légale numérique pour plusieurs raisons: Découvrir les données cachées: RAM contient des données transitoires non stockées sur le disque, telles que les clés de chiffrement et les logiciels malveillants en mémoire. Comprendre l'état du système: Les vidages de mémoire fournissent un snapot des processus actifs, des fichiers ouverts et des connexions réseau. détection d'activité malveillante: L'analyse peut révéler la présence et le comportement des logiciels malveillants qui fonctionnent principalement en mémoire. Installation et configuration de chaux Pour utiliser la chaux, vous devez le construire à partir de la source.Suivez ces étapes pour installer et configurer la chaux: Clone Le référentiel de chaux: Pour clone dans le référentiel de chaux, vous pouvez utiliser Git Clone: ​​ Git Clone https://github.com/504ensicslabs/lime.git git clone Assurez-vous que les en-têtes de noyau Linux et les outils de construction sont installés. Pour installer des éléments essentiels de construction, vous pouvez utiliser: sudo apt installer build-essentiel sudo apt maintenant, accédez au sous-répertoire SRC sous Lime Directory: cd chaux / src compiler le module de chaux: Maintenant, utilisez Make pour compiler le module de chaux: compile lime faire make lime Chargez le module: Utilisez INSMOD pour charger le module dans le noyau. Malware Tool Mobile ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-26 10:00:00 Les tenants et aboutissants de l'évaluation de la posture de cybersécurité en 2024
The Ins and Outs of Cybersecurity Posture Assessment in 2024
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Whether you\'re working with on-premises infrastructure, fully embracing the cloud, or running a hybrid solution, one thing is certain: a robust security posture is essential to safeguarding the environment. This article will explore today’s fundamentals of security posture assessment in both on-premises and cloud environments while briefly touching on the added complexities a hybrid setup will entail. What Is Security Posture Assessment? Before going any further, it is good to understand what security posture assessment really is and why knowing your security posture is essential to every organization. In short, a security posture assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the currently utilized security measures safeguarding essential organizational data, processes to prevent breaches, and decisions to maintain business continuity. Any company should have a comprehensive assessment of its environment conducted at least annually. These assessments are used to identify vulnerabilities in processes and systems, point out areas for improvement, and comprehensively assess the overall resiliency of the organization’s entire IT ecosystem. The main goal is to fully understand the current security level and be able to take the necessary steps to remediate possible issues. Assessing On-Premises Security With on-premises system management, all the responsibility falls on the local IT team, so they need to have a comprehensive view of the currently deployed hardware and software to be able to successfully secure both. Let’s go over the components of such an exercise: ● Asset inventory: It is imperative to know the total scope of the organization\'s assets, including workstations, mobile devices, servers, network equipment, and all the software applications in use. This helps pinpoint outdated assets that either need to be removed from the environment or brought up-to-date with hardware or software upgrades. ● Patch management: New software vulnerabilities are being constantly unearthed, so prompt software updating and comprehensive patch management are instrumental in every environment. While it is a good idea to verify the stability of new updates first, automated patch management tools can help streamline this process. ● Network segmentation: Adversaries are always looking for opportunities for lateral movement in a network, so the isolation of systems and processes through network segmentation is an important step in limiting the potential damage a breach can cause. All in all, the evaluation of on-premises security requires an all-around review of the physical and digital protections within the organization’s data centers. This additionally includes vetting firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls to thwart unauthorized access. Regular security audits and penetration tests are crucial to identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be weaponized. Assessing Cloud Security Working with cloud-based solutions keeps growing in popularity, since it effectively outsources the underlying hardware management to the cloud service provider, lessening the burden on the local IT team. This isn\'t to say that there is n Tool Vulnerability Threat Patching Mobile Cloud ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-25 10:00:00 Le rôle de la cybersécurité dans la construction et la fabrication modernes
The Role of Cybersecurity in Modern Construction and Manufacturing
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Cybersecurity and threat preparedness may be at the forefront of your mind, and you may have protections in place against more common threats. Yet, as these threats continue to evolve, vigilance and adaptation are crucial for construction and manufacturing organizations. Cybercriminals have gotten both more prolific and more creative. 2023 saw a record-breaking spike in cyberattacks, with well over 300 million victims falling prey to data breaches, and the average corporate data breach cost 4.45 million dollars. In an industry where reputation is everything, a single breach could sink your ship in more ways than one. As we proceed, we’ll unpack the many ways that a cyberattack could impact your ability to turn a profit, making you aware of vulnerabilities that exist within your organization’s structure. Then we’ll provide you with practical suggestions to patch these vulnerabilities, insulating you from outside threats and keeping you on track to remain profitable. Computer Vision and Vulnerabilities As you use new technologies to support your existing processes, you must be aware of vulnerabilities that new systems can create. If you’ve looked into leveraging recent tech advancements in your field, you’re probably familiar with computer vision technology. Computer vision technology uses data gathered from physical images, importing them into the digital realm and unlocking a variety of potential benefits. Takeoff software and AI-powered planning systems streamline the project liftoff process by, simplifying cost estimation, identifying and correcting blueprint errors, and even advancing sustainability goals. While these systems can be leveraged to optimize a wide variety of processes, they also shift the balance of project planning from human input to automated computing processes. This in turn puts you more at risk for being a victim of a cyberattack. Malefactors can access automated systems through a wide variety of channels. Whether they break into your network via access to an IoT-connected device that someone misplaced in the workspace, or secret malicious code into the data sources your devices consume to function, increasing your use of technology also increases their windows of opportunity. As these systems increase in scope and importance, leaving windows like these open increases the risk of potentially profitable projects turning belly up. Process Disruption However, cybercriminals don’t need you to use newfangled technology solutions to cause havoc throughout your processes. Cybercriminals already have a tried-and-true playbook that they’ve been using on your competitors for years, and to great effect. Some of the ways cyberthreats can fracture manufacturers’ processes include: ● Ransomware: If a cybercriminal gains access to mission-critical data, they can then lock that data behind a ransomware program. Ransomware holds company d Ransomware Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Patching ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-24 10:00:00 COMMERCIAL BUSINESS COMPROMISSE (BEC): Suivi des affaires d'un acteur de menace \\
Business Email Compromise (BEC): Tracking a Threat Actor\\'s Funny Business
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Executive Summary In a recent LevelBlue incident response engagement, an analyst in our managed detection and response (MDR) security operations center (SOC) responded to an alarm that was triggered by a suspicious email/inbox rule. The rule aimed to conceal responses to an internal phishing attempt from the account user, so the attacker could solicit funds from the company\'s users. According to a report by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), “Email systems are the preferred attack vector for malicious phishing campaigns. Recent reporting shows 32 percent of breaches involve phishing attacks.” What are inbox/email rules? These are automated instructions set up within an email client to manage incoming emails based on specified criteria. They can perform various actions such as moving emails to specific folders, marking them as read, forwarding them to other addresses, or even deleting them. While email rules are designed to streamline email management and improve user productivity, they can also be exploited by malicious actors. Why are they a powerful tool for attackers? They allow for the automation of malicious activities with minimal manual intervention. The MITRE ATT&CK framework classifies these techniques under ID: T1564.008 (Hide Artifacts: Email Rules) and ID: T1114 (Email Collection). By setting up rules to hide, forward, or delete specific emails, attackers can effectively manage their intrusion and avoid detection. During the triage of the alarm, the analyst analyzed various artifacts and event logs to understand the extent of the compromise. They examined email logs and account activity to identify the initial point of entry and the methods used by the attacker. Their rapid detection of the suspicious rule and subsequent analysis of the user activity logs was crucial in uncovering the attacker’s strategy and preventing further damage. Introduction In this incident, the attacker used an email rule to hide responses to an internal phishing email, ensuring that the compromised user would remain unaware of the ongoing malicious activity. This approach aligns with tactics seen in the MITRE ATT&CK framework, where attackers use email rules to hide evidence of their activities and maintain persistence (T1564.008). This allows them to maintain control over compromised accounts for longer periods, increasing the potential for data exfiltration and other malicious actions. Investigation The Alarm The SOC analyst received an alarm from a Microsoft Exchange data source indicating that a suspicious inbox rule had been created. They examined the event that activated the alarm and quickly discerned from the rule parameters that this was case of business email compromise (BEC). suspect rule Figure 1: Alarm for suspicious inbox rule Below, you can see the email parameters included within the newly created inbox rule, which was later identified to be created by the malicious actor who compromised the user’s account. BEC rule raw log Figure 2: Snippet of the raw log showing the created rule parameters Each parameter’s function is as follows: AlwaysDeleteOutlookRulesBlob: False – Indicates that the rule blob (a data structure used to store rules) is not set to be deleted automatically, allowing the rule to remain active and persistent Force: False – Suggests that the rule was not forcibly applied, which might imply that the attacker wanted to avoid drawing attention by making the c Tool Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-20 10:00:00 Les meilleurs serveurs proxy pour la multi-contrat
The Best Proxy Servers for Multi-Accounting
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Business owners are increasingly recognizing its positive impact on business growth. Many marketing and sales strategies use different accounts on a single platform. However, despite its effectiveness in business, not all platforms allow multi-accounting. That’s where residential proxy comes in as an effective solution for multi-accounting. What Proxy Server is the Best for Multi-Accounting? There are several types of proxy servers. You can divide them into datacenter servers, residential servers, or a mix of both. Below, we look at these types and see which is better for this marketing tactic. 1. Datacenter An online datacenter generates and stores the IP addresses of datacenter proxies. As such, they are cloud-generated IPs and often more detectable than residential ones. These proxies aren’t affiliated with any ISP (Internet Server Provider). However, they still provide complete IP authenticity and anonymity. Remember that datacenter IPs are generally part of a large IP pool. Unless they\'re dedicated servers, several users can access them. 2. Residential Residential proxies differ from datacenter ones on a fundamental level, as they source their IPs from ISPs. The IP address a residential server uses belongs to an actual device. As such, it’s more authentic-looking than datacenter-generated ones. This increases its security, geo-targeting abilities, and anonymity. It’s often the better choice for multi-accounting because it better mimics a real user’s behavior. 3. Rotating Rotating proxies are a sub-type of proxy that generates a new IP address for every new connection. You can also set it to generate new IPs within a specific timeframe. Residential rotating proxies are the best option for creating several accounts, as they help avoid IP bans. Its IP rotation lets you manage different accounts from a single device by changing the IP address. As such, it’s our first choice for when you need to manage various logins on platforms. Benefits of Creating Multiple Accounts You might wonder why you need to create multiple logins for one platform. Before we discuss why proxies will benefit you, let’s discuss the advantages of multi-accounting. ● Increased Brand Exposure Managing multiple social media accounts can increase your brand exposure. By liking, sharing, and reposting your content, you spread it further than a single account can. These operations mean you can better engage with clients and create logins dedicated to specific aspects of your brand. ● Improved Customer Stickiness Clients are more loyal to brands that treat them better. By interacting more with clients and facilitating quick sales, you can build trust in the brand. Multiple e-commerce and social media logins ensure you can always complete a sale. ● Branch Out Your Market Share With different logins, you can create accounts geared towards several markets. This helps you grow your market share by releasing various products and services to specific customers. It also enhances your geo-targeted marketing campaigns to become more effective and far-reaching. ● Boosts Marketing Efforts Boosting your marketing efforts will optimize the Tool ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-18 11:03:00 LevelBlue Labs découvre un nouveau chargeur très évasif ciblant les organisations chinoises
LevelBlue Labs Discovers Highly Evasive, New Loader Targeting Chinese Organizations
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Executive Summary LevelBlue Labs recently discovered a new highly evasive loader that is being delivered to specific targets through phishing attachments. A loader is a type of malware used to load second-stage payload malware onto a victim’s system.  Due to the lack of previous samples observed in the wild, LevelBlue Labs has named this malware “SquidLoader,” given its clear efforts at decoy and evasion. After analysis of the sample LevelBlue Labs retrieved, we uncovered several techniques SquidLoader is using to avoid being statically or dynamically analyzed. LevelBlue Labs first observed SquidLoader in campaigns in late April 2024, and we predict it had been active for at least a month prior.   The second-stage payload malware that SquidLoader delivered in our sample is a Cobalt Strike sample, which had been modified to harden it against static analysis. Based on SquidLoader’s configuration, LevelBlue Labs has assessed that this same unknown actor has been observed delivering sporadic campaigns during the last two years, mainly targeting Chinese-speaking victims. Despite studying a threat actor who seems to focus on a specific country, their techniques and tactics may be replicated, possibly against non-Chinese speaking organizations in the near future by other actors or malware creators who try to avoid detections.   Loader Analysis In late April 2024, LevelBlue Labs observed a few executables potentially attached to phishing emails. One of the samples observed was ‘914b1b3180e7ec1980d0bafe6fa36daade752bb26aec572399d2f59436eaa635’ with a Chinese filename translating to “Huawei industrial-grade router related product introduction and excellent customer cases.” All the samples LevelBlue Labs observed were named for Chinese companies, such as: China Mobile Group Shaanxi Co Ltd, Jiaqi Intelligent Technology, or Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute (YRCTI). All the samples had descriptive filenames aimed at luring employees to open them, and they carried an icon corresponding to a Word Document, while in fact being executable binaries.  These samples are loaders that download and execute a shellcode payload via a GET HTTPS request to the /flag.jpg URI. These loaders feature heavy evasion and decoy mechanisms which help them remain undetected while also hindering analysis. The shellcode that is delivered is also loaded in the same loader process, likely to avoid writing the payload to disk and thus risk being detected.   Due to all the decoy and evasion techniques observed in this loader, and the absence of previous similar samples, LevelBlue Labs has named this malware “SquidLoader”. Most of the samples LevelBlue Labs observed use a legitimate expired certificate to make the file look less suspicious. The invalid certificate (which expired on July 15, 2021) was issued to Hangzhou Infogo Tech Co., Ltd. It has the thumbprint “3F984B8706702DB13F26AE73BD4C591C5936344F” and serial number “02 0E B5 27 BA C0 10 99 59 3E 2E A9 02 E3 97 CB.” However, it is not the only invalid certificate used to sign the malicious samples.  The command and control (C&C) servers SquidLoader uses employ a self-signed certificate. In the course of this investigation all the discovered C&C servers use a certificate with the following fields for both the issuer and the subject:  Common Name: localhost Organizational Unit: group Organization:  Company Locality: Nanjing State/Province: Jiangsu Country: CN  When first executed, the SquidLoader duplicates to a predefined location (unless the loader is already present) and then restarts from the new location. In this case the target location was C:\BakFiles\install.exe. This action appears to be an intentional decoy, executing the loader with a non-suspicio Malware Tool Threat Mobile Prediction Technical ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-17 10:00:00 Battre la chaleur et les cyber-menaces cet été
Beat the Heat and Cyber Threats This Summer
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Summer is a time for relaxation, travel, and spending quality moments with family and friends. However, it is also peak season for cybercriminals who exploit the vulnerabilities that arise during this period. Cyberattacks surge during the summer holiday season as businesses and individuals let their guard down. Many companies operate with reduced staff as employees take time off, leaving fewer eyes on critical systems and security measures. Cybersecurity teams, often stretched thin, may not be able to respond as swiftly to threats. Additionally, individuals on vacation might be more inclined to use unsecured networks, fall for enticing travel deals, or overlook phishing attempts amidst their holiday activities. The importance of staying vigilant and informed about common summer scams cannot be overstated. By understanding these threats and taking proactive steps to protect ourselves, we can enjoy our summer holidays without falling victim to these opportunistic attacks. The Surge in Summer Cyberattacks Summer sees a marked increase in cyberattacks, with statistics indicating a significant rise in incidents during this period. For instance, in June alone, cyberattacks globally surged by an alarming 60%. This increase can be attributed to several factors that make the summer season particularly attractive to cybercriminals. One primary reason is the reduction in staff across businesses as employees take their vacations. This often results in Security Operations Centers (SOCs) operating with minimal personnel, reducing the ability to monitor and respond to threats effectively. Additionally, with key cybersecurity professionals out of the office, the remaining team may struggle to maintain the same level of protection. Increased travel also plays an important role. Individuals on vacation are more likely to use unsecured networks, such as public Wi-Fi in airports, hotels, and cafes, which can expose them to cyber threats. Moreover, the general relaxation mindset that accompanies holiday activities often leads to a decrease in caution, making individuals more susceptible to scams and phishing attacks. The impact of this surge in cyberattacks is significant for both individuals and businesses. For individuals, it can mean the loss of personal information and financial assets. For businesses, these attacks can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. Therefore, it is crucial to remain vigilant and take preventive measures during the summer season to mitigate these risks. How to Recognize and Avoid Seasonal Cyber Threats As summer rolls around, cybercriminals ramp up their efforts to expose the relaxed and often less vigilant attitudes of individuals and businesses. Here are some of the most prevalent scams to watch out for during the summer season. Fake Travel Deals One of the most common summer scams involves fake travel deals. Cybercriminals create enticing offers for vacation packages, flights, and accommodations that seem too good to be true. These offers are often promoted through fake websites, social media ads, and phishing emails. Once victims enter their personal and financial information to book these deals, they quickly realize that the offers were fraudulent, and their information is compromised, leading to issues such as identity theft. Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Legislation ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-12 10:00:00 Cybersécurité des médias sociaux: ne laissez pas les employés être votre maillon le plus faible
Social Media Cybersecurity: Don\\'t Let Employees Be Your Weakest Link
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Maintaining an active social media presence can be a great way to improve brand visibility and generate leads, but it also opens the door to cybersecurity risks — from phishing scams and malware to identify theft and data breaches. If employees accidentally post confidential information or click dodgy links via corporate accounts, cybercriminals can launch malicious attacks that can cause lasting damage to your business (67% of data breaches result from human error). Despite that, as many as 45% of businesses don’t have an official social media policy for employees to follow. Fortunately, by creating a comprehensive social media policy, you can raise social media cybersecurity awareness among your employees, and keep sensitive company data safe. Creating a social media policy A formal social media policy should outline cybersecurity best practices for employees working with your business’s social media accounts. At a minimum, the policy should prevent employees from posting things like private business plans, trade secrets, and personal details about other employees, customers, and clients. It’s also important to include guidance that helps employees avoid common cybersecurity risks — for example, they should know not to click on suspicious messages or links as these can contain worms (self-replicating malware) and phishing campaigns. Quizzes should also be off-limits. Although they might seem like harmless fun, social media quizzes may be harvesting company and/or personal data to sell to third-parties. Hackers can also guess passwords from the information provided in quizzes, so they should be avoided altogether. Corporate content should be posted with corporate devices, not personal ones Your social media policy should also state that work devices (and only work devices) should be used to create and publish corporate content. When staff are free to use their personal devices, they may accidentally post personal content on the corporate account (or vice versa). So, personal devices should never be used for business purposes, so as to prevent any mix-ups. Personal devices also tend to be far less secure than corporate ones. Shockingly, 36% of remote workers don’t even have standard password protection on all their personal devices, which leaves any corporate accounts accessed on them at greater risk of compromise. That said, it’s also important to regularly invest in new corporate devices rather than relying on old ones in order to save money. 60% of businesses hit by a data breach say unpatched vulnerabilities were to blame, and these weaknesses are often present on old devices. “Consider the fact that older devices run older software and are often prone to working slowly and freezing up” Retriever warns. “They’re also less likely to be able to stand cyber attacks. These factors put data at risk and it’s why it\'s recommended that compu Malware Vulnerability ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-11 10:00:00 Les risques cachés de l'eSports: cybersécurité sur le champ de bataille virtuel
The Hidden Risks of eSports: Cybersecurity on the Virtual Battlefield
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  From humble beginnings as a niche hobby relegated to small gaming cafes and basements, eSports has grown into a huge affair where gamers compete for million-dollar prizes and prestigious titles. As of 2024, the global eSports industry is worth $4.3 billion, up from just $1.2 billion in 2017. Major eSports tournaments now fill virtual arenas and stadiums, with millions of viewers tuning in. Amid the excitement and fanfare, however, a crucial aspect often gets overlooked – cybersecurity. Maintaining integrity and security in these virtual environments has become increasingly vital. From the potential for game-altering hacks and cheats to the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks, the challenges facing the industry are growing more complex by the day. Understanding the Cybersecurity Threats in eSports The eSports industry\'s rapid growth, lucrative prize pools, and massive online viewership have made it an attractive target for cybercriminals and unscrupulous actors seeking to disrupt events, compromise systems, or gain an unfair advantage. Additionally, some eSports organizations like FaZe Clan are experiencing surges on the stock market, making them even more attractive targets than, let’s say, stealing data from individual players. To begin with, let’s go through the primary cybersecurity threats plaguing the world of eSports: DDoS Attacks Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks involve sending an influx of malicious traffic to a network or server, overwhelming it and making it unable to respond to legitimate requests, effectively taking it offline. In eSports, DDoS attacks can disrupt live tournaments, causing delays, disconnections, and frustration for players and viewers alike. These can also target individual players, knocking them offline during crucial matches. For instance, in 2023, a DDoS attack on the 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual eSports event kicked out Max Verstappen, who was leading the race. Activision Blizzard was also hit with multiple DDoS attacks in 2020, affecting several of its game titles, including Call of Duty, Overwatch, and World of Warcraft. Account Hijacking Account hijacking involves unauthorized access to a player\'s account, typically through phishing, keylogging, or exploiting security vulnerabilities. Hijacked accounts can be used for cheating, sabotage, or even sold on the black market, putting players at risk of financial loss and reputational damage. In 2019, for example, Ransomware Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Legislation ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-10 10:00:00 OT Cybersecurity: sauvegarde notre infrastructure
OT Cybersecurity: Safeguard Our Infrastracture
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What is Operational Technology? Operational Technology (OT) is the backbone of our modern world as we know it today. Think about the daily operations of a factory, the precise control of our power grids, and even the supply of clean water to our homes. All of these modern capabilities are made possible and efficient due to OT systems. Unlike Information Technology (IT), which revolves around systems that process and store data, OT focuses on the physical machinery and processes which drive key industries including manufacturing, energy, and transportation. Each component of an OT system serves a critical purpose in ensuring the continuity of industrial operations. OT systems are typically made up of: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): Devices that control industrial processes through execution of programmed instructions. Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs): Interfaces that allow human users to interact with the control system Sensors and Actuators: Devices that monitor the physical environment through collection of data, and then perform actions according to input from the physical environment. The various subsets of OT system types include Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which manage factory equipment; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, which monitor and control industrial operations; and Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which automate processes. These systems are essential for keeping our modern infrastructure up and running. It is imperative that measures are taken to secure the availability of our OT systems, as an interruption to these systems would be disruptive to our day to day lives, and potentially catastrophic. To put things into perspective, can you imagine what your day would look like if your power grid went down for a prolonged period? What if the supply of clean water to your home was disrupted, are you ready for the chaos that will ensue? Both of these examples as well as other OT security incidents has the potential to cause loss of human life. In this blog, we\'ll discuss the importance of securing OT systems, best practices to align with, as well as challenges faced when safeguarding these indispensable systems. The Convergence of IT and OT Traditionally, OT environments were intended to be contained within their own highly secured network, without the ability to communicate externally. Today, the boundary between IT and OT is increasingly blurred with modern industrial operations relying on the convergence of IT and OT to enhance efficiency, optimize performance, and reduce costs. Additionally, the rise of adding network connectivity to devices and appliances that were traditionally not connected to the internet has further accelerated this convergence. This shift to network connectivity dependency has introduced the terms “Internet of Things (IOT) and “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIOT), which has brought numerous benefits but also introduced significant cybersecurity concerns. Cybersecurity of OT Systems As opposed to IT Security which focuses on the protection and integrity of data, OT cybersecurity prioritizes the availability of OT systems as a cyber attack on these systems is certain to disrupt business operations, cause physical damage, and endanger public safety. Security Concerns around OT Systems OT systems were designed with a specific purpose in mind and were not originally thought of as traditional computers as we know it, therefore security aspects of the design were not a first thought. As a result, the only security that many of these systems have is due to bolted-on security due to security as an afterthought. Also, many of the standard security best practices are often not conducted on this equipment due a multitude of factors such as the difficulty of patching OT systems, accommodating downtime hours on these critical systems that need to always be available. As a result, OT systems are Vulnerability Patching Industrial Cloud ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-05 10:00:00 Pourquoi les pare-feu ne suffisent pas dans le paysage de la cybersécurité d'aujourd'hui
Why Firewalls Are Not Enough in Today\\'s Cybersecurity Landscape
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Firewall technology has mirrored the complexities in network security, evolving significantly over time. Originally serving as basic traffic regulators based on IP addresses, firewalls advanced to stateful inspection models, offering a more nuanced approach to network security. This evolution continued with the emergence of Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), which brought even greater depth through data analysis and application-level inspection. Yet, even with these advancements, firewalls struggle to contend with the increasingly sophisticated nature of cyberthreats. The modern digital landscape presents formidable challenges like zero-day attacks, highly evasive malware, encrypted threats, and social engineering tactics, often surpassing the capabilities of traditional firewall defenses. The discovery of CVE-2023-36845 in September 2023, affecting nearly 12,000 Juniper firewall devices, is a case in point. This zero-day exploit enabled unauthorized actors to execute arbitrary code, circumventing established security measures and exposing critical networks to risk. Incidents like this highlight the growing need for a dynamic and comprehensive approach to network security, one that extends beyond the traditional firewall paradigm. Human Element – The Weakest Link in Firewall Security While the discovery of CVEs highlights vulnerabilities to zero-day exploits, it also brings to the forefront another critical challenge in firewall security: human error. Beyond the sophisticated external threats, the internal risks posed by misconfiguration due to human oversight are equally significant. These errors, often subtle, can drastically weaken the protective capabilities of firewalls. Misconfigurations in Firewall Security Misconfigurations in firewall security, frequently a result of human error, can significantly compromise the effectiveness of these crucial security barriers. These misconfigurations can take various forms, each posing unique risks to network integrity. Common types of firewall misconfigurations include: Improper Access Control Lists (ACLs) Setup: ACLs define who can access what resources in a network. Misconfigurations here might involve setting rules that are too permissive, inadvertently allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive areas of the network. An example could be erroneously allowing traffic from untrusted sources or failing to restrict access to critical internal resources. Faulty VPN Configurations: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are essential for secure remote access. Misconfigured VPNs can create vulnerabilities, especially if they are not properly integrated with the firewall\'s rule set. Common errors include not enforcing strong authentication or neglecting to restrict access based on user roles and permissions. Outdated or Redundant Firewall Rules: Over time, the network environment changes, but firewall rules may not be updated accordingly. Outdated rules can create security gaps or unnecessary complexity. Redundant or conflicting rules can also lead to confusion in policy enforcement, potentially leaving the network open to exploitation. Incorrect Port Management: Open ports are necessary for network communication, but unnecessary open ports can be explo Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Legislation Industrial ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-04 10:00:00 Test de pénétration de A.I.Des modèles
Penetration Testing of A.I. Models
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Penetration testing is a cornerstone of any mature security program and is a mature and well understood practice supported by robust methodologies, tools, and frameworks. The tactical goals of these engagements typically revolve around identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in technology, processes, and people to gain initial, elevated, and administrative access to the target environment. When executed well, the insights from penetration testing are invaluable and help the organization reduce IT related risk. Organizations are still discovering new ways in which Large Language Models (LLM’s) and Machine Learning (ML) can create value for the business. Conversely, security practitioners are concerned with the unique and novel risks to the organization these solutions may bring. As such the desire to expand penetration testing efforts to include these platforms is not surprising. However, this is not as straight forward as giving your testers the IP addresses to your AI stack during your next test. Thoroughly evaluating these platforms will require adjustments in approach for both organizations being evaluated and the assessors. Much of the attack surface to be tested for AI systems (i.e. cloud, network, system, and classic application layer flaws) is well known and addressed by existing tools and methods. However, the models themselves may contain risks as detailed in the OWASP Top Ten lists for LLM’s (https://llmtop10.com/) and Machine Learning (https://mltop10.info/). Unlike testing for legacy web application Top Ten flaws, where the impacts of any adversarial actions were ephemeral (i.e., SQL Injection) or easily reversed (i.e., stored XSS attack), this may not be the case when testing AI systems. The attacks submitted to the model during the penetration test could potentially influence long-term model behavior. While it is common to test web applications in production environments, for AI models that incorporate active feedback or other forms of post-training learning where testing could lead to perturbations in responses, it may be best to perform penetration testing in a non-production environment. Checksum mechanisms can be used to verify that the model versions are equivalent. Furthermore, several threat vectors in these lists deal specifically with the poisoning of training data to make the model generate malicious, false, or bias responses. If successful such an attack would potentially impact other concurrent users of the environment and having trained the model on such data, persist beyond the testing period. Lastly, there are hard dollar costs involved in training and operating these models. Taking any compute/storage/transport costs into account should test environments or retraining be required as part of recovering from a penetration test will be a new consideration for most. As penetration testers, the MITRE ATT&CK framework has long been a go-to resource for offensive security Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP’s). With the attack surface expanding to AI platforms MITRE has expand their framework and created the Adversarial Threat Landscape for Artificial-Intelligence Systems, or “ATLAS”, knowledge base (https://atlas.mitre.org/matrices/ATLAS). ATLAS, along with the OWASP lists, give penetration testers a great place to start in terms of understanding and assessing the unique attack surface presented by AI models. Context of the model will need to be considered in both the rules of engagement under which the test is performed but also in judging model responses. Is the model public or private? Production or test? If access to training data is achieved, can poisoning attacks be conducted? If allowable, what Tool Vulnerability Threat Cloud Technical Commercial ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-06-03 10:00:00 Test de sécurité dans le développement de logiciels: évaluer les vulnérabilités et les faiblesses
Security Testing in Software Development: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  The critical role of security testing within software development cannot be overstated. From protecting personal information to ensuring that critical infrastructure remains unbreachable, security testing serves as the sentry against a multitude of cyber threats. Vulnerabilities and design weaknesses within software are like hidden fault lines; they may remain unnoticed until they cause significant damage. These flaws can compromise sensitive data, allow unauthorized access, and disrupt service operations. The repercussions extend beyond the digital world. They can lead to tarnished reputations, legal penalties, and, in extreme cases, endangerment of lives. Understanding these potential impacts underscores the crucial role of security testing as a protective measure. Security testing functions like a health check-up for software, identifying vulnerabilities in much the same way a doctor\'s examination would. Being proactive rather than reactive is essential here. It is always better to prevent than to cure. Security testing transcends the mere act of box-ticking; it is a vital, multi-layered process that protects both the integrity of the software and the privacy of its users. And it is not only about finding faults but also about instilling a culture of security within the development lifecycle. Understanding Security Testing Once more, the primary role of security testing is to identify and help fix security flaws within a system before they can be exploited. Consider it a comprehensive evaluation process that simulates real-world attacks, designed to ensure that the software can withstand and counter a variety of cybersecurity threats. By conducting security testing, developers can provide assurance to investors and users that their software is not only functional but also secure against different attacks. There is a diverse arsenal of methodologies available for security testing: 1) Penetration Testing Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking, entails conducting simulated cyber-attacks on computer systems, networks, or web applications to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Security experts use pentest platforms and act as attackers and try to breach the system\'s defenses using various techniques. This method helps uncover real-world weaknesses as well as the potential impact of an attack on the system\'s resources and data. 2) Code Review A code review is a systematic examination of the application source code to detect security flaws, bugs, and other errors that might have been overlooked during the initial development phases. It involves manually reading through the code or using automated tools to ensure compliance with coding standards and to check for security vulnerabilities. This process helps in maintaining a high level of security by ensuring that the code is clean, efficient, and robust against cyber threats. 3) Vulnerability Assessment Unlike penetration testing, which attempts to exploit vulnerabilities, vulnerability assessment focuses on listing potential vulnerabilities without simulating attacks. Tools and software are used to Tool Vulnerability Threat Equifax ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-30 10:00:00 Transition du stockage sur site au cloud AWS: un guide stratégique pour les entreprises
Transitioning from On-Premise Storage to AWS Cloud: A Strategic Guide for Companies
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In today’s digital world, businesses face the challenge of managing ever-expanding volumes of data efficiently and securely. Traditional on-premise storage solutions often come with limitations in scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Recognizing these drawbacks, many companies are turning to cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to harness the power of cloud storage solutions. Transitioning from on-premise storage to AWS cloud can be a transformative journey for businesses, enabling them to streamline operations and enhance data accessibility. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in this transition and the benefits it offers to businesses. Understanding the Need for Transition Before exploring the transition process, it’s crucial for businesses to understand the reasons behind their decision to migrate from on-premise storage to the AWS cloud. Several factors often drive this decision: Scalability: On-premise storage solutions have limited capacities, making it challenging for businesses to scale their storage infrastructure rapidly in response to growing amounts of data. AWS cloud offers virtually unlimited storage capacity, allowing businesses to scale up or down as needed without the hassle of physical hardware upgrades. Flexibility: Traditional storage architectures lack the ability to adapt to changing business requirements quickly. AWS cloud provides a wide range of storage services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon EBS, and Amazon Glacier, each tailored to specific use cases. This flexibility enables businesses to choose storage solutions that best suit their needs and easily adjust them as requirements evolve. Cost Efficiency: Maintaining on-premise storage infrastructure requires significant upfront investments in hardware, maintenance, and personnel. AWS cloud operates on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to pay only for the resources they consume. This cost-efficient approach eliminates the need for extraneous expenditures and reduces overall storage costs. Enhanced Security and Compliance: AWS offers robust security features and compliance certifications, ensuring data stored in the cloud remains protected against threats and meets regulatory requirements. By leveraging AWS security services like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon Macie, businesses can enhance data security and ensure compliance. Strategic Steps in Transitioning to AWS Cloud Transitioning from on-premise storage to AWS cloud requires careful planning and execution to minimize disruption to business operations. Here are strategic steps involved in the transition process: Assessment and Planning: Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your existing on-premise storage infrastructure, including data volumes, types, and access patterns. Identify workloads suitable for migration to the cloud and prioritize them based on business criticality. Develop a detailed migration plan outlining timelines, resource requirements, and potential challenges. Data Migration Strategy: Choose the appropriate migration strategy based on your business requirements and data characteristics. AWS offers several migration options, including: Rehosting: Migrate existing virtual machines or applications to AWS using services like AWS Server Migration Service (SMS).  Replatforming: Optimize applications for cloud-native architectures while retaining core functionalities.  Refactoring: Redesign applications to leverage cloud-native services and take full advantage of AWS capabilities. Tool Cloud ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-29 10:00:00 Acquisition de données volatiles sur les systèmes Linux à l'aide de FMEM
Volatile Data Acquisition on Linux Systems Using fmem
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Memory forensics is a critical aspect of digital forensics, allowing investigators to analyze the volatile memory of a system to uncover evidence of malicious activity, detect hidden malware, and reconstruct system events. In this blog, we\'ll explore the world of memory forensics using two powerful tools: Fmem and LiME. We\'ll delve into the basics of memory forensics, explore the features and capabilities of Fmem and LiME, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use these tools to analyze a memory dump. What is Memory Forensics? Memory forensics involves the analysis of a system\'s volatile memory to extract valuable information about system state, running processes, and network connections. This type of analysis is crucial in incident response, malware analysis, and digital forensics investigations. By analysing memory, investigators can: 1. Detect Hidden Malware and Rootkits: Memory forensics enables investigators to uncover hidden malware and rootkits that may be actively running in a system\'s memory. Unlike traditional antivirus software that primarily scans the file system, memory forensics tools can identify malicious code and processes that attempt to evade detection by residing solely in memory. 2. Identify Malicious Processes and Network Connections: By analyzing the contents of a system\'s memory, forensic analysts can identify suspicious processes and network connections. This includes processes that may be performing malicious activities such as data exfiltration, privilege escalation, or network reconnaissance. Identifying these malicious entities is crucial for understanding the scope and impact of a security incident. 3. Reconstruct System Events and Timelines: Memory forensics allows investigators to reconstruct the sequence of events that occurred on a system leading up to and during a security incident. By analyzing memory artifacts such as process creation timestamps, network connection logs, and registry modifications stored in memory, investigators can create a detailed timeline of activities, which aids in understanding the tactics and techniques employed by attackers. 4. Extract Sensitive Data: Volatile data, such as passwords, encryption keys, and other sensitive information, may be present in a system\'s memory during normal operation. Memory forensics tools can extract this data from memory dumps, providing valuable evidence for digital investigations. This information can be crucial for understanding how attackers gained access to sensitive resources and for mitigating potential security risks. Using fmem for Memory Capture: fmem is a kernel module that creates a virtual device, /dev/fmem, which allows direct access to the physical memory of a system. This module is particularly useful for acquiring memory dumps of a compromised system, even if the system is protected by Secure Boot or has disabled the ability to read physical memory directly. Follow these steps to capture memory using fmem: Download the fmem source code from the official repository or package manager. The same can be found here. fmem Once cloned into the repository, change directory to fmem using cd command. You can use ls command to list the contents of the directory. fmem ls Compile and install fmem on the target Linux system: Once you are i Malware Tool ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-28 10:00:00 L'évolution des cybermenaces à l'ère de l'IA: défis et réponses
The Evolution of Cyber Threats in the Age of AI: Challenges and Responses
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"In war, the importance of speed cannot be overstated. Swift and decisive actions often determine the outcome of battles, as delays can provide the enemy with opportunities to exploit weaknesses and gain advantages." - General Patton, "Leadership and Strategy in Warfare," Military Journal, 1945. Cybersecurity has become a battlefield where defenders and attackers engage in a constant struggle, mirroring the dynamics of traditional warfare. In this modern cyber conflict, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the capabilities of traditionally asymmetric cyber attackers and threats, enabling them to pose challenges akin to those posed by near-peer adversaries.[1] This evolution in cyber threats demands a strategic response from organizations leveraging AI to ensure speed and intelligence in countering increasingly sophisticated attacks. AI provides force multiplication factors to both attackers and defenders. To wit, which ever side neglects the use of this new technology does so at its own peril. AI-Driven Evolution of Cyber Threats AI is playing a pivotal role in empowering cyber attackers and bridging the gap towards near-peer status with organizations in terms of cyber threats which, historically have been asymmetric in nature. The advancements in AI technologies have provided attackers with sophisticated tools and techniques that rival the defenses of many organizations. Several key areas highlight how AI is enabling the evolution of cyber threats: Sophisticated Attack Automation: AI-powered tools allow attackers to automate various stages of the attack lifecycle, from reconnaissance to exploitation.[2] This level of automation enables attackers to launch coordinated and sophisticated attacks at scale, putting organizations at risk of facing near-peer level threats in terms of attack complexity and coordination. Adaptive and Evolving Tactics: AI algorithms can analyze data and adapt attack tactics in real-time based on the defender\'s responses.[3] This adaptability makes it challenging for defenders to predict and defend against evolving attack strategies, mirroring the dynamic nature of near-peer adversaries who constantly adjust their tactics to overcome defenses. AI-Driven Social Engineering: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to craft highly convincing social engineering attacks, such as phishing emails or messages.[4] These AI-driven social engineering techniques exploit human vulnerabilities effectively, making it difficult for organizations to defend against such personalized and convincing attacks. AI-Powered Malware: Malware developers leverage AI to create sophisticated and polymorphic malware that can evade detection by traditional security solutions.[5] This level of sophistication in malware design and evasion techniques puts organizations at risk of facing near-peer level threats in terms of malware sophistication and stealthiness. AI-Enhanced Targeting: AI algorithms can analyze large datasets to identify specific targets within organizations, such as high-value assets or individuals with sensitive information.[6] This targeted approach allows attackers to focus their efforts on critical areas, increasing the effectiveness of their attacks and approaching the level of precision seen in near-peer threat actor operations. The combination of these AI-driven capabilities empowers cyber attackers to launch sophisticated, automated, and adaptive attacks that challenge organizations in ways previously seen only with near-peer adversaries in nation state attacks and warfare. Today, a single person, harnessing the power of AI can create a veritable army and provides force multiplication to the attackers. This puts organizations at an even greater defensive disadvantage than in years prior to the introduction of AI. AI\'s Role in Defenders\' Responses "Defense is not just about fortifying positions but also about reac Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Prediction Conference ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-22 10:00:00 Héritage numérique: sécuriser les données dans l'au-delà
Digital Legacies: Securing Data in the Afterlife
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  As the world becomes increasingly digital, our online lives have become an extension of our physical selves. We share our thoughts and experiences through social media, communicate through messaging apps, keep our money online, and store precious memories and documents in the cloud. But what happens to this vast digital footprint when we\'re gone? The persistence of our online presence long after we\'ve drawn our final breaths has given rise to a new frontier in data management – the digital afterlife. As more of our personal information becomes digitized, it has become important to thoughtfully plan for the handling of this data. Gone are the days when we could neatly bequeath our earthly possessions to loved ones; now, we must grapple with the complex web of passwords, accounts, and digital assets that make up our modern-day legacies. With personal data strewn across the internet, the risks of identity theft, privacy breaches, and unauthorized access to our digital lives will only continue to grow. Navigating this complex landscape of digital legacies is a delicate balance that requires thoughtful consideration. The Scope of Digital Legacies When we think of legacies in a traditional sense, we imagine physical assets – houses, heirlooms, vehicles, cash, etc. However, virtual assets like social media accounts, email inboxes, online bank accounts, multimedia libraries, and cloud-based storage also represent critical components of a person\'s digital estate. These virtual assets not only hold sentimental value in the form of memories, messages, and cherished media, but they may also contain sensitive financial and personal information that requires careful consideration after the owner\'s passing. Imagine an elderly relative of yours has been dabbling in some deep-in-the-money options, and his account lies unprotected now that no one has official access to it. What’s more, many asset protection strategies and plans don’t consider digital accounts and non-traditional securities as something that’s to be protected upon the passing of the owner. In such situations, the risk of losing your relative’s wealth becomes all too real. The Challenges of Managing Digital Legacies While digital assets have transformed how we think about personal legacies, they have also introduced a complex web of challenges that we must navigate with great care. Legal Considerations Questions of ownership and access rights can be fuzzy, as traditional estate laws often fail to keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology. Additionally, different online platforms have varied terms of service that can complicate the execution of a will or the desires of the deceased’s family. Further complicating matters is the patchwork of privacy and data protection regulations that vary by jurisdiction, making it challenging to en Threat Legislation Cloud ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-21 10:00:00 Au-delà de la Silicon Valley: où les professionnels de la cybersécurité se dirigent dans un avenir à dominant IA
Beyond Silicon Valley: Where Cybersecurity Pros Are Heading in an AI-Dominant Future
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  88% of cybersecurity professionals believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact their jobs, according to a survey by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC2). With only 35% of the respondents having already witnessed AI’s effects on their jobs, there’s no question that there is a level of uncertainty regarding the future within the industry and how much of a role AI will play. From the negatives to the silver lining, AI has the potential to greatly transform the cybersecurity landscape in the coming years — a reality that can lead many Silicon Valley professionals to expand their horizons. A Brief Outlook AI is rapidly transforming the modern cybersecurity landscape, according to Station X. “It is enhancing the capabilities of bad actors to perform more sophisticated attacks while empowering cyber security professionals to elevate their defenses.” To highlight a few of many advantages, AI provides immediate access to an extensive knowledge base, serves as a reliable copilot for task execution, automates the protection of systems, and can even augment the workflow of professionals to increase efficiency, Station X points out. Andrew Shikiar, executive director at FIDO Alliance, expands on the threat of AI going forward in 2024. “The threat posed by AI to cybersecurity is real, but there is certainly a ‘hype’ element in how big a share of highly sophisticated new AI attacks and data breaches are going to pose.” Phishing, deep fakes, and disinformation are all identified as threats that AI brings to the table. In regard to phishing, SecurityWeek notes that if AI-as-a-service does emerge in 2024, it will lead to an increase in phishing incidents. Ivan Novikov, founder and CEO at Wallarm warns: “These AI models can provide novice malicious actors with advanced capabilities… which were once the domain of more skilled hackers.” The rise of AI can leave many feeling hopeless regarding the outlook of cybersecurity jobs, with the worry that technological advancements will eliminate valuable positions in the coming years. However, Station X goes on to point out that currently, there is a high demand for skilled cyber professionals in the job market, with an expectation that by 2025 there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs “due to a lack of skilled professionals and a growing need to secure more and more systems.” A silver lining AI will undoubtedly have a profound impact on sectors like cybersecurity, though there is a silver lining to keep in mind. Infosecurity Magazine dives deeper into the report by ISC2, which reveals that more than four in five respondents (82%) agree that AI will improve job efficiency for cyber professionals (it’s further noted that 42% strongly agree with this statement). Furthermore, the report found that more than half of respondents Tool Vulnerability Threat ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-20 10:00:00 Disséquant une attaque de phishing à plusieurs étapes.
Dissecting a Multi-stage Phishing Attack.
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Phishing is one of the most common forms of cyber attack that organizations face nowadays. A 2024 risk report states that 94% of organizations fall victim to phishing attacks, and 96% are negatively impacted by them. However, phishing attacks are not only growing in number but are also more sophisticated and successful. This is owing to the modern multi-stage phishing attack, which is common nowadays. The multi-stage phishing attack is a sophisticated and multifaceted technique that increases the likelihood of success of an attack. While these attacks are becoming increasingly common, there needs to be more awareness of them. Therefore, to find relevant measures for mitigating these attacks, organizations must gain crucial insights regarding these multifaceted threats covered in this blog. What is a Multi-stage Phishing Attack? As its name suggests, a multi-stage phishing attack is a complex form of traditional phishing. In a multi-stage setup, a phishing attack relies on more deceptive strategies and phases rather than solely relying on one deceptive email, unlike in a traditional phishing attack. All the phases within the multi-stage phishing attack are designed to build trust and gather relative information about the target over time. Since this approach works discreetly on a multi-phased setup, it allows threat actors to bypass advanced security measures such as residential proxies and phishing detection tools. Multi-stage phishing attacks are a common occurrence in the modern cyber threat landscape. Attackers use this sophisticated layered tactic to deploy targeted ransomware or while conducting successful business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Dissecting a multi-stage phishing attack A multi-stage phishing attack is a sophisticated strategy that relies on a sequence of carefully designed steps. These steps help increase the probability of a successful phishing attack by evading advanced security and detection techniques. A typical multi-stage approach to the attack consists of the following phases: Initial Contact Like any traditional attack, the multi-stage attack starts with the threat actor initiating contact with the target through seemingly innocuous means. These include social media messages, phishing emails, or even physical methods such as USB drops. Establishing Trust After establishing contact with the target, the threat actor builds trust. This often involves impersonating legitimate entities or using communication channels familiar to the target, making it easy for them to fall victim and trust the threat actor. Introducing Complexities As the attack progresses, the threat actor introduces complexities such as using CAPTCHAs, QR Codes, and steganography to create further layers of deception, guaranteeing the attack\'s success. Exploitation The final stage of the attack involves exploiting the target. At this stage, the threat actor could either deploy malware, extract sensitive information, or perform any other malicious activity that might have been the goal of the whole attack. This multi-layered nature of a phishing attack makes it hard to detect through traditional security tools like residential proxies and phishing detection tools. Therefore, it ultimately makes the attack successful. How QR Codes, Captchas, and Steganography Are Used in Layered Phishing Attacks. In a multi-stage phishing attack, QR Codes, steganography, and CAPTCHAs are used to overcome security barriers and increase the attack\'s efficiency. Here is how each of these elements is used to ensure the attack is successful: QR Codes Quick Response or QR codes have become ubiquitous in various applications since they a Ransomware Malware Tool Threat ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-16 10:00:00 2024 Recapt RSA: centrer sur la cyber-résilience
2024 RSA Recap: Centering on Cyber Resilience
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La cyber-résilience devient de plus en plus complexe à réaliser avec la nature changeante de l'informatique.Convient pour le thème de la conférence de cette année, les organisations explorent & ldquo; l'art de la possible & rdquo;, inaugurant une ère d'informatique dynamique alors qu'elles explorent les nouvelles technologies.Simultanément, à mesure que l'innovation se développe et que l'informatique devient plus dynamique, davantage de menaces deviennent possibles et ndash;Ainsi, l'approche de la sécurisation des environnements commerciaux doit également évoluer. Dans le cadre de la conférence de cette année, j'ai dirigé une présentation principale autour des possibilités, des risques et des récompenses de la convergence de la cyber-technologie.Nous avons exploré les risques et les récompenses de la convergence et de l'intégration de la cyber-technologie à travers le réseau et l'ampli;opérations de sécurité.Plus précisément, nous avons examiné l'avenir d'architectures de sécurité plus ouvertes et adaptables et ce que cela signifie pour les équipes de sécurité. La recherche de niveaublue révèle de nouvelles tendances pour la cyber-résilience Cette année, nous avons également lancé les inauguraux Levelblue Futures & Trade;Rapport: Au-delà des obstacles à la cyber-résilience.Dirigée par Theresa Lanowitz, chef évangéliste d'AT & T Cybersecurity / LevelBlue, nous avons organisé une session approfondie basée sur nos recherches qui ont examiné les complexités de l'informatique dynamique.Cela comprenait une analyse de la façon dont l'informatique dynamique fusionne les opérations informatiques et commerciales, puise dans la prise de décision basée sur les données et redéfinit la cyber-résilience pour l'ère moderne.Certaines des conclusions notables dont elle a discuté comprennent: 85% des répondants affirment que l'innovation informatique augmente les risques, tandis que 74% a confirmé que l'opportunité de calculer l'innovation l'emporte sur l'augmentation correspondante du risque de cybersécurité. L'adoption de la cybersécurité en tant que service (CSAAS) est en hausse, avec 32% d'organisations choisissant d'externaliser leurs besoins de cybersécurité plutôt que de les gérer en interne. 66% des répondants partagent la cybersécurité est une réflexion après coup, tandis que un autre 64% disent que la cybersécurité est cloisonnée.Ce n'est pas surprenant quand 61% disent qu'il y a un manque de compréhension de la cybersécurité au niveau du conseil d'administration. Theresa a également été présenté en direct sur place pour discuter de ces résultats avec des cyber-médias proéminents présents.Elle a souligné à quoi ressemblent les barrières de cyber-résilience d'aujourd'hui et à quels nouveaux défis de résilience sont promis pour demain.Assurez-vous de consulter certaines de ces entretiens ci-dessous. Nouvelles recherches de niveauBlue révèlent 2024 Tendances de la cyber-résilience & ndash;Theresa Lanowitz & ndash;RSA24 # 2 niveaublue &Groupe de stratégie d'entreprise: un regard sur la cyber-résilience pour l'accès aux Futures & Trade de niveau complet;RAPPORT, Téléchargez une copie complémentaire ici . Conference ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-15 10:00:00 Horizons en expansion: LevelBlue améliore les offres MSSP avec le support du cloud gouvernemental
Expanding Horizons: LevelBlue Enhances MSSP Offerings with Government Cloud Support
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Dans le paysage numérique d'aujourd'hui, la cybersécurité est primordiale, en particulier pour les agences gouvernementales chargées de sauvegarder des données sensibles et des infrastructures critiques.Reconnaissant ce besoin, LevelBlue est fier d'annoncer la disponibilité de sa dernière offre: support pour les fournisseurs de services de sécurité gérés (MSSP) dans le cloud gouvernemental. Nouvelle disponibilité dans le cloud Gov pour MSSPS Cette nouvelle offre marque une progression importante dans les solutions de cybersécurité adaptées aux MSSP.Avec le soutien de la plate-forme du cloud gouvernemental, les MSSP ont désormais accès à des fonctionnalités de sécurité et de conformité améliorées, les permettant de mieux servir leurs clients dans les secteurs gouvernementaux. Certification FedRamp et conformité multi-trame L'engagement de NivedBlue \\ envers les normes de sécurité rigoureuses est évidente dans sa certification modérée FedRamp.Cette certification, qui implique l'adhésion à environ 325 contrôles de cybersécurité, garantit que les solutions de niveauBlue \\ répondent aux normes les plus élevées d'évaluation, d'autorisation et de surveillance continue.En plus de FedRamp, LevelBlue s'aligne avec plusieurs autres cadres de sécurité, offrant une couverture de conformité complète aux MSSP et à leurs clients. Central Management and FIPS Compliance L'un des principaux avantages de cette nouvelle offre est la possibilité pour les MSSP de gérer de manière centralisée leurs clients de sécurité dans le cloud gouvernemental.Avec des fonctionnalités telles que la gestion centralisée des alarmes et la conformité FIPS, les MSSP peuvent rationaliser leurs opérations tout en garantissant les niveaux de protection des données les plus élevés. Améliorations sur USM n'importe où Tout en s'appuyant sur les bases de la plate-forme USM Anyme existante de niveau \\, l'offre du cloud gouvernemental introduit de nouvelles détections adaptées explicitement au secteur du cloud Gov.Ces améliorations incluent l'intelligence avancée des menaces, ce qui permet aux MSSPS de rester en avance sur l'évolution des cyber-menaces. Intégration avec les environnements cloud La solution de niveau ne s'intègre pas parfaitement à divers environnements de cloud gouvernementaux, notamment AWS GovCloud et Microsoft Azure Government.Cette flexibilité permet aux MSSP de déployer et de gérer des solutions de sécurité dans diverses infrastructures cloud, assurant une protection complète pour leurs clients. Soutenir les contraintes de transformation numérique et budgétaire À une époque de transformation numérique et de contraintes budgétaires, les agences gouvernementales sont confrontées à une pression croissante pour moderniser leurs défenses de cybersécurité.Les offres de cloud GovernmentBlue \\ de LevelBlue offrent une solution de compétition et de NBSP; prix et évolutif qui aide les agences à atténuer les risques numériques tout en optimisant l'allocation des ressources des analystes de sécurité. Conseil et support NIVEALBLUE & NBSP; Le conseil joue un rôle crucial dans la prise en charge des MSSP avec la mise en œuvre et la gestion des services de sécurité.De la réponse des incidents à l'aide de conformité, l'équipe d'experts de niveauBlue \\ garantit que les MSSP ont le soutien dont ils ont besoin pour fournir des services de cybersécurité exceptionnels à leurs clients. Contrat Gagits and Future Directions Le contrat récent gagne avec des organisations prestigieuses comme le ministère des Transports souligne la fiabilité et l'efficacité des solutions de cybersécurité de niveauBlue.À l'avenir, LevelBlue s'engage à obtenir des certifications supplémentaires, telles que Threat Cloud ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-14 10:00:00 Comment DDR peut renforcer votre posture de sécurité
How DDR Can Bolster Your Security Posture
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Today’s threat landscape is as dangerous as it has ever been. Global unrest, emerging technologies, and economic downturn all contribute to persistently high cybercrime rates and a dire need for organizations of all types to improve their security posture. There are standard ways of achieving a solid security posture that most of us will already be aware of: awareness training, regular patch management, and robust authentication methods are some examples. But in the face of increasingly frequent and sophisticated attacks, many traditional security methods are fast becoming inadequate. But this fact is no reason to panic. Tools and technologies are available that stand as a bulwark against an onslaught of both internal and external threats. The most important of these is Data Detection and Response (DDR). Please keep reading to learn more about DDR, how it can bolster your security posture, and what threats it can mitigate. What is Data Detection and Response? Data Detection and Response (DDR) is a cybersecurity solution that identifies and responds to security incidents within an organization’s IT environment. These solutions monitor data and user activity around the clock to identify and mitigate potential threats that have already penetrated the network. How Can Data Detection and Response Bolster Your Security Posture? Preventing data exfiltration is DDR’s most important function and can go a long way to bolstering your security posture. By classifying data based on its content and lineage, DDR solutions build a picture of an organization’s enterprise environment, identify the data most at risk, and establish what constitutes normal behavior. The solution can identify and act on any anomalous behavior by doing so. For example, an employee attempting to download sensitive financial information to their personal account would be deemed anomalous behavior, and the solution would either notify the security team or act to prevent the exfiltration, depending on how sophisticated the solution is. But it’s worth looking a little deeper at what we mean by classifying data: Lineage - Data lineage refers to the historical record of data as it moves through various stages of its lifecycle, including its origins, transformations, and destinations. It tracks data flow from its source systems to its consumption points, providing insights into how data is created, manipulated, and used within an organization. Content - Data classification by content involves categorizing data based on its inherent characteristics, attributes, and meaning within a specific business context or domain. It considers data type, sensitivity, importance, and relevance to business processes or analytical requirements. This distinction is important because some DDR solutions only classify data by content, which can result in false positives. To expand upon the previous example, a DDR solution classifying data by content alone would only know that an employee was trying to download a spreadsheet full of numbers, not that the spreadsheet contained financial data; this means that even if the spreadsheet contained personal, non-sensitive data, the solution would flag this to security team Ransomware Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-13 10:00:00 2024 Recaps RSA: permettez-nous de nous réintroduire
2024 RSA Recap: Allow us to Reintroduce Ourselves
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La conférence RSA 2024 a officiellement terminé, et cet événement de cette année a été le fond parfait pour nous pour faire notre réintroduction à l'industrie. Présentation de niveauBlue, The Truted Cybersecurity Advisors Le premier jour de RSA, nous avons officiellement annoncé Le lancement de niveaublue , anciennement connu sous le nom de cybersécurité AT & T.En signifiant un nouveau départ passionnant pour l'entreprise, j'ai été rejoint par le PDG de niveauBlue, Bob McCullen pour rencontrer des clients clés, des analystes et des presseurs pendant la conférence. LevelBlue propose des services de sécurité gérés stratégiques, ainsi que des consultants par des experts de pointe, des renseignements et de la détection des menaces et un soutien continu du Centre des opérations de sécurité (SOC);servant de conseiller de confiance en cybersécurité aux entreprises du monde entier.Comme l'analyste de technologie renommée Steve McDowell l'a noté & ldquo; LevelBlue émerge dans le paysage de la cybersécurité avec des actifs et une expertise importants hérités de AT & t et enrichi par l'acquisition d'Alienvault. & Rdquo; Pour célébrer l'annonce de LevelBlue, nous avons également organisé un dîner de bienvenue pour les médias auxquels les participants avaient un accès exclusif pour en savoir plus sur la formation de niveauBlue et ce qui est le prochain pour l'entreprise.Nous avons reçu d'excellents commentaires et excitation à propos de notre lancement à partir de publications notables, de cybersécurité et de technologie, notamment forbes , l'enregistrement, et la nouvelle pile. Un merci spécial à RSAC, à toute l'équipe de niveau de niveau, aux médias et à nos partenaires pour leur collaboration dans un lancement réussi.Suivez le niveaublue sur x , LinkedIn , Facebook , et YouTube Pour rester à jour sur notre voyage! belinda niveaublue tawnya snacks cyber résilience rsa stand todd dans le panneau Sundhar à la table
The 2024 RSA Conference has officially wrapped, and this year’s event served as the perfect backdrop for us to make our re-introduction to the industry. Introducing LevelBlue, the Trusted Cybersecurity Advisors On day one of RSA, we officially
Threat Conference ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-10 10:00:00 Sagesse sauvage: ce que la technologie apprend du monde naturel
Wild Wisdom: What Technology Learns from the Natural World
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  As a high school student interested in exploring the connection between technology and nature, I was curious to find out how the natural world inspires modern technological advances. My research journey started with some basic Google searches and reading through articles on biomimicry. I also watched several documentaries and TED Talks that explained how animals and plants have influenced technological designs. Here is a detailed article on how space suits can benefit from biomimetics. Nature’s inspiration for innovation in Spacesuits and Cyber Defense Not only is nature beautiful to look at, but it is also providing us with fantastic ideas for solving complex technological problems. The concept of biomimicry, which refers to drawing inspiration from natural systems to address human challenges, is now trending heavily in fields such as cybersecurity and space exploration. Biomimicry involves the creation and development of materials, structures, and systems that are inspired by biological entities and processes. For thousands of years, humans have turned to the natural world as a source of inspiration for innovations across various domains, including transportation and entertainment. This approach has led to significant advancements, such as the design of aircraft inspired by the aerodynamics of bird wings and the development of anti-glare screens modeled after the intricate nanostructures found in moth eyes. By observing and emulating the unique characteristics of wildlife, we have continuously found ways to enhance our technological capabilities and improve the quality of our daily lives. This field not only highlights the ingenuity inherent in nature but also underscores the potential for sustainable and efficient design solutions drawn from the biological world Nature’s Influence on Cybersecurity Data Masking Inspired by Moths The humble moth, with its ability to blend into its surroundings, provides a perfect metaphor for data masking in cybersecurity. This technique involves hiding real data among fake data, thereby protecting sensitive information from prying eyes. Steganography and the Chameleon Similarly, the chameleon\'s ability to change its color to match its environment mirrors the practice of steganography in cybersecurity. This method involves hiding information within non-secret data, much like concealing a secret message within an ordinary-looking image or audio file. Digital watermarking in multimedia is a practical application of this technique, helping to secure copyrights by embedding invisible codes within files. Consider some applications in different industry verticals: Sacrificial systems and deception Inspired by how some animals like lizards can shed their tails to protect vital organs, healthcare cybersecurity could utilize "sacrificial systems" - offering up less critical systems or data as decoys to distract and study cyber attackers, buying time to strengthen protection of the most sensitive medical information. Biomimicry in Space Suits: A Journey from Earth to Beyond Radiation Protection Inspired by Fungi Recent studies have explored the potential of fungi, particularly those thriving in the radioactive wasteland of Chernobyl, to protect astronauts from cosmic rays. These fungi utilize radiation as an energy source, suggesting their potential to develop into living, self-repairing shie Studies Medical ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-07 12:05:00 2024 Cyber Resilience Research révèle un terrain complexe
2024 Cyber Resilience Research Reveals a Complex Terrain
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Les nouvelles données aident les chefs d'entreprise à comprendre comment et pourquoi prioriser la résilience. Dans le paysage en constante évolution de l'innovation numérique, les entreprises se retrouvent à l'intersection du progrès et du péril.Les données révèlent que les compromis ne sont pas seulement dramatiques, mais ils mettent également l'organisation à risque significatif. L'un des principaux obstacles est la déconnexion entre les cadres supérieurs et les priorités de cybersécurité.Alors que la cyber-résilience est reconnue comme un impératif critique, de nombreuses organisations ont du mal à recueillir le soutien et les ressources nécessaires du leadership supérieur.Ce manque d'engagement entrave non seulement les progrès, mais laisse également les entreprises vulnérables aux violations potentielles. barrières à la résidence Pendant ce temps, la technologie progresse à un rythme effréné, tout comme les risques posés par les cybermenaces.Le rapport FUTURESTM de niveau 2024 révèle cet acte d'équilibrage délicat entre l'innovation et la sécurité.Nous avons examiné l'ensemble des problèmes commerciaux impliqués dans la résilience cyber et de cybersécurité et découvert le leadership exécutif et le leadership technique ont des opportunités pour un alignement beaucoup plus profond. Obtenez votre copie gratuite du rapport. & nbsp; La quête insaisissable de la cyber-résilience. Imaginez un monde où les entreprises sont imperméables aux cybermenaces & mdash; un monde où chaque aspect d'une organisation est sauvegardé contre les perturbations potentielles.C'est l'idéal élevé de la cyber-résilience, mais pour de nombreuses entreprises, elle reste un objectif insaisissable.L'évolution rapide de l'informatique a transformé le paysage informatique, brouillant les lignes entre les logiciels propriétaires et open-source, les systèmes hérités, les initiatives de transformation numérique du cloud computing.Bien que ces progrès apportent des avantages indéniables, ils introduisent également des risques sans précédent. Board Level Selon nos recherches, 85% des leaders informatiques reconnaissent que l'innovation informatique a le prix d'un risque accru.Dans un monde où les cybercriminels deviennent de plus en plus sophistiqués, le besoin de cyber-résilience n'a jamais été aussi urgent.Des attaques de ransomwares massives aux incidents DDOS débilitants, les entreprises opèrent dans un climat où une seule cyber violation peut avoir des conséquences catastrophiques. Exploration de la relation entre le leadership exécutif et la cyber-résilience. Notre enquête auprès de 1 050 C-suite et cadres supérieurs comprenait 18 pays et sept industries: énergie et services publics, services financiers, soins de santé, fabrication, commerce de détail, transport et SLED américain (État, gouvernement local et enseignement supérieur).Dans les prochains mois, nous publierons un rapport vertical pour chaque marché.Ce rapport Landmark a été conçu pour aider les organisations à commencer à parler plus de manière réfléchie des vulnérabilités et des opportunités d'amélioration. Dans le rapport, vous & rsquo; ll: Découvrez pourquoi les chefs d'entreprise et les chefs de technologie ont besoin de hiérarchiser la cyber-résilience. découvrez les obstacles critiques à la cyber-résilience. Découvrez les défis concernant la résilience de la cybersécurité. Ransomware Vulnerability Medical Cloud Technical ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-06 14:05:00 Introduction de niveauBlue: élever la confiance des entreprises en simplifiant la sécurité
Introducing LevelBlue: Elevating Business Confidence By Simplifying Security
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aujourd'hui est une journée monumentale pour l'industrie de la cybersécurité.En direct de la conférence RSA 2024, i & rsquo; je suis ravi d'introduire le niveauBlue & ndash;Une coentreprise avec AT & t et Willjam Ventures, pour former une nouvelle entreprise de services de sécurité gérée autonome.Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les nouvelles ici . En 2022, j'ai fondé ma société de capital-investissement, Willjam Ventures, et depuis lors, nous avons tenu une expérience exceptionnelle à investir et à opérer les entreprises de cybersécurité de classe mondiale.Ce dernier investissement dans LevelBlue ne fait pas exception, ce qui témoigne de cet engagement.Nous sommes enthousiasmés par l'opportunité à venir pour LevelBlue.Ici & rsquo; s pourquoi: & # 9679; sa mission & ndash;pour simplifier la sécurité et faire de la cyber-résilience un résultat réalisable & ndash;est essentiel au succès des entreprises. Alors que les organisations continuent d'innover, des technologies telles que l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et le cloud computing créent un paysage de menace plus dynamique et élargi.Avec LevelBlue, les organisations n'ont plus besoin de sacrifier l'innovation avec la sécurité et le ndash;Ils réalisent les deux, avec confiance.Avec plus de 1 300 employés axés sur cette mission, LevelBlue propose des services de sécurité stratégiques, notamment des services de sécurité gérés primés, des conseils stratégiques expérimentés, des renseignements sur les menaces et des recherches révolutionnaires & ndash;Servir de conseiller de confiance pour les entreprises du monde entier. & # 9679; LevelBlue rassemble certains des esprits les plus talentueux et les plus brillants de la cybersécurité. Tout comme tout voyage, les organisations ne devraient pas se lancer dans leur voyage de cybersécurité seul.C'est là que LevelBlue entre en jeu. Chaque membre de notre équipe de conseil a en moyenne 15 ans d'expérience en cybersécurité, détenant les dernières certifications et connaissances en travaillant avec des organisations de différents types et tailles.Je suis également ravi d'être rejoint par Sundhar Annamalai, le président de LevelBlue, qui a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans les services technologiques et l'exécution stratégique pour aider notre entreprise à de nouveaux sommets. & # 9679; La société a une histoire de longue date de la recherche de recherches à l'avenir et neutres. Les conseillers de confiance tiennent leurs clients informés sur les dernières tendances avant qu'elles ne se produisent, et c'est à cela que LevelBlue est le meilleur.Avec la plate-forme de renseignement sur les menaces de niveau Blue, ainsi que les rapports de recherche de l'industrie de l'entreprise (plus à venir sur ce blog), les clients peuvent rester en une étape avant les dernières cyber-menaces, tout en acquittent des informations précieuses sur la façon d'allouer correctement allouéRessources de cybersécurité. La cyber-résilience n'est pas facilement définie, et elle n'est pas facilement réalisable sans le soutien nécessaire.Les services de cybersécurité stratégiques de niveauBlue aideront à résoudre ce défi à une époque où il a le plus besoin.Nous avons la bonne équipe, la bonne technologie et au bon moment dans le temps & ndash;Je suis ravi pour le voyage à venir. Pour ceux de la conférence RSA, nous vous invitons à venir en savoir plus sur LevelBlue en visitant le stand # 6155 à Moscone North Expo.Nous sommes impatients de nous présenter à vous.
Today is a monumental day for the cybersecurity industry. Live from RSA Conference 2024, I’m excited to introduce LevelBlue – a joint venture with AT&T and WillJam Ventures, to form a new, standalone managed security services busines
Threat Cloud Conference ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-05-01 10:00:00 Histoires du SOC & # 8211;Combattre les escroqueries «alertes de sécurité»
Stories from the SOC – Combating “Security Alert” Scams
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Executive Summary The “Security Alert” scam is a prevalent tech-support fraud that threatens both Windows and Apple users. It exploits the trust of users by masquerading as an official support site, using fake pop-up warnings to lure users into dialing scam phone numbers by conveying a sense of urgency. The ultimate goal is gaining remote access to the user’s system and pilfering personal data to extort money. Combating a “Security Alert” scam is difficult on many fronts because most of the time attackers leverage newly registered domains, which means there is a lack of malicious OSINT (open-source intelligence), and they are able to bypass traditional detection methods. To gain remote access, attackers need the end user to call into a fraudulent support team to install a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) tool. An endpoint detection and response (EDR) tool might not catch the initial intrusion as such tools are also used for legitimate business reasons. The most successful way to combat phishing/scams is by end-user education and communication with the IT department. In a recent incident, a fake “Microsoft Security Alert” domain targeted one of our Managed Endpoint Security with SentinelOne customers, causing alarm for the end users and IT staff, but fortunately, the end user did not fall into the trap of calling the fraudulent number. The customer immediately contacted their assigned Threat Hunter for support and guidance, and the Threat Hunter was able to quickly utilize the security measures in place, locate multiple domains, and report them to the Alien Labs threat intelligence team. AT&T Cybersecurity was one of the first cybersecurity companies to alert on the domains and share the information via the Open Threat Exchange (OTX) threat intelligence sharing community, helping other organizations protect against it. Investigation Initial Alarm Review Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) The initial security layers failed to raise alarms for several reasons. First, the firewalls did not block the domain because it was newly registered and therefore not yet on any known block lists. Second, the platform did not create any alarms because the domain’s SSL certificates were properly configured. Finally, the EDR tool did not alert because no downloads were initiated from the website. The first indication of an issue came from an end user who feared a hack and reported it to the internal IT team. Utilizing the information provided by the end user, the Threat Hunter was able to locate the user\'s asset. Sniffing the URL data revealed a deceptive “Microsoft Security Alert” domain and a counterfeit McAfee website. These were detected largely because of improvements recommended during the customer\'s monthly meetings with the Threat Hunter, including a recommendation to activate the SentinelOne Deep Visibility browser extension, which is the tool that was instrumental in capturing URL information with greater accuracy after all the redirects. fake support page Figure I – Fake Microsoft Support page fake Mcafee page Figure 2 – Fake McAfee page Artifact (Indicator of Compromise) IOC Fake McAfee Page bavareafastrak[.]org Website Hosting Scam Pages Galaxytracke[.]com Zip file hash Tizer.zip - 43fb8fb69d5cbb8d8651af075059a8d96735a0d5 Figure 3 – Indicators of compromise Expanded Investigation Events Search With the understanding that the e Hack Tool Threat ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-30 10:00:00 Acquisition de données volatiles à partir de systèmes linux en direct: partie I
Volatile Data Acquisition from Live Linux Systems: Part I
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In the domain of digital forensics, volatile data assumes a paramount role, characterized by its ephemeral nature. Analogous to fleeting whispers in a bustling city, volatile data in Linux systems resides transiently within the Random Access Memory (RAM), encapsulating critical system configurations, active network connections, running processes, and traces of user activities. Once a Linux machine powers down, this ephemeral reservoir of information dissipates swiftly, rendering it irretrievable. Recognizing the significance of timely incident response and the imperative of constructing a detailed timeline of events, this blog embarks on an exhaustive journey, delineating a systematic approach fortified with best practices and indispensable tools tailored for the acquisition of volatile data within the Linux ecosystem. Conceptually, volatile data serves as a mirror reflecting the real-time operational landscape of a system. It embodies a dynamic tapestry of insights, ranging from system settings and network connectivity to program execution and user interactions. However, the transient nature of this data necessitates proactive measures to capture and analyse it before it evaporates into the digital void. In pursuit of elucidating this intricate process, we delve into a meticulous exploration, elucidating each facet with precision and clarity. Through a curated synthesis of established methodologies and cutting-edge tools, we equip forensic practitioners with the requisite knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of volatile data acquisition in live Linux environments. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of digital forensics, embark on a journey of discovery, and empower ourselves with the tools and techniques necessary to unlock the secrets concealed within live Linux systems. Before proceeding, it\'s vital to grasp what volatile data encompasses and why it\'s so important in investigations: System Essentials: Hostname: Identifies the system · Date and Time: Contextualizes events · Timezone: Helps correlate activities across regions Uptime: Reveals system state duration Network Footprint: Network Interfaces: Active connections and configurations Open Ports: Potential entry points and services exposed Active Connections: Shows live communication channels Process Ecosystem: Running Processes: Active programs and their dependencies Process Memory: May uncover hidden execution or sensitive data Open Files: Accessed Files: Sheds light on user actions Deleted Files: Potential evidence recovery point Kernel Insights Loaded Modules: Core extensions and potential rootkits Kernel Ring Buffers (dmesg): Reveals driver or hardware events User Traces Login History: User activity tracking Command History: Executed commands provide insights Before diving into the acquisition process, it\'s essential to equip yourself with the necessary tools and commands for gathering volatile data effectively, for purpose of demonstration I will be using Linux Mint: Hostname, Date, and Time: hostname: Retrieves the system\'s hostname. hostname date: Displays the current date and time. Tool Technical ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-29 10:00:00 Améliorer la sécurité financière grâce à la biométrie comportementale
Enhancing Financial Security Through Behavioral Biometrics
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  The evolution of tech necessitates stronger cybersecurity. Financial information is appealing to hackers trying to steal identities and commit fraud. These bad actors are evolving with tech to figure out ways to bypass the increasingly robust cybersecurity measures. Organizations commonly use physical biometric applications, like fingerprinting and facial recognition, when they’re conducting transactions, when people are entering buildings, and when they’re logging into sites with sensitive information. However, you need a stronger layer of security to keep your information safe. This is where behavioral biometrics comes in. Possible Financial Security Issues Consumers lose millions of dollars due to fraud every year, according to the FTC. Online shopping is the number one avenue where this money is lost, with bad investments and illegitimate businesses falling close behind. There is an increasing amount of ways that scammers can have access to your information or social engineer you into spending money. Some examples include phishing emails, password attacks, and malware. Often, hackers will also target people whom they profile as gullible. Charity scams are unfortunately rampant, including scammers pretending to be charitable organizations like the Red Cross. These crop up when disaster strikes, and they masquerade as legitimate ways to donate. Other scammers will pretend to be individuals in need, family members, or even government organizations. Instead, the money goes to illegitimate scammers. To avoid this, you should always double-check links and, more importantly, log in to a reputable site when entering any credit card or banking information. Financial institutions are surprisingly not the most targeted, but they are still rife with sensitive info that can be vulnerable to hackers if not guarded correctly. Cybersecurity in online banking is extremely important. There can be data breaches, customer phishing scams, and even offshore banking transparency issues. Enhanced security must be in place to prevent these scams, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, threat detection, and biometrics. Why Stronger Biometrics Are Necessary Physical biometrics are the most common form of biometrics employed for financial security currently. However, bad actors have learned how to bypass these physical barriers. Printed-out photos can work for face identification, and fingerprints and palm prints can be stolen and imprinted onto soft surfaces and then used for sign-ins. Evolving threats demand cybersecurity measures that are as far advanced as possible. Behavioral biometrics takes things a step further by analyzing the behavior patterns of device users. Then, these patterns can be developed over time and set to be recognized by the device. These behaviors can be digital or in-person and include factors like: Gait; Posture; Signatures; Malware Threat Deloitte ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-24 10:00:00 Comprendre comment la rationalité, la théorie de la dissuasion et l'indéterminisme influencent la cybercriminalité.
Understanding how Rationality, Deterrence Theory, and Indeterminism Influence Cybercrime.
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Understanding the factors influencing cybercriminal behavior is essential for developing effective cybercrime prevention strategies. Rationality plays a significant role in shaping criminal decisions, particularly through the lens of the rational actor model and deterrence theory. This blog explores how rationality influences cybercriminal behavior, focusing on the rational actor model, the concepts of deterrence theory, their implications for understanding and preventing cybercrime activities, and how Bayesian theory can help overcome indeterministic human criminal behavior to provide risk management. Brief History of Deterrence Theory: Deterrence theory has its roots in classical criminology and the works of philosophers such as Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham, who introduced the concept of deterrence as a means of preventing crime through the application of punishment. This idea became further developed during the mid-20th century when the theory of nuclear deterrence emerged as a prominent concept in international relations. The understanding of deterrence broadened to be applied not only in preventing nuclear conflict but also in the context of criminal justice. It was John Nash through his work in game theory that contributed significantly to the understanding of strategic decision-making and the potential for deterrence in various competitive situations. His insights were crucial in shaping the modern understanding of deterrence theory, particularly when applied to criminal decision-making and cybersecurity.[1] Explanation of Deterministic, Non-Deterministic, and Indeterministic: Deterministic: In the context of decision-making, determinism refers to the philosophical concept that all events, including human actions, are the inevitable result of preceding causes. This perspective suggests that given the same initial conditions and knowledge, an individual\'s choices can be predicted with certainty. In other words, under deterministic assumptions, human behavior can be seen as fully predictable.[2] Non-Deterministic: Non-deterministic views reject the idea that every event, including human actions, can be precisely determined or predicted based on preceding causes. Instead, non-deterministic perspectives acknowledge the role of uncertainty, chance, and randomness in decision-making. From this standpoint, human behavior is seen as influenced by a combination of factors, including personal choice, external circumstances, and unpredictable elements.[3] Indeterministic: Indeterminism represents a specific form of non-determinism. In the context of decision-making, indeterministic views emphasize the idea that certain events or actions, particularly human choices, are not entirely determined by preceding causes or predictable factors. Instead, they are seen as influenced by random or unpredictable elements, such as personal spontaneity, free will, or external factors that defy precise prediction.[4] The Indeterministic Nature of Cybercriminal Behavior: The indeterministic nature of cybercriminal behavior suggests that not all cybercrimes are the result of rational choices. Some individuals may engage in cybercriminal behavior due to impulsive actions, vulnerabilities in systems, or external pressures that override rational decision-making processes. These factors highlight the limitations of solely relying on rationality as an explanatory framework for cybercriminal behavior. Rationality and the Rational Actor Model in Cybercrime: The rational actor model suggests that cybercriminals are rational decision-makers who engage in a cost-benefit analysis before committing a cybercrime.[5] According to this model, cybercriminals weigh the potential benefits and costs of engaging in cybercriminal behavior and make a rational choice based on their assessment. The rational actor model assumes that cybercriminals have the capability to accurately assess the potential outcomes of their cyber actions and aim to maximize th Tool Vulnerability Studies Legislation Prediction ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-23 10:00:00 L'impact de l'UNECE R155 sur la cybersécurité automobile
The Impact of UNECE R155 on Automotive Cybersecurity
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In an era where technology and transportation converge, the fusion of vehicles with IoT technologies heralds a new dawn of mobility. This leap forward promises enhanced connectivity and autonomous capabilities, yet casts a shadow of cyber vulnerabilities that could jeopardize not just the integrity of the vehicles but the safety of their passengers. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, the UNECE stepped forward with the R155 regulation, a vanguard initiative to fortify the digital fortresses of our vehicles against potential cyber onslaughts. The Genesis of UNECE R155: Forging the Shields of Cybersecurity The essence of the UNECE R155 regulation unfolds as a carefully crafted framework designed to preemptively address the burgeoning threat landscape in the automotive sector. Rooted in the principle of proactive defense, R155 isn\'t just about compliance; it represents a paradigm shift in how vehicle cybersecurity is perceived and integrated. At its core, the regulation mandates the establishment of a Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS), compelling manufacturers to weave a tapestry of cyber resilience that spans the entire lifecycle of a vehicle. The ambition of R155 is pretty clear at this point: to transform the automotive industry\'s approach to cybersecurity from reactive patchwork to a strategic, foundational pillar. This involves not only the adoption of \'security by design\' principles but also a commitment to continual vigilance and adaptation in the face of evolving cyber threats. The regulation, thus, sets the stage for a future where vehicles are not merely transport mechanisms but fortified nodes within an expansive network of connected mobility. The Journey to CSMS Certification The path to CSMS certification under R155 is a clear yet challenging journey that demands attention to detail and a commitment to security from vehicle manufacturers. This process starts with a considerable risk assessment, where manufacturers must identify any potential cybersecurity risks within their vehicles. This step is crucial for understanding where vulnerabilities might exist and how they can be addressed to ensure vehicles are secure. Following this, the principle of \'security by design\' becomes central to the certification process. This means that from the very beginning of designing a vehicle, cybersecurity needs to be a key consideration. It\'s about making sure that security measures are built into the vehicle from the start, rather than being added on later. This approach challenges manufacturers to think about cybersecurity as an integral part of the vehicle, just like its engine or wheels. Achieving certification is a team effort that involves not only the manufacturers but also suppliers and regulatory bodies. It\'s about working together to make sure that every part of the vehicle, from its software to its hardware, meets the high security standards set out by R155. Addressing R155 Implementation Challenges As manufacturers and suppliers are gearing up to align with the R155 regulation, however, they encounter a set of practical challenges that test their adaptability and foresight. One of the most sign Vulnerability Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-22 10:00:00 Apportez votre propre appareil: comment éduquer vos employés sur les meilleures pratiques de cybersécurité
Bring Your Own Device: How to Educate Your Employees On Cybersecurity Best Practices
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  byod With the rise of remote and flexible work arrangements, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs that allow employees to use their personal devices for work are becoming increasingly mainstream. In addition to slashing hardware costs, BYOD improves employee satisfaction by 56% and productivity by 55%, a survey by Crowd Research Partners finds. Yet, cybersecurity remains a concern for businesses. 72% are worried about data leakage or loss, while 52% fear the potential for malware on personal devices. But by implementing a strong BYOD policy and educating your employees on cybersecurity best practices, you can reap the benefits of BYOD without putting your company assets and data at risk. Put a Formal BYOD Policy in Place Just as your business has acceptable use policies in place for corporate devices, similar policies for personal devices are just as important. Your company’s BYOD policy should provide your employees with clear rules and guidelines on how they can use their devices safely at work without compromising cybersecurity. This policy should cover: Devices, software, and operating systems that can be used to access digital business resources Devices, software, and operating systems that can’t be used to access digital business resources Policies that outline the acceptable use of personal devices for corporate activities Essential security measures employees must follow on personal devices (such as, complex passwords and regular security updates) Steps employees must follow if their device is stolen or lost (like immediately report it to their manager or IT department) A statement that your business will erase company-related data from lost or stolen devices remotely What happens if an employee violates your BYOD policy (are you going to revoke certain access privileges? If you give employees an allowance to cover BYOD costs, will you freeze the funds? Provide additional corrective training?). Don’t forget to also include a signature field the employee must sign in to indicate their agreement with your BYOD policies. The best time to introduce employees to the policy is during onboarding or, for existing employees, during the network registration process for the BYOD device. Setting expectations and educating your employees is essential to protect both company data and employee privacy. Basic Cybersecurity Training When putting together your BYOD employee training program, don’t make the mistake of thinking basic device security is too…basic. It’s not. Since personal devices are usually less secure than corporate devices, they’re generally at a greater risk of data breaches, viruses, and loss or theft. Comprehensive user education that includes the basics is therefore all the more important to mitigate these risks. So as a basic rule, your employees should know not to allow their devices to auto-connect to public networks. If, on rare occasions, employees really do need to access company data on an open network, they should use a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs encrypt data and hide we Malware Vulnerability ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-17 10:00:00 Introduction à l'analyse de la composition logicielle et comment sélectionner un outil SCA
Introduction to Software Composition Analysis and How to Select an SCA Tool
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Software code is constantly growing and becoming more complex, and there is a worrying trend: an increasing number of open-source components are vulnerable to attacks. A notable instance was the Apache Log4j library vulnerability, which posed serious security risks. And this is not an isolated incident. Using open-source software necessitates thorough Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to identify these security threats. Organizations must integrate SCA tools into their development workflows while also being mindful of their limitations. Why SCA Is Important Open-source components have become crucial to software development across various industries. They are fundamental to the construction of modern applications, with estimates suggesting that up to 96% of the total code bases contain open-source elements. Assembling applications from diverse open-source blocks presents a challenge, necessitating robust protection strategies to manage and mitigate risks effectively. Software Composition Analysis is the process of identifying and verifying the security of components within software, especially open-source ones. It enables development teams to efficiently track, analyze, and manage any open-source element integrated into their projects. SCA tools identify all related components, including libraries and their direct and indirect dependencies. They also detect software licenses, outdated dependencies, vulnerabilities, and potential exploits. Through scanning, SCA creates a comprehensive inventory of a project\'s software assets, offering a full view of the software composition for better security and compliance management. Although SCA tools have been available for quite some time, the recent open-source usage surge has cemented their importance in application security. Modern software development methodologies, such as DevSecOps, emphasize the need for SCA solutions for developers. The role of security officers is to guide and assist developers in maintaining security across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), ensuring that SCA becomes an integral part of creating secure software. Objectives and Tasks of SCA Tools Software Composition Analysis broadly refers to security methodologies and tools designed to scan applications, typically during development, to identify vulnerabilities and software license issues. For effective management of open-source components and associated risks, SCA solutions help navigate several tasks: 1) Increasing Transparency A developer might incorporate various open-source packages into their code, which in turn may depend on additional open-source packages unknown to the developer. These indirect dependencies can extend several levels deep, complicating the understanding of exactly which open-source code the application uses. Reports indicate that 86% of vulnerabilities in node.js projects stem from transitive (indirect) dependencies, w Tool Vulnerability Threat Patching Prediction Cloud Commercial ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-16 10:00:00 Facteur humain de la cybersécurité: fusion de la technologie avec des stratégies centrées sur les personnes
Cybersecurity\\'s Human Factor: Merging Tech with People-Centric Strategies
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In a digital era marked by rapidly evolving threats, the complexity of cybersecurity challenges has surged, pressing organizations to evolve beyond traditional, tech-only defense strategies. As the cyber landscape grows more intricate, there\'s a pivotal shift towards embracing methods that are not just robust from a technical standpoint but are also deeply human-centric. This also means that a significant percentage of employees, driven by the high demands of operational pressures, may engage in risky cybersecurity behaviors. Such statistics illuminate the urgent need for a more nuanced approach to cybersecurity—one that not only fortifies defenses but also resonates with and supports the people behind the screens. Integrating human-centric design with continuous threat management emerges as a forward-thinking strategy, promising a balanced blend of technical excellence and user empathy to navigate the complex cybersecurity challenges of today and tomorrow. Embracing the Human Element in Cybersecurity Diving into the realm of human-centric security design and culture, it\'s clear that the future of cybersecurity isn\'t just about the latest technology—it\'s equally about the human touch. This approach puts the spotlight firmly on enhancing the employee experience, ensuring that cybersecurity measures don\'t become an unbearable burden that drives people to take shortcuts. By designing systems that people can use easily and effectively, the friction often caused by stringent security protocols can be significantly reduced. Gartner\'s insights throw a compelling light on this shift, predicting that by 2027, half of all Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) will have formally embraced human-centric security practices. This isn\'t just a hopeful guess but a recognition of the tangible benefits these practices bring to the table—reducing operational friction and bolstering the adoption of essential controls. This strategic pivot also acknowledges a fundamental truth. When security becomes a seamless part of the workflow, its effectiveness skyrockets. It\'s a win-win, improving both the user experience and the overall security posture. CTEM: Your Cybersecurity Compass in Stormy Seas Imagine that your organization\'s cybersecurity landscape isn\'t just a static battleground. Instead, it’s more like the open sea, with waves of threats coming and going, each with the potential to breach your defenses. That\'s where Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) sails in, serving as your trusted compass, guiding you through these treacherous waters. CTEM isn\'t your average, run-of-the-mill security tactic. It\'s about being proactive, scanning the horizon with a spyglass, looking for potential vulnerabilities before they even become a blip on a hacker\'s radar. Think of it as your cybersecurity early-warning system, constantly on the lookout for trou Vulnerability Threat Studies Prediction Medical Technical ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-15 10:00:00 Le cycle de vie d'un fichier numérique
The Lifecycle of a Digital File
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In the digital world, every document, image, video, or program we create leaves a trail. Understanding the lifecycle of a file, from its creation to deletion, is crucial for various purposes, including data security, data recovery, and digital forensics. This article delves into the journey a file takes within a storage device, explaining its creation, storage, access, and potential deletion phases. File Lifecycle 1. Creation: Birth of a Digital Entity A file\'s life begins with its creation. This can happen in various ways: Software Applications: When you create a new document in a word processor, edit an image in a photo editing software, or record a video, the application allocates space on the storage device and writes the data associated with the file. Downloads: Downloading a file from the internet involves copying data from the remote server to your storage device. Data Transfers: Copying a file from one location to another on the same device or transferring it to a different device creates a new instance of the file. System Processes: Operating systems and applications sometimes create temporary files during various processes. These files may be automatically deleted upon task completion. During creation, the operating system assigns a unique identifier (often a filename) to the file and stores it in a directory (folder) along with additional information about the file, known as metadata. This metadata typically includes: File size: The total amount of storage space occupied by the file. Creation date and time: The timestamp of when the file was first created. Modification date and time: The timestamp of the last time the file content was modified. File access permissions: Restrictions on who can read, write, or execute the file. File type: Information about the type of file (e.g., .docx, .jpg, .exe). 2. Storage: Finding a Home Storage devices like hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and flash drives hold the data associated with files. However, the data isn\'t stored as a continuous stream of information. Instead, it\'s broken down into smaller chunks called sectors. When a file is created, the operating system allocates a specific number of sectors on the storage device to hold the file content. This allocation process can happen in various ways depending on the file system used. Here are some key points to remember about file storage: Fragmentation: Over time, as files are created, deleted, and resized, the available sectors become fragmented across the storage device. This fragmentation can impact file access speed. File Allocation Table (FAT) or Similar Structures: Some file systems rely on a separate table (FAT) or index that keeps track of which sectors belong to specific files. Deleted Files: When a file is deleted, the operating system typically only removes the reference to the file from the directory structure. The actual data may still reside on the storage device until overwritten by new data. 3. Access: Reading and Writing We interact with files by accessing them for various purposes, such as reading a document, editing an image, or running a program. This involves the following steps: File System Request: When an application attempts to access a file, it sends a request to the operating system. Directory Lookup: The opera Tool ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-10 10:00:00 Les risques de sécurité du chat Microsoft Bing AI pour le moment
The Security Risks of Microsoft Bing AI Chat at this Time
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  AI has long since been an intriguing topic for every tech-savvy person, and the concept of AI chatbots is not entirely new. In 2023, AI chatbots will be all the world can talk about, especially after the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. Still, there was a past when AI chatbots, specifically Bing’s AI chatbot, Sydney, managed to wreak havoc over the internet and had to be forcefully shut down. Now, in 2023, with the world relatively more technologically advanced, AI chatbots have appeared with more gist and fervor. Almost every tech giant is on its way to producing large Language Model chatbots like chatGPT, with Google successfully releasing its Bard and Microsoft and returning to Sydney. However, despite the technological advancements, it seems that there remains a significant part of the risks that these tech giants, specifically Microsoft, have managed to ignore while releasing their chatbots. What is Microsoft Bing AI Chat Used for? Microsoft has released the Bing AI chat in collaboration with OpenAI after the release of ChatGPT. This AI chatbot is a relatively advanced version of ChatGPT 3, known as ChatGPT 4, promising more creativity and accuracy. Therefore, unlike ChatGPT 3, the Bing AI chatbot has several uses, including the ability to generate new content such as images, code, and texts. Apart from that, the chatbot also serves as a conversational web search engine and answers questions about current events, history, random facts, and almost every other topic in a concise and conversational manner. Moreover, it also allows image inputs, such that users can upload images in the chatbot and ask questions related to them. Since the chatbot has several impressive features, its use quickly spread in various industries, specifically within the creative industry. It is a handy tool for generating ideas, research, content, and graphics. However, one major problem with its adoption is the various cybersecurity issues and risks that the chatbot poses. The problem with these cybersecurity issues is that it is not possible to mitigate them through traditional security tools like VPN, antivirus, etc., which is a significant reason why chatbots are still not as popular as they should be. Is Microsoft Bing AI Chat Safe? Like ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat is fairly new, and although many users claim that it is far better in terms of responses and research, its security is something to remain skeptical over. The modern version of the Microsoft AI chatbot is formed in partnership with OpenAI and is a better version of ChatGPT. However, despite that, the chatbot has several privacy and security issues, such as: The chatbot may spy on Microsoft employees through their webcams. Microsoft is bringing ads to Bing, which marketers often use to track users and gather personal information for targeted advertisements. The chatbot stores users\' information, and certain employees can access it, which breaches users\' privacy. - Microsoft’s staff can read chatbot conversations; therefore, sharing sensitive information is vulnerable. The chatbot can be used to aid in several cybersecurity attacks, such as aiding in spear phishing attacks and creating ransomware codes. Bing AI chat has a feature that lets the chatbot “see” what web pages are open on the users\' other tabs. The chatbot has been known to be vulnerable to prompt injection attacks that leave users vulnerable to data theft and scams. Vulnerabilities in the chatbot have led to data le Ransomware Tool Vulnerability ChatGPT ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-09 10:00:00 La menace cachée à la vue: analyse des attaques sous-textuelles dans les communications numériques
The Hidden Threat in Plain Sight: Analyzing Subtextual Attacks in Digital Communications
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. In our always-online world, we\'re facing a new kind of cyber threat that\'s just as sneaky as it is harmful: subtextual attacks. These aren\'t your run-of-the-mill security breaches; they\'re cunningly crafted messages that may look harmless—but they actually carry a dangerous payload within them. Join me as we take a closer look at this under-the-radar, but still dangerous, threat. We\'ll explore how these deceptive messages can sneak past our defenses, trick people into taking unwanted actions, and steal sensitive information without ever tripping an alarm. The Rise of Subtextual Attacks Unlike traditional cyber attacks, which are often direct and identifiable, subtextual attacks rely on subtlety and deception. Attackers craft messages that on the surface appear harmless or unrelated to any malicious activity. However, embedded within these communications are instructions, links, or information that can compromise security, manipulate behavior, or extract sensitive data. And not only is big data paramount in advertising and other avenues, but it’s also like keeping everything in your wallet—it’s convenient, helpful even, but signals to attackers that you’re indeed willing to put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to communications. These attacks exploit the nuances of language and context and require a sophisticated understanding of human communication and digital interaction patterns. For instance, a seemingly benign email might include a specific choice of words or phrases that, when interpreted correctly, reveal a hidden command or a disguised link to a malicious site. Psychological Manipulation Through Subtext Subtextual attacks also leverage psychological manipulation, influencing individuals to act in ways that compromise security or divulge confidential information. By understanding the psychological triggers and behavioral patterns of targets, attackers craft messages that subtly guide the recipient\'s actions. For instance, an attacker might use social engineering techniques combined with subtextual cues to convince a user to bypass normal security protocols. An email that seems to come from a trusted colleague or superior, containing subtle suggestions or cues, can be more effective in eliciting certain actions than a direct request or command. Attackers can also exploit the principle of urgency or scarcity, embedding subtle cues in communications that prompt the recipient to act quickly, bypassing their usual critical thinking or security procedures. The Evolution of Digital Forensics To combat the growing rise of subtextual attacks, the field of digital forensics has evolved significantly over the past decade. Initially focused on recovering and analyzing electronic information to investigate crime, digital forensics now incorporates advanced linguistic analysis, data pattern recognition, and machine learning to detect hidden threats. Modern digital forensic tools can analyze vast qua Ransomware Tool Vulnerability Threat Medical ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-08 10:00:00 10 stratégies pour fortifier la sécurité du système SCADA
10 Strategies to Fortify SCADA System Security
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. Here are some of the best SCADA protection strategies to ensure your organization\'s safety. Late last year, Pennsylvania\'s Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa (MWAA) fell victim to a sophisticated cyberattack, targeting its SCADA system at a key booster station. This station, crucial for regulating water pressure across Raccoon and Potter townships in Beaver County, experienced a temporary loss of communication, triggering an immediate investigation. Upon closer examination, the technicians discovered a clear indication of a cyberattack: a message declaring, "You have been hacked." This startling discovery led to the swift activation of manual control systems, ensuring that water quality and supply remained unaffected despite the breach. The hacked device operated on a separate network, distinct from the main corporate systems. This separation helped to limit the breach\'s impact and prevented it from affecting other essential parts of the infrastructure. The hackers, identified as being affiliated with an Iranian group, specifically targeted this equipment due to its Israeli-made components. This choice of target was part of a broader strategy, as similar devices are commonly used in water utility stations both in the US and internationally, hinting at the potential for more widespread attacks. The incident drew significant attention from US legislators, who expressed concerns about the vulnerability of the nation\'s critical infrastructure to such cyberattacks. The breach underscored the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures across similar utilities, especially those with limited resources and exposure to international conflicts. Investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pennsylvania State Police were launched to examine the specifics of the attack. The cybersecurity community pointed out that industrial control systems, like the SCADA system breached at MWAA, often have inherent security weaknesses, making them susceptible to such targeted attacks. The following discussion on SCADA defense strategies aims to address these challenges, proposing measures to fortify these vital systems against potential cyberattacks and ensuring the security and reliability of essential public utilities. How to Enhance SCADA System Security? The breach at the MWAA sharply highlights the inherent vulnerabilities in SCADA systems, a crucial component of our critical infrastructure. In the wake of this incident, it\'s imperative to explore robust SCADA defense strategies. These strategies are not mere recommendations but essential steps towards safeguarding our essential public utilities from similar threats. 1. Network Segmentation: This strategy involves creating \'zones\' within the SCADA network, each with its own specific security controls. This could mean separating critical control systems from the rest of the network, or dividing a large system into smaller, more manageable segments. Segmentation often includes implementing demilitarized zones (DMZs) between the corporate and control networks. This reduces the risk of an attacker being able to move laterally across the network and access sensitive areas after breaching a less secure section. 2. Access Control and Authentication: Beyond basic measures, access control in SCADA systems should involve a comprehensive management of user privileges. This could include role-based access controls, where users are granted access rights depending on their job function, and time-based access controls, limiting access to certain times for specific users. Strong authentication methods also Vulnerability Threat Patching Legislation Industrial ★★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-03 10:00:00 Le rôle des contrôles d'accès dans la prévention des menaces d'initiés
The role of access controls in preventing insider threats
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. If you’ve ever worked in an IT department, you know how easily a single misclick can lead to data breaches and system compromises. Preventive efforts are critical since there’s no reliable way to truly eliminate insider threats. Can robust access controls protect your organization? The impact of insider threats on organizations Insider threats are a prominent danger regardless of the industry you’re in. In fact, 98% of U.S. organizations report being slightly to extremely vulnerable to them. This figure reveals how many are unconfident in their existing deterrents, highlighting the importance of preventative efforts. Even if you don’t believe anyone at your workplace would intentionally cause damage, you should still be wary — insider threats aren’t always malicious. Negligent employees are responsible for 60% of data breaches, meaning carelessness is a more common driver. Unfortunately, the fact that negligence is the primary driver of insider threat attacks isn’t a good thing — it means a single misclick could put your entire organization at risk. Robust access controls are among the best solutions to this situation since they can prevent careless employees from leaking data or unintentionally escalating an attacker’s permissions. Access control mechanisms are crucial for threat mitigation The main way robust access control mechanisms are crucial for addressing insider threats is through unauthorized access mitigation. Employees, whether acting negligently or with ill intent, won’t be able to do any damage to your organization when their permissions limit them from retrieving or editing sensitive data storage systems. No matter how long you’ve spent in the IT department, you know how irresponsible some employees are when dealing with sensitive data, intellectual property or identifiable details. Access control mechanisms keep information assets out of reach of most of the people in your organization, safeguarding them from being tampered with or exfiltrated. If an attacker successfully enters your organization’s systems or network, robust access control mechanisms restrict their lateral movement. Since they aren’t authorized personnel, they aren’t granted meaningful permissions. This act minimizes the damage they can do and prevents them from compromising anything else. Even if an attacker has one of your colleague’s lost or stolen devices, access controls block them from being able to do anything meaningful. Authentication measures prevent them from accessing your organization’s systems and exfiltrating sensitive data. It also helps keep them from escalating their privileges, minimizing their impact. With robust access control mechanisms, you can quickly identify indicators of compromise (IOCs) to stop threats before they become an issue. For example, spotting concurrent logins on a single user account means an attacker is using legitimate credentials, indicating a brute force, phishing or keylogging attack. Which access control systems should you implement? Although insider threats pose an issue regardless of your industry or organization’s size, you can find ways to prevent them from doing any damage. You should consider implementing access control systems to detect and deter unauthorized action, mitigating data breaches and system compromises. A standard system to consid Tool Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-02 10:00:00 Arrestations numériques: la nouvelle frontière de la cybercriminalité
Digital Arrests: The New Frontier of Cybercrime
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. The intricate world of cybercrime continues to evolve, and with it emerges a disturbing trend known as "digital arrests." In this scam, fraudsters manipulate technology to instil fear, isolate victims, and ultimately extort them for financial gain. Reports indicate that digital arrests are on the rise globally, leading to devastating consequences for individuals and businesses alike. What are Digital Arrests? Digital arrests refer to a type of a sophisticated cyber fraud where cyber-criminals impersonate law enforcement officials or other authorities. The targets of these scams are often contacted out of the blue usually on Instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and informed that their bank accounts, digital identities, or other online assets have been compromised. Criminals play into the victims\' fear by threatening them with imminent arrest, legal consequences, or public humiliation if they don\'t cooperate with a series of urgent demands. Fraudsters behind digital arrests are masters of psychological manipulation. They understand that fear and urgency are powerful motivators that can cloud judgment and lead people to act against their best interests. By creating a fabricated sense of crisis, they pressure victims into making hasty decisions without the chance for rational thought or verification. The techniques used in digital arrests are diverse and constantly evolving. Here\'s how they typically unfold: Impersonation: Criminals pose as law enforcement, bank representatives, or other authoritative figures, using forged documents and spoofed phone numbers to create a convincing facade of legitimacy. False Accusations: Victims are accused of involvement in illegal activities, money laundering, identity theft, or other serious crimes. Demands and Threats: Scammers demand sensitive information like banking credentials, passwords, and personal identification details. They instil fear with threats of arrest, hefty fines, or the release of compromising information. Technological Trickery: Fraudsters often trick victims into downloading remote access software like TeamViewer or AnyDesk, inadvertently giving criminals extensive control over their devices. Monitored \'Interrogation\': Criminals may insist on video calls to maintain their illusion of authority and monitor victims. They may threaten to fabricate and disseminate compromising evidence to extort large sums of money. Some real-life incidents as to understand these cybercrimes are given below: Case I: A Noida woman was duped out of over Rs 11 lakh (approximately $13,500 USD) in a digital arrest scam. The scammers, posing as police officers, convinced her that her identity was used in illicit activities and her involvement carried severe legal ramifications. Through prolonged interrogation on a video call, they led her to transfer the funds under the guise of protection. Case II: A 23-year-old woman was defrauded of Rs 2.5 lakh (approximately $3,000 USD) after fraudsters convinced her that her Aadhaar card details were linked to human trafficking activities. Facing threats of arrest and social humiliation, she was coerced into transferring money Vulnerability Threat Legislation Prediction Cloud ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-01 10:00:00 AI - le bon, le mauvais et effrayant
AI - The Good, Bad, and Scary
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AI and machine learning (ML) optimizes processes by making recommendations for optimizing productivity, reducing cycles, and maximizing efficiency. AI also optimizes human capital by performing mundane & repetitive tasks 24x7 without the need for rest and minimizing human errors. There are numerous benefits as to how AI can benefit society. As much as AI can propel human progress forward, it can be consequential to our own detriment without proper guidance. We need to understand the risks and challenges that comes with AI. Growing your knowledge in the new era of AI will help you and your organization evolve. AI can be a battlefield of good and evil. There’s the power to do good and the power to do evil. Here are some examples on the Good, Bad, and Scary of AI. Good Cybersecurity - Detect and respond to cyber-attacks with automation capabilities at machine speed and predict behavioral anomalies and defend against cyber threats before an actual attack occurs Banking & Finance – Detect and prevent fraud, manage risks, enable personalized services, and automate financial-decision processing Healthcare – Optimize patient interactions, develop personalized treatment plans, attain better patient experience, improve patient data accuracy, and reduce misfiled patient records Manufacturing – Predict maintenance, detect defects and quality issues, enhance productivity, generate product & component designs, and optimize inventory & demand forecasting Retail – Secure self-checkout that helps loss prevention, optimize retail operations & supply chain, and enhance customer experiences Smart cities & IoT – Manage traffic of autonomous vehicles & self-driving, manage energy consumption, optimize water usage, and streamline waste management through real-time sensor data Telecom – Predict network congestion and proactively reroute traffic to avoid outages Bad Cybercriminals – Leverage AI-powered tools and social engineering to steal identities, generate ransomware attacks, perform targeted national state attacks, and destroy national critical infrastructure Computing resources – Require heavy power supply, Thermal Design Power (TDP), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), and Random Access Memory (RAM) Environmental impact - Impact of intensive computing resources have on carbon footprint and environment Energy cost – Rise in electric power usage and water for cooling and increasing computational costs translates into carbon emissions Bias & Discrimination - Propagate biases as a result of bad training data, incomplete data, and poorly trained AI model Inequality – Widen the gap between the rich and poor and increase inequality in society Privacy – Loss of data privacy from insecure AI systems, unencrypted data sources, and misuse & abuse Skills loss - Reduce human critical thinking skills to uncover root issues, solve complex problems, and ability to write at college level and professionally Scary Job loss and displacement - Replace humans with robots across every sector to perform highly skilled professional jobs Overreliance on AI – Rely heavily on AI to make important decisions like electing medical procedures, making life or death decisions, or choosing political candidates Dominance of AI - Potential ability of AI to surpass human intelligence and take control Monopoly by tech – a select number of tech companies could monopolize the economy and have undue influence over the social construct of our daily lives from buying patterns to everyday decision-making Deepfakes – Generate deepfakes with manipulated videos and images to influence discussions on social media and online forums Propaganda & Disinformation – Deploy human a Ransomware Tool Prediction Medical ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-27 10:00:00 Techniques avancées de numérisation NMAP
Advanced Nmap Scanning Techniques
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. Beyond its fundamental port scanning capabilities, Nmap offers a suite of advanced techniques designed to uncover vulnerabilities, bypass security measures, and gather valuable insights about target systems. Let\'s take a look at these techniques: 1. Vulnerability Detection Syntax: nmap -sV --script=vulners vuln detection Nmap\'s vulnerability detection feature, facilitated by the \'vulners\' script, enables users to identify outdated services susceptible to known security vulnerabilities. By querying a comprehensive vulnerability database, Nmap provides valuable insights into potential weaknesses within target systems. 2. Idle Scanning Syntax: nmap -sI nmap idle scanning Idle scanning represents a stealthy approach to port scanning, leveraging a "zombie" host to obfuscate the origin of scan requests. By monitoring changes in the zombie host\'s IP identification number (IP ID) in response to packets sent to the target, Nmap infers the state of the target\'s ports without direct interaction. 3. Firewall Testing (Source Port Spoofing) Syntax: nmap --source-port nmap firewall testing This technique involves testing firewall rules by sending packets with unusual source ports. By spoofing the source port, security professionals can evaluate the effectiveness of firewall configurations and identify potential weaknesses in network defenses. 4. Service-Specific Probes (SMB Example) Syntax: nmap -sV -p 139,445 --script=smb-vuln* nmap probes Nmap\'s service-specific probes enable detailed examination of services, such as the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol commonly used in Windows environments. By leveraging specialized scripts, analysts can identify vulnerabilities and assess the security posture of target systems. 5. Web Application Scanning (HTTP title grab) Syntax: nmap -sV -p 80 --script=http-title title grab nmap scan Web application scanning with Nmap allows users to gather information about web servers, potentially aiding in vulnerability identification and exploitation. By analyzing HTTP response headers, Nmap extracts valuable insights about target web applications and server configurations. Nmap Scripting Engine: One of the standout features of Nmap is its robust scripting engine (NSE), which allows users to extend the tool\'s functionality through custom scripts and plugins. NSE scripts enable users to automate tasks, perform specialized scans, gather additional information, and even exploit vulnerabilities in target systems. nmap --script-help scriptname Shows help about scripts. For each script matching the given specification, Nmap prints the script name, its categories, and its description. The specifications are the same as those accepted by --script; so, for example if you want help about the ssl-enum-ciphers script, you would run nmap --script-help ssl-enum-ciphers nmap scripting Users can leverage existing NSE scripts or develop custom scripts tailored to their specific requirements. Tool Vulnerability Threat ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-26 10:00:00 L'importance croissante du CAASM dans la stratégie de cybersécurité de l'entreprise
The Growing Importance of CAASM in Company Cybersecurity Strategy
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. The recent years\' events, including the proliferation of ransomware, the pandemic, and political tensions, have fast-tracked the development of both offensive and defensive tools in the cyber domain. Cybersecurity concepts that were nascent a few years ago are now being refined, demonstrating the practical benefits of modern digital risk management strategies. Gartner analysts have highlighted the expansion of the attack surface as a significant risk for corporate cyber environments in the upcoming years. The most vulnerable entities include IoT devices, cloud apps, open-source systems, and complex software supply chains. There is an increasing demand for concepts like Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM), External Attack Surface Management (EASM), and Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) in corporate security frameworks. This trend is also documented in Gartner\'s "hype" chart. Let\'s discuss the concept of CAASM, which is centered on identifying and managing all digital assets within an organization, whether they are internal or external. This approach aims to provide a comprehensive view and control over the organization\'s cyber environment, enhancing security measures and management practices. What Is CAASM CAASM assists IT departments in achieving end-to-end visibility of a company\'s cyber assets. This strategy creates a fuller understanding of the actual state of the infrastructure, enabling the security team to respond promptly to existing threats and potential future ones. CAASM-based products and solutions integrate with a broad array of data sources and security tools. CAASM gathers and aggregates data and analyzes perimeter traffic, providing a continuous, multi-dimensional view of the entire attack surface. Having access to current asset data enables information security officers to visualize the infrastructure and address security gaps promptly. They can prioritize the protection of assets and develop a unified perspective on the organization\'s actual security posture. This sets the stage for proactive risk management strategies. Exploring CAASM\'s Core Functions The CAASM approach equips security professionals with a variety of tools necessary for effectively managing an organization\'s attack surface and addressing risks. Asset Discovery A lack of visibility into all of an organization\'s assets heightens the risk of cyberattacks. Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management products automatically detect and catalog every component of a company\'s digital infrastructure, encompassing local, cloud, and various remote systems, including shadow IT. A company employing CAASM gains a clear overview of all its deployed web applications, servers, network devices, and cloud services. CAASM facilitates a comprehensive inventory of the devices, applications, networks, and users constituting the company\'s attack surface. Vulnerability Detection It is important to understand the risks each asset poses, such as missing the latest security updates or opportunities to access sensitive data. CAASM systems integrate asset data, helping security teams identify misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and oth Ransomware Tool Vulnerability Threat Prediction Cloud ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-25 10:00:00 Décodage des implications de cybersécurité de l'avancement rapide de l'AI \\
Decoding the Cybersecurity Implications of AI\\'s Rapid Advancement
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The genius at the heart of AI—its ability to sift through mountains of data, actually spot a needle in a haystack, and act on threats before they blossom into full-scale emergencies—it’s undeniable. However, here’s the rub—every part of that impressive arsenal? It’s also up for grabs by the other side, and can (and will) arm them to launch attacks of unprecedented sophistication and elusiveness, the likes of which we’ve thankfully never seen up to now. How do we wield this impressive technology to fortify our defenses, while preventing it from falling into the wrong hands? Can such a thing even be accomplished? Join me below as we take a closer look at how AI’s rapid rise is changing the landscape of cybersecurity. AI as a Defense Tool AI is a reliable navigator for charting the digital deluge—it has the ability to handle vast quantities of information rapidly on a level that no human could ever hope to match. It doesn’t take a huge leap to come to the conclusion that those capabilities can very easily be leveraged for defense. Automated Threat Detection Think of AI as the ever-watchful eye, tirelessly scanning the horizon for signs of trouble in the vast sea of data. Its capability to detect threats with speed and precision beyond human ken is our first line of defense against the shadows that lurk in the network traffic, camouflaged in ordinary user behavior, or embedded within the seemingly benign activities of countless applications. AI isn’t just about spotting trouble; it’s about understanding it. Through machine learning, it constructs models that learn from the DNA of malware, enabling it to recognize new variants that bear the hallmarks of known threats. This is akin to recognizing an enemy’s tactics, even if their strategy evolves. All of what I’ve said also here applies to incident response—with AI’s ability to automatically meet threats head-on making a holistic cybersecurity posture both easier to achieve and less resource-intensive for organizations of all sizes. Predictive Analytics By understanding the patterns and techniques used in previous breaches, AI models can predict where and how cybercriminals might strike next. This foresight enables organizations to reinforce their defenses before an attack occurs, transforming cybersecurity from a reactive discipline into a proactive strategy that helps prevent breaches rather than merely responding to them. The sophistication of predictive analytics lies in its use of diverse data sources, including threat intelligence feeds, anomaly detection reports, and global cybersecurity trends. This comprehensive view allows AI systems to identify correlations and causations that might elude human analysts. Phishing Detection and Email Filtering AI has stepped up as a pivotal ally in the ongoing skirmish against phishing and other forms of social engineering attacks, which too often lay the groundwork for more invasive security breaches. Through meticulous analysis of email content, context, and even the Spam Tool Vulnerability Threat Prediction Technical Deloitte ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-19 10:00:00 Techniques de numérisation NMAP
Nmap scanning techniques
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  In our previous blog, we explored the significance of host discovery techniques using Nmap, Netdiscover, and Angry IP Scanner. Now, let\'s dive deeper into the network reconnaissance and focus specifically on the powerful features offered by Nmap. Renowned for its versatility and robust feature set, Nmap enables analysts to probe networked systems, map network topology, identify open ports, detect services, and even determine operating system details. Its command-line interface, coupled with a myriad of options and scripting capabilities, makes it an indispensable asset for security professionals, network administrators, and ethical hackers alike. I have used a virtual environment created mainly for demonstration purposes to see these scanning techniques in action, Target machine for this demonstration is metasploitable2 (, Attacker Machine is Kali Linux ( We already have seen how to discover hosts in a networked environment in our previous blog. Additionally, you can refer to nmap.org for better understanding of these techniques. Let\'s take a look at different techniques nmap offers: 1. TCP SYN scan (-sS): The TCP SYN scan, also known as a half-open scan, sends SYN pack Vulnerability ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-18 10:00:00 Explorer les risques de la technologie de suivi des yeux dans la sécurité VR
Exploring the risks of eye-tracking technology in VR security
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Virtual reality (VR) offers profound benefits across industries, particularly in education and training, thanks to its immersive nature. Through derivatives, such as 3D learning environments, VR enables learners to gain a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts more quickly and efficiently.  However, with the benefits come some dangers. One such risk is the integration of eye-tracking technology within virtual reality environments. While eye-tracking promises to make experiences better and improve security through biometric verification, it also raises privacy concerns.  This technology, though handy, could be exploited by cybercriminals. For instance, a recent paper by Rutgers University shows that hackers could use common virtual reality (AR/VR) headsets with motion sensors to capture facial movements linked to speech. This could lead to the theft of sensitive data communicated through voice commands, like credit card numbers and passwords.  Tool Cloud ★★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-14 10:00:00 Spyware commercial: la menace furtive
Commercial spyware: The stealthy threat
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It can be difficult to over-estimate the benefits that we accrue from the use of technology in our day to day lives. But these benefits have come at a price which has redefined what we expect in terms of privacy. As a member of Generation X, which came of age at the dawn of the Internet era and witnessed the rise of an entire industry built on consumer information analytics, I have on occasion struck my own Faustian bargains, offering up my personal data in exchange for convenience. As have we all.  In doing so we are implicitly trusting the organization that runs the website or app in question to safeguard our information effectively.  Spyware, as the name suggests, is software designed to covertly gather data about a victim without their consent. Spyware can infect both computers and mobile devices, infiltrating them through malicious or hacked websites, phishing emails, and software downloads. Unlike other forms of malware that may seek to disrupt or damage systems, spyware operates discreetly, often evading detection while silently siphoning off sensitive information. When deployed against individuals this data can range from browsing habits and keystrokes to login credentials and financial information. Spyware can access microphones and cameras for purposes of gathering intelligence or evidence when deployed by government agencies, or capturing content for purposes of sale, blackmail, or other monetization schemes if deployed by threat actors. The effects of which can be devastating.  The proliferation of commercial spyware poses significant risks to companies as well. Commercial spyware is a niche industry which develops and markets software for the purpose of data collection. Their products use many of the same methods as other kinds of malware.  Often, commercial spyware leverages zero-day exploits that were either developed by the vendor in question or purchased from independent researchers. For example, in a recent report, Google researchers concluded that approximately half of the zero-day vulnerabilities targeting their products over the past decade were the work of “Commercial Surveillance Vendors” (https://www.scmagazine.com/news/spyware-behind-nearly-50-of-zeros-days-targeting-google-products).  Ransomware Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Legislation Mobile Commercial ★★
Last update at: 2024-07-07 05:08:27
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