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Fortinet.webp 2017-07-27 21:00:00 For Cybercrime, Innovation is the Land of Opportunity (lien direct) The first day here at Black Hat is over. On the expo floor, a number of vendors are promoting that they now provide critical threat intelligence along with the other technologies they provide. Of course, in general, this is a good thing. The biggest challenge organizations have historically faced has been a lack of visibility into their networks, especially cloud and virtualized environments. The challenge, however, is how are organizations supposed to consume, correlate, and make use of all of this information? Dozens of intelligence feeds from...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-27 12:58:00 Thoughts from Black Hat on Threat Intelligence and Automation (lien direct) The biggest trend in security today seems to be information sharing. Everyone agrees that sharing threat intelligence is key to detecting and stopping attacks. The challenge isn't that there aren't enough sources for threat intelligence, but that there is simply too much information being generated, and that includes far too much redundancy. What we need an ecosystem to vet and process the information first – an information exchange and clearing house – like the cyber threat alliance (CTA) that Fortinet helped establish back...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-26 12:58:00 NSS Labs NGFW Report: Fortinet Receives 4th Consecutive Recommended Rating (lien direct) One of the biggest security challenges organizations face is sorting through solutions from literally hundreds of vendors in the IT market to find the one that is going to provide them with the best protection at a cost they can afford. Each of these vendors claims to solve critical security issues, and they use volumes of white papers and marketing campaigns to promote their solutions. Of course, proper security is essential. As networks continue to expand and become more complex, organizations are increasingly reliant on effective...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-26 12:58:00 Evolving Towards Intent-Based Security (lien direct) In this second installment, begun with ”The Evolution of the Firewall,” we will take a look at the direction security is headed. From its humble beginnings, the firewall has evolved through several stages of development. Its latest incarnation, built on the legacy of its first two generations, implements the strategic pillars of Segmentation, Access Control, and Real-time analytics/action to realize intent-based network security. The Three Generations of the Firewall With the advantage of looking backwards in time, it's now...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-24 12:58:00 The Need for Threat Intelligence (lien direct) These are challenging times for security leaders. Business pressures require faster processing of more data, and support for more devices than ever before. Critical data that used to be housed in a secured datacenter now moves across an increasingly complex ecosystem of networked environments, including IoT, cloud, mobile devices and workers, and virtualized networks. The rate of change in some environments is so rapid that many organizations simply can't keep up. A recent Forrester survey of 342 security leaders found that the largest... Guideline ★★★★★
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-21 19:06:05 The Evolution of the Firewall (lien direct) As the Internet and Digital Economy have grown up, the humble Firewall has continued to serve as their go-to security appliance. In this first of a two-part series, we will examine how, in spite of the evolution of the Firewall through a number of shapes, functions, and roles, it remains the security foundation for implementing the strategic pillars of Segmentation, Access Control, and Real-time analytics/action now and into the future. Change is a fact of life; what doesn't change usually withers and dies. This is true for both the biological...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-20 12:58:00 Byline: It\'s Time to Get Serious About Web Application Security (lien direct) As application-focused threats continue to evolve, both in number and sophistication, a single web application security device is typically not enough to defend the entire, distributed network. Instead, organizations need to consider investing in a multi-pronged web application security approach that can tie different devices together, and leverage and share intelligence across a variety of other security and network devices. It's also increasingly important to have a centralized, unified console, such as a FortiWeb Web Application Firewall.
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-19 12:58:00 Why Top Healthcare Institutions are Moving Toward Integrated Security Solutions (lien direct) According to a report posted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 87 percent of office-based physicians had adopted some form of electronic health record (EHR) as of 2015. This is more than double the 42 percent that had done so when data was collected in 2008. Along with an increase in EHR adoption, we have also witnessed a global healthcare revolution in data collection and research. Access to such data improves the care and quality of life of those individuals these institutions serve. The challenge...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-18 12:58:00 Black Hat Executive Interviews: Q&A with Phil Quade, Fortinet CISO (lien direct) Q: You joined Fortinet recently after three decades in cybersecurity roles in government, including most recently the NSA. What has that experience taught you about the nature and scope of the threats that organizations face these days? Some people say that street cops and detectives see an especially negative view of humanity, because, more often than not, they are called to assist with an unlawful or sad situation.  Similarly, coming from the foreign intelligence business, you get a first-hand view of what foreign adversaries aspire to...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-14 12:58:00 Visit Fortinet at Black Hat 2017 (lien direct) Fortinet is proud to be a Platinum Plus Sponsor at Black Hat's 20th anniversary conference, being held this July 22-27 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. Our booth is #915. This year's booth includes a live theater, and we have lined up great presentations from Fabric-Ready Partners, as well as from some of Fortinet's top solutions experts.  The presentation schedule will be posted online before the show, and a schedule will also be available at the booth. In addition, Derek Manky, Fortinet's...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-14 12:58:00 Securing the Digital World, Part II (lien direct) Sixteen years ago, Fortinet predicted the emergence of a digital economy where data would be driving business. We understood that this would require scaling the Internet to support hyperconnected network infrastructures. To accomplish this, network infrastructures that hadn't fundamentally changed for decades would have to be radically redesigned. The challenge was that traditional security solutions were never designed to protect this new environment. To meet this challenge, we began engineering security tools around a universal operating...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-13 12:58:00 Byline: Know Your Enemy: Understanding Threat Actors (lien direct) This is Part II of a series. Read Part I here. Sun Tzu wrote in his famous book, The Art of War, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” In my previous article, “Are you Aware of Your Cyber Situation,” I discussed how important it is for you to understand your business as it relates to your digital...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-12 15:50:00 (Déjà vu) Incomplete Patch: More Joomla! Core XSS Vulnerabilities Are Found (lien direct) Joomla! is one of the world's most popular content management systems (CMS). It enables users to build Web sites and powerful online applications. More than 3 percent of Web sites are running Joomla!, and it accounts for more than 9 percent of CMS market share. As of July 2017, Joomla! has been downloaded over 82 million times. Over 7,800 free and commercial extensions are available from the official Joomla! Extension Directory, and more are available from other sources. In my last blog, I discovered 2 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-12 12:58:00 Don\'t Take It from Us – FortiGate Enterprise Network Firewall Customer Reviews (lien direct) Last year, Gartner launched a new website and service called Peer Insights. Its goal is to provide organizations looking at adopting new technologies or solutions with access to the collective knowledge and experience of IT professionals that have already evaluated and adopted similar technology. Their posted reviews offer detailed perspectives and firsthand experience with a wide range of solutions for every phase of the IT lifecycle - from evaluation and implementation to service and support. In the Enterprise Firewall category, for example,...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-12 12:58:00 Information Governance for Healthcare Institutions (lien direct) Information governance is nothing new, but for it to be effective, it requires understanding, flexibility, and collaboration between a variety of teams and departments. Fortinet's Susan Biddle offers her insights into the role of information governance in organizational security and how healthcare organizations can adapt. Can solid information governance boost security for an organization? If so, in what ways? Security is all about protecting the critical assets and intellectual property of an organization, while maximizing their value....
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-12 12:58:00 Securing the Digital World, Part I (lien direct) Today's digital economy is driving a technology revolution. Networks now include on-demand infrastructure, cloud-based services, software defined perimeters, and the growth of smart devices and IoT. Networks and infrastructures are also increasingly hyperconnected. What's been missing is a security strategy to protect these new environments. The Internet was first begun as a point-to-point networking solution 50 years ago. The first generation of security was connection-oriented because it was primarily a firewall and VPN that...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-11 14:30:00 FortiGate Moves to the Leader\'s Quadrant (lien direct) Fortinet's FortiGate solution has just shifted into the leader's quadrant in the 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Network Firewalls report. This report acknowledges the 'completeness' of our Security Fabric vision, along with our ability to execute, as factors for our advanced placement. We believe the Magic Quadrant results provide a great opportunity to highlight key innovations that are driving our vision for the future of enterprise firewalls. FortiGate is the most patented security solution in the world.... Guideline
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-11 12:58:00 Outsmarting the Next Ransomware with Advanced Threat Protections (lien direct) Ransomware has recently reasserted itself into the public eye in a big way. The May cyberattack carried out by the malware WannaCry was one of the worst ransomware attacks ever, affecting over 300,000 computers operating MS Windows around the world. Unfortunately, the attack has once again demonstrated that far too many organizations do not have an effective security protocol in place, or do not take it seriously until after disaster strikes. In this case, the Microsoft vulnerability exploited by WannaCry had been patched in March, but many users... Wannacry
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-10 12:58:00 Considering the Cloud? Five Questions to Ask (lien direct) The cloud is an increasingly attractive prospect for federal agencies, but many still have unanswered questions about how public cloud security stacks up. With the president's recent cybersecurity executive order emphasizing the shift to the cloud, agencies will have to move quickly to comply. Below are five questions that federal technology buyers should ask public cloud providers to see if they have what it takes to store and manage federal data securely. 1. Do you allow auditing or pen testing in your environment? Many customers are...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-09 16:05:00 Key Differences Between Petya and NotPetya (lien direct) There have already been a lot of write-ups for the NotPetya malware. This article is just a supplement for what is already out there. Our focus is to highlight some key differences between a previous strain of the Petya ransomware and the malware that scared everyone a few weeks ago, which is now sometimes being referred to as NotPetya. I posted a blog post a couple of months ago about the MBR (Master Boot Record) infected by Petya. I explained how the ransomware infected the boot process and how it executed its own kernel code. In this post,... NotPetya
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-09 16:00:00 Petya\'s Master Boot Record Infection (lien direct) Last week we started our technical analysis on Petya (also called NotPetya) and its so-called “killswitch.” In that blog post we mentioned that Petya looks for a file in the Windows folder that has the same filename (no extension) as itself (for example: C:\Windows\Petya). If it exists, it terminates by calling ExitProcess. If it doesn't exist, it creates a file with the attribute DELETE_ON_CLOSE. This seems to imply that instead of a killswitch, this file is meant to be a marker to check and see if the system has already been infected. After... NotPetya
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-09 14:08:00 Unmasking Android Malware: A Deep Dive into a New Rootnik Variant, Part III (lien direct) In this final blog in the Rootnik series we will finish our analysis of this new variant. Let's start by looking into the script shell rsh. Analysis of the script shell Through our investigation we are able to see how the script shell works: First, it writes the content of the file .ir into /system/etc/install-recovery.sh. The file install-recovery.sh is a startup script. When the android device is booted, the script can be executed. The following is the content of the file .ir. Next, it writes some files...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-09 14:06:00 Unmasking Android Malware: A Deep Dive into a New Rootnik Variant, Part II (lien direct) In part I of this blog, I finished the analysis of the native layer of a newly discovered Rootnik malware variant, and got the decrypted real DEX file. Here in part II, we will continue our analysis. A look into the decrypted real DEX file The entry of the decrypted DEX file is the class demo.outerappshell.OuterShellApp. The definition of the class OuterShellApp is shown below. Figure 1. The class demo.outerappshell.OuterShellApp We will first analyze the function attachBaseContext(). The following is the function aBC() in the class...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-09 14:05:00 Unmasking Android Malware: A Deep Dive into a New Rootnik Variant, Part I (lien direct) Part I: How to Unpack the Malware App This past January I performed a deep analysis of an Android rootnik malware variant and posted them to this blog. Since then, I have continued to monitor this Android malware family. In early June, FortiGuard Labs found a new variant of the Android rootnik malware that disguises itself as a legal app. It then uses open-sourced Android root exploit tools to gain root access on an Android device. To be clear, this malware was NOT found in Google Play. The developer of the malware app repackaged a legal app...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-07 12:58:00 Network Security in the Era of the Millennials (lien direct) One of the toughest gigs in IT is the job of keeping an organization's network safe. It is also one that is getting tougher with the rise of the millennial generation. Millennials - those in their 20s to mid-30s - are starting to dominate workplaces around the world. More than one-in-three workers in the US are millennials, a 2015 study by Pew Research Center found. And this demographic group will account for half of the global workforce by 2020, according to PwC. The term “millennial” has many connotations. Among them: They...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-07 12:58:00 Google Chromebook Security: At The Forefront of Education Discussions (lien direct) During a 2015 event at the Northwestern Institute for Policy Research, participating panelists discussed the digital revolution and the classroom's exposure to it. At the time, school districts had begun to adopt 1:1 policies, where each student would have access to laptops or tablets. Google was at the forefront of this surge, gaining a healthy chunk of new users each year across the education industry. Today, the formidable duo of the Google Chromebook and the G Suite for Education has changed the way education is approached. In this...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-06 20:00:00 WannaCry and Petya: The Circus Comes to Town (lien direct) By now, you will have all heard about the rampant spread of ransomware through countless press pieces, blog articles, and far too often, the outrageous claims of some security vendors. But let's stop and think for a minute or two. How did these attacks happen? Are companies focusing on valid threats, fixing the right problems, or developing correct processes? Have so-called disruptive technologies disrupted our thinking? Let's not go tactical. Instead, we need to consider, “what is our best strategy?” Ever since the... Wannacry
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-05 17:00:00 Visit Fortinet at Microsoft Inspire 2017 (lien direct) Fortinet is proud to be a Sponsor at Microsoft Inspire 2017. This year's worldwide partner conference is being held July 9-13 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Visit us at Booth #1015, or Table #SC3-11 in the Connect meeting area We will be providing security demos, including cloud-based solutions designed for Microsoft Azure, at Fortinet Booth #1015. Attendees can also schedule a meeting with the Fortinet team at table SC3-11 in the Connect meeting area through their personal MyInspire page....
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-05 15:00:00 Fortinet in ETSI Security Week (lien direct) Fortinet participated as a sponsor and panellist at the NFV (Network Function Virtualization) tracks at ETSI Security Week, held on June 14th at ETSI's headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, in the South of France. Fortinet is a participant in the ETSI NFV ISG group, focusing on NFV security, and earlier this year, Fortinet also participated in the ETSI plug-test to ensure VNF's interoperability with different NFV stacks in real-world environments.
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-04 12:58:00 SSTIC 2017 in a Nutshell (lien direct) This blog post is a summary of SSTIC, a major infosec conference held in France. As usual, this year's conference came with excellent presentations. The sessions have been recorded, and the papers are available on the website, although most of the content is in French. For a detailed wrap-up of SSTIC, please read @xme: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 SSTIC is one of the few IT conferences which (1) ask authors to submit full papers, (2) from which you return with information or tools to work on, and (3) whose presentations are mostly...
Fortinet.webp 2017-07-03 12:58:00 Byline: Petya, Wannacry, and Mirai - Is This the New Normal? (lien direct) This past year, cybercriminals have upped the stakes once again with the high profile, global attacks of Mirai, Wannacry, and Petya, launched one after the other. Of course, large-scale attacks aren't new. Attacks like the ILOVEYOU worm and Code Red and Nimda were massive attacks, some of which affected exponentially more devices and organizations that this latest round of attacks. The spread of WannaCry and Petya were quickly curbed unlike these worms of the past. But this isn't just about scale. Unlike in years past, the new digital... Wannacry
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-30 16:34:52 Questions to Ask When Navigating the E-Rate Program (lien direct) As reliance on technology continues to grow, and students inevitably require greater access to web assets, schools have been keeping up by incorporating programs that allow for more devices and a more web-focused curriculum. While it's important to provide these services, between paying for internet access and securing the network, they typically come at a great cost. To mitigate these costs, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and its subsidiary, the Universal Services Administrative Committee (USAC), implemented the E-rate program,...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-29 12:59:00 Preventing Cloud Blindness (lien direct) For many organizations, embracing the potential of the new digital economy involves migrating services, data, and infrastructure to the cloud. The cloud is a powerfully disruptive technology. It allows businesses to be more agile, responsive, and available than ever before by transforming traditional compute architectures and best practices that have been in place for decades. Most organizations today have some sort of a cloud strategy. Nearly all of them are adopting a hybrid cloud infrastructure that combines their private cloud with one or...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-28 18:05:00 A Technical Analysis of the Petya Ransomworm (lien direct) Yesterday, a new ransomware wreaked havoc across the world. This new malware variant, which combines the functionality of ransomware with the behaviors of a worm, is being called Petya, Petrwrap, and even NotPetya, since researchers are still investigating as to whether its ability to modify the Master Boot Record of a targeted machine is based on the Petya family of malware. Fortinet has designated this new hybrid form of malware as a ransomworm, and this outbreak was reported to use the same worm mechanism to spread across the Internet as WannaCry,... NotPetya Wannacry
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-28 16:15:52 In-Depth Analysis of .NET Malware JavaUpdtr (lien direct) FortiGuard Labs recently captured some malware which was developed with the Microsoft .Net framework. I analyzed one of them, and in this blog, I'm going to show you how it is able to steal information from a victim's machine. The malware was spread via a Microsoft Word document that contained an auto-executable malicious VBA Macro. Figure 1 below shows how it looks when it's opened. Figure 1. When the malicious Word document is opened What the VBA code does Once you click the “Enable Content”...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-28 12:55:00 Fortinet UTM: A Gartner\'s Magic Quadrant Leader 8 Times in a Row (lien direct) Fortinet's UTM solutions have been positioned in the leader's quadrant of Gartner's annual Magic Quadrant for Unified Threat Management report for the 8th year in a row. In this year's report, Gartner recognized the 'completeness' of our solution, which includes the Security Fabric vision, and we also achieved the highest placement for our ability to execute on that vision. Unified Threat Management, or UTM, solutions consolidate security and networking functions into a single device to simplify business infrastructures... Guideline
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-27 17:00:00 New Ransomworm Follows WannaCry Exploits (lien direct) We are currently tracking a new ransomware variant sweeping across the globe known as Petya. It is currently having an impact on a wide range of industries and organizations, including critical infrastructure such as energy, banking, and transportation systems. This is a new generation of ransomware designed to take advantage of timely exploits. This current version is targeting the same vulnerabilities that we exploited during the recent Wannacry attack this past May. This latest attack, known as Petya, is something we are referring to as... Wannacry
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-27 12:59:00 The Need for Situational Awareness (lien direct) As human beings, we are continually looking for knowledge or information to help improve any situation. If we live or work in a crowded city, for example, we want to know which routes are best to avoid getting stuck in traffic. When we enter a restaurant or movie theater we look for the exits. And when suspicious looking person enters the room, part of our mind automatically keeps track of him. This behavior is known as situational awareness, and it's second nature to most of us. But while such behavior often occurs in our everyday...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-26 12:50:00 Fortinet FortiWeb Advanced Application Security Integrates with Microsoft Azure Security Center (lien direct) The emerging trend towards security automation is becoming essential for cloud deployment. Traditionally, businesses configure a Web Application Firewall with static policies to address unchanging, known-bad threats. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to get them all right in Public Cloud environment. With a growing number of attack variants, more rules you add the more potential there is to run into false positives. FortiWeb's integration with the Azure Security Center now allows customers to take a reactive policy approach to web security...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-25 07:00:00 Google\'s 2017 CTF – The “ASCII Art Client” Challenge (lien direct)     In our last blog in this series, we discussed FortiGuard Labs' participation in Google's second annual Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. In this blogpost, I want to share how I solved another challenge, called“ASCII Art Client”. ChallengeDescription For this challenge, participants were given two files: a binary file aart_client and a network capture aart_client_capture.pcap. File1: aart_client File2: aart_client_capture.pcap The goal of the challenge was: This client displays nice...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-23 16:00:00 Hughes-Fortinet Partnership Brings Zero-Touch Simplicity to Distributed Retail Organizations (lien direct) Hughes Network Systems is a leading managed network service provider for highly distributed enterprises that need to operate and deliver uniform performance across large numbers of branch locations. They have been a long-time Fortinet partner, delivering innovative managed network solutions that leverage Fortinet platforms by combining Fortinet's security capabilities with Hughes' broadband transport, routing, and WAN optimization technologies. We recently sat down with Jeff Bradbury, Senior Director of Marketing at Hughes, to talk... Guideline
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-23 12:59:00 Byline: Four Tips for a Cyber-Safe Summer (lien direct) Summer is upon us – a time for family, fun and travel. Whether you're going around the block or around the world, odds are you're taking your work laptop (just in case). And of course, you're taking your smartphone. Maybe you'll want to check email on your phone using the hotel's public WiFi. Maybe the kids want to play an online game on that laptop.  If you haven't exercised good cybersecurity hygiene, though, you could be opening yourself up to all kinds of fun-zapping connectivity catastrophe...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-22 15:00:03 (Déjà vu) Security Research News in Brief - May 2017 Edition (lien direct) Welcome back to our monthly review of some of the most interesting security research publications. This month, let's do a bit of crypto... Past editions: April 2017 March 2017 P. Carru, Attack TrustZone with Rowhammer Rowhammer is an attack on DRAM, which consists in repeatedly accessing given rows of the DRAM to cause random bit flips in adjacent rows. Until now, the attack hadn't been demonstrated on ARM's TrustZone: but that's what the author implemented. He demonstrated that, using...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-22 13:00:03 The Role of the Healthcare CIO Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (lien direct) Today's healthcare networks are intricate ecosystems of different networks comprised of a wide variety of connected devices and moving data, but they weren't always this open. The industry as a whole has had to rapidly shift gears. Healthcare data now flows faster than ever, and it isn't slowing down. As a result, the role of the healthcare chief information officer (CIO) has had to expand and adapt. As networks expand and connected devices permeate the healthcare landscape, the CIO will continue to play an increasingly important...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-22 01:00:00 Google\'s 2017 CTF Challenge: Mindreader (lien direct) This past June 17th and 18th, 2017, Google hosted their second annual Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. The Google team created security challenges and puzzles that contestants were able to earn points for solving. It's a clever way to leverage the security community to help protect Google users, and the web as a whole. Last year, over 2,400 teams competed, and this year the number was even higher. FortiGuard Labs decided to pull together a team and then write up a report on the experience. So, first things first, this challenge was...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-20 12:56:00 Strengthening the Security Fabric of Blockchain (lien direct) Blockchain is a shared and continuously reconciled database used to maintain a list of digital records, called blocks. It is quickly becoming an important tool not just for financial information, but also for managing and recording virtually all types of data, such as medical and other records, identity management, and transaction processing. Because a blockchain database is distributed and interconnected, it provides several essential services. The first is transparency. Because data is embedded within the network as a whole, it is by definition...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-19 12:56:00 Executive Insights: Managing Risk through Digital Trust (lien direct) In the context of digital trust, effective cybersecurity can become an essential enabler of digital transformation. In other words, if organizations and users can't trust their data, and trust that it is safe, they will not engage, and the Digital Economy will fail.
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-16 13:04:00 Why SIEM Solutions Are Essential to Securing Healthcare Networks (lien direct) Nine out of ten healthcare organizations have suffered a breach in the past two years, according to a new Ponemon study, and the data shows that these breaches could be costing the industry upwards of $6 billion. When analyzing the sources of these breaches, it should come as no surprise that criminal attacks represent more than half of the total as healthcare records provide a treasure trove of valuable data. The remainder of the breaches tends to result from internal issues like employee mistakes, third-party snags, and stolen connected devices. While...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-15 13:29:00 Higher Education: Critical Infrastructure and the Dark Cloud of Cyber Threats (lien direct) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified 16 sectors that have been determined to be designated as critical infrastructure due to the debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination that would result from any of these sectors being compromised. Included in this list of 16 is the Government Facilities Sector, which covers, “a wide variety of buildings, located in the United States and overseas, that are owned or leased by federal, state, local, and tribal governments.”...
Fortinet.webp 2017-06-14 16:19:29 WINS Server Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Server (lien direct) Summary In December 2016, FortiGuard Labs discovered and reported a WINS Server remote memory corruption vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Server. In June of 2017, Microsoft replied to FortiGuard Labs, saying, "a fix would require a complete overhaul of the code to be considered comprehensive. The functionality provided by WINS was replaced by DNS and Microsoft has advised customers to migrate away from it." That is, Microsoft will not be patching this vulnerability due to the amount of work that would be required. Instead, Microsoft...
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