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Netskope.webp 2024-05-28 15:00:00 Les principaux rapports d'analystes sur le service de sécurité (SSE) soulignent un avenir à la plate-forme
Leading Analyst Reports on Security Service Edge (SSE) Underscore A Platform-forward Future
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> Au cas où vous l'auriez manqué, Netskope a de nouveau été nommé leader dans le Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ pour le service de service de sécurité (SSE), a placé la plus haute capacité à exécuter et le plus éloigné de l'exhaustivité de la vision.2024 est la troisième année consécutive que NetSkope a été nommée leader dans cet important quadrant magique et [& # 8230;]
>In case you missed it, Netskope was once again named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge (SSE), placed highest in Ability to Execute and furthest in Completeness of Vision. 2024 is the third year in a row that Netskope has been named a Leader in this important Magic Quadrant and […]
Commercial ★★★
RiskIQ.webp 2024-05-24 18:42:00 (Déjà vu) Les pirates chinois se cachent sur les réseaux militaires et gouvernementaux pendant 6 ans
Chinese hackers hide on military and govt networks for 6 years
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#### Targeted Industries - Government Agencies & Services ## Snapshot A previously unknown threat actor, Bitdefender Labs designated as "Unfading Sea Haze", has been targeting military and government entities in the South China Sea region since 2018, undetected until recently. Bitdefender researchers link its operations to Chinese geopolitical interests. ## Description "Unfading Sea Haze" attacks start with spear-phishing emails containing malicious ZIP archives and LNK files, deploying fileless malware via MSBuild. This fileless malware, named \'SerialPktdoor,\' serves as a backdoor program that provides the attackers with remote control over the compromised system. Additionally, the attackers employ scheduled tasks, local administrator account manipulation, and commercial Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools like the Itarian RMM to gain a foothold on the compromised network. Once access is established, Unfading Sea Haze utilizes various tools such as a custom keylogger, info-stealer targeting data stored in web browsers, and Gh0stRAT malware variants to capture keystrokes, steal information, and maintain persistence. The threat actor also utilizes tools like Ps2dllLoader, \'SharpJSHandler,\' and a custom tool for monitoring and exfiltrating data from breached systems. More recent attacks have shown a shift to using the curl utility and the FTP protocol for data exfiltration, along with dynamically generated credentials that are changed frequently. ## Recommendations Recommendations to protect against Information stealers  Microsoft recommends the following mitigations to reduce the impact of Information stealer threats.  - Check your Office 365 email filtering settings to ensure you block spoofed emails, spam, and emails with malware. Use [Microsoft Defender for Office 365](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/defender-for-office-365?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) for enhanced phishing protection and coverage against new threats and polymorphic variants. Configure Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to [recheck links on click](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links-about?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) and [delete sent mail](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/zero-hour-auto-purge?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) in response to newly acquired threat intelligence. Turn on [safe attachments policies](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-attachments-policies-configure?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) to check attachments to inbound email. - Encourage users to use Microsoft Edge and other web browsers that support [SmartScreen](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/web-protection-overview?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc), which identifies and blocks malicious websites, including phishing sites, scam sites, and sites that host malware. - Turn on [cloud-delivered protection](https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-block-at-first-sight-microsoft-defender-antivirus?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) in Microsoft Defender Antivirus, or the equivalent for your antivirus product, to cover rapidly evolving attacker tools and techniques. Cloud-based machine learning protections block a majority of new and unknown variants. - Enforce MFA on all accounts, remove users excluded from MFA, and strictly [require MFA](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/howto-identity-protection-configure-mfa-policy?ocid=magicti_ta_learndoc) from all devices, in all locations, at all times. - Enable passwordless authentication methods (for example, Windows Hello, FIDO keys, or Microsoft Authenticator) for accounts that support passwordless. For accounts that still require passwords, use authenticator apps like Microsoft Authenticator for MFA. [Refer to this article](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/authentication/concept-authenticati Ransomware Spam Malware Tool Threat Commercial ★★★
Chercheur.webp 2024-05-23 23:32:43 Stark Industries Solutions: un marteau en fer dans le nuage
Stark Industries Solutions: An Iron Hammer in the Cloud
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Deux semaines avant que la Russie ne envahit l'Ukraine en février 2022, une grande et mystérieuse entreprise d'hébergement Internet appelé Stark Industries Solutions s'est matérialisée et est rapidement devenue l'épicentre d'attaques de déni de service distribué massives (DDOS) contre le gouvernement et les objectifs commerciaux en Ukraine et en Europe.Une enquête sur Stark Industries révèle qu'elle est utilisée comme un réseau de proxy mondial qui cache la véritable source de cyberattaques et de campagnes de désinformation contre les ennemis de la Russie.
Two weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a large, mysterious new Internet hosting firm called Stark Industries Solutions materialized and quickly became the epicenter of massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on government and commercial targets in Ukraine and Europe. An investigation into Stark Industries reveals it is being used as a global proxy network that conceals the true source of cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns against enemies of Russia.
Cloud Commercial ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2024-05-23 15:51:44 IdTechex demande quelles applications réelles les joueurs commerciaux se développent avec des ordinateurs quantiques aujourd'hui
IDTechEx Asks Which Real-World Applications Commercial Players Are Developing With Quantum Computers Today
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idTechex demande quelles applications réelles les joueurs commerciaux se développent avec des ordinateurs quantiques aujourd'hui Auteur: Dr Tess Skyrme, analyste de technologie senior chez idTechex - opinion
IDTechEx Asks Which Real-World Applications Commercial Players Are Developing With Quantum Computers Today Author: Dr Tess Skyrme, Senior Technology Analyst at IDTechEx - Opinion
Commercial ★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2024-05-22 14:45:00 Tigera étend Calico Commercial Editions \\ 'Capacités
Tigera Extends Calico Commercial Editions\\' Capabilities
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Tigera étend Calico Commercial Editions \\ 'Capacités pour simplifier les opérations de sécurité pour la détection des menaces d'exécution pour les applications natives du cloud Les dernières améliorations rationalisent le déploiement et la mise en œuvre de la sécurité et de l'observabilité de l'exécution pour Kubernetes - revues de produits
Tigera Extends Calico Commercial Editions\' Capabilities to Simplify Security Operations for Runtime Threat Detection for Cloud-Native Applications Latest enhancements streamline the deployment and implementation of runtime security and observability for Kubernetes - Product Reviews
Threat Commercial ★★
Mandiant.webp 2024-05-22 14:00:00 Extinction de l'IOC?Les acteurs de cyber-espionnage de Chine-Nexus utilisent des réseaux orbes pour augmenter les coûts des défenseurs
IOC Extinction? China-Nexus Cyber Espionage Actors Use ORB Networks to Raise Cost on Defenders
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Written by: Michael Raggi
  Mandiant Intelligence is tracking a growing trend among China-nexus cyber espionage operations where advanced persistent threat (APT) actors utilize proxy networks known as “ORB networks” (operational relay box networks) to gain an advantage when conducting espionage operations. ORB networks are akin to botnets and are made up of virtual private servers (VPS), as well as compromised Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart devices, and routers that are often end of life or unsupported by their manufacturers. Building networks of compromised devices allows ORB network administrators to easily grow the size of their ORB network with little effort and create a constantly evolving mesh network that can be used to conceal espionage operations.  By using these mesh networks to conduct espionage operations, actors can disguise external traffic between command and control (C2) infrastructure and victim environments including vulnerable edge devices that are being exploited via zero-day vulnerabilities.  These networks often use both rented VPS nodes in combination with malware designed to target routers so they can grow the number of devices capable of relaying traffic within compromised networks.  Mandiant assesses with moderate confidence that this is an effort to raise the cost of defending an enterprise\'s network and shift the advantage toward espionage operators by evading detection and complicating attribution. Mandiant believes that if network defenders can shift the current enterprise defense paradigm away from treating adversary infrastructure like indicators of compromise (IOCs) and instead toward tracking ORB networks like evolving entities akin to APT groups, enterprises can contend with the rising challenge of ORB networks in the threat landscape. IOC Extinction and the Rise of ORB Networks The cybersecurity industry has reported on the APT practice of ORB network usage in the past as well as on the functional implementation of these networks. Less discussed are the implications of broad ORB network usage by a multitude of China-nexus espionage actors, which has become more common over recent years. The following are three key points and paradigm shifting implications about ORB networks that require enterprise network defenders to adapt the way they think about China-nexus espionage actors: ORB networks undermine the idea of “Actor-Controlled Infrastructure”: ORB networks are infrastructure networks administered by independent entities, contractors, or administrators within the People\'s Republic of China (PRC). They are not controlled by a single APT actor. ORB networks create a network interface, administer a network of compromised nodes, and contract access to those networks to multiple APT actors that will use the ORB networks to carry out their own distinct espionage and reconnaissance. These networks are not controlled by APT actors using them, but rather are temporarily used by these APT actors often to deploy custom tooling more conventionally attributable to known China-nexus adversaries. ORB network infrastructure has a short lifesp
Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Prediction Cloud Commercial APT 15 APT 5 APT 31 ★★★
silicon.fr.webp 2024-05-22 13:57:33 SIEM : 6 fournisseurs dominent un marché qui se densifie (lien direct) À un an et demi d'intervalle, les positions évoluent peu chez les " leaders " du Magic Quadrant du SIEM. Le reste du marché gagne en densité. Commercial ★★★
The_State_of_Security.webp 2024-05-22 03:20:41 Top 7 tendances de cybersécurité pour les entreprises en 2024
Top 7 Cybersecurity Trends for Enterprises in 2024
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Comment une organisation peut-elle se préparer à être cyber-résiliente en 2024?Les principales tendances à surveiller semblent se concentrer principalement sur l'IA.Alors que la montée de l'IA générative pose en effet des défis, les dirigeants devraient être prudents de ne pas manquer d'autres tendances critiques qui façonneront le paysage de la cybersécurité cette année.Ingénierie sociale dirigée par l'IA Depuis l'avènement des modèles commerciaux de grande langue (LLM), beaucoup ont critiqué les nombreuses possibilités qu'ils offrent aux cyber-acteurs malveillants.Mais ce n'est pas tous, cependant.L'IA permet également aux cybercriminels d'obtenir de grandes quantités de données pour lancer des attaques de phishing.La montée ...
How can an organization prepare to be cyber-resilient in 2024? The major trends to look out for seem to focus mainly on AI. While the rise of generative AI indeed poses challenges, executives should be cautious not to miss other critical trends that will shape the cybersecurity landscape this year. AI-driven Social Engineering Since the advent of commercial Large Language Models (LLM), many have criticized the numerous possibilities they offer to malicious cyber actors. That\'s not all, though. AI also enables cybercriminals to obtain large amounts of data to launch phishing attacks. The rise...
Commercial ★★
Fortinet.webp 2024-05-21 13:00:00 Fortinet a nommé un leader et un surperforreur dans un nouveau rapport d'analyste
Fortinet Named a Leader and Outperformer in New Analyst Report
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Le rapport radar Gigaom Market pour les noms de sécurité et de sécurité API Fortinet à la fois un leader et un surperformateur.En savoir plus.
The GigaOm Market Radar report for Application and API Security names Fortinet both a Leader and an Outperformer. Read more.
Commercial ★★
IndustrialCyber.webp 2024-05-16 17:17:29 Le NCSC australien coordonne la réponse à la violation des ransomwares d'information sur la santé
Australian NCSC coordinates response to major health information ransomware breach
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> Le coordinateur national australien de la cybersécurité (NCSC) a révélé qu'une organisation d'information sur la santé commerciale avait déclaré être le ...
>The Australian National Cyber Security Coordinator (NCSC) revealed that a commercial health information organization had reported being the...
Ransomware Commercial ★★
Korben.webp 2024-05-14 16:16:31 VMware Workstation et Fusion passent en gratuits pour les usages personnels ! (lien direct) VMware rend ses logiciels de virtualisation Workstation et Fusion gratuits pour un usage personnel. Les versions Pro restent payantes pour un usage commercial. Une excellente nouvelle pour les utilisateurs qui souhaitent tester et apprendre la virtualisation sur leur PC ou Mac. Commercial ★★
Fortinet.webp 2024-05-13 15:00:00 Fortinet a nommé un challenger au 2024 Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ pour les informations de sécurité et la gestion des événements
Fortinet Named a Challenger in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Information and Event Management
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Fortinet a été nommé leader dans le Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ pour les informations de sécurité et la gestion des événements.Apprendre encore plus.
Fortinet has been named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Information and Event Management. Learn more.
Commercial ★★★
CS.webp 2024-05-08 19:41:59 Top Spy Official publie des principes sur les agences Intel Utilisation des informations achetées auprès des courtiers de données
Top spy official releases principles on intel agency use of info bought from data brokers
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> Mais il ne redevient d'un point très clé, dit un législateur qui a fortement examiné l'achat d'agence d'espion des données commerciales en vrac.
>But it falls short on a very key point, says a lawmaker who has been heavily scrutinizing spy agency purchase of commercial bulk data.
Commercial ★★★
CS.webp 2024-05-07 16:02:27 Rapport de l'ONCD: \\ 'Transformation fondamentale \\' Dans Cyber, Tech a conduit 2023 Risques
ONCD report: \\'Fundamental transformation\\' in cyber, tech drove 2023 risks
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> Les risques d'infrastructure critique en évolution, les ransomwares, l'exploitation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, les logiciels espions commerciaux et l'IA étaient les principales tendances, a rapporté le bureau.
>Evolving critical infrastructure risks, ransomware, supply chain exploitation, commercial spyware and AI were the top trends, the office reported.
Ransomware Commercial ★★
silicon.fr.webp 2024-05-03 08:47:36 SSE : l\'expérience se simplifie plus que les prix (lien direct) Le dernier Magic Quadrant du SSE (Secure Service Edge) dénote des tarifications et des modèles de licence complexes chez les principaux fournisseurs. Commercial ★★
Amnesty.webp 2024-05-01 23:00:00 Global: un réseau de surveillance & # 8211;Déstaurer un réseau trouble d'exportations de logiciels espions vers l'Indonésie
Global: A Web of Surveillance – Unravelling a murky network of spyware exports to Indonesia
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> Une vaste gamme de logiciels espions et de produits de surveillance hautement invasifs est importé et déployé en Indonésie, a déclaré aujourd'hui le laboratoire de sécurité d'Amnesty International, alors qu'il publiait un nouveau briefing en collaboration avec les partenaires médiatiques & # 8211;Haaretz, Inside Story, Tempo, Wav Research Collective et Woz. & # 160; & # 160;Grâce à l'intelligence open source, y compris les bases de données commerciales commerciales et la cartographie des infrastructures de logiciels espions, [& # 8230;]
>An expansive range of highly invasive spyware and surveillance products are being imported and deployed in Indonesia, Amnesty International\'s Security Lab said today as it released a new briefing in collaboration with media partners – Haaretz, Inside Story, Tempo, WAV research collective and Woz.   Through open-source intelligence, including commercial trade databases and spyware infrastructure mapping, […]
Commercial ★★★
RiskIQ.webp 2024-05-01 19:01:06 Muddywater Campaign abuse d'agents Atera
MuddyWater Campaign Abusing Atera Agents
(lien direct)
#### Targeted Geolocations - Israel - India - Algeria - Italy - Egypt - Türkiye #### Targeted Industries - Transportation Systems - Aviation - Information Technology - Healthcare & Public Health - Government Agencies & Services - General Public Services - Federal ## Snapshot Researchers at HarfangLab have been monitoring a campaign by Iran-based threat group MuddyWater, tracked by Microsoft as [Mango Sandstorm](https://sip.security.microsoft.com/intel-profiles/36949e052b63fa06ee586aef3d1fec8dd2e1b567e231d88c28c16299f9b25340), characterized by the use of Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools.  Microsoft tracks this actor as Mango Sandstorm, [read more about them here](https://sip.security.microsoft.com/intel-profiles/36949e052b63fa06ee586aef3d1fec8dd2e1b567e231d88c28c16299f9b25340). ## Description According to HarfangLab, MuddyWater has been utilizing legitimate RMM software in its attacks since at least 2021, but has been monitoring this campaign using Atera Agent since October 2023. Leveraging Atera\'s free trial offers, the agents seen in this campaign have been registered using both compromised enterprise and personal email accounts.  The infection chain in this campaign begins with the deployment of spearphishing emails. These emails are highly tailored to the victim organization and contain malicious attachments or links. Upon interaction, MuddyWater leverages free file sharing sites to host the RMM software, in this case Atera Agent, giving the group remote access and control over compromised systems. The group likely does not rely on the Subsequently, the group is able to execute commands, conduct reconnaissance, and move laterally across the network facilitating the deployment of additional malware payloads enabling the group to maintain persistence and exfiltrate sensitive data.  ## Microsoft Analysis Microsoft Threat Intelligence has identified that this campaign is likely attributed to the actor Microsoft tracks as Mango Sandstorm, an Iranian nation-state actor with ties to Iran\'s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).  In past operations, Mango Sandstorm has primarily, but not exclusively, sought to collect information assessed to have strategic value, typically from organizations in the aviation, education, defense, energy, government, and telecommunications sectors in the Middle East and North Africa.  Mango Sandstorm tends to favor spearphishing attacks. In this and prior campaigns, the group has been observed using commercial RMM tools to achieve persistence in a target environment. Mango Sandstorm has been identified attempting to deliver Atera, SimpleHelp, RPort, N-able Advanced Monitoring Agent, Splashtop, Syncro, and AnyConnect.  ## Detections As tools used in these types of campaigns might have legitimate uses, they are not typically detected as malicious, and proactive hunting is recommended. ## Recommendations Microsoft recommends the following mitigations to reduce the impact of activity associated with Mango Sandstorm\'s operations.   - Use the Attack Simulator in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to organize realistic, yet safe, simulated phishing and password attack campaigns in your organization by training end users against clicking URLs in unsolicited messages and disclosing their credentials. Training should include checking for poor spelling and grammar in phishing emails or the application\'s consent screen as well as spoofed app names, logos and domain URLs appearing to originate from legitimate applications or companies. Note: Attack Simulator testing currently only supports phishing emails containing links. - Encourage users to use Microsoft Edge and other web browsers that support SmartScreen, which identifies and blocks malicious websites, including phishing sites, scam sites, and sites that contain exploits and host malware. - Harden internet-facing assets and identify and se Malware Tool Threat Medical Commercial ★★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2024-04-30 12:51:30 Les pays de la Baltique blâment la Russie pour le brouillage GPS des vols commerciaux
Baltic countries blame Russia for GPS jamming of commercial flights
(lien direct)
#### Targeted Geolocations - Israel - India - Algeria - Italy - Egypt - Türkiye #### Targeted Industries - Transportation Systems - Aviation - Information Technology - Healthcare & Public Health - Government Agencies & Services - General Public Services - Federal ## Snapshot Researchers at HarfangLab have been monitoring a campaign by Iran-based threat group MuddyWater, tracked by Microsoft as [Mango Sandstorm](https://sip.security.microsoft.com/intel-profiles/36949e052b63fa06ee586aef3d1fec8dd2e1b567e231d88c28c16299f9b25340), characterized by the use of Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools.  Microsoft tracks this actor as Mango Sandstorm, [read more about them here](https://sip.security.microsoft.com/intel-profiles/36949e052b63fa06ee586aef3d1fec8dd2e1b567e231d88c28c16299f9b25340). ## Description According to HarfangLab, MuddyWater has been utilizing legitimate RMM software in its attacks since at least 2021, but has been monitoring this campaign using Atera Agent since October 2023. Leveraging Atera\'s free trial offers, the agents seen in this campaign have been registered using both compromised enterprise and personal email accounts.  The infection chain in this campaign begins with the deployment of spearphishing emails. These emails are highly tailored to the victim organization and contain malicious attachments or links. Upon interaction, MuddyWater leverages free file sharing sites to host the RMM software, in this case Atera Agent, giving the group remote access and control over compromised systems. The group likely does not rely on the Subsequently, the group is able to execute commands, conduct reconnaissance, and move laterally across the network facilitating the deployment of additional malware payloads enabling the group to maintain persistence and exfiltrate sensitive data.  ## Microsoft Analysis Microsoft Threat Intelligence has identified that this campaign is likely attributed to the actor Microsoft tracks as Mango Sandstorm, an Iranian nation-state actor with ties to Iran\'s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).  In past operations, Mango Sandstorm has primarily, but not exclusively, sought to collect information assessed to have strategic value, typically from organizations in the aviation, education, defense, energy, government, and telecommunications sectors in the Middle East and North Africa.  Mango Sandstorm tends to favor spearphishing attacks. In this and prior campaigns, the group has been observed using commercial RMM tools to achieve persistence in a target environment. Mango Sandstorm has been identified attempting to deliver Atera, SimpleHelp, RPort, N-able Advanced Monitoring Agent, Splashtop, Syncro, and AnyConnect.  ## Detections As tools used in these types of campaigns might have legitimate uses, they are not typically detected as malicious, and proactive hunting is recommended. ## Recommendations Microsoft recommends the following mitigations to reduce the impact of activity associated with Mango Sandstorm\'s operations.   - Use the Attack Simulator in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to organize realistic, yet safe, simulated phishing and password attack campaigns in your organization by training end users against clicking URLs in unsolicited messages and disclosing their credentials. Training should include checking for poor spelling and grammar in phishing emails or the application\'s consent screen as well as spoofed app names, logos and domain URLs appearing to originate from legitimate applications or companies. Note: Attack Simulator testing currently only supports phishing emails containing links. - Encourage users to use Microsoft Edge and other web browsers that support SmartScreen, which identifies and blocks malicious websites, including phishing sites, scam sites, and sites that contain exploits and host malware. - Harden internet-facing assets and identify and se Commercial ★★★
CrowdStrike.webp 2024-04-30 09:10:30 CrowdStrike nommé le premier rapport du leader dans l'industrie \\ de l'INDUST
CrowdStrike Named Overall Leader in Industry\\'s First ITDR Comparative Report
(lien direct)
Les rapports d'analystes de la première détection et de la réponse de l'identité de l'industrie (ITDR) nomment CrowdStrike un leader global et une «force de cyber industrie».Dans KuppingerCole Leadership Compass, la détection et la réponse des menaces d'identité (ITDR) 2024: IAM rencontre le SOC, Crowdstrike a été nommé leader dans chaque catégorie - produit, innovation, marché et classement global - et positionné le plus haut [& # 8230;]
The industry\'s first identity detection and response (ITDR) analyst report names CrowdStrike an Overall Leader and a “cyber industry force.” In KuppingerCole Leadership Compass, Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) 2024: IAM Meets the SOC, CrowdStrike was named a Leader in every category - Product, Innovation, Market and Overall Ranking - and positioned the highest […]
Threat Commercial ★★★
DarkReading.webp 2024-04-29 20:25:57 OKTA: Attaques de compensation des pouvoirs Spike via des réseaux proxy
Okta: Credential-Stuffing Attacks Spike via Proxy Networks
(lien direct)
Okta avertit les utilisateurs que les demandes d'attaque sont faites via un service d'anonymisation comme Tor ou divers réseaux proxy commerciaux.
Okta warns users that the attack requests are made through an anonymizing service like Tor or various commercial proxy networks.
Commercial ★★★
CrowdStrike.webp 2024-04-29 18:31:13 CrowdStrike a nommé un leader dans IDC Marketscape pour MDR dans le monde entier
CrowdStrike Named a Leader in IDC MarketScape for Worldwide MDR
(lien direct)
Le fournisseur et pionnier de détection et de réponse gérés globaux (MDR) continue de dominer.Aujourd'hui, CrowdStrike a été nommé leader dans le 2024 IDC Marketscape: la détection gérée mondiale et la réponse 2024 Vendor Assessment1 Parmi les 19 fournisseurs évalués dans le rapport.Crowdsstrike a également été récemment nommé chef de file de Frost & # 38;Sullivan \'s 2024 Radar de gel: [& # 8230;]
The #1 global managed detection and response (MDR) provider and pioneer continues to dominate. Today, CrowdStrike was named a Leader in the 2024 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Detection and Response 2024 Vendor Assessment1 among the 19 vendors evaluated in the report.  CrowdStrike was also recently named a Leader in Frost & Sullivan\'s 2024 Frost Radar: […]
Commercial ★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2024-04-23 17:40:11 Les règles de surveillance commerciale de la FTC pourraient arriver en quelques mois, disent des sources
FTC commercial surveillance rules could arrive within months, sources say
(lien direct)
Le fournisseur et pionnier de détection et de réponse gérés globaux (MDR) continue de dominer.Aujourd'hui, CrowdStrike a été nommé leader dans le 2024 IDC Marketscape: la détection gérée mondiale et la réponse 2024 Vendor Assessment1 Parmi les 19 fournisseurs évalués dans le rapport.Crowdsstrike a également été récemment nommé chef de file de Frost & # 38;Sullivan \'s 2024 Radar de gel: [& # 8230;]
The #1 global managed detection and response (MDR) provider and pioneer continues to dominate. Today, CrowdStrike was named a Leader in the 2024 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Detection and Response 2024 Vendor Assessment1 among the 19 vendors evaluated in the report.  CrowdStrike was also recently named a Leader in Frost & Sullivan\'s 2024 Frost Radar: […]
Commercial ★★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-04-23 12:13:00 Les États-Unis impose des restrictions de visa sur 13 liés à une mauvaise utilisation des logiciels espions commerciaux
U.S. Imposes Visa Restrictions on 13 Linked to Commercial Spyware Misuse
(lien direct)
Le Département d'État américain et NBSP; lundi et NBSP; ont déclaré qu'il ait pris des mesures pour imposer des restrictions de visa à 13 individus et nbsp; qui sont & nbsp; prétendument impliqués dans le développement et la vente de & nbsp;ces entreprises. "Ces personnes ont facilité ou tiré un avantage financier de l'utilisation abusive de cette technologie, qui
The U.S. Department of State on Monday said it\'s taking steps to impose visa restrictions on 13 individuals who are allegedly involved in the development and sale of commercial spyware or who are immediately family members of those involved in such businesses. "These individuals have facilitated or derived financial benefit from the misuse of this technology, which
Commercial ★★★
PaloAlto.webp 2024-04-18 15:18:41 Palo Alto Networks reconnus par Gartner comme un leader dans le rapport SSE
Palo Alto Networks Recognized by Gartner as a Leader in SSE Report
(lien direct)
> Palo Alto Networks est fier d'annoncer qu'il a été nommé leader dans le Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ pour le service de service de sécurité (SSE).
>Palo Alto Networks is proud to announce that it has been named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge (SSE).
Commercial ★★
Netskope.webp 2024-04-18 15:08:13 Edge du service de sécurité NetSkope: encore une fois le plus élevé en exécution, le plus éloigné de la vision!
Netskope Security Service Edge: Once Again Highest in Execution, Furthest in Vision!
(lien direct)
> Aujourd'hui, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que Netskope a de nouveau été nommé leader dans le Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ & # 160;pour le service de sécurité (SSE).C'est la troisième fois dans une rangée que Netskope est reconnue comme un leader et nous sommes reconnus comme un leader à chaque fois depuis le premier quadrant magique pour [& # 8230;]
>Today we are excited to announce that Netskope has once again been named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™  for Security Service Edge (SSE). This is the third time in a row Netskope has been recognized as a Leader-and we have been recognized as a Leader every time since the inaugural Magic Quadrant for […]
Commercial ★★
silicon.fr.webp 2024-04-17 14:51:01 Infrastructures LAN : une photo du marché avant la fusion HPE-Juniper (lien direct) Douze fournisseurs sont classés dans le dernier Magic Quadrant des infrastructures LAN. Commercial ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-04-17 10:00:00 Introduction à l'analyse de la composition logicielle et comment sélectionner un outil SCA
Introduction to Software Composition Analysis and How to Select an SCA Tool
(lien direct)
The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Software code is constantly growing and becoming more complex, and there is a worrying trend: an increasing number of open-source components are vulnerable to attacks. A notable instance was the Apache Log4j library vulnerability, which posed serious security risks. And this is not an isolated incident. Using open-source software necessitates thorough Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to identify these security threats. Organizations must integrate SCA tools into their development workflows while also being mindful of their limitations. Why SCA Is Important Open-source components have become crucial to software development across various industries. They are fundamental to the construction of modern applications, with estimates suggesting that up to 96% of the total code bases contain open-source elements. Assembling applications from diverse open-source blocks presents a challenge, necessitating robust protection strategies to manage and mitigate risks effectively. Software Composition Analysis is the process of identifying and verifying the security of components within software, especially open-source ones. It enables development teams to efficiently track, analyze, and manage any open-source element integrated into their projects. SCA tools identify all related components, including libraries and their direct and indirect dependencies. They also detect software licenses, outdated dependencies, vulnerabilities, and potential exploits. Through scanning, SCA creates a comprehensive inventory of a project\'s software assets, offering a full view of the software composition for better security and compliance management. Although SCA tools have been available for quite some time, the recent open-source usage surge has cemented their importance in application security. Modern software development methodologies, such as DevSecOps, emphasize the need for SCA solutions for developers. The role of security officers is to guide and assist developers in maintaining security across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), ensuring that SCA becomes an integral part of creating secure software. Objectives and Tasks of SCA Tools Software Composition Analysis broadly refers to security methodologies and tools designed to scan applications, typically during development, to identify vulnerabilities and software license issues. For effective management of open-source components and associated risks, SCA solutions help navigate several tasks: 1) Increasing Transparency A developer might incorporate various open-source packages into their code, which in turn may depend on additional open-source packages unknown to the developer. These indirect dependencies can extend several levels deep, complicating the understanding of exactly which open-source code the application uses. Reports indicate that 86% of vulnerabilities in node.js projects stem from transitive (indirect) dependencies, w Tool Vulnerability Threat Patching Prediction Cloud Commercial ★★
ProofPoint.webp 2024-04-15 06:00:31 Comment la protection d'identification de la preuve peut vous aider à répondre aux exigences de conformité CMMC
How Proofpoint Impersonation Protection Can Help You Meet CMMC Compliance Requirements
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The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program enforces the protection of sensitive unclassified information that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) shares with its contractors and subcontractors.   Threat actors know how to hijack your trusted organization communications. They can impersonate you, your brand or your organization partners. And they can make a nice profit doing it. The FBI\'s 2023 Internet Crime Report notes that last year\'s adjusted losses from organization email compromise (BEC) cases exceeded $2.9 billion-up 7.4% from 2022.  Bad actors use spoofed domains, lookalike domains, compromised supplier accounts and other tactics in their attacks. So it\'s important to keep communications with trusted partners, customers and suppliers safe. This should be a top focus for government agencies and the organizations that they work with since they are key targets for bad actors.  Proofpoint helps you mitigate the risk of impersonation abuse with a holistic, multilayered approach. With Proofpoint Impersonation Protection, you can:  Protect your organization\'s communications from impersonation threats  Stop attackers from impersonating your brand  Detect and defend against risky suppliers, including compromised supplier accounts  Secure user and application emails so that they can be trusted  We help our federal and defense industrial base customers with Level 3 CMMC controls around the Risk Assessment (RA) and Identification and Authentication (IA) Practices. Here\'s how.  CMMC overviews for Level 3 controls   In this section, we match CMMC compliance requirements with the capabilities of Proofpoint Impersonation Protection.   CMMC Level 3 – Risk Assessment Practice   RA.L3-3.11.1e – Threat-Informed Risk Assessment  CMMC compliance requirement  Employ threat intelligence, at a minimum from open or commercial sources, and any DoD-provided sources, as part of a risk assessment to guide and inform the development of organizational systems, security architectures, selection of security solutions, monitoring, threat hunting and response and recovery activities.  RA.L3-3.11.3e – Advanced Risk Identification  CMMC compliance requirement  Employ advanced automation and analytics capabilities in support of analysts to predict and identify risks to organizations, systems and system components.  RA.L3-3.11.6e – Supply Chain Risk Response  CMMC compliance requirement  Assess, respond to and monitor supply chain risks associated with organizational systems and system components.  RA.L3-3.11.7e – Supply Chain Risk Plan  CMMC compliance requirement  Develop a plan for managing supply chain risks associated with organizational systems and system components; update the plan at least annually, and upon receipt of relevant cyber threat information, or in response to a relevant cyber incident.  How Proofpoint Impersonation Protection meets the Risk Assessment (RA) Practice needs above  Proofpoint Nexus Supplier Risk Explorer gives you insights into supplier risk. This includes threats where attackers are impersonating your agency as well as compromised suppliers and third parties.   Supplier Risk can also be used as part of a vendor risk management process when sourcing and choosing new vendors/suppliers. Proofpoint provides visibility into supply chain threats, lookalike detection, and impersonations of your brand with Supplier Risk and Domain Discover. This helps to create the supply chain risk plans that are needed to comply with CMMC.  Supplier Risk Explorer identifies supplier domains and shows you which suppliers pose a risk to your organization.  As noted above, Supplier Risk Explorer assesses the risk level of supplier domains by evaluating several dimensions, including:   Threats sent to your organization  Threats sent to other Proofpoint customers  The lookalikes of supplier domains  Whether a domain was recently registered  Whether a domain has a DMARC reject policy   By ranking an Threat Industrial Prediction Commercial ★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-04-11 12:14:00 Apple étend le système d'alerte spyware pour avertir les utilisateurs des attaques de mercenaires
Apple Expands Spyware Alert System to Warn Users of Mercenary Attacks
(lien direct)
Apple mercredi & nbsp; révisé & nbsp; sa documentation relative à son système de notification de menace spyware mercenaire pour mentionner qu'il alerte les utilisateurs lorsqu'ils peuvent avoir été ciblés individuellement par de telles attaques. Il a également spécifiquement appelé des sociétés comme NSO Group pour développer des outils de surveillance commerciale tels que Pegasus qui sont utilisés par les acteurs de l'État pour réaliser "ciblé individuellement
Apple on Wednesday revised its documentation pertaining to its mercenary spyware threat notification system to mention that it alerts users when they may have been individually targeted by such attacks. It also specifically called out companies like NSO Group for developing commercial surveillance tools such as Pegasus that are used by state actors to pull off "individually targeted
Tool Threat Commercial ★★★★
RiskIQ.webp 2024-04-09 19:48:57 Threat Actors Hack YouTube Channels to Distribute Infostealers (Vidar and LummaC2) (lien direct) ## Instantané L'AHNLAB Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) a identifié une tendance préoccupante où les acteurs de menace exploitent les canaux YouTube pour distribuer des infostelleurs, en particulier Vidar et Lummac2. ## Description Plutôt que de créer de nouveaux canaux, les attaquants détournent des canaux populaires existants avec des centaines de milliers d'abonnés.Le malware est déguisé en versions fissurées de logiciels légitimes, et les attaquants utilisent des descriptions et des commentaires vidéo de YouTube \\ pour distribuer les liens malveillants.Le malware Vidar, par exemple, est déguisé en installateur de logiciel Adobe, et il communique avec son serveur de commande et de contrôle (C & C) via Telegram et Steam Community.De même, Lummac2 est distribué sous le couvert de logiciels commerciaux fissurés et est conçu pour voler des informations d'identification de compte et des fichiers de portefeuille de crypto-monnaie. La méthode des acteurs de menace \\ 'd'infiltration de canaux YouTube bien connus avec une grande base d'abonnés soulève des préoccupations concernant la portée et l'impact potentiels du malware distribué.Le malware déguisé est souvent compressé avec une protection par mot de passe pour échapper à la détection par des solutions de sécurité.Il est crucial pour les utilisateurs de faire preuve de prudence lors du téléchargement de logiciels à partir de sources non officielles et de s'assurer que leur logiciel de sécurité est à la hauteurdate pour prévenir les infections de logiciels malveillants. ## Les références [https://asec.ahnlab.com/en/63980/
## Snapshot The AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) has identified a concerning trend where threat actors are exploiting YouTube channels to distribute Infostealers, specifically Vidar and LummaC2. ## Description Rather than creating new channels, the attackers are hijacking existing, popular channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The malware is disguised as cracked versions of legitimate software, and the attackers use YouTube\'s video descriptions and comments to distribute the malicious links. The Vidar malware, for example, is disguised as an installer for Adobe software, and it communicates with its command and control (C&C) server via Telegram and Steam Community. Similarly, LummaC2 is distributed under the guise of cracked commercial software and is designed to steal account credentials and cryptocurrency wallet files.  The threat actors\' method of infiltrating well-known YouTube channels with a large subscriber base raises concerns about the potential reach and impact of the distributed malware. The disguised malware is often compressed with password protection to evade detection by security solutions. It is crucial for users to exercise caution when downloading software from unofficial sources and to ensure that their security software is up to date to prevent malware infections. ## References [https://asec.ahnlab.com/en/63980/](https://asec.ahnlab.com/en/63980/)
Malware Hack Threat Prediction Commercial ★★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-04-03 15:02:00 Mispadu Trojan cible l'Europe, des milliers d'identification compromises
Mispadu Trojan Targets Europe, Thousands of Credentials Compromised
(lien direct)
Le Troie bancaire connu sous le nom de & nbsp; Mispadu & nbsp; a élargi son objectif au-delà de l'Amérique latine (LATAM) et des personnes hispanophones pour cibler les utilisateurs en Italie, en Pologne et en Suède. Selon Morphiseec, les objectifs de la campagne en cours comprennent des entités couvrant le financement, les services, la fabrication de véhicules à moteur, les cabinets d'avocats et les installations commerciales. "Malgré l'expansion géographique, le Mexique reste le
The banking trojan known as Mispadu has expanded its focus beyond Latin America (LATAM) and Spanish-speaking individuals to target users in Italy, Poland, and Sweden. Targets of the ongoing campaign include entities spanning finance, services, motor vehicle manufacturing, law firms, and commercial facilities, according to Morphisec. "Despite the geographic expansion, Mexico remains the
Commercial ★★
silicon.fr.webp 2024-04-02 15:54:32 Data quality : faut-il être plus exigeant à l\'aune de l\'IA ? (lien direct) À un an et demi d'intervalle, les positions évoluent nettement dans le Magic Quadrant de la data quality. Qui s'y distingue ? Commercial ★★★
ProofPoint.webp 2024-04-02 09:34:09 ProofPoint en tête de KuppingerCole Leadership Compass pour la sécurité des e-mails
Proofpoint Tops KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Email Security
(lien direct)
Email is the primary threat vector for cybersecurity threats. And these days, many malware, phishing and social engineering schemes target your people. The 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report notes that 74% of all data breaches include a human element. Threats are constantly evolving, too. It doesn\'t matter how sophisticated or complex your business is, it is a daunting task to protect your people from modern threats.  At Proofpoint, we understand how critical it is for any business to protect its people from today\'s email threats. That\'s why we innovate every day. Recently, the industry has once again recognized our efforts to help our customers protect their people and their businesses. This time, our email security was recognized by major industry analyst firm KuppingerCole.   Here is what they said about Proofpoint Threat Protection-and what makes it stand out from the competition.    Proofpoint named an Overall Leader  KuppingerCole just named Proofpoint an Overall Leader in the KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Email Security Report, 2023. This is the third time in the past year that our email security has been named a leader by a major industry analyst firm. This recognition “triple crown” is the direct result of our commitment to helping businesses protect their people from modern email threats and change user behavior for the better. It keeps us innovating year after year.    In the report from KuppingerCole, Proofpoint Threat Protection received the highest “strong positive” rating in all categories, including:  Security  Functionality  Deployment  Interoperability  Usability      With its ratings, KuppingerCole positioned Proofpoint as a leader in all evaluation categories, including product, technology, innovation and market.   KuppingerCole named Proofpoint a leader in the product, technology, innovation and market categories.  What makes Proofpoint stand out  Here is a closer look at how we can help you protect your people from advanced email threats.   Stop the widest variety of threats with accuracy  Proofpoint uses a multilayered detection stack to identify a wide array of email threats with accuracy. Because we have a broad set of detection technology, we can apply the right technique to the right threat. For example, we have robust sandbox technology to detect URL-based threats, like quick response codes (QR Codes) and behavioral analysis for business email compromise (BEC) and telephone-oriented attack delivery (TOAD)  threats.   Our machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) models are trained by our experts using one of the richest sets of data in the industry. This ensures we provide superior accuracy. Every year, we analyze more than 3 trillion messages across our 230,000+ customer, global ecosystem.   Our modular detection stack enables agility and speed to adapt to changes in the threat landscape. It allows us to quickly deploy new models to address new threats like BEC, TOAD and QR Codes. And it enables us to tune our existing detection models more frequently.  Prevent email threats before they reach your people\'s inboxes   Predelivery detection from Proofpoint stops known and emerging threats at the front door of your business-not after they are delivered.  Proofpoint threat intelligence and research found that nearly 1 in 7 malicious URL clicks happen within one minute of an email\'s arrival. That\'s why predelivery protection is so critical. If a threat ends up in your users\' inboxes, it increases your risk of a cyberattack or data breach.   We analyze all messages, links and attachments with our robust detection stack before they can reach an inbox. This analysis, combined with our predelivery sandboxing and behavioral analysis of suspicious QR codes, allows us to stop malicious messages before they become a risk to your business.  Gain actionable insights into your human risks  Proofpoint quantifies your people\'s risk so that you can prioritize budget and resources to focus o Data Breach Malware Threat Mobile Commercial ★★★
Chercheur.webp 2024-03-25 11:04:34 Licence d'ingénieurs d'IA
Licensing AI Engineers
(lien direct)
Le débat sur les ingénieurs logiciels de professionnalisation a des décennies.(L'idée de base est que, comme les avocats et les architectes, il devrait y avoir une exigence de licence professionnelle pour les ingénieurs logiciels.) Ici & # 8217; s Article du journal de droit Recommander la même idée pour les ingénieurs de l'IA. Cet article propose une autre manière: professionnalisation de l'ingénierie AI.Obliger les ingénieurs d'IA pour obtenir des licences pour construire des produits d'IA commerciaux, les pousser à collaborer sur des normes techniques spécifiques au domaine en faveur scientifique et en appuyant sur le domaine et en facilitant les services de police eux-mêmes.Cette proposition de cette article traite des préjudices de l'IA à leur création, influençant les décisions même d'ingénierie qui leur donnent naissance en premier lieu.En arrachant le contrôle des informations et de la conception du système aux entreprises et en les remettant aux ingénieurs de l'IA, la professionnalisation enget une IA digne de confiance par conception.Au-delà de la recommandation de la solution politique spécifique de la professionnalisation, cet article vise à éloigner le discours sur l'IA de l'accent mis sur les solutions légères et les solutions ex post qui traitent des produits déjà créés à un accent sur les contrôles ex ante qui précèdent le développement de l'IA.Nous avons déjà utilisé ce livre de jeu dans les domaines nécessitant un niveau d'expertise élevé où une obligation pour le bien-être public doit l'emporter sur les motivations commerciales.Et si, comme les médecins, les ingénieurs de l'IA ont également promis de ne pas faire de mal? ...
The debate over professionalizing software engineers is decades old. (The basic idea is that, like lawyers and architects, there should be some professional licensing requirement for software engineers.) Here’s a law journal article recommending the same idea for AI engineers. This Article proposes another way: professionalizing AI engineering. Require AI engineers to obtain licenses to build commercial AI products, push them to collaborate on scientifically-supported, domain-specific technical standards, and charge them with policing themselves. This Article’s proposal addresses AI harms at their inception, influencing the very engineering decisions that give rise to them in the first place. By wresting control over information and system design away from companies and handing it to AI engineers, professionalization engenders trustworthy AI by design. Beyond recommending the specific policy solution of professionalization, this Article seeks to shift the discourse on AI away from an emphasis on light-touch, ex post solutions that address already-created products to a greater focus on ex ante controls that precede AI development. We’ve used this playbook before in fields requiring a high level of expertise where a duty to the public welfare must trump business motivations. What if, like doctors, AI engineers also vowed to do no harm?...
Technical Commercial ★★★
Korben.webp 2024-03-21 08:00:00 Sprite Fusion – Un éditeur de niveaux 2D pour vos jeux, utilisable directement dans le navigateur (lien direct) Sprite Fusion est un éditeur de niveaux 2D gratuit et facile à utiliser, permettant de créer des cartes de tuiles directement dans le navigateur. Il propose un système automatique de tuiles, l'exportation en formats Unity et Godot, et ne nécessite aucun téléchargement ni compte. Cet outil est adapté à un usage personnel et commercial. Commercial ★★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-03-18 18:05:00 Des pirates utilisant du contrebandier HTML sournois pour livrer des logiciels malveillants via de faux sites Google
Hackers Using Sneaky HTML Smuggling to Deliver Malware via Fake Google Sites
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Les chercheurs en cybersécurité ont découvert une nouvelle campagne de logiciels malveillants qui tire parti de faux pages de sites Google et de contrebande de HTML pour distribuer un malware commercial appelé & nbsp; azorult & nbsp; afin de faciliter le vol d'information. "Il utilise une technique de contrebande HTML peu orthodoxe où la charge utile malveillante est intégrée dans un fichier JSON séparé hébergé sur un site Web externe", a déclaré les laboratoires de menace Netskope
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new malware campaign that leverages bogus Google Sites pages and HTML smuggling to distribute a commercial malware called AZORult in order to facilitate information theft. "It uses an unorthodox HTML smuggling technique where the malicious payload is embedded in a separate JSON file hosted on an external website," Netskope Threat Labs
Malware Threat Commercial ★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2024-03-18 16:15:26 Un combattant spyware de premier
A leading spyware combatant on what\\'s next as governments continue to crack down
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John Scott-Railton, chercheur principal du Citizen Lab, basé au Canada, est en première ligne du problème des logiciels espions depuis plus d'une décennie.L'organisation a notamment découvert des attaques tentaculaires en Pologne et en Espagne au cours des deux dernières années seulement.Pendant ce temps, les incidents de logiciels spy
John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at Canada-based Citizen Lab, has been on the front lines of the spyware problem for more than a decade. The organization notably has uncovered sprawling attacks in Poland and Spain in just the last two years. Meanwhile, commercial spyware incidents have only grown in magnitude and frequency, a fact
Commercial ★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2024-03-18 15:24:45 Finlande, Allemagne, Irlande, Japon, Pologne, Corée du Sud a ajouté à un accord de logiciel espion dirigé par les États-Unis
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland, South Korea added to US-led spyware agreement
(lien direct)
Six nouveaux pays ont rejoint un effort international pour contrer la prolifération et l'utilisation abusive des logiciels espions commerciaux.La Finlande, l'Allemagne, l'Irlande, le Japon, la Pologne et la Corée du Sud ont été ajoutées à une déclaration conjointe précédemment publiée des États-Unis et de 10 autres pays au sujet de la nécessité de réglementation et de garde-corps sur les logiciels espions. & NBSP;Les signataires acceptent d'établir
Six new countries have joined an international effort to counter the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware. Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland and South Korea were added to a previously released joint statement from the U.S. and 10 other countries about the need for regulation and guardrails on spyware.  The signees agree to establish
Commercial ★★
Fortinet.webp 2024-03-14 18:30:53 Nous sommes un leader: 2024 Magic Quadrant ™ pour l'infrastructure LAN câblée et sans fil d'entreprise par Gartner & Reg;
We\\'re a Leader: 2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure by Gartner®
(lien direct)
Fortinet a été nommé leader dans le Gartner & Reg;Magic Quadrant ™ pour l'infrastructure LAN câblée et sans fil d'entreprise.Apprendre encore plus.
Fortinet has been named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure. Learn more.
Commercial ★★
AlienVault.webp 2024-03-14 10:00:00 Spyware commercial: la menace furtive
Commercial spyware: The stealthy threat
(lien direct)
It can be difficult to over-estimate the benefits that we accrue from the use of technology in our day to day lives. But these benefits have come at a price which has redefined what we expect in terms of privacy. As a member of Generation X, which came of age at the dawn of the Internet era and witnessed the rise of an entire industry built on consumer information analytics, I have on occasion struck my own Faustian bargains, offering up my personal data in exchange for convenience. As have we all.  In doing so we are implicitly trusting the organization that runs the website or app in question to safeguard our information effectively.  Spyware, as the name suggests, is software designed to covertly gather data about a victim without their consent. Spyware can infect both computers and mobile devices, infiltrating them through malicious or hacked websites, phishing emails, and software downloads. Unlike other forms of malware that may seek to disrupt or damage systems, spyware operates discreetly, often evading detection while silently siphoning off sensitive information. When deployed against individuals this data can range from browsing habits and keystrokes to login credentials and financial information. Spyware can access microphones and cameras for purposes of gathering intelligence or evidence when deployed by government agencies, or capturing content for purposes of sale, blackmail, or other monetization schemes if deployed by threat actors. The effects of which can be devastating.  The proliferation of commercial spyware poses significant risks to companies as well. Commercial spyware is a niche industry which develops and markets software for the purpose of data collection. Their products use many of the same methods as other kinds of malware.  Often, commercial spyware leverages zero-day exploits that were either developed by the vendor in question or purchased from independent researchers. For example, in a recent report, Google researchers concluded that approximately half of the zero-day vulnerabilities targeting their products over the past decade were the work of “Commercial Surveillance Vendors” (https://www.scmagazine.com/news/spyware-behind-nearly-50-of-zeros-days-targeting-google-products).  Ransomware Malware Tool Vulnerability Threat Legislation Mobile Commercial ★★
zataz.webp 2024-03-13 15:47:43 Sanctions contre les acteurs du logiciel espion Predator (lien direct) Les États-Unis ont récemment intensifié leur lutte contre les menaces cybernétiques en imposant des sanctions à deux individus et cinq entités juridiques impliqués dans le développement et la distribution du logiciel espion commercial Predator.... Threat Commercial ★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-03-13 15:13:00 Alerte: cybercriminels déploiement de vcurms et de chevaux de Troie de strat via AWS et Github
Alert: Cybercriminals Deploying VCURMS and STRRAT Trojans via AWS and GitHub
(lien direct)
Une nouvelle campagne de phishing a été observée en train de livrer des chevaux de Troie à distance (rat) tels que VCURMS et STRRAT au moyen d'un téléchargeur malveillant basé à Java. «Les attaquants ont stocké des logiciels malveillants sur des services publics comme Amazon Web Services (AWS) et GitHub, en utilisant un protecteur commercial pour éviter la détection des logiciels malveillants», a déclaré le chercheur Fortinet Fortiguard Labs Yurren Wan & Nbsp; Un aspect inhabituel du
A new phishing campaign has been observed delivering remote access trojans (RAT) such as VCURMS and STRRAT by means of a malicious Java-based downloader. “The attackers stored malware on public services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and GitHub, employing a commercial protector to avoid detection of the malware,” Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Yurren Wan said. An unusual aspect of the
Malware Commercial ★★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2024-03-06 13:05:00 Les États-Unis réchauffent une entreprise de spyware prédatrice pour cibler les fonctionnaires et les journalistes
U.S. Cracks Down on Predatory Spyware Firm for Targeting Officials and Journalists
(lien direct)
Le département américain du Trésor du Contrôle des actifs étrangers (OFAC) a sanctionné deux personnes et cinq entités associées à l'alliance Intellexa pour leur rôle dans le «développement, opérant et distribuant» des logiciels espions commerciaux conçus pour cibler les fonctionnaires du gouvernement, les journalistes,et des experts politiques dans le pays. «La prolifération des logiciels espions commerciaux pose des choses distinctes et croissantes
The U.S. Department of Treasury\'s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned two individuals and five entities associated with the Intellexa Alliance for their role in “developing, operating, and distributing” commercial spyware designed to target government officials, journalists, and policy experts in the country. “The proliferation of commercial spyware poses distinct and growing
Commercial ★★★
DarkReading.webp 2024-03-05 23:05:35 Les opérateurs de logiciels espions prédateurs ont giflé avec les sanctions américaines
Predator Spyware Operators Slapped With US Sanctions
(lien direct)
Le Département américain du Trésor a sanctionné les chefs de surveillance commerciale du consortium Intellexa dans le but de dissuader la prolifération des prédateurs.
The US Treasury Department sanctioned Intellexa Consortium commercial surveillance leaders in an effort to deter Predator proliferation.
Commercial ★★★
silicon.fr.webp 2024-03-05 17:30:06 iPaaS : la confusion règne ? (lien direct) Le dernier Magic Quadrant de l'iPaaS confirme la difficulté à définir le périmètre de ce marché. Quelles y sont les forces en présence ? Commercial ★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2024-03-05 15:58:00 US Sanctions Predator Spyware Makers pour cibler les fonctionnaires de Gov \\ '
US sanctions Predator spyware makers for targeting gov\\'t officials
(lien direct)
Le gouvernement américain a annoncé mardi des sanctions contre deux personnes et cinq entités liées aux logiciels espions de Predator, quelques jours seulement après l'entreprise derrière l'outil a supprimé l'infrastructure en réponse à Nouvelles recherches sur ses opérations .Le département du Trésor a déclaré qu'il sanctionnait des personnes et des entités liées au consortium d'impression commerciale Intellexa - une tenue
The U.S. government announced sanctions on Tuesday against two people and five entities tied to Predator spyware, just days after the company behind the tool took down infrastructure in response to new research about its operations. The Treasury Department said it sanctioned people and entities connected to the Intellexa Commercial Spyware Consortium - a holding
Tool Legislation Commercial ★★★
CS.webp 2024-03-05 15:30:00 Maker des sanctions américaines du logiciel espion prédateur
U.S. sanctions maker of Predator spyware
(lien direct)
> L'administration Biden sanctionne les individus et les entités derrière l'outil de surveillance commerciale impliquée dans les violations des droits de l'homme.
>The Biden administration sanctions individuals and entities behind the commercial surveillance tool implicated in human rights abuses.
Tool Commercial ★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2024-03-05 13:25:49 Utimaco et InfoSec deviennent un partenaire mondial
Utimaco and InfoSec become Global Partner
(lien direct)
partenaire mondial utimaco et InfoSec pour faciliter la préparation post-quantum et permettre aux entreprises commerciales et gouvernementales d'atteindre l'agilité cryptographique Le partenariat permet aux entreprises commerciales et gouvernementales de répondre aux exigences de migration de l'informatique post-Quantum (PQC) tout en adoptant les meilleures pratiques pour la gestion clé, la sécurité matérielle et l'agilité cryptographique. - nouvelles commerciales
Utimaco and InfoSec Global Partner to Facilitate Post-Quantum Cryptography Readiness and Enable Commercial and Government Enterprises to Achieve Cryptographic Agility Partnership enables commercial and government enterprises to meet post-quantum computing (PQC) migration requirements while adopting best practices for key management, hardware security and cryptographic agility. - Business News
Commercial ★★
bleepingcomputer.webp 2024-03-05 13:09:37 US Sanctions Opérateurs d'espionnage des prédateurs pour l'espionnage des Américains
U.S. sanctions Predator spyware operators for spying on Americans
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Les États-Unis ont imposé des sanctions à deux personnes et cinq entités liées au développement et à la distribution des logiciels espions commerciaux de Predator utilisés pour cibler les Américains, y compris des représentants du gouvernement et des journalistes.[...]
The U.S. has imposed sanctions on two individuals and five entities linked to the development and distribution of the Predator commercial spyware used to target Americans, including government officials and journalists. [...]
Commercial ★★★
IndustrialCyber.webp 2024-03-05 12:49:59 Xage, partenaire DarkTrace pour stimuler la protection Zero Trust pour les environnements d'infrastructure critique commerciale
Xage, Darktrace partner to boost zero trust protection for commercial critical infrastructure environments
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Cybersecurity AI Company Darktrace and Xage Security a annoncé lundi un nouveau partenariat pour aider les entreprises à prévenir les cyberattaques et ...
Cybersecurity AI company Darktrace and Xage Security announced Monday a new partnership to help businesses prevent cyberattacks and...
Commercial ★★
Last update at: 2024-06-02 23:08:29
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