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SecureList.webp 2023-10-17 10:00:41 APT Trends Report Yaz 2023
APT trends report Q3 2023
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Tetrisphantom cible les entités gouvernementales de l'APAC, APT Badrory attaque plusieurs entités en Russie, une nouvelle campagne malveillante utilise OWOWA bien connu, IIS Backdoor et d'autres événements importants au cours du troisième trimestre 2023
TetrisPhantom targets government entities in APAC, APT BadRory attacks multiple entities in Russia, new malicious campaign uses well-known Owowa, IIS backdoor and other significant events during Q3 2023
Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-17 09:42:17 Etude Netskope Threat Labs : le plus haut pourcentage d\'activités cybercriminelles provient de Russie, tandis que la Chine affiche les motivations géopolitiques les plus fortes (lien direct) Etude Netskope Threat Labs : le plus haut pourcentage d'activités cybercriminelles provient de Russie, tandis que la Chine affiche les motivations géopolitiques les plus fortes Cette étude révèle les techniques et les facteurs de motivation les plus couramment employés par les cybercriminels depuis le début de l'année 2023. - Investigations Threat Studies ★★★★
InfoSecurityMag.webp 2023-10-17 09:24:00 Un tiers des organisations non prêtes à se conformer à NIS2
A Third of Organizations Not Ready to Comply with NIS2
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Une nouvelle enquête a révélé que les trois quarts d'organisations au Royaume-Uni n'ont pas encore répondu aux cinq exigences clés pour la conformité
A new survey found that three-quarters of organizations in the UK are yet to address the five key requirements for compliance
Studies ★★★
CS.webp 2023-10-17 09:00:00 Les agences fédérales prennent en retard à la rencontre des principaux objectifs de confidentialité fixés il y a cinq ans
Federal agencies are falling behind on meeting key privacy goal set five years ago
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> Plusieurs agences fédérales jouent un rattrapage sur la réunion des recommandations du NIST détaillées dans un cadre de 2018 sur la façon dont le gouvernement devrait intégrer la vie privée dans leurs stratégies de gestion des risques.
>Several federal agencies are playing catch-up on meeting recommendations from NIST detailed in a 2018 framework for how government should incorporate privacy into their risk management strategies.
Studies ★★
Korben.webp 2023-10-17 07:00:00 Une bonne grosse liste de formations et certifications gratuites (lien direct) Oh là là ! Cloud Study Network propose une liste de cours et certifications gratuits en technologie et développement, incluant Alibaba Cloud, Linux Foundation, Google Analytics, AWS, et d'autres plateformes comme Coursera et Microsoft. Des formations en cybersécurité, gestion de projet et marketing numérique sont également disponibles. Pour accéder à ces ressources, consultez la page GitHub "Liste de certifications gratuites". C'est une opportunité unique pour améliorer vos compétences et booster votre carrière. Studies Cloud ★★★
ProofPoint.webp 2023-10-17 05:00:21 Êtes-vous sûr que votre navigateur est à jour?Le paysage actuel des fausses mises à jour du navigateur
Are You Sure Your Browser is Up to Date? The Current Landscape of Fake Browser Updates
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Key Takeaways  Proofpoint is tracking multiple different threat clusters that use similar themes related to fake browser updates.  Fake browser updates abuse end user trust with compromised websites and a lure customized to the user\'s browser to legitimize the update and fool users into clicking.  Threat actors do not send emails to share the compromised websites. The threat is only in the browser and can be initiated by a click from a legitimate and expected email, social media site, search engine query, or even just navigating to the compromised site.  The different campaigns use similar lures, but different payloads. It is important to identify which campaign and malware cluster the threat belongs to help guide defender response.  Overview  Proofpoint is currently tracking at least four distinct threat clusters that use fake browser updates to distribute malware. Fake browser updates refer to compromised websites that display what appears to be a notification from the browser developer such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, informing them that their browser software needs to be updated. When a user clicks on the link, they do not download a legitimate browser update but rather harmful malware.    Based on our research, TA569 has used fake browser updates for over five years to deliver SocGholish malware, but recently other threat actors have been copying the lure theme. Each threat actor uses their own methods to deliver the lure and payload, but the theme takes advantage of the same social engineering tactics. The use of fake browser updates is unique because it abuses the trust end users place in both their browser and the known sites that they visit.   Threat actors that control the fake browser updates use JavaScript or HTML injected code that directs traffic to a domain they control, which can potentially overwrite the webpage with a browser update lure specific to the web browser that the potential victim uses. A malicious payload will then automatically download, or the user will receive a prompt to download a “browser update,” which will deliver the payload.  Fake browser update lure and effectiveness  The fake browser update lures are effective because threat actors are using an end-user\'s security training against them. In security awareness training, users are told to only accept updates or click on links from known and trusted sites, or individuals, and to verify sites are legitimate. The fake browser updates abuse this training because they compromise  trusted sites and use JavaScript requests to quietly make checks in the background and overwrite the existing, website with a browser update lure. To an end user, it still appears to be the same website they were intending to visit and is now asking them to update their browser.  Proofpoint has not identified threat actors directly sending emails containing malicious links, but, due to the nature of the threat, compromised URLs are observed in email traffic in a variety of ways. They are seen in normal email traffic by regular end users who are unaware of the compromised websites, in monitoring emails such as Google alerts, or in mass automated email campaigns like those distributing newsletters. This creates a situation where these emails are considered to be malicious during the time the site is compromised. Organizations should not treat the fake browser update threats as only an email problem, as end users could visit the site from another source, such as a search engine, social media site, or simply navigate to the site directly and receive the lure and potentially download the malicious payload.  Each campaign uniquely filters traffic to hide from researchers and delay discovery, but all the methods are effective at filtering. While this may reduce the potential spread of malicious payloads, it enables actors to maintain their access to the compromised sites for longer periods of time. This can complicate the response, because with the multiple campaigns and changing payloads, responders must take time to Malware Tool Threat Studies ★★★★
CyberSkills.webp 2023-10-17 00:00:00 Mois de la cybersécurité: les Irlandais ont demandé à reconsidérer leurs choix de mots de passe
Cyber Security Month: Irish People Urged to Reconsider Their Password Choices
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Alors que le Mois de la cybersécurité commence, les données de Cyber ​​Skills ont révélé que les clubs sportifs populaires, les personnalités radio renommées et les programmes télévisés bien-aimés sont parmi les mots de passe les plus courants parmi les utilisateurs d'Internet, ce qui en fait des objectifs de premier ordre pour les cybercriminels. En utilisant le site Web Heebeenpwned, qui abrite plus de 613 millions de mots de passe à partir de comptes piratés, une étude a été menée pour évaluer la vulnérabilité de certains mots de passe.En entrant des noms de célébrités irlandaises éminentes, d'équipes sportives et de contenu culturel, les résultats étaient intéressants.Ces choix apparemment "uniques" étaient, en réalité, répandus et facilement supposables par les pirates. Les directives d'identité numérique du National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mettent l'accent sur l'importance des pratiques de mot de passe sécurisées, conseillant aux organisations d'empêcher les abonnés de l'utilisation de mots de passe qui sont précédemment apparus dans une violation de données.Cette recommandation souligne la signification de la sélection de mots de passe qui n'ont pas été compromis dans les cyber-incidents passés. Hazel Murray de Cyber ​​Skills a commenté "Ce que beaucoup considèrent comme un mot de passe \\ 'fort \', faisant référence aux points de contact culturels, est en fait facilement déchiffré par les cybercriminels.sera fort.Elle a ajouté que "Glenroe a terminé il y a plus de 20 ans à la télévision, mais il a été utilisé près de 90 fois dans la base de données piratée de mots de passe." Richard Browne du National Cyber ​​Security Center conseille: «Utilisez des mots de passe forts diversifiés, plus le mot de passe est long, plus il est difficile de casser.Si vous allez à dix personnages ou plus, il devient très très difficile de le casser. Certains des mots de passe les plus courants de la base de données des mots de passe piratés sont: 123456 - 36 millions de fois Qwerty - 10 millions de fois Mot de passe 9 millions de fois À la lumière de ces résultats, les Irlandais sont invités à réévaluer et à renforcer leurs choix de mots de passe.Le mois de la cybersécurité sert de rappel en temps opportun de l'importance de sauvegarder notre présence numérique.En prenant des mesures proactives et en nous éduquant sur les meilleures pratiques, nous pouvons collectivement contrecarrer les cyber-menaces et assurer un environnement en ligne plus sûr pour tous. Mots de passe piratés communs wiUne inclinaison irlandaise: Radio 2Johnnies 16 Timesryantubridy 0patkenny 36 fois NewStalk 94 TIMMESHANECOLEMAN 5 TIMESSIARAKELLY 25 TIMESJESSKELLY 49 TIMESTOMDUNNE 23 TIMESTHESTUNNING 7 fois Popculture irlandaise Maniac2000 115 TimespodgeandDrodge 70 Timeszigandzag 185 Times de temps 195 Timesaertel 12 TimesFatherd 1207 TimesMrsdoyle 118goongoongoon 11 TimesFatherjack TimesRiverDance 2047 Timeslordofthedance 151 TimeswinningStreak 36 TimesEchoisland 5 TimesFortycoats 9 fois POLITICSOUREACHTAS 330 TimesFinegael 45 TimesFiannafail 75 TIMESSINNFEIN 1530 TIMES SportsShamRockrovers 64 TimescorkCityfc 99 Timesmunsterrugby198 Timesleinsterrugby 14 TimesRonanogara 0 TimesJohnnySexton 0 Timespauloconnell 16 TimesLiverpoolfc 22 000ManUnited 33,000ManchesterUnited 11,086RYKEANE 2962SONIASULLIVAN 3 TIMESMAYOFORSAM 33 TIMESHILL16 837 Irishsamhain 4175 TimesNewGrange 280 TimesBealtaine 46 Timesnollaig 441 TIMESSAORSE 5133 TimesbaconandCabbage 3JesusMaryandjoseph 9gobshite 1542Langer 3961 CorkCorkCity 871Shandonbells 2 Timescorkcityfc 99 Timescarrigaline 171 fois Tanora 86barrystea 24Sur le mois de la cybersécurité: Le Mois de la cybersécurité est une campagne annuelle pour sensibiliser à l'importance de la cybersécurité.Grâce à une série d'événements, d'ateliers et de ressources en ligne, la campagne vise à permettre aux individus et aux entreprises de prendre le contrôle de leur vie numérique et de se protéger contre les cy Data Breach Vulnerability Studies ★★
Chercheur.webp 2023-10-16 11:06:00 Les flips de pièce sont biaisés
Coin Flips Are Biased
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Expérimental Résultat : Beaucoup de gens ont retourné des pièces, mais peu de gens se sont arrêtés pour réfléchir aux subtilités statistiques et physiques du processus.Dans une étude préinscrite, nous avons collecté 350 757 flips de pièces pour tester la prédiction contre-intuitive à partir d'un modèle physique de lancement de pièces humaines développé par Persi Diaconis.Le modèle affirme que lorsque les gens retournent une pièce ordinaire, il a tendance à atterrir du même côté, il a commencé & # 8212; Diaconis a estimé la probabilité qu'un résultat de même côté soit d'environ 51%. et le paragraphe final: Les futurs lanceurs de monnaie pourraient-ils utiliser le biais de même côté à leur avantage?L'ampleur du biais observé peut être illustrée à l'aide d'un scénario de paris.Si vous pariez un dollar sur le résultat d'un tirage au sort (c'est-à-dire payer 1 dollar pour entrer et gagner 0 ou 2 dollars en fonction du résultat) et répéter le pari 1000 fois, sachant que la position de départ du tirage au sort gagneraitvous 19 dollars en moyenne.C'est plus que l'avantage du casino pour le blackjack à 6 deck contre un joueur de stratégie optimale, où le casino gagnerait 5 dollars sur une pari comparable, mais moins que l'avantage du casino pour la roulette à zéro, où le casino gagnerait 27 dollars surmoyenne.Ces considérations nous amènent à suggérer que lorsque des flips de monnaie sont utilisés pour la prise de décision à enjeux élevés, la position de départ de la pièce est mieux dissimulée ...
Experimental result: Many people have flipped coins but few have stopped to ponder the statistical and physical intricacies of the process. In a preregistered study we collected 350,757 coin flips to test the counterintuitive prediction from a physics model of human coin tossing developed by Persi Diaconis. The model asserts that when people flip an ordinary coin, it tends to land on the same side it started—Diaconis estimated the probability of a same-side outcome to be about 51%. And the final paragraph: Could future coin tossers use the same-side bias to their advantage? The magnitude of the observed bias can be illustrated using a betting scenario. If you bet a dollar on the outcome of a coin toss (i.e., paying 1 dollar to enter, and winning either 0 or 2 dollars depending on the outcome) and repeat the bet 1,000 times, knowing the starting position of the coin toss would earn you 19 dollars on average. This is more than the casino advantage for 6 deck blackjack against an optimal-strategy player, where the casino would make 5 dollars on a comparable bet, but less than the casino advantage for single-zero roulette, where the casino would make 27 dollars on average. These considerations lead us to suggest that when coin flips are used for high-stakes decision-making, the starting position of the coin is best concealed...
Studies ★★
AlienVault.webp 2023-10-16 10:00:00 Renforcement de la cybersécurité: multiplication de force et efficacité de sécurité
Strengthening Cybersecurity: Force multiplication and security efficiency
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In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the battle between defenders and attackers has historically been marked by an asymmetrical relationship. Within the cybersecurity realm, asymmetry has characterized the relationship between those safeguarding digital assets and those seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. Even within this context, where attackers are typically at a resource disadvantage, data breaches have continued to rise year after year as cyber threats adapt and evolve and utilize asymmetric tactics to their advantage.  These include technologies and tactics such as artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced social engineering tools. To effectively combat these threats, companies must rethink their security strategies, concentrating their scarce resources more efficiently and effectively through the concept of force multiplication. Asymmetrical threats, in the world of cybersecurity, can be summed up as the inherent disparity between adversaries and the tactics employed by the weaker party to neutralize the strengths of the stronger one. The utilization of AI and similar tools further erodes the perceived advantages that organizations believe they gain through increased spending on sophisticated security measures. Recent data from InfoSecurity Magazine, referencing the 2023 Checkpoint study, reveals a disconcerting trend: global cyberattacks increased by 7% between Q1 2022 and Q1 2023. While not significant at first blush, a deeper analysis reveals a more disturbing trend specifically that of the use of AI.  AI\'s malicious deployment is exemplified in the following quote from their research: "...we have witnessed several sophisticated campaigns from cyber-criminals who are finding ways to weaponize legitimate tools for malicious gains." Furthermore, the report highlights: "Recent examples include using ChatGPT for code generation that can help less-skilled threat actors effortlessly launch cyberattacks." As threat actors continue to employ asymmetrical strategies to render organizations\' substantial and ever-increasing security investments less effective, organizations must adapt to address this evolving threat landscape. Arguably, one of the most effective methods to confront threat adaptation and asymmetric tactics is through the concept of force multiplication, which enhances relative effectiveness with fewer resources consumed thereby increasing the efficiency of the security dollar. Efficiency, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to achieving the greatest cumulative effect of cybersecurity efforts with the lowest possible expenditure of resources, including time, effort, and costs. While the concept of efficiency may seem straightforward, applying complex technological and human resources effectively and in an efficient manner in complex domains like security demands more than mere calculations. This subject has been studied, modeled, and debated within the military community for centuries. Military and combat efficiency, a domain with a long history of analysis, Tool Vulnerability Threat Studies Prediction ChatGPT ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-10-13 20:52:41 9 sur 10 CISOS rapportent au moins une cyberattaque perturbatrice au cours de la dernière année
9 in 10 CISOs Report at Least One Disruptive Cyberattack in the Last Year
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9 in 10 CISOs Report at Least One Disruptive Cyberattack in the Last Year
Studies ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-10-13 20:52:30 53% des organisations ont connu des cyberattaques
53% of Organizations Experienced Cyber Attacks
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plus de la moitié de la moitié de la moitié deLes organisations éprouvent désormais des cyberattaques Étant donné que les pourcentages croissants d'entreprises connaissent des cyberattaques, les nouvelles données fournissent des détails sur l'endroit où se trouve le risque le plus organisationnel.
More Than Half of Organizations Now Experience Cyberattacks As increasing percentages of businesses experience cyberattacks, new data provides details on where the most organizational risk lies.
Studies ★★★
itsecurityguru.webp 2023-10-13 12:16:48 Les PME ont du mal à suivre le rythme des menaces de cybersécurité
SMBs Struggle to Keep Pace with Cyber Security Threats
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Tenir au courant de nouvelles menaces est le plus grand défi de cybersécurité auquel sont confrontés les petites et moyennes entreprises du monde entier (PME) & # 8211;Et plus de la moitié appellent à une aide pour gérer les risques, révèlent aujourd'hui de nouvelles recherches mondiales de Sage.Les PME britanniques sont particulièrement aux prises avec la préparation à la cybersécurité avec 57% demandant plus de soutien avec [& # 8230;]
Keeping on top of new threats is the biggest cyber security challenge facing small and mid-sized businesses globally (SMBs) – and more than half are calling for help to manage the risks, new global research by Sage reveals today. UK SMBs are particularly struggling with cyber security preparedness with 57% asking for more support with […]
Studies ★★★
DarkReading.webp 2023-10-12 10:00:00 Applications financières panafricaines cryptage de fuite, clés d'authentification
Pan-African Financial Apps Leak Encryption, Authentication Keys
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Les applications de crypto-monnaie étaient le risque le plus élevé pour exposer des informations sensibles, selon une étude d'ingénierie inverse.
Cryptocurrency apps were the most high risk for exposing sensitive information, a reverse-engineering study shows.
Studies ★★
Blog.webp 2023-10-11 16:22:40 ALERTE NOUVELLE: L'étude révèle que les cabinets d'avocats ciblés - Cloud UK les exhorte également à consolider la cyber-hygiène
News alert: Study finds law firms targeted - ALSO Cloud UK urges them to shore up cyber hygiene
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Emmen, Suisse, 11 octobre 2023 & # 8212;Des recherches récentes du National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) ont révélé Les cabinets d'avocats britanniques sont des objectifs de plus en plus attrayants Pour les cybercriminels intéressés à voler et à exploiter les données des clients. HybridLe travail a été cité comme a & # 8230; (plus…)
Emmen, Switzerland, Oct. 11, 2023 — Recent research by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has found UK law firms are increasingly appealing targets for cybercriminals interested in stealing and exploiting client data. Hybrid working has been cited as a … (more…)
Studies Cloud ★★
AlienVault.webp 2023-10-11 10:00:00 Le rôle de 5G \\ dans la télémédecine: l'avenir est maintenant
5G\\'s role in telemedicine: The future is now
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The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article.  Healthcare and technology have always gone hand in hand. Telemedicine, which lets you talk to doctors without visiting them in person, is a great example. A few years back, it might have sounded like science fiction.  But today, it\'s a regular part of many people\'s lives. In fact, data shows that 80% of people have used telemedical services at least once in their lives. And now 5G is making the process even more efficient.  Most of us know 5G as just a faster way to use the internet on our phones. But for healthcare, it\'s a lifesaver. With 5G, doctors can diagnose patients in real-time, no matter how far apart they are. It could even make remote surgeries a reality. And the best part? 5G can help everyone, not just people in big cities. It has the power to bring top-notch healthcare to places that were left out before. As we move forward, it\'s exciting to think about how 5G will change healthcare for all of us.  Continue reading to find out more. How 5G is changing telemedicine Before 5G, telemedicine was already useful, but it had its limits. Sometimes, the internet connection might be slow, making video calls blurry or delayed. This could be a problem, especially in critical situations where every second counts. But with 5G, things are changing. Here\'s how: Faster video calls. With 5G, video calls between patients and doctors can be crystal clear and smooth. This means better communication and understanding, which is vital in healthcare. Real-time data. Doctors can now get real-time data about a patient\'s health. For example, if a patient wears a heart monitor, the doctor can see the results instantly with 5G. This helps in making quick decisions. Remote surgeries. This might sound like it’s out of a Star Trek episode, but it\'s becoming a reality. With 5G\'s speed, a surgeon in one city could guide surgery in another city. This can be a game-changer, especially in places where there aren\'t many specialists. Reaching more people. With 5G, even people in remote areas can access telemedicine. This means they can get the medical help they need without traveling long distances. How 5G helps with remote patient monitoring Remote patient monitoring is like having a mini-doctor\'s office in your home. It\'s a way for doctors to keep an eye on your health without you having to visit them in person.  Here\'s how it works and why it\'s making a big difference: Tools and devices  These aren\'t just ordinary gadgets. Devices like heart rate monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and even glucose meters have been upgraded for the digital age.  When you use them at home, they don\'t just give readings; they send this data over the internet straight to your doctor\'s system for remote patient monitoring. This means your doctor gets a clear, real-time picture of your health without you having to jot down or remember numbers. Less visits, same care  The traditional model of healthcare often meant waiting in a clinic, even for minor check-ups. With remote monitoring, many of these visits are no longer necessary. You can go about your day, and the devices will do the work. The elderly stand to benefit the most from this, as well as those with mobili Studies Medical ★★★
ProofPoint.webp 2023-10-11 05:00:00 Le deuxième rapport annuel sur le Ponemon Institute révèle que les deux tiers des organisations de santé interrogées ont une perturbation des soins aux patients en raison des cyberattaques
Second Annual Ponemon Institute Report Finds That Two-Thirds of Healthcare Organizations Surveyed Experienced Disruption to Patient Care Due to Cyber Attacks
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Pas de details / No more details Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-10 16:02:37 Cybersécurité : que faire contre la menace intérieure ? Almond publie la première édition de son rapport " Insider Threat " (lien direct) Cybersécurité : que faire contre la menace intérieure ? Almond publie la première édition de son rapport " Insider Threat " - Investigations Threat Studies ★★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-10-10 12:22:31 74% des PDG préoccupés par la capacité de leur organisation à se protéger contre les cyberattaques, malgré le fait que la cybersécurité
74% of CEOs Concerned About Their Organization\\'s Ability to Protect Against Cyber Attacks, Despite Seeing Cybersecurity as Critical
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74% des PDG préoccupés par la capacité de leur organisation à protéger contre les cyberattaques, bien que la cybersécurité soit considérée comme critique Selon le récent Rapport du PDG cyber-résilient publié par les services et des services et des services etConsulting Agency Accenture , 74% des PDG ont exprimé leurs préoccupations concernant leurs organisations \\ 'à protéger leurs entreprises contre les cyberattaques.Ceci malgré le fait que 96% des PDG reconnaissent l'importance de la cybersécurité pour la croissance et la stabilité de leurs organisations.
74% of CEOs Concerned About their Organization\'s Ability to Protect Against Cyberattacks, Despite Seeing Cybersecurity as Critical According to the recent The Cyber-Resilient CEO report released by IT services and consulting agency Accenture, a staggering 74% of CEOs have expressed concerns about their organizations\' ability to protect their businesses from cyber attacks. This is despite the fact that 96% of CEOs acknowledge the importance of cybersecurity for the growth and stability of their organizations.
Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-10 07:21:29 Rapport Hiscox sur la gestion des cyber-risques 2023 – 7e édition (lien direct) Rapport Hiscox sur la gestion des cyber-risques 2023 – 7e édition 36 % des entreprises de moins de 10 salariés ont été touchées par une cyberattaque sur les 12 derniers mois Le risque cyber se maintient à un niveau élevé, même pour les petites structures, mais la réponse des entreprises montre des signes encourageants. - Investigations Studies ★★★★
ProofPoint.webp 2023-10-10 07:16:32 Au-delà du statu quo, partie 1: le rôle vital des menaces de renseignement dans la sensibilisation à la sécurité
Beyond the Status Quo, Part 1: The Vital Role Threat Intelligence Plays in Security Awareness Education
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Welcome to the first installment of a three-part blog series that is focused on how to inspire engagement in security awareness for both users and practitioners. It will also explore creative techniques you can use to build a security culture that go beyond traditional security awareness training.  Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an excellent time to rejuvenate your security awareness program. But how can you sustain the momentum of Cybersecurity Awareness Month beyond October? Try adding threat intelligence to your program. It can personalize and invigorate your curriculum for your users.  Integrating threat intelligence into security awareness seems intuitive-and many practitioners claim to do it. But data suggests otherwise. Research Proofpoint conducted for our 2023 State of the Phish report found that while 75% of businesses faced business email compromise (BEC) attacks, a mere 31% trained their users about this threat. This indicates that while many businesses are aware of emerging threats, they struggle to weave this information into their training modules.   This blog post delves into best practices for using threat intelligence to raise security awareness with users. It includes insights from a customer session we held during Proofpoint Wisdom 2023 entitled “Utilizing Threat Intel to Design a Program that Works.” During that session, I spoke with Andrew Munson, senior manager of information risk management and governance at McDonald\'s Corporation, and Shaun Holmberg, IT security analyst at Commercial Metals Corporation. Both provided insights into how they infuse threat intelligence into their global security awareness initiatives.  Understanding threat intelligence  Threat intelligence is the knowledge and analysis of cyber threats and vulnerabilities that can pose a risk to a business. This information includes details about the attack lifecycle, network architecture vulnerabilities and which users are being targeted. The intel should also provide details of the risk level or the consequential impact that a successful cyber attack may have on a business.   This information can be gathered from various sources. According to Shaun and Andrew, examples of optimal sources for intelligence are:  Research reports. These resources include, but are not limited to:   State of the Phish from Proofpoint  Verizon\'s Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)  FBI Internet Crime Report (Internet Crime Complaint Center)  Coalition\'s Cyber Claims Report  Security feeds. Proofpoint threat intelligence services, Rapid7 and Cyber Reasons are examples of providers of these feeds.  Incident reports from products. These reports include Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection reports, Proofpoint Closed Loop Email Analysis (CLEAR) and other reports related to the penetration testing of a company\'s infrastructure.   Why is threat intelligence crucial for a security awareness program? Let\'s dive deeper into this subject using insights from the recent discussion with Andrew and Shaun.  Making threat intelligence actionable  At McDonald\'s, Andrew works with departments across the globe. Each region has its own requirements and is targeted with threats specific to an office. This is where working with a resource like the Proofpoint threat intelligence service team can create significant benefits for security teams.   Andrew described how working with our team gives him an advantage. He said the Proofpoint threat intelligence service team can analyze data across the globe to correlate attacks that may be affecting a single region. For example, they can recognize a targeted attack specific to Germany, which differs from an active attack they\'ve identified targeting Austria.   Andrew said he uses this data to build separate simulations that mimic the active attack for each region and launches an auto-enrollment training session tuned to recognizing the attack indicators. He can also provide resources like notifications or informative newsletters, all within the region\'s native l Ransomware Data Breach Vulnerability Threat Studies ★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-09 12:19:59 Les recherches Ivanti montrent que 1/3 des collaborateurs pense que leurs actions n\'impactent pas la sécurité de leur entreprise (lien direct) Les recherches Ivanti montrent que 1/3 des collaborateurs pense que leurs actions n'impactent pas la sécurité de leur entreprise. Le rapport précise qu'une cybersécurité d'entreprise descendante de type " taille unique " ne tient pas compte des risques spécifiques liés à la situation géographique, à l'âge, au sexe et au rôle. - Investigations Studies ★★★
knowbe4.webp 2023-10-09 12:14:04 Le secteur de l'énergie connaît trois fois plus d'incidents de cybersécurité en technologie opérationnelle que toute autre industrie
Energy Sector Experiences Three Times More Operational Technology Cybersecurity Incidents Than Any Other Industry
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Le secteur de l'énergie subit trois fois plus d'incidents de cybersécurité que toute autre industrie Alors que les industries comme les services financiers et les soins de santé ont tendance à dominer les attaques informatiques, les tables sont tournées lors de la recherche de cyberattaques de technologie opérationnelle (OT) & # 8211;Et le secteur de l'énergie est le «gagnant» clair.
Energy Sector Experiences Three Times More OT Cybersecurity Incidents Than Any Other Industry While industries like financial services and healthcare tend to dominate in IT attacks, the tables are turned when looking at Operational Technology (OT) cyber attacks – and the energy sector is the clear “winner.”
Studies Industrial ★★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2023-10-06 18:45:00 Les victimes ont déclaré 2,7 milliards de dollars de pertes d'escroquerie sur les réseaux sociaux depuis 2021: FTC
Victims reported $2.7 billion in social media scam losses since 2021: FTC
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Les escroqueries sur les réseaux sociaux ont coûté des victimes qui ont déclaré des pertes pour la Federal Trade Commission 2,7 milliards de dollars depuis 2021 - probablement une «petite fraction» de l'argent total volé via des plateformes comme Facebook et Instagram. selon la FTC , une personne sur quatre quiDes pertes signalées au réseau de sentinelles de consommation de l'agence \\ depuis 2021 ont déclaré que le
Social media scams have cost victims who reported losses to the Federal Trade Commission $2.7 billion since 2021 - likely a “small fraction” of the total money stolen via platforms like Facebook and Instagram. According to the FTC, one in four people who reported losses to the agency\'s Consumer Sentinel Network since 2021 said the
Studies ★★★
RecordedFuture.webp 2023-10-06 17:07:00 Ukraine, Israël, Corée du Sud Liste des pays les plus ciblés pour les cyberattaques
Ukraine, Israel, South Korea top list of most-targeted countries for cyberattacks
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Plus de 120 pays ont fait face à des cyberattaques au cours de la dernière année, avec l'Ukraine, Israël, la Corée du Sud et Taiwan en tête de la liste des pays les plus ciblés, selon un nouveau rapport de Microsoft.Les résultats font partie de Microsoft \'s Rapport de défense numérique 2023 2023 - qui a utilisé des troves des données de l'entreprise pour suivre les tendances de la cybersécurité entre
More than 120 countries faced cyberattacks over the last year, with Ukraine, Israel, South Korea and Taiwan topping the list of the most targeted countries, according to a new report from Microsoft. The findings are part of Microsoft\'s Digital Defense Report 2023 - which used troves of the company\'s data to track cybersecurity trends between
Studies ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-05 13:46:00 Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2023 : Le monde entre dans une nouvelle ère de cybermenaces (lien direct) Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2023 : Le monde entre dans une nouvelle ère de cybermenaces - Investigations Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-05 09:30:32 Cyber: anxiété numérique, 37% intimidé, 39% frustré par la sécurité en ligne
CYBER: Digital Anxiety, 37% Intimidated, 39% Frustrated with Online Security
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Les autres faits saillants incluent: • La moitié de la génération Z, qui devrait dépasser le quart de la main-d'œuvre d'ici 2025, utiliser les détails personnels dans les mots de passe, nettement plus que leurs homologues plus âgés • 63% des personnes disent qu'ils peuvent identifier les menaces de phishing • 36% des Américains et 28% des Britanniques ont été victimes de cybercriminaux Étude: 37% intimidé, 39% frustré par la sécurité en ligne mettant en évidence l'anxiété numérique Le rapport sur les nouvelles attitudes et comportements de la cybersécurité met en évidence les tendances prometteuses du paysage de la cybersécurité - rapports spéciaux / /
Other highlights include: • Half of Gen Z, expected to be over quarter of the workforce by 2025, use personal details in passwords, significantly more than their older counterparts • 63% of people say they can identify phishing threats • 36% of Americans and 28% of Brits have been victims of cybercrime STUDY: 37% Intimidated, 39% Frustrated with Online Security Highlighting Digital Anxiety New Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviours Report Highlights Promising Trends in the Cybersecurity Landscape - Special Reports /
Studies ★★★★
DarkReading.webp 2023-10-04 21:49:00 NOUVEAU ENQUÊTE MALWOREBYTES: Les consommateurs manquent de confiance dans la nouvelle technologie
New Malwarebytes Survey: Consumers Lack Trust in New Tech
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Pas de details / No more details Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-04 08:22:55 Le phishing augmente comme le principal cybermenace à 53%
Phishing Surges as the Leading Cyber Threat at 53%
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Phishing augmente comme le principal cyber-menace à 53% - mise à jour malveillant / /
Phishing Surges as the Leading Cyber Threat at 53% - Malware Update /
Threat Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-04 07:55:14 Le rapport WatchGuard Threat Lab établit que 95% des malwares sont diffusés via des connexions chiffrées et que le volume de malwares ciblant les endpoints est en baisse (lien direct) Le rapport WatchGuard Threat Lab établit que 95% des malwares sont diffusés via des connexions chiffrées et que le volume de malwares ciblant les endpoints est en baisse. Les principales conclusions de l'étude montrent également, entre autres, une augmentation des attaques par double extorsion de 72% par rapport au trimestre précédent et la hausse de l'exploitation de vulnérabilités logicielles anciennes par les cybercriminels. - Investigations Threat Studies ★★★★
kovrr.webp 2023-10-04 00:00:00 Fortune 1000 Cyber Risk Reportkovrrrr \\\'s Fortune 1000 Report tire des motifs de quantification innovante pour fournir aux entreprises une référence pour évaluer les fréquences relatives de cyber-risques et la gravité
Fortune 1000 Cyber Risk ReportKovrr\\\'s Fortune 1000 report leverages our innovative quantification models to provide companies with a benchmark for gauging relative cyber risk frequencies and severitiesRead More
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Executive SummaryThe growing rate of global cyber events, throughout all industries, has elevated cybersecurity governance to the forefront of corporate concern. Indeed, this rising prevalence spurred the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in July 2023 to mandate the disclosure of "material" cyber threats and incidents, albeit within a framework of somewhat ambiguous materiality definitions.  This report leverages Kovrr’s risk quantification models to highlight the likely occurrence and relative costs of “material” cyber incidents companies might experience in the coming year, potentially eliciting consequences significant enough for SEC disclosures. Ultimately, Kovrr aims to provide insights for those companies seeking a deeper understanding of the types of cyber events and their respective financial impacts that are most likely to be disclosed in the coming years.MethodologyThe results of this report were determined via a comprehensive benchmarking exercise, using the US Fortune 1000 companies as the sample set due to the companies\' diverse range of industries. Kovrr\'s models capture a detailed representation of each company\'s technological profile and simulate yearly cyber event scenarios tailored to each company’s exposure to risk. ‍The models reveal “material” incidents in the form of data breaches, extortions, interruptions, and service provider events1. This report defines materiality as an interruption incident lasting over one hour or an incident where confidential data is breached. Smaller, non-material incidents are grouped and modeled in aggregate.‍Kovrr’s models produce an assessment of the likely frequency and severity of cyber breaches experienced by Fortune 1000 companies, harnessing our industry insights from previously disclosed breaches, insurance claims data, and incidents that have not been publicly disclosed.----1Event incidents (data breaches, extortions, interruptions, and service provider events) are defined at the end of the report.‍Key FindingsCyber Risk Across All IndustriesThe Oil, Gas Extraction, and Mining sector exhibits the highest probability of experiencing a material cyber event, with a frequency of 0.82 events per year (or approximately one material event every 1.2 years). However, the anticipated financial impact remains relatively modest, with a median cost of $28m. In contrast, the Utilities and Infrastructure industry faces a cyber event frequency of 0.62 events per year and a substantial financial impact of $57.9m.Annual Cost ScenariosAverage Annual Loss (AAL), which combines event frequency and cost across the full range of possibilities, allows us to compare the overall risk between industries. The Finance and Real Estate industry has the highest AAL at $34.3m, owing to the substantial financial ramifications of infrequent but high-impact events. Conversely, the Construction industry has the lowest AAL at $7.3m , indicative of its relatively lower exposure to cyber risk.Event DriversThe cyber event types reviewed in this report were interruptions, third-party service provider incidents, extortion events, and data breaches. The report reveals that interruption events are prevalent across industries. Also notably, the Retail Trade industry faces an annual frequency of 0.47 for data breaches (or approximately one material incident every 2 years), while the Finance and Real Estate sector follows closely with 0.42, underscoring their heightened exposure to data-centric cyber incidents.Cost DriversHighly regulated industries, notably Finance and Retail Trade, record the highest median costs per cyber event, totaling $70.5M, due to their extensive accumulation of PII. Third-party liability, regulatory compliance, and productivity loss augment the financial impact. The report also breaks down these costs further according to event type.Secondary Loss ConsiderationsWhile the primary financial impact is evident almost immediately, secondary losses often extend widely Ransomware Data Breach Threat Studies ★★★
The_Hackers_News.webp 2023-10-03 17:22:00 Tendances de sécurité de l'API 2023 & # 8211;Les organisations ont-elles amélioré leur posture de sécurité?
API Security Trends 2023 – Have Organizations Improved their Security Posture?
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Les API, également connues sous le nom d'interfaces de programmation d'applications, servent de squelette d'applications logicielles modernes, permettant une communication transparente et un échange de données entre différents systèmes et plates-formes.Ils fournissent aux développeurs une interface pour interagir avec les services externes, leur permettant d'intégrer diverses fonctionnalités dans leurs propres applications. Cependant, cette dépendance accrue à l'égard de
APIs, also known as application programming interfaces, serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms. They provide developers with an interface to interact with external services, allowing them to integrate various functionalities into their own applications. However, this increased reliance on
Studies ★★★
itsecurityguru.webp 2023-10-03 15:00:40 L'état de cybersécurité: Cyber Skill Gap laisse une entreprise vulnérable aux attaques, révèle de nouvelles recherches
The State of Cybersecurity: Cyber skills gap leaves business vulnerable to attacks, new research reveals
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Isaca, la principale association professionnelle mondiale aidant les individus et les organisations dans leur quête de confiance numérique, lance aujourd'hui de nouvelles recherches sur l'état de la cybersécurité.La recherche révèle que les professionnels de la cybersécurité qui ont déclaré avoir subi une augmentation ou une diminution des attaques de cybersécurité par rapport à il y a un an, plus de la moitié (52%) [& # 8230;]
ISACA, the leading global professional association helping individuals and organisations in their pursuit of digital trust, today launches new research looking at the state of cybersecurity. The research finds that of the cybersecurity professionals who said they were experiencing an increase or decrease in cybersecurity attacks as compared to a year ago, over half (52%) […]
Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-03 13:08:45 Les dirigeants, maillon faible de la cybersécurité ? 60% d\'entre eux plus enclins à cliquer sur des liens malveillants (lien direct) Les dirigeants, maillon faible de la cybersécurité ? 60% d'entre eux plus enclins à cliquer sur des liens malveillants explique SOSAFE Malgré le fait que 66% des cadres supérieurs français accordent plus d'attention à la cybersécurité qu'en 2022 - Investigations Studies ★★★
InfoSecurityMag.webp 2023-10-03 13:00:00 La chaîne d'approvisionnement en amont attaque le triple en un an
Upstream Supply Chain Attacks Triple in a Year
(lien direct)
Sonatype détecte plus de 245 000 forfaits malveillants
Sonatype detects over 245,000 malicious packages
Studies ★★★
InfoSecurityMag.webp 2023-10-03 12:00:00 La moitié des professionnels de la cybersécurité signalent une augmentation des cyberattaques
Half of Cybersecurity Professionals Report Increase in Cyber-Attacks
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De nouvelles recherches d'Isaca ont constaté que l'écart de compétences en cybersécurité contribue aux entreprises \\ 'la préparation à la cybersécurité
New research by ISACA has found that the cybersecurity skills gap is contributing to businesses\' cybersecurity preparedness
Studies ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-03 09:22:54 Etude Kyndryl Cybersécurité : les grandes entreprises en excès de confiance ? (lien direct) Etude Kyndryl Cybersécurité : les grandes entreprises en excès de confiance ? - Points de Vue Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-03 08:59:46 Les PME Européennes sont de plus en plus préoccupées par les cybermenaces depuis 12 mois, plus d\'un tiers admet avoir été victime d\'attaques. (lien direct) Les PME Européennes sont de plus en plus préoccupées par les cybermenaces depuis 12 mois, plus d'un tiers admet avoir été victime d'attaques, recherches menées par Sharp Europe - Investigations Studies ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-03 08:49:53 La recherche Ivanti montre qu'un employé sur trois croit que leurs actions n'ont pas d'impact sur la sécurité de leur organisation
Ivanti Research Shows that One in Three Employees Believe Their Actions Don\\'t Impact Their Organization\\'s Security
(lien direct)
La recherche Ivanti montre qu'un employé sur trois croit que leurs actions n'ont pas d'impact sur la sécurité de leur organisation Le rapport détaille comment la cybersécurité de haut en bas et une taille unique ignore les risques uniques qui accompagnent la géographie, l'âge, le sexe et le rôle - rapports spéciaux
Ivanti Research Shows that One in Three Employees Believe Their Actions Don\'t Impact Their Organization\'s Security The report details how top-down, one-size-fits-all enterprise cybersecurity ignores the unique risks that accompany geography, age, gender, and role - Special Reports
Studies ★★★
InfoSecurityMag.webp 2023-10-03 08:30:00 Le cinquième des Britanniques soupçonnent qu'ils ont été surveillés par les employeurs
Fifth of Brits Suspect They\\'ve Been Monitored by Employers
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Le régulateur de la vie privée avertit les employés de rester dans la loi
Privacy regulator warns employees to stay within the law
Studies ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-10-03 07:45:20 Trend Micro : Etat des attaques de ransomware au premier semestre 2023 (lien direct) Etat des attaques de ransomware au premier semestre 2023 par Trend Micro Les institutions américaines sont majoritairement prises pour cible par LockBit. • Le rapport de Trend Micro évalue le ratio d'attaque à une sur six. • Le volume de victimes de ransomware est en forte hausse : +47%. • LockBit, BlackCat et Clop sont les familles de ransonwares les plus actives.#Cybersecurité #Ransomware #LockBit - Investigations Ransomware Studies Prediction ★★★★
The_State_of_Security.webp 2023-10-03 03:30:24 Les principaux points à retenir du rapport d'identité du domaine 2023
Key Takeaways from the 2023 Domain Impersonation Report
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L'une des menaces les plus omniprésentes et inévitables sur Internet, l'identité du domaine peut être utilisée par les mauvais acteurs comme base pour un large éventail d'attaques.Les différentes manières dont les cybercriminels utilisent des domaines de look fluctuent souvent, et la première moitié de 2023 a illustré ce fait.Rester au sommet de la sécurité et ne pas être victime de ces attaques nécessite de savoir quels sont les dangers et de garder une trace des menaces susceptibles de monter.Le rapport d'identité du domaine 2023 de Fortra \\ explore les tendances récentes dans les domaines de lookalike, l'abus de domaine de haut niveau et le domaine des e-mails ...
One of the most pervasive and unavoidable threats on the internet, domain impersonation can be used by bad actors as the basis for a wide range of attacks. The various ways in which cybercriminals make use of lookalike domains often fluctuate, and the first half of 2023 has exemplified this fact. Staying on top of security and not falling victim to these attacks requires knowing what the dangers are and keeping track of the threats that are likely to spring up. Fortra\'s 2023 Domain Impersonation Report explores recent trends in lookalike domains, top-level domain abuse, and email domain...
Studies ★★★★
Blog.webp 2023-10-02 17:05:46 L'industrie cryptographique a perdu 685 millions de dollars au troisième trimestre 2023, 30% par le groupe Lazare
Crypto Industry Lost $685 Million in Q3 2023, 30% by Lazarus Group
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> Par waqas Rapport des pertes de crypto immunufi: T1 2023 voit les plus hautes pertes de l'année. Ceci est un article de HackRead.com Lire le post original: L'industrie cryptographique a perdu 685 millions de dollars au troisième trimestre 2023, 30% par le groupe Lazare
>By Waqas Immunefi Crypto Losses Report: Q3 2023 Sees Highest Losses of the Year. This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Crypto Industry Lost $685 Million in Q3 2023, 30% by Lazarus Group
Studies APT 38 ★★★★
DarkReading.webp 2023-10-02 17:00:00 Quels défis DFIR le Moyen-Orient est-il confronté?
Which DFIR Challenges Does the Middle East Face?
(lien direct)
La demande de criminalistique numérique et de réponse aux incidents (DFIR) augmente au Moyen-Orient, selon un nouveau rapport IDC.L'automatisation est-elle la réponse?
Demand for digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) surges in the Middle East, a new IDC report finds. Is automation the answer?
Studies ★★★
Chercheur.webp 2023-10-02 16:40:47 NSA AI Security Center (lien direct) La NSA est commençant un nouveau centre de sécurité artificiel de l'intelligence: L'établissement de l'IA de sécurité a été. Nakasone a déclaré qu'il deviendrait un point focal de la NSA pour tirer parti des informations sur l'intelligence étrangère, contribuant à l'élaboration de directives, principes, évaluation, méthodologie et frameworks de risque des meilleures pratiques & # 8221;Pour la sécurité de l'IA et pour l'objectif de promouvoir le développement et l'adoption sécurisés de l'IA dans & # 8220; nos systèmes de sécurité nationale et notre base industrielle de défense. & # 8221; ...
The NSA is starting a new artificial intelligence security center: The AI security center’s establishment follows an NSA study that identified securing AI models from theft and sabotage as a major national security challenge, especially as generative AI technologies emerge with immense transformative potential for both good and evil. Nakasone said it would become “NSA’s focal point for leveraging foreign intelligence insights, contributing to the development of best practices guidelines, principles, evaluation, methodology and risk frameworks” for both AI security and the goal of promoting the secure development and adoption of AI within “our national security systems and our defense industrial base.”...
Studies Industrial ★★
InfoSecurityMag.webp 2023-10-02 16:00:00 Le FBI met en garde contre les attaques de deux ransomwares et les tendances de destruction des données
FBI Warns of Dual Ransomware Attacks and Data Destruction Trends
(lien direct)
Les pirates déploient différentes variantes de ransomware, notamment Avoslocker et Hive, entre autres
Hackers are deploying different ransomware variants, including AvosLocker and Hive, among others
Ransomware Studies ★★★★
CyberWarzone.webp 2023-10-02 15:25:08 Pourquoi les Néerlandais hésitent-ils à dépenser en cybersécurité?Un examen plus approfondi des statistiques (2023)
Why Are the Dutch Hesitant to Spend on Cybersecurity? A Closer Look at the Stats (2023)
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La cybersécurité vaut-elle vraiment les dépenses?C'est une question qui semble être dans l'esprit de beaucoup dans le
Is cybersecurity really worth the expense? That’s a question that seems to be on the minds of many in the
Studies ★★★
DarkReading.webp 2023-10-02 07:00:00 La menace silencieuse des API: ce que les nouvelles données révèlent sur le risque inconnu
The Silent Threat of APIs: What the New Data Reveals About Unknown Risk
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La croissance rapide des API crée une surface d'attaque élargie et augmentant les risques de cybersécurité inconnus.
The rapid growth of APIs creates a widening attack surface and increasing unknown cybersecurity risks.
Threat Threat Studies ★★★
ProofPoint.webp 2023-10-01 15:40:58 Entretien des sponsors Risky Biz: l'écosystème du crime électronique change
Risky Biz Sponsor Interview: The e-crime ecosystem is changing
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Pas de details / No more details Studies ★★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-09-29 10:59:02 Veracode dévoile son rapport State of Software Security : la sécurité des logiciels est en retard en Europe (lien direct) Veracode dévoile son rapport State of Software Security : la sécurité des logiciels est en retard en Europe Les entreprises de la région EMEA sont exposées à un risque accru lié aux vulnérabilités dans le code généré par des tiers et par l'intelligence artificielle (IA) - Investigations Studies ★★★
globalsecuritymag.webp 2023-09-28 20:58:02 Le 5e rapport annuel de sécurité des données de GetApp \\: les entreprises américaines voient les cyberattaques à baisser & # 8211; mais elles sont toujours à un niveau non durable
GetApp\\'s 5th Annual Data Security Report: U.S. Businesses See Cyberattacks Tick Down–But They\\'re Still At Unsustainably High Level
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U.S.Les entreprises voient les cyberattaques à baisser & # 8211; mais elles sont toujours à un niveau sans durcissement Le 5e rapport annuel de sécurité des données de GetApp révèle une baisse des attaques de phishing et de ransomware, mais les retombées des attaques de Las Vegas soulignent les vulnérabilités massives de l'ingénierie sociale qui affligent toujours les entreprises - rapports spéciaux
U.S. Businesses See Cyberattacks Tick Down–But They\'re Still At Unsustainably High Level GetApp\'s 5th Annual Data Security Report reveals a drop in phishing and ransomware attacks, but fallout from the Las Vegas attacks underscores the massive social engineering vulnerabilities still plaguing businesses - Special Reports
Ransomware Vulnerability Studies Conference ★★★
Last update at: 2024-07-22 18:07:43
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