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securityintelligence.webp 2023-04-10 13:00:00 Comment Lockbit a changé la cybersécurité pour toujours
How LockBit Changed Cybersecurity Forever
(lien direct)
> Dans chaque industrie, les visionnaires stimulent les progrès et l'innovation.Certains appellent ces pionniers & # 8220; Crazy & # 8221;.La même règle s'applique au monde des cyber gangs.La plupart des groupes de menaces essaient de maintenir un profil bas.Ils ne semblent pas faire confiance à quiconque et ne veulent pas de contrôle serré sur le flux d'argent. & # 160;Puis est venu Lockbit.Non seulement le groupe maintient [& # 8230;]
>In every industry, visionaries drive progress and innovation. Some call these pioneers “crazy”. The same rule applies to the world of cyber gangs. Most threat groups try to maintain a low profile. They don’t seem to trust anyone and want tight control over money flow.  Then along came LockBit. Not only does the group maintain […]
Threat ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-04-06 13:00:00 Comment se défendre contre des groupes d'extorsion comme la lapsus $
How to Defend Against Extortion Groups Like Lapsus$
(lien direct)
> Le groupe de pirate lapsus $ (parfois appelé lapsus $ ou simplement lapsus) est une organisation relativement plus récente dans la cyberréna.Le groupe a commencé à attirer l'attention du public en décembre 2021 après quelques attaques réussies contre les grandes sociétés, où même le ministère de la Sécurité intérieure a jugé nécessaire de passer plus de temps à rechercher ce groupe [& # 8230;]
>The hacker group Lapsus$ (sometimes referred to as LAPSUS$ or simply Lapsus) is a relatively newer organization in the cyber arena. The group began to garner public attention in December 2021 after some successful attacks on major corporations, where even the Department of Homeland Security felt it necessary to spend more time researching this group […]
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-31 13:00:00 Est-il temps de commencer à cacher vos e-mails de travail? [Is It Time to Start Hiding Your Work Emails?] (lien direct) > À l'ère numérique, il est de plus en plus important que les entreprises soient conscientes de leur présence en ligne et de leur sécurité des données.De nombreuses entreprises ont déjà mis en œuvre des mesures telles que l'authentification à deux facteurs et les politiques de mot de passe solides & # 8211;Mais il y a encore beaucoup de visibilité sur la visibilité des e-mails.Il n'est pas surprenant que le cyber [& # 8230;]
>In this digital age, it is increasingly important for businesses to be aware of their online presence and data security. Many companies have already implemented measures such as two-factor authentication and strong password policies – but there is still a great deal of exposure regarding email visibility. It should come as no surprise that cyber […]
General Information ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-30 13:00:00 X-Force empêche zéro jour d'aller n'importe où [X-Force Prevents Zero Day from Going Anywhere] (lien direct) > Ce blog a été rendu possible grâce aux contributions de Fred Chidsey et Joseph Lozowski.La base de données de vulnérabilité et d'exploitation X-Force montre que le nombre de jours zéro publiés chaque année est en augmentation, mais X-Force a observé que seuls quelques-uns de ces jours zéro sont rapidement adoptés par les cybercriminels chaque année.Tandis que [& # 8230;]
>This blog was made possible through contributions from Fred Chidsey and Joseph Lozowski. The X-Force Vulnerability and Exploit Database shows that the number of zero days being released each year is on the rise, but X-Force has observed that only a few of these zero days are rapidly adopted by cyber criminals each year. While […]
Vulnerability ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-29 13:00:00 Cyber Storm prédit au Forum économique mondial de 2023 [Cyber Storm Predicted at the 2023 World Economic Forum] (lien direct) > Selon les perspectives mondiales de cybersécurité 2023, 93% des chefs de file de la cybersécurité et 86% des chefs d'entreprise pensent & # 160; un cyber-événement de grande envergure est au moins quelque peu probable au cours des deux prochaines années.De plus, 43% des dirigeants organisationnels pensent qu'il est probable qu'une cyberattaque affectera gravement leur organisation au cours des deux prochaines années.Avec cybersécurité [& # 8230;]
>According to the Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023, 93% of cybersecurity leaders and 86% of business leaders think a far-reaching, catastrophic cyber event is at least somewhat likely in the next two years. Additionally, 43% of organizational leaders think it is likely that a cyberattack will affect their organization severely in the next two years. With cybersecurity […]
Guideline ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-24 13:00:00 Nouvelles attaques cible les canaux de service à la clientèle en ligne [New Attack Targets Online Customer Service Channels] (lien direct) > Un groupe d'attaquant inconnu cible les agents du service client dans les sociétés de jeu et de jeu avec un nouvel effort de logiciel malveillant.Connu sous le nom de IceBreaker, le code est capable de voler des mots de passe et des cookies, d'expulser les fichiers, de prendre des captures d'écran et d'exécuter des scripts VBS personnalisés.Bien que ce soient des fonctions assez standard, ce qui distingue le brise-glace, c'est son vecteur d'infection.Malveillant [& # 8230;]
>An unknown attacker group is targeting customer service agents at gambling and gaming companies with a new malware effort. Known as IceBreaker, the code is capable of stealing passwords and cookies, exfiltrating files, taking screenshots and running custom VBS scripts. While these are fairly standard functions, what sets IceBreaker apart is its infection vector. Malicious […]
Malware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-23 16:00:00 Cybersecurity 101: Qu'est-ce que la gestion de la surface des attaques? [Cybersecurity 101: What is Attack Surface Management?] (lien direct) > Il y a eu plus de 4100 violations de données divulguées publiquement en 2022, exposant environ 22 milliards de dossiers.Les criminels peuvent utiliser des données volées pour un vol d'identité, une fraude financière ou pour lancer des attaques de ransomwares.Alors que ces menaces se profilent à l'horizon, la gestion de la surface d'attaque (ASM) cherche à les combattre.ASM est une approche de cybersécurité qui surveille continuellement un [& # 8230;]
>There were over 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches in 2022, exposing about 22 billion records. Criminals can use stolen data for identity theft, financial fraud or to launch ransomware attacks. While these threats loom large on the horizon, attack surface management (ASM) seeks to combat them. ASM is a cybersecurity approach that continuously monitors an […]
Ransomware ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-22 13:00:00 Drift des conteneurs: où l'âge n'est pas juste un nombre [Container Drift: Where Age isn\\'t Just a Number] (lien direct) Les cadres d'orchestration des conteneurs comme Kubernetes ont provoqué des progrès technologiques indicibles au cours de la dernière décennie.Cependant, ils ont également permis à de nouveaux vecteurs d'attaque pour que les mauvais acteurs puissent tirer parti.Avant de déployer une demande en toute sécurité, vous devez répondre aux questions suivantes: Combien de temps un conteneur doit-il vivre?Le conteneur doit-il écrire des fichiers pendant l'exécution?[& # 8230;]
Container orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes have brought about untold technological advances over the past decade. However, they have also enabled new attack vectors for bad actors to leverage. Before safely deploying an application, you must answer the following questions: How long should a container live? Does the container need to write any files during runtime? […]
Uber ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-20 18:30:00 When the Absence of Noise Becomes Signal: Defensive Considerations for Lazarus FudModule (lien direct) > En février 2023, X-Force a publié un blog intitulé & # 8220; Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKOM) Attacks contre les fournisseurs ETW & # 8221;Cela détaille les capacités d'un échantillon attribué au groupe Lazare se sont exploités pour altérer la visibilité des opérations de logiciels malveillants.Ce blog ne remaniera pas l'analyse de l'échantillon de logiciel malveillant Lazarus ou du traçage d'événements pour Windows (ETW) comme [& # 8230;]
>In February 2023, X-Force posted a blog entitled “Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKOM) Attacks on ETW Providers” that details the capabilities of a sample attributed to the Lazarus group leveraged to impair visibility of the malware’s operations. This blog will not rehash analysis of the Lazarus malware sample or Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) as […]
Malware Medical APT 38 ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-15 13:00:00 What is Reverse Tabnabbing and What Can You Do to Stop It? (lien direct) >Tabnabbing is a phishing method in which attackers take advantage of victims’ unattended browser tabs. After hijacking an inactive tab and redirecting it to malicious URLs, an attacker can perform a phishing attack and execute scripts. With reverse tabnabbing, on the other hand, attackers can actually rewrite the source page after a victim clicks a […] Threat ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-14 13:00:00 Breaking Down a Cyberattack, One Kill Chain Step at a Time (lien direct) >In today’s wildly unpredictable threat landscape, the modern enterprise should be familiar with the cyber kill chain concept. A cyber kill chain describes the various stages of a cyberattack pertaining to network security. Lockheed Martin developed the cyber kill chain framework to help organizations identify and prevent cyber intrusions. The steps in a kill chain […] Threat ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-13 13:00:00 The Role of Customer Service in Cybersecurity (lien direct) >The old adage “cybersecurity is everyone’s job” is more true than you might imagine. While not every department is tasked with threat hunting or reviewing detailed vulnerability disclosures, each has a role in protecting the organization from fraudsters and cyber criminals alike. Customer service is uniquely positioned as the face of the company. These departments […] Vulnerability Threat ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-09 17:00:00 Continuous Threat Exposure Management Stops Modern Threats (lien direct) >The modern threat landscape presents serious challenges to businesses struggling to build their security programs.  While these businesses modernize IT and security programs, the attack surface is proliferating. Security leaders must realize that perimeter defenses no longer cope with the expanded attack surface, leaving gaps in security programs. Only by implementing a new systemic approach […] Threat Guideline ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-08 11:00:00 The Cyber Battle: Why We Need More Women to Win it (lien direct) >It is a well-known fact that the cybersecurity industry lacks people and is in need of more skilled cyber professionals every day. In 2022, the industry was short of more than 3 million people. This is in the context of workforce growth by almost half a million in 2021 year over year per recent research. […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-08 11:00:00 Securing Your Supply Chain Through Cyber Risk Management (lien direct) >Supply chain risk is now recognized as a top challenge, with more than half of security breaches attributed to supply chain and third-party suppliers. This can be a costly vulnerability. The global average data breach cost was $4.35 million last year, according to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach 2022 report. These risks stem from […] Data Breach ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-03-06 14:00:00 The Role of Marketing and PR in Incident Response (lien direct) >Responding to a cyber incident requires teamwork across departments and disciplines. Technical incident responders must work to halt incoming attacks while the communications teams develop a public response. Clear communication is essential.  Communication strategies differ before and after a cyber incident. The way a company approaches both is as important as incident mitigation itself. How […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-17 14:00:00 How Falling Crypto Prices Impacted Cyber Crime (lien direct) >Some rare good news in the world of cyber crime trends: Certain crimes declined in 2022 after years of constant rises. Should we credit crypto? Some estimates say that cryptocurrencies have lost $2 trillion in value since November 2021. During that time, the costs associated with cyber crimes, such as ransomware payouts and financial scams, […] Ransomware ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-16 18:00:00 Detecting the Undetected: The Risk to Your Info (lien direct) >IBM’s Advanced Threat Detection and Response Team (ATDR) has seen an increase in the malware family known as information stealers in the wild over the past year. Info stealers are malware with the capability of scanning for and exfiltrating data and credentials from your device. When executed, they begin scanning for and copying various directories […] Malware Threat ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-16 14:00:00 What are the Duties of a Malware Analyst? (lien direct) >Malware breaches begin in many ways. Recently, multiple fake antivirus apps in the Google Play Store were infected with malware. Earlier this year, malware deployed through satellites shut down modems in Ukraine. Destructive malware attacks have an average lifecycle of 324 days (233 days to identify and 91 days to contain), compared to the global […] Malware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-15 08:42:53 Reverse Tabnabbing (lien direct) >Reverse Tabnabbing is an attack where a page linked from the target page is able to rewrite that page, for example to replace it with a phishing site. Here, the redirection happens through links  from the parent site to attacker’s site. In tabnabbing attackers take advantage and control of victims unattended browser tabs by hijacking […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-14 14:00:00 Breaking Down the Seven Steps of an SQL Injection Kill Chain (lien direct) >Cyberattacks can cause immense damage to an organization’s system and have only increased in frequency over recent years. SQL injection is an especially devastating example. This form of attack involves exploiting a website or application code through the use of Structured Query Language (SQL). It is considered one of the most severe cyber threats, as […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-13 14:00:00 Avoid Being a Downstream Victim of Service Provider Attacks (lien direct) >Attacks on service providers are mounting — and so are downstream victims. Earlier this year, some customers of the cloud service provider DigitalOcean received emails instructing them to reset their passwords. These users hadn’t actually forgotten their passwords — their email addresses had been compromised in a data breach. But the cybersecurity incident didn’t start […] APT 32 ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-10 14:00:00 Six Common Ways That Malware Strains Get Their Names (lien direct) >You’re likely familiar with the names of common malware strains such as MOUSEISLAND, Agent Tesla and TrickBot. But do you know how new malware threats get their names? As a cybersecurity writer, I quickly add new strains to my vocabulary. But I never knew how they came to have those names in the first place. […] Malware ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-09 14:00:00 What is a Pentester, and Can They Prevent Data Breaches? (lien direct) >With the cost of data breaches at an all-time high, organizations are working to proactively identify areas of risk on the network. Using pentesters to conduct penetration (pen) testing is becoming more common. To protect themselves, businesses must know their risk areas before hackers find vulnerabilities. Organizations can lower their attack risk by protecting against […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-08 14:00:00 What CISOs Should Know About Hacking in 2023 (lien direct) >The art of cyber crime is in a constant state of flux and evolution. Simply staying on pace with these trends is a significant part of the CISO’s job. Today’s modern CISO must ensure they are always prepared for the next big trend and remain ahead of adversaries. As we begin to navigate 2023, the […] Prediction ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-02 14:00:00 How Do Threat Hunters Keep Organizations Safe? (lien direct) >Neil Wyler started his job amid an ongoing cyberattack. As a threat hunter, he helped his client discover that millions of records had been stolen over four months. Even though his client used sophisticated tools, its threat-hunting technology did not detect the attack because the transactions looked normal. But with Wyler’s expertise, he was able […] Threat ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-02-01 14:00:00 Contain Breaches and Gain Visibility With Microsegmentation (lien direct) >Organizations must grapple with challenges from various market forces. Digital transformation, cloud adoption, hybrid work environments and geopolitical and economic challenges all have a part to play. These forces have especially manifested in more significant security threats to expanding IT attack surfaces.  Breach containment is essential, and zero trust security principles can be applied to […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-31 14:00:00 CEO, CIO or CFO: Who Should Your CISO Report To? (lien direct) >As we move deeper into a digitally dependent future, the growing concern of data breaches and other cyber threats has led to the rise of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This position is essential in almost every company that relies on digital information. They are responsible for developing and implementing strategies to harden the […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-27 11:00:00 5 Golden Rules of Threat Hunting (lien direct) >When a breach is uncovered, the operational cadence includes threat detection, quarantine and termination. While all stages can occur within the first hour of discovery, in some cases, that’s already too late. Security operations center (SOC) teams monitor and hunt new threats continuously. To ward off the most advanced threats, security teams proactively hunt for […] Threat ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-25 17:30:00 Kronos Malware Reemerges with Increased Functionality (lien direct) >The Evolution of Kronos Malware The Kronos malware is believed to have originated from the leaked source code of the Zeus malware, which was sold on the Russian underground in 2011. Kronos continued to evolve and a new variant of Kronos emerged in 2014 and was reportedly sold on the darknet for approximately $7,000. Kronos […] Malware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-25 14:00:00 Who Will Be the Next National Cyber Director? (lien direct) >After Congress approved his nomination in 2021, Chris Inglis served as the first-ever National Cyber Director for the White House. Now, he plans to retire. So who’s next?  As of this writing in January of 2023, there remains uncertainty around who will fill the role. However, the frontrunner is Kemba Walden, Acting Director of the […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-23 14:00:00 Log4j Forever Changed What (Some) Cyber Pros Think About OSS (lien direct) >In late 2021, the Apache Software Foundation disclosed a vulnerability that set off a panic across the global tech industry. The bug, known as Log4Shell, was found in the ubiquitous open-source logging library Log4j, and it exposed a huge swath of applications and services.  Nearly anything from popular consumer and enterprise platforms to critical infrastructure […] Vulnerability ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-20 14:00:00 How Much is the U.S. Investing in Cyber (And is it Enough)? (lien direct) >It’s no secret that cyberattacks in the U.S. are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Since cyber crime impacts millions of businesses and individuals, many look to the government to see what it’s doing to anticipate, prevent and deal with these crimes. To gain perspective on what’s happening in this area, the U.S. government’s budget and […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-19 17:00:00 Synthetic Media Creates New Social Engineering Threats (lien direct) >Social engineering attacks have challenged cybersecurity for years. No matter how strong your digital security, authorized human users can always be manipulated into opening the door for a clever cyber attacker.  Social engineering typically involves tricking an authorized user into taking an action that enables cyber attackers to bypass physical or digital security.  One common […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-18 14:00:00 What the New Federal Cybersecurity Act Means for Businesses (lien direct) >On December 21, 2022, President Biden signed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act. The risk of quantum-powered password decryption is increasing exponentially. The new legislation is designed to help federal agencies proactively shift to a post-quantum security posture. Agencies have until May 4, 2023, to submit an inventory of potentially vulnerable systems, and the Act […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-17 14:00:00 What is the Future of Password Managers? (lien direct) >In November 2022, LastPass had its second security breach in four months. Although company CEO Karim Toubba assured customers they had nothing to worry about, the incident didn’t inspire confidence in the world’s leading password manager application.  Password managers have one vital job: keep your sensitive login credentials secret, so your accounts remain secure. When hackers […] Guideline LastPass ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-11 01:00:00 A View Into Web(View) Attacks in Android (lien direct) >James Kilner contributed to the technical editing of this blog. Nethanella Messer, Segev Fogel, Or Ben Nun and Liran Tiebloom contributed to the blog. Although in the PC realm it is common to see financial malware used in web attacks to commit fraud, in Android-based financial malware this is a new trend. Traditionally, financial malware […] Malware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-10 14:00:00 RomCom RAT Attack Analysis: Fake It to Make It (lien direct) >The RomCom RAT has been making the rounds — first in Ukraine as it went after military installations, and now in certain English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom. Initially a spear-phishing campaign, the RomCom attack has evolved to include domain and download spoofing of well-known and trusted products. In this piece, we’ll break down […] ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-09 14:00:00 DNSChanger and the Global Scope of Cybersecurity (lien direct) >In November 2011, the FBI-led Operation Ghost Click raided malicious servers run by the Rove Digital cyber group. This was only after the group had leveraged the DNSChanger Trojan to infect over four million computers and generate over $14 million in illicit profits. At the time, the operation was billed as the biggest cyber criminal […]
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-05 17:00:00 3 Reasons to Make EDR Part of Your Incident Response Plan (lien direct) >As threat actors grow in number, the frequency of attacks witnessed globally will continue to rise exponentially. The numerous cases headlining the news today demonstrate that no organization is immune from the risks of a breach. What is an Incident Response Plan? Incident response (IR) refers to an organization’s approach, processes and technologies to detect […] Threat ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2023-01-04 11:00:00 A Perfect Storm: 7 Reasons Global Attacks Will Soar in 2023 (lien direct) >In 2023, the global annual cost of cyber crime is predicted to top $8 trillion, according to a recent Cybersecurity Ventures report. This seemingly enormous figure might still be a major underestimate. In 2021, U.S. financial institutions lost nearly $1.2 billion in costs due to ransomware attacks alone. That was a nearly 200% increase over […] Ransomware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-30 14:00:00 Outrageous Stories From Three Cyber Incident Responders (lien direct) >Working in cyber incident response can certainly make life interesting. Experiences typically run the gamut from exciting, dull, fun, repetitive and challenging. IBM Security commissioned a study from Morning Consult that surveyed over 1,100 cybersecurity incident responders across ten countries. Unsurprisingly, over two-thirds of respondents experienced daily stress or anxiety due to the pressures of […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-29 14:00:00 The 13 Costliest Cyberattacks of 2022: Looking Back (lien direct) >2022 has shaped up to be a pricey year for victims of cyberattacks. Cyberattacks continue to target critical infrastructures such as health systems, small government agencies and educational institutions. Ransomware remains a popular attack method for large and small targets alike. While organizations may choose not to disclose the costs associated with a cyberattack, the […] Ransomware ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-22 14:00:00 What Can We Learn From Recent Cyber History? (lien direct) >The Center for Strategic and International Studies compiled a list of significant cyber incidents dating back to 2003. Compiling attacks on government agencies, defense and high-tech companies or economic crimes with losses of more than a million dollars, this list reveals broader trends in cybersecurity for the past two decades. And, of course, there are […] Studies ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-19 14:00:00 How Reveton Ransomware-as-a-Service Changed Cybersecurity (lien direct) >In 2012, Reveton ransomware emerged. It’s considered to be the first Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) operation ever. Since then, RaaS has enabled gangs with basic technical skills to launch attacks indiscriminately. Now, nearly anyone can create highly effective malware campaigns. We now see RaaS outfits with organizational capabilities that rival the most professional Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) brands. But […] Ransomware Malware ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-15 17:00:00 How to Embed Gen Z in Your Organization\'s Security Culture (lien direct) Generation Z, which Pew Research Center defines as those born after 1996, is considered the first digital-native generation. This group of young people always has the latest technology at their fingertips. Yet even with this strong digital connection, the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA) found that Gen Zers have higher cyber incident victimization rates than previous […] ★★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-14 11:00:00 5 Holiday Cybersecurity Tips That Make A Real Impact (lien direct) >Tired of cybersecurity tips that don’t really make an impact? This post is for you.   The year is winding down to an end. Everyone, including security teams, is busy and preoccupied. Cyber actors know this and are gearing up to launch attacks. Over the holiday season, the global number of attempted ransomware attacks has increased […] Ransomware
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-08 14:00:00 What CISOs Should Know About CIRCIA Incident Reporting (lien direct) >In March of 2022, a new federal law was adopted: the Cyber Incident Reporting Critical Infrastructure Act (CIRCIA). This new legislation focuses on reporting requirements related to cybersecurity incidents and ransomware payments. The key takeaway: covered entities in critical infrastructure will now be required to report incidents and payments within specified time frames to the […] Ransomware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-06 14:00:00 Inside the Second White House Ransomware Summit (lien direct) >Ransomware is a growing, international threat. It’s also an insidious one.  The state of the art in ransomware is simple but effective. Well-organized criminal gangs hiding in safe-haven countries breach an organization, find, steal and encrypt important files. Then they present victims with the double incentive that, should they refuse to pay, their encrypted files […] Ransomware ★★
securityintelligence.webp 2022-12-05 14:00:00 Did Brazil DSL Modem Attacks Change Device Security? (lien direct) >From 2011 to 2012, millions of Internet users in Brazil fell victim to a massive attack against vulnerable DSL modems. By configuring the modems remotely, attackers could redirect users to malicious domain name system (DNS) servers. Victims trying to visit popular websites (Google, Facebook) were instead directed to imposter sites. These rogue sites then installed […] ★★
Last update at: 2024-04-19 09:08:00
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