www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-02T16:51:48+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr DarkTrace - DarkTrace: AI bases detection Ransomware one year after WannaCry: attack vectors still commonly exploited by attackers This article discusses some of the most common infection vectors and how the Darktrace Enterprise Immune System can assist security teams in catching ransomware threats.]]> 2023-10-26T13:08:32+00:00 https://darktrace.com/blog/ransomware-one-year-after-wannacry-attack-vectors-still-commonly-exploited-by-attackers www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8400835 False Ransomware Wannacry 2.0000000000000000