www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-13T04:40:11+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Découvrir des menaces potentielles à votre application Web en tirant parti des rapports de sécurité<br>Uncovering potential threats to your web application by leveraging security reports The Reporting API is an emerging web standard that provides a generic reporting mechanism for issues occurring on the browsers visiting your production website. The reports you receive detail issues such as security violations or soon-to-be-deprecated APIs, from users\' browsers from all over the world. Collecting reports is often as simple as specifying an endpoint URL in the HTTP header; the browser will automatically start forwarding reports covering the issues you are interested in to those endpoints. However, processing and analyzing these reports is not that simple. For example, you may receive a massive number of reports on your endpoint, and it is possible that not all of them will be helpful in identifying the underlying problem. In such circumstances, distilling and fixing issues can be quite a challenge. In this blog post, we\'ll share how the Google security team uses the Reporting API to detect potential issues and identify the actual problems causing them. We\'ll also introduce an open source solution, so you can easily replicate Google\'s approach to processing reports and acting on them. How does the Reporting API work? Some errors only occur in production, on users\' browsers to which you have no access. You won\'t see these errors locally or during development because there could be unexpected conditions real users, real networks, and real devices are in. With the Reporting API, you directly leverage the browser to monitor these errors: the browser catches these errors for you, generates an error report, and sends this report to an endpoint you\'ve specified. How reports are generated and sent. Errors you can monitor with the Reporting API include: Security violations: Content-Security-Policy (CSP), Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP), Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) Deprecated and soon-to-be-deprecated API calls Browser interventions Permissions policy And more For a full list of error types you can monitor, see use cases and report types. The Reporting API is activated and configured using HTTP response headers: you need to declare the endpoint(s) you want the browser to send reports to, and which error types you want to monitor. The browser then sends reports to your endpoint in POST requests whose payload is a list of reports. Example setup:#]]> 2024-04-23T13:15:47+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/04/uncovering-potential-threats-to-your.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8493538 False Malware,Tool,Vulnerability,Mobile,Cloud None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Comment nous avons construit le nouveau réseau de recherche avec la sécurité des utilisateurs et la confidentialité<br>How we built the new Find My Device network with user security and privacy in mind Keeping people safe and their data secure and private is a top priority for Android. That is why we took our time when designing the new Find My Device, which uses a crowdsourced device-locating network to help you find your lost or misplaced devices and belongings quickly – even when they\'re offline. We gave careful consideration to the potential user security and privacy challenges that come with device finding services. During development, it was important for us to ensure the new Find My Device was secure by default and private by design. To build a private, crowdsourced device-locating network, we first conducted user research and gathered feedback from privacy and advocacy groups. Next, we developed multi-layered protections across three main areas: data safeguards, safety-first protections, and user controls. This approach provides defense-in-depth for Find My Device users. How location crowdsourcing works on the Find My Device network The Find My Device network locates devices by harnessing the Bluetooth proximity of surrounding Android devices. Imagine you drop your keys at a cafe. The keys themselves have no location capabilities, but they may have a Bluetooth tag attached. Nearby Android devices participating in the Find My Device network report the location of the Bluetooth tag. When the owner realizes they have lost their keys and logs into the Find My Device mobile app, they will be able to see the aggregated location contributed by nearby Android devices and locate their keys. Find My Device network protections Let\'s dive into key details of the multi-layered protections for the Find My Device network: Data Safeguards: We\'ve implemented protections that help ensure the privacy of everyone participating in the network and the crowdsourced location data that powers it. Location data is end-to-end encrypted. When Android devices participating in the network report the location of a Bluetooth tag, the location is end-to-end encrypted using a key that is only a]]> 2024-04-08T14:12:48+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/04/find-my-device-network-security-privacy-protections.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8486086 False Vulnerability,Threat,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Adressez désinfectant pour le firmware à métal nu<br>Address Sanitizer for Bare-metal Firmware how we have been prioritizing firmware security, and how to apply mitigations in a firmware environment to mitigate unknown vulnerabilities. In this post we will show how the Kernel Address Sanitizer (KASan) can be used to proactively discover vulnerabilities earlier in the development lifecycle. Despite the narrow application implied by its name, KASan is applicable to a wide-range of firmware targets. Using KASan enabled builds during testing and/or fuzzing can help catch memory corruption vulnerabilities and stability issues before they land on user devices. We\'ve already used KASan in some firmware targets to proactively find and fix 40+ memory safety bugs and vulnerabilities, including some of critical severity. Along with this blog post we are releasing a small project which demonstrates an implementation of KASan for bare-metal targets leveraging the QEMU system emulator. Readers can refer to this implementation for technical details while following the blog post. Address Sanitizer (ASan) overview Address sanitizer is a compiler-based instrumentation tool used to identify invalid memory access operations during runtime. It is capable of detecting the following classes of temporal and spatial memory safety bugs: out-of-bounds memory access use-after-free double/invalid free use-after-return ASan relies on the compiler to instrument code with dynamic checks for virtual addresses used in load/store operations. A separate runtime library defines the instrumentation hooks for the heap memory and error reporting. For most user-space targets (such as aarch64-linux-android) ASan can be enabled as simply as using the -fsanitize=address compiler option for Clang due to existing support of this target both in the toolchain and in the libclang_rt runtime. However, the situation is rather different for bare-metal code which is frequently built with the none system targets, such as arm-none-eabi. Unlike traditional user-space programs, bare-metal code running inside an embedded system often doesn\'t have a common runtime implementation. As such, LLVM can\'t provide a default runtime for these environments. To provide custom implementations for the necessary runtime routines, the Clang toolchain exposes an interface for address sanitization through the -fsanitize=kernel-address compiler option. The KASan runtime routines implemented in the Linux kernel serve as a great example of how to define a KASan runtime for targets which aren\'t supported by default with -fsanitize=address. We\'ll demonstrate how to use the version of address sanitizer originally built for the kernel on other bare-metal targets. KASan 101 Let\'s take a look at the KASan major building blocks from a high-level perspective (a thorough explanation of how ASan works under-the-hood is provided in this whitepaper). The main idea behind KASan is that every memory access operation, such as load/store instructions and memory copy functions (for example, memm]]> 2024-03-28T18:16:18+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/03/address-sanitizer-for-bare-metal.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8477255 False Tool,Vulnerability,Mobile,Technical None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Programme de récompense de vulnérabilité: 2023 Année en revue<br>Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review Bonus Awards program, we now periodically offer time-limited, extra rewards for reports to specific VRP targets. We expanded our exploit reward program to Chrome and Cloud through the launch of v8CTF, a CTF focused on V8, the JavaScript engine that powers Chrome. We launched Mobile VRP which focuses on first-party Android applications. Our new Bughunters blog shared ways in which we make the internet, as a whole, safer, and what that journey entails. Take a look at our ever-growing repository of posts! To further our engagement with top security researchers, we also hosted our yearly security conference ESCAL8 in Tokyo. It included live hacking events and competitions, student training with our init.g workshops, and talks from researchers and Googlers. Stay tuned for details on ESCAL8 2024. As in past years, we are sharing our 2023 Year in Review statistics across all of our programs. We would like to give a special thank you to all of our dedicated researchers for their continued work with our programs - we look forward to more collaboration in the future! Android and Google Devices In 2023, the Android VRP achieved significant milestones, reflecting our dedication to securing the Android ecosystem. We awarded over $3.4 million in rewards to researchers who uncovered remarkable vulnerabilities within Android]]> 2024-03-12T11:59:14+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/03/vulnerability-reward-program-2023-year.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8469137 False Vulnerability,Threat,Mobile,Cloud,Conference None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Sécurisé par conception: la perspective de Google \\ sur la sécurité de la mémoire<br>Secure by Design: Google\\'s Perspective on Memory Safety reports that memory safety vulnerabilities-security defects caused by subtle coding errors related to how a program accesses memory-have been "the standard for attacking software for the last few decades and it\'s still how attackers are having success". Their analysis shows two thirds of 0-day exploits detected in the wild used memory corruption vulnerabilities. Despite substantial investments to improve memory-unsafe languages, those vulnerabilities continue to top the most commonly exploited vulnerability classes.In this post, we share our perspective on memory safety in a comprehensive whitepaper. This paper delves into the data, challenges of tackling memory unsafety, and discusses possible approaches for achieving memory safety and their tradeoffs. We\'ll also highlight our commitments towards implementing several of the solutions outlined in the whitepaper, most recently with a $1,000,000 grant to the Rust Foundation, thereby advancing the development of a robust memory-safe ecosystem.Why we\'re publishing this now2022 marked the 50th anniversary of memory safety vulnerabilities. Since then, memo]]> 2024-03-04T14:00:38+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/03/secure-by-design-googles-perspective-on.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8458966 False Vulnerability,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Amélioration de l'interopérabilité entre la rouille et le C ++<br>Improving Interoperability Between Rust and C++ annoncé que Google rejoignait la Fondation Rust.À l'époque, Rust était déjà largement utilisée sur Android et d'autres produits Google.Notre annonce a souligné notre engagement à améliorer les examens de sécurité du code de la rouille et son interopérabilité avec le code C ++.La rouille est l'un des outils les plus forts que nous avons pour résoudre les problèmes de sécurité de la sécurité mémoire.Depuis cette annonce, les leaders de l'industrie et agences gouvernementales sentiment. Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que Google a fourni une subvention de 1 million de dollars à la Rust Foundation pour soutenir les efforts qui amélioreront la capacité de Rust Code à interopérer avec les bases de code C ++ héritées existantes.Nous réapparaisons également notre engagement existant envers la communauté de la rouille open source en agrégant et en publiant Audits pour les caisses de rouille que nous utilisons dans les projets Google open-source.Ces contributions, ainsi que notre contributions précédentes à l'interopérabilité , ont-ellesenthousiasmé par l'avenir de la rouille. "Sur la base des statistiques historiques de la densité de la densité de vulnérabilité, Rust a empêché de manière proactive des centaines de vulnérabilités d'avoir un impact sur l'écosystème Android.Cet investissement vise à étendre l'adoption de la rouille sur divers composants de la plate-forme. » & # 8211;Dave Kleidermacher, vice-président de l'ingénierie, Android Security & AMP;Confidentialité Bien que Google ait connu la croissance la plus importante de l'utilisation de la rouille dans Android, nous continuons à augmenter son utilisation sur plus d'applications, y compris les clients et le matériel de serveur. «Bien que la rouille ne soit pas adaptée à toutes les applications de produits, la priorisation de l'interopérabilité transparente avec C ++ accélérera l'adoption de la communauté plus large, s'alignant ainsi sur les objectifs de l'industrie d'améliorer la sécurité mémoire.» & # 8211;Royal Hansen, vice-président de Google de la sécurité et de l'AMP;Sécurité L'outillage de rouille et l'écosystème prennent déjà en charge interopérabilité avec Android et avec un investissement continuDans des outils comme cxx , autocxx , bindgen , cbindgen , diplomate , et crubit, nous constatons des améliorations régulières de l'état d'interopérabilité de la rouille avec C ++.Au fur et à mesure que ces améliorations se sont poursuivies, nous avons constaté une réduction des obstacles à l'adoption et à l'adoption accélérée de la rouille.Bien que ces progrès à travers les nombreux outils se poursuivent, il ne se fait souvent que développer progressivement pour répondre aux besoins particuliers d'un projet ou d'une entreprise donnée. Afin d'accélérer à la fois l'adoption de la rouill]]> 2024-02-05T11:59:31+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/02/improving-interoperability-between-rust-and-c.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8446993 False Tool,Vulnerability,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Échelle de sécurité avec l'IA: de la détection à la solution<br>Scaling security with AI: from detection to solution Safer AI Framework (SAIF), is using AI itself to automate and streamline routine and manual security tasks, including fixing security bugs. Last year we wrote about our experiences using LLMs to expand vulnerability testing coverage, and we\'re excited to share some updates. Today, we\'re releasing our fuzzing framework as a free, open source resource that researchers and developers can use to improve fuzzing\'s bug-finding abilities. We\'ll also show you how we\'re using AI to speed up the bug patching process. By sharing these experiences, we hope to spark new ideas and drive innovation for a stronger ecosystem security.Update: AI-powered vulnerability discoveryLast August, we announced our framework to automate manual aspects of fuzz testing (“fuzzing”) that often hindered open source maintainers from fuzzing their projects effectively. We used LLMs to write project-specific code to boost fuzzing coverage and find more vulnerabilities. Our initial results on a subset of projects in our free OSS-Fuzz service]]> 2024-01-31T13:07:18+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/01/scaling-security-with-ai-from-detection.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8445278 False Vulnerability,Patching,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog MiraclePtr: protéger les utilisateurs contre les vulnérabilités sans utilisation sans plateformes<br>MiraclePtr: protecting users from use-after-free vulnerabilities on more platforms previous blog post detailing MiraclePtr and its objectives. More platforms We are thrilled to announce that since our last update, we have successfully enabled MiraclePtr for more platforms and processes: In June 2022, we enabled MiraclePtr for the browser process on Windows and Android. In September 2022, we expanded its coverage to include all processes except renderer processes. In June 2023, we enabled MiraclePtr for ChromeOS, macOS, and Linux. Furthermore, we have changed security guidelines to downgrade MiraclePtr-protected issues by one severity level! Evaluating Security Impact First let\'s focus on its security impact. Our analysis is based on two primary information sources: incoming vulnerability reports and crash reports from user devices. Let\'s take a closer look at each of these sources and how they inform our understanding of MiraclePtr\'s effectiveness. Bug reports Chrome vulnerability reports come from various sources, such as: Chrome Vulnerability Reward Program participants, our fuzzing infrastructure, internal and external teams investigating security incidents. For the purposes of this analysis, we focus on vulnerabilities that affect platforms where MiraclePtr was enabled at the time the issues were reported. We also exclude bugs that occur inside a sandboxed renderer process. Since the initial launch of MiraclePtr in 2022, we have received 168 use-after-free reports matching our criteria. What does the data tell us? MiraclePtr effectively mitigated 57% of these use-after-free vulnerabilities in privileged processes, exceeding our initial estimate of 50%. Reaching this level of effectiveness, however, required additional work. For instance, we not only rewrote class fields to use MiraclePtr, as discussed in the previous post, but also added MiraclePtr support for bound function arguments, such as Unretained pointers. These pointers have been a significant source of use-after-frees in Chrome, and the additional protection allowed us to mitigate 39 more issues. Moreover, these vulnerability reports enable us to pinpoint areas needing improvement. We\'re actively working on adding support for select third-party libraries that have been a source of use-after-free bugs, as well as developing a more advanced rewriter tool that can handle transformations like converting std::vector into std::vector. We\'ve also made sever]]> 2024-01-11T14:18:14+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2024/01/miracleptr-protecting-users-from-use.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8440961 False Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Durcissant les bandes de base cellulaire dans Android<br>Hardening cellular basebands in Android prioritize hardening the cellular baseband given its unique combination of running in an elevated privilege and parsing untrusted inputs that are remotely delivered into the device. This post covers how to use two high-value sanitizers which can prevent specific classes of vulnerabilities found within the baseband. They are architecture agnostic, suitable for bare-metal deployment, and should be enabled in existing C/C++ code bases to mitigate unknown vulnerabilities. Beyond security, addressing the issues uncovered by these sanitizers improves code health and overall stability, reducing resources spent addressing bugs in the future. An increasingly popular attack surface As we outlined previously, security research focused on the baseband has highlighted a consistent lack of exploit mitigations in firmware. Baseband Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploits have their own categorization in well-known third-party marketplaces with a relatively low payout. This suggests baseband bugs may potentially be abundant and/or not too complex to find and exploit, and their prominent inclusion in the marketplace demonstrates that they are useful. Baseband security and exploitation has been a recurring theme in security conferences for the last decade. Researchers have also made a dent in this area in well-known exploitation contests. Most recently, this area has become prominent enough that it is common to find practical baseband exploitation trainings in top security conferences. Acknowledging this trend, combined with the severity and apparent abundance of these vulnerabilities, last year we introduced updates to the severity guidelines of Android\'s Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP). For example, we consider vulnerabilities allowing Remote Code Execution (RCE) in the cellular baseband to be of CRITICAL severity. Mitigating Vulnerability Root Causes with Sanitizers Common classes of vulnerabilities can be mitigated through the use of sanitizers provided by Clang-based toolchains. These sanitizers insert runtime checks against common classes of vulnerabilities. GCC-based toolchains may also provide some level of support for these flags as well, but will not be considered further in this post. We encourage you to check your toolchain\'s documentation. Two sanitizers included in Undefine]]> 2023-12-12T12:00:09+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/12/hardening-cellular-basebands-in-android.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8421613 False Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Mobile,Prediction,Conference None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Deux ans plus tard: une base de référence qui fait grimper la sécurité de l'industrie<br>Two years later: a baseline that drives up security for the industry 98% of organizations have a relationship with at least one third-party that has experienced a breach in the last 2 years."In this post, we\'re excited to share the latest improvements to the Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP) controls. We\'ll also shed light on how adoption of MVSP has helped Google improve its security processes, and hope this example will help motivate third-parties to increase their adoption of MVSP controls and thus improve product security across the industry.About MVSPIn October 2021, Google publicly launched MVSP alongside launch partners. Our original goal remains unchanged: to provide a vendor-neutral application security baseline, designed to eliminate overhead, complexity, and confusion in the end-to-end process of onboarding third-party products and services. It covers themes such as procurement, security assessment, and contract negotiation.Improvements since launchAs part of MVSP\'s annual control review, and our core philosophy of evolution over revolution]]> 2023-11-20T11:49:31+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/11/two-years-later-baseline-that-drives-up.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8418788 False Vulnerability,Conference None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog MTE - le chemin prometteur à suivre pour la sécurité de la mémoire<br>MTE - The promising path forward for memory safety partnered with ARM and collaborated with many ecosystem partners (SoCs vendors, mobile phone OEMs, etc.) to develop Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) technology. We are now happy to share the growing adoption in the ecosystem. MTE is now available on some OEM devices (as noted in a recent blog post by Project Zero) with Android 14 as a developer option, enabling developers to use MTE to discover memory safety issues in their application easily. The security landscape is changing dynamically, new attacks are becoming more complex and costly to mitigate. It\'s becoming increasingly important to detect and prevent security vulnerabilities early in the software development cycle and also have the capability to mitigate the security attacks at the first moment of exploitation in production.The biggest contributor to security vulnerabilities are memory safety related defects and Google has invested in a set of technologies to help mitigate memory safety risks. These include but are not limited to: Shifting to memory safe languages such as Rust as a proactive solution to prevent the new memory safety bugs from being introduced in the first place. Tools for detecting memory safety defects in the development stages and production environment, such as widely used sanitizer technologies1 (ASAN, HWASAN, GWP-ASAN, etc.) as well as fuzzing (with sanitizers enabled). Foundational technologies like MTE, which many experts believe is the most promising path forward for improving C/C++ software security and it can be deployed both in development and production at reasonably low cost. MTE is a hardware based capability that can detect unknown memory safety vulnerabilities in testing and/or mitigate them in production. It works by tagging the pointers and memory regions and comparing the tags to identify mismatches (details). In addition to the security benefits, MTE can also help ensure integrity because memory safety bugs remain one of the major contributors to silent data corruption that not only impact customer trust, but also cause lost productivity for software developers. At the moment, MTE is supported on some of the latest chipsets: Focusing on security for Android devices, the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 integrates support for MTE via ARM\'s latest v9 architecture (which is what Cortex-X4 and Cortex-A720 processors are based on). This feature can be switched on and off in the bootloader by users and developers instead of having it always on or always off. Tensor G3 integrates support for MTE only within the developer mode toggle. Feature can be activated by developers. For both chipsets, this feature can be switched on and off by developers, making it easier to find memory-related bugs during development and after deployment. MTE can help users stay safe while also improving time to market for OEMs.Application develope]]> 2023-11-07T14:06:03+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/11/mte-promising-path-forward-for-memory.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8407434 False Vulnerability,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Plus de moyens pour les utilisateurs d'identifier les applications testées sur la sécurité indépendante sur Google Play<br>More ways for users to identify independently security tested apps on Google Play Data Safety section and transparency labeling efforts to help users make more informed choices about the apps they use. Research shows that transparent security labeling plays a crucial role in consumer risk perception, building trust, and influencing product purchasing decisions. We believe the same principles apply for labeling and badging in the Google Play store. The transparency of an app\'s data security and privacy play a key role in a user\'s decision to download, trust, and use an app. Highlighting Independently Security Tested VPN Apps Last year, App Defense Alliance (ADA) introduced MASA (Mobile App Security Assessment), which allows developers to have their apps independently validated against a global security standard. This signals to users that an independent third-party has validated that the developers designed their apps to meet these industry mobile security and privacy minimum best practices and the developers are going the extra mile to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. This, in turn, makes it harder for attackers to reach users\' devices and improves app quality across the ecosystem. Upon completion of the successful validation, Google Play gives developers the option to declare an “Independent security review” badge in its Data Safety section, as shown in the image below. While certification to baseline security standards does not imply that a product is free of vulnerabilities, the badge associated with these validated apps helps users see at-a-glance that a developer has prioritized security and privacy practices and committed to user safety. To help give users a simplified view of which apps have undergone an independent security validation, we\'re introducing a new Google Play store banner for specific app types, starting with VPN apps. We\'ve launched this banner beginning with VPN apps due to the sensitive and significant amount of user data these apps handle. When a user searches for VPN apps, they will now see a banner at the top of Google Play that educates them about the “Independent security review” badge in the Data Safety Section. Users also have the ability to “Learn More”, which redirects them to the App Validation Directory, a centralized place to view all VPN apps that have been independently security reviewed. Users can also discover additional technical assessment details in the App Validation Directory, helping them to make more informed decisions about what VPN apps to download, use, and trust with their data. ]]> 2023-11-02T12:00:24+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/11/more-ways-for-users-to-identify.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8405886 False Tool,Vulnerability,Mobile,Technical None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Increasing transparency in AI security Secure AI Framework (SAIF) can help chart a path for creating AI applications that users can trust. Today, we\'re highlighting two new ways to make information about AI supply chain security universally discoverable and verifiable, so that AI can be created and used responsibly. The first principle of SAIF is to ensure that the AI ecosystem has strong security foundations. In particular, the software supply chains for components specific to AI development, such as machine learning models, need to be secured against threats including model tampering, data poisoning, and the production of harmful content. Even as machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to evolve rapidly, some solutions are now within reach of ML creators. We\'re building on our prior work with the Open Source Security Foundation to show how ML model creators can and should protect against ML supply chain attacks by using ]]> 2023-10-26T08:49:41+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/10/increasing-transparency-in-ai-security.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8400810 False Malware,Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Google\\'s reward criteria for reporting bugs in AI products shared how we are implementing the voluntary AI commitments that we and others in industry made at the White House in July. One of the most important developments involves expanding our existing Bug Hunter Program to foster third-party discovery and reporting of issues and vulnerabilities specific to our AI systems. Today, we\'re publishing more details on these new reward program elements for the first time. Last year we issued over $12 million in rewards to security researchers who tested our products for vulnerabilities, and we expect today\'s announcement to fuel even greater collaboration for years to come. What\'s in scope for rewards In our recent AI Red Team report, we identified common tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that we consider most relevant and realistic for real-world adversaries to use against AI systems. The following table incorporates shared learnings from ]]> 2023-10-26T08:00:33+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/10/googles-reward-criteria-for-reporting.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8400811 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Échelle au-delà ducorp avec les politiques de contrôle d'accès assistées par l'IA<br>Scaling BeyondCorp with AI-Assisted Access Control Policies BeyondCorp: The Access Proxy. We have invested in reducing the difficulty of self-service ACL and ACL test creation to encourage these service owners to define least privilege access control policies. However, it is still challenging to concisely transform their intent into the language acceptable to the access control engine. Additional complexity is added by the variety of engines, and corresponding policy definition languages that target different access control domains (i.e. websites, networks, RPC servers).To adequately implement an access control policy, service developers are expected to learn various policy definition languages and their associated syntax, in addition to sufficiently understanding security concepts. As this takes time away from core developer work, it is not the most efficient use of developer time. A solution was required to remove these challenges so developers can focus on building innovative tools and products.Making it WorkWe built a prototype interface for interactively defining and modifying access control policies for the ]]> 2023-10-10T15:39:40+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/10/scaling-beyondcorp-with-ai-assisted.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8393959 False Tool,Vulnerability None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Rust à métal nu dans Android<br>Bare-metal Rust in Android Last year we wrote about how moving native code in Android from C++ to Rust has resulted in fewer security vulnerabilities. Most of the components we mentioned then were system services in userspace (running under Linux), but these are not the only components typically written in memory-unsafe languages. Many security-critical components of an Android system run in a “bare-metal” environment, outside of the Linux kernel, and these are historically written in C. As part of our efforts to harden firmware on Android devices, we are increasingly using Rust in these bare-metal environments too. To that end, we have rewritten the Android Virtualization Framework\'s protected VM (pVM) firmware in Rust to provide a memory safe foundation for the pVM root of trust. This firmware performs a similar function to a bootloader, and was initially built on top of U-Boot, a widely used open source bootloader. However, U-Boot was not designed with security in a hostile environment in mind, and there have been numerous security vulnerabilities found in it due to out of bounds memory access, integer underflow and memory corruption. Its VirtIO drivers in particular had a number of missing or problematic bounds checks. We fixed the specific issues we found in U-Boot, but by leveraging Rust we can avoid these sorts of memory-safety vulnerabilities in future. The new Rust pVM firmware was released in Android 14. As part of this effort, we contributed back to the Rust community by using and contributing to existing crates where possible, and publishing a number of new crates as well. For example, for VirtIO in pVM firmware we\'ve spent time fixing bugs and soundness issues in the existing virtio-drivers crate, as well as adding new functionality, and are now helping maintain this crate. We\'ve published crates for making PSCI and other Arm SMCCC calls, and for managing page tables. These are just a start; we plan to release more Rust crates to support bare-metal programming on a range of platforms. These crates are also being used outside of Android, such as in Project Oak and the bare-metal section of our Comprehensive Rust course. Training engineers Many engineers have been positively surprised by how p]]> 2023-10-09T12:30:13+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/10/bare-metal-rust-in-android.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8393306 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Élargir notre programme de récompense d'exploitation à Chrome et à Cloud<br>Expanding our exploit reward program to Chrome and Cloud kCTF VRP and its continuation kernelCTF. For the first time, security researchers could get bounties for n-day exploits even if they didn\'t find the vulnerability themselves. This format proved valuable in improving our understanding of the most widely exploited parts of the linux kernel. Its success motivated us to expand it to new areas and we\'re now excited to announce that we\'re extending it to two new targets: v8CTF and kvmCTF.Today, we\'re launching v8CTF, a CTF focused on V8, the JavaScript engine that powers Chrome. kvmCTF is an upcoming CTF focused on Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) that will be released later in the year.As with kernelCTF, we will be paying bounties for successful exploits against these platforms, n-days included. This is on top of any existing rewards for the vulnerabilities themselves. For example, if you find a vulnerability in V8 and then write an exploit for it, it can be eligible under both the Chrome VRP and the v8CTF.We\'re always looking for ways to improve the security posture of our products, and we want to learn from the security community to understand how they will approach this challenge. If you\'re successful, you\'ll not only earn a reward, but you\'ll also help us make our products more secure for everyone. This is also a good opportunity to learn about technologies and gain hands-on experience exploiting them.Besides learning about exploitation techniques, we\'ll also leverage this program to experiment with new mitigation ideas and see how they perform against real-world exploits. For mitigations, it\'s crucial to assess their effectiveness early on in the process, and you can help us battle test them.How do I participate?]]> 2023-10-06T10:21:05+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/10/expanding-our-exploit-reward-program-to.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8392241 False Vulnerability,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Les lacunes de sécurité et de confidentialité SMS montrent clairement que les utilisateurs ont besoin d'une mise à niveau de messagerie<br>SMS Security & Privacy Gaps Make It Clear Users Need a Messaging Upgrade whitepaper from Dekra, a safety certifications and testing lab, the security shortcomings of SMS can notably lead to: SMS Interception: Attackers can intercept SMS messages by exploiting vulnerabilities in mobile carrier networks. This can allow them to read the contents of SMS messages, including sensitive information such as two-factor authentication codes, passwords, and credit card numbers due to the lack of encryption offered by SMS. SMS Spoofing: Attackers can spoof SMS messages to launch phishing attacks to make it appear as if they are from a legitimate sender. This can be used to trick users into clicking on malicious links or revealing sensitive information. And because carrier networks have independently developed their approaches to deploying SMS texts over the years, the inability for carriers to exchange reputation signals to help identify fraudulent messages has made it tough to detect spoofed senders distributing potentially malicious messages. These findings add to the well-established facts about SMS\' weaknesses, lack of encryption chief among them. Dekra also compared SMS against a modern secure messaging protocol and found it lacked any built-in security functionality. According to Dekra, SMS users can\'t answer \'yes\' to any of the following basic security questions: Confidentiality: Can I trust that no one else can read my SMSs? Integrity: Can I trust that the content of the SMS that I receive is not modified? Authentication: Can I trust the identity of the sender of the SMS that I receive? But this isn\'t just theoretical: cybercriminals have also caught on to the lack of security protections SMS provides and have repeatedly exploited its weakness. Both novice hackers and advanced threat actor groups (such as UNC3944 / Scattered Spider and APT41 investigated by Mandiant, part of Google Cloud) leverage the security deficiencies in SMS to launch different ]]> 2023-09-27T12:51:29+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/09/sms-security-privacy-gaps-make-it-clear.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8388447 False Vulnerability,Threat,Studies APT 41 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Capslock: De quoi votre code est-il vraiment capable?<br>Capslock: What is your code really capable of? Log4j in 2021. Supply chain security is a growing issue, and we hope that greater transparency into package capabilities will help make secure coding easier for everyone.Avoiding bad dependencies can be hard without appropriate information on what the dependency\'s code actually does, and reviewing every line of that code is an immense task.  Every dependency also brings its own dependencies, compounding the need for review across an expanding web of transitive dependencies. But what if there was an easy way to know the capabilities–the privileged operations accessed by the code–of your dependencies? Capslock is a capability analysis CLI tool that informs users of privileged operations (like network access and arbitrary code execution) in a given package and its dependencies. Last month we published the alpha version of Capslock for the Go language, which can analyze and report on the capabilities that are used beneath the surface of open source software. ]]> 2023-09-15T14:11:38+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/09/capslock-what-is-your-code-really.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8383846 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Android se lance à fond dans le Fuzzing<br>Android Goes All-in on Fuzzing Step 1: Define and find all the fuzzers in Android repo The first step is to integrate fuzzing into the Android build system (Soong) to enable build fuzzer binaries. While developers are busy adding features to their codebase, they can include a fuzzer to fuzz their code and submit the fuzzer alongside the code they have developed. Android Fuzzing uses a build rule called cc_fuzz (see example below). cc_fuzz (we also support rust_fuzz and java_fuzz) defines a Soong module with source file(s) and dependencies that can be built into a binary. cc_fuzz { name: "fuzzer_foo", srcs: [ "fuzzer_foo.cpp", ], static_libs: [ "libfoo", ], host_supported: true, } A packaging rule in Soong finds all of these cc_fuzz definitions and builds them automatically. The actual fuzzer structure itself is very simple and consists of one main method (LLVMTestOneInput): #include #include extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput( const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { // Here you invoke the code to be fuzzed. return 0; } This fuzzer gets automatically built into a binary and along with its static/dynamic dependencies (as specified in the Android build file) are pack]]> 2023-08-29T12:06:35+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/08/android-goes-all-in-on-fuzzing.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8376312 False Vulnerability,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Fuzzing à propulsion AI: brisant la barrière de chasse aux insectes<br>AI-Powered Fuzzing: Breaking the Bug Hunting Barrier OSS-Fuzz has been at the forefront of automated vulnerability discovery for open source projects. Vulnerability discovery is an important part of keeping software supply chains secure, so our team is constantly working to improve OSS-Fuzz. For the last few months, we\'ve tested whether we could boost OSS-Fuzz\'s performance using Google\'s Large Language Models (LLM). This blog post shares our experience of successfully applying the generative power of LLMs to improve the automated vulnerability detection technique known as fuzz testing (“fuzzing”). By using LLMs, we\'re able to increase the code coverage for critical projects using our OSS-Fuzz service without manually writing additional code. Using LLMs is a promising new way to scale security improvements across the over 1,000 projects currently fuzzed by OSS-Fuzz and to remove barriers to future projects adopting fuzzing. LLM-aided fuzzingWe created the OSS-Fuzz service to help open source developers find bugs in their code at scale-especially bugs that indicate security vulnerabilities. After more than six years of running OSS-Fuzz, we now support over 1,000 open source projects with continuous fuzzing, free of charge. As the Heartbleed vulnerability showed us, bugs that could be easily found with automated fuzzing can have devastating effects. For most open source developers, setting up their own fuzzing solution could cost time and resources. With OSS-Fuzz, developers are able to integrate their project for free, automated bug discovery at scale. ]]> 2023-08-16T13:03:58+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/08/ai-powered-fuzzing-breaking-bug-hunting.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8370865 False Vulnerability,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Chute et zenbleed: Googlers aide à sécuriser l'écosystème<br>Downfall and Zenbleed: Googlers helping secure the ecosystem Downfall and Zenbleed, two new security vulnerabilities (one of which was disclosed today) that prior to mitigation had the potential to affect billions of personal and cloud computers, signifying the importance of vulnerability research and cross-industry collaboration. Had these vulnerabilities not been discovered by Google researchers, and instead by adversaries, they would have enabled attackers to compromise Internet users. For both vulnerabilities, Google worked closely with our partners in the industry to develop fixes, deploy mitigations and gather details to share widely and better secure the ecosystem.What are Downfall and Zenbleed?Downfall (CVE-2022-40982) and Zenbleed (CVE-2023-20593) are two different vulnerabilities affecting CPUs - Intel Core (6th - 11th generation) and AMD Zen2, respectively. They allow an attacker to violate the software-hardware boundary established in modern processors. This could allow an attacker to access data in internal hardware registers that hold information belonging to other users of the system (both across different virtual machines and different processes). These vulnerabilities arise from complex optimizations in modern CPUs tha]]> 2023-08-08T13:33:00+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/08/downfall-and-zenbleed-googlers-helping.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8367398 False Vulnerability,Prediction,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Les hauts et les bas de 0 jours: une année en revue des 0 jours exploités dans le monde en 2022<br>The Ups and Downs of 0-days: A Year in Review of 0-days Exploited In-the-Wild in 2022 2021, 2020, 2019] and builds off of the mid-year 2022 review. The goal of this report is not to detail each individual exploit, but instead to analyze the exploits from the year as a whole, looking for trends, gaps, lessons learned, and successes. Executive Summary41 in-the-wild 0-days were detected and disclosed in 2022, the second-most ever recorded since we began tracking in mid-2014, but down from the 69 detected in 2021.  Although a 40% drop might seem like a clear-cut win for improving security, the reality is more complicated. Some of our key takeaways from 2022 include:N-days function like 0-days on Android due to long patching times. Across the Android ecosystem there were multiple cases where patches were not available to users for a significant time. Attackers didn\'t need 0-day exploits and instead were able to use n-days that functioned as 0-days.]]> 2023-07-27T12:01:55+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/07/the-ups-and-downs-of-0-days-year-in.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8362307 False Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Prediction,Conference None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Sécurité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement pour Go, partie 3: décalage à gauche<br>Supply chain security for Go, Part 3: Shifting left dependency and vulnerability management tools and how Go ensures package integrity and availability as part of the commitment to countering the rise in supply chain attacks in recent years. In this final installment, we\'ll discuss how “shift left” security can help make sure you have the security information you need, when you need it, to avoid unwelcome surprises. Shifting leftThe software development life cycle (SDLC) refers to the series of steps that a software project goes through, from planning all the way through operation. It\'s a cycle because once code has been released, the process continues and repeats through actions like coding new features, addressing bugs, and more. Shifting left involves implementing security practices earlier in the SDLC. For example, consider scanning dependencies for known vulnerabilities; many organizations do this as part of continuous integration (CI) which ensures that code has passed security scans before it is released. However, if a vulnerability is first found during CI, significant time has already been invested building code upon an insecure dependency. Shifting left in this case mea]]> 2023-07-20T16:03:33+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/07/supply-chain-security-for-go-part-3.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8359415 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Google Cloud attribue 313 337 $ en 2022 Prix VRP<br>Google Cloud Awards $313,337 in 2022 VRP Prizes Google Cloud products, which in turn helps improve security for our users, customers, and the Internet at large.We first announced the Google Cloud VRP Prize in 2019 to encourage security researchers to focus on the security of Google Cloud and to incentivize sharing knowledge on Cloud vulnerability research with the world. This year, we were excited to see an increase in collaboration between researchers, which often led to more detailed and complex vulnerability reports. After careful evaluation of the submissions, today we are excited to announce the winners of the 2022 Google Cloud VRP Prize.2022 Google Cloud VRP Prize Winners1st Prize - $133,337: Yuval Avrahami for the report and write-up Privilege escalations in GKE Autopilot. Yuval\'s excellent write-up describes several attack paths that would allow an attacker with permission to create pods in an Autopilot cluster to escalate privileges and compromise the underlying node VMs. While thes]]> 2023-06-22T12:05:42+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/06/google-cloud-awards-313337-in-2022-vrp.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8348159 False Vulnerability,Cloud Uber 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Apprentissage de KCTF VRP \\'s 42 Linux Neule exploite les soumissions<br>Learnings from kCTF VRP\\'s 42 Linux kernel exploits submissions 2020, we integrated kCTF into Google\'s Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP) to support researchers evaluating the security of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the underlying Linux kernel. As the Linux kernel is a key component not just for Google, but for the Internet, we started heavily investing in this area. We extended the VRP\'s scope and maximum reward in 2021 (to $50k), then again in February 2022 (to $91k), and finally in August 2022 (to $133k). In 2022, we also summarized our learnings to date in our cookbook, and introduced our experimental mitigations for the most common exploitation techniques.In this post, we\'d like to share our learnings and statistics about the latest Linux kernel exploit submissions, how effective our ]]> 2023-06-14T11:59:49+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/06/learnings-from-kctf-vrps-42-linux.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8345378 False Vulnerability Uber 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Annonce du bonus d'exploitation en pleine chaîne du navigateur Chrome<br>Announcing the Chrome Browser Full Chain Exploit Bonus Programme de récompenses de vulnérabilité Chrome . À partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 1er décembre 2023, le premier rapport de bogue de sécurité que nous recevons avec un exploit fonctionnel de la chaîne complète, résultant en une évasion chromée de sable, est éligible à triple le montant de la récompense complet .Votre exploit en pleine chaîne pourrait entraîner une récompense pouvant atteindre 180 000 $ (potentiellement plus avec d'autres bonus). Toutes les chaînes complètes ultérieures soumises pendant cette période sont éligibles pour doubler le montant de récompense complet ! Nous avons historiquement mis une prime sur les rapports avec les exploits & # 8211;«Des rapports de haute qualité avec un exploit fonctionnel» est le niveau le plus élevé de montants de récompense dans notre programme de récompenses de vulnérabilité.Au fil des ans, le modèle de menace de Chrome Browser a évolué à mesure que les fonctionnalités ont mûri et de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouvelles atténuations, tels a miracleptr , ont été introduits.Compte tenu de ces évolutions, nous sommes toujours intéressés par les explorations d'approches nouvelles et nouvelles pour exploiter pleinement le navigateur Chrome et nous voulons offrir des opportunités pour mieux inciter ce type de recherche.Ces exploits nous fournissent un aperçu précieux des vecteurs d'attaque potentiels pour exploiter Chrome et nous permettent d'identifier des stratégies pour un meilleur durcissement des caractéristiques et des idées de chrome spécifiques pour de futures stratégies d'atténuation à grande échelle. Les détails complets de cette opportunité de bonus sont disponibles sur le Chrome VRP Rules and Rewards page .Le résumé est le suivant: Les rapports de bogues peuvent être soumis à l'avance pendant que le développement de l'exploitation se poursuit au cours de cette fenêtre de 180 jours.Les exploits fonctionnels doivent être soumis à Chrome à la fin de la fenêtre de 180 jours pour être éligible à la triple ou double récompense. Le premier exploit fonctionnel de la chaîne complète que nous recevons est éligible au triple de récompense. L'exploit en chaîne complète doit entraîner une évasion de bac à sable de navigateur Chrome, avec une démonstration de contrôle / exécution de code de l'attaquant en dehors du bac à sable. L'exploitation doit pouvoir être effectuée à distance et aucune dépendance ou très limitée à l'interaction utilisateur. L'exploit doit avoir été fonctionnel dans un canal de libération actif de Chrome (Dev, Beta, stable, étendu stable) au moment des rapports initiaux des bogues dans cette chaîne.Veuillez ne pas soumettre des exploits développés à partir de bogues de sécurité divulgués publiquement ou d'autres artefacts dans les anciennes versions passées de Chrome. Comme cela est conforme à notre politique générale de récompenses, si l'exploit permet l'exécution du code distant (RCE) dans le navigateur ou un autre processus hautement privilégié, tel que le processus de réseau ou de GPU, pour entraîner une évasion de bac à sable sans avoir besoin d'une première étapeBug, le montant de récompense pour le rendu «rapport de haute qualité avec exploit fonctionnel» serait accordé et inclus dans le calcul du total de récompense de bonus. Sur la base de notre ]]> 2023-06-01T11:59:52+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/06/announcing-chrome-browser-full-chain.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8341245 False Vulnerability,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Annonçant le lancement de Guac V0.1<br>Announcing the launch of GUAC v0.1 Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC). Introduced at Kubecon 2022 in October, GUAC targets a critical need in the software industry to understand the software supply chain. In collaboration with Kusari, Purdue University, Citi, and community members, we have incorporated feedback from our early testers to improve GUAC and make it more useful for security professionals. This improved version is now available as an API for you to start developing on top of, and integrating into, your systems.The need for GUACHigh-profile incidents such as Solarwinds, and the recent 3CX supply chain double-exposure, are evidence that supply chain attacks are getting more sophisticated. As highlighted by the ]]> 2023-05-24T12:49:28+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/05/announcing-launch-of-guac-v01.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8339090 False Tool,Vulnerability,Threat Yahoo 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Nouvelles initiatives du programme de récompense de vulnérabilité de l'appareil Android et Google<br>New Android & Google Device Vulnerability Reward Program Initiatives Page des règles publiques . De plus, à partir du 15 mars 2023, Android n'attribuera plus de vulnérabilités et d'expositions courantes (CVE) à la plupart des problèmes de gravité modérés.Le CVE continuera d'être affecté à des vulnérabilités critiques et à forte gravité. Nous pensons que l'incitation aux chercheurs à fournir des rapports de haute qualité profitera à la fois à la communauté de sécurité plus large et à notre]]> 2023-05-17T11:59:38+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/05/new-android-google-device-VRP.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337421 False Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Sécurité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement pour GO, partie 1: Gestion de la vulnérabilité<br>Supply chain security for Go, Part 1: Vulnerability management open source vulnerabilities have made it clear that securing the supply chains underpinning modern software is an urgent, yet enormous, undertaking. As supply chains get more complicated, enterprise developers need to manage the tidal wave of vulnerabilities that propagate up through dependency trees. Open source maintainers need streamlined ways to vet proposed dependencies and protect their projects. A rise in attacks coupled with increasingly complex supply chains means that supply chain security problems need solutions on the ecosystem level. One way developers can manage this enormous risk is by choosing a more secure language. As part of Google\'s commitment to advancing cybersecurity and securing the software supply chain, Go maintainers are focused this year on hardening supply chain security, streamlining security information to our users, and making it easier than ever to make good security choices in Go. This is the first in a series of blog posts about how developers and enterprises can secure their supply chains with Go. Today\'s post covers how Go helps teams with the tricky problem of managing vulnerabilities in their open source packages. Extensive Package Insights Before adopting a dependency, it\'s important to have high-quality information about the package. Seamless access to comprehensive information can be the difference between an informed choice and a future security incident from a vulnerability in your supply chain. Along with providing package documentation and version history, the Go package discovery site links to Open Source Insights. The Open Source Insights page includes vulnerability information, a dependency tree, and a security score provided by the OpenSSF Scorecard project. Scorecard evaluates projects on more than a dozen security metrics, each backed up with supporting information, and assigns the project an overall score out of ten to help users quickly judge its security stance (example). The Go package discovery site puts all these resources at developers\' fingertips when they need them most-before taking on a potentially risky dependency. Curated Vulnerability Information Large consumers of open source software must manage many packages and a high volume of vulnerabilities. For enterprise teams, filtering out noisy, low quality advisories and false positives from critical vulnerabilities is often the most important task in vulnerability management. If it is difficult to tell which vulnerabilities are important, it is impossible to properly prioritize their remediation. With granular advisory details, the Go vulnerability database removes barriers to vulnerability prioritization and remediation. All vulnerability database entries are reviewed and curated by the Go security team. As a result, entries are accurate and include detailed metadata to improve the quality of vulnerability scans and to make vulnerability information more actionable. This metadata includes information on affected functions, operating systems, and architectures. With this information, vulnerability scanners can reduce the number of false po]]> 2023-04-13T12:04:31+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/04/supply-chain-security-for-go-part-1.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8327500 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Annonce de l'API DEPS.DEV: données de dépendance critiques pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement sécurisées<br>Announcing the deps.dev API: critical dependency data for secure supply chains deps.dev API, which provides free access to the deps.dev dataset of security metadata, including dependencies, licenses, advisories, and other critical health and security signals for more than 50 million open source package versions. Software supply chain attacks are increasingly common and harmful, with high profile incidents such as Log4Shell, Codecov, and the recent 3CX hack. The overwhelming complexity of the software ecosystem causes trouble for even the most diligent and well-resourced developers. We hope the deps.dev API will help the community make sense of complex dependency data that allows them to respond to-or even prevent-these types of attacks. By integrating this data into tools, workflows, and analyses, developers can more easily understand the risks in their software supply chains. The power of dependency data As part of Google\'s ongoing efforts to improve open source security, the Open Source Insights team has built a reliable view of software metadata across 5 packaging ecosystems. The deps.dev data set is continuously updated from a range of sources: package registries, the Open Source Vulnerability database, code hosts such as GitHub and GitLab, and the software artifacts themselves. This includes 5 million packages, more than 50 million versions, from the Go, Maven, PyPI, npm, and Cargo ecosystems-and you\'d better believe we\'re counting them! We collect and aggregate this data and derive transitive dependency graphs, advisory impact reports, OpenSSF Security Scorecard information, and more. Where the deps.dev website allows human exploration and examination, and the BigQuery dataset supports large-scale bulk data analysis, this new API enables programmatic, real-time access to the corpus for integration into tools, workflows, and analyses. The API is used by a number of teams internally at Google to support the security of our own products. One of the first publicly visible uses is the GUAC integration, which uses the deps.dev data to enrich SBOMs. We have more exciting integrations in the works, but we\'re most excited to see what the greater open source community builds! We see the API as being useful for tool builders, researchers, and tinkerers who want to answer questions like: What versions are available for this package? What are the licenses that cover this version of a package-or all the packages in my codebase? How many dependencies does this package have? What are they? Does the latest version of this package include changes to dependencies or licenses? What versions of what packages correspond to this file? Taken together, this information can help answer the most important overarching question: how much risk would this dependency add to my project? The API can help surface critical security information where and when developers can act. This data can be integrated into: IDE Plugins, to make dependency and security information immediately available. CI]]> 2023-04-11T12:11:33+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/04/announcing-depsdev-api-critical.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326702 False Tool,Vulnerability None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog OSV and the Vulnerability Life Cycle U.S. Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity requirements for vulnerability disclosure programs and assurances for software used by the US government will go into effect later this year. Finding and fixing security vulnerabilities has never been more important, yet with increasing interest in the area, the vulnerability management space has become fragmented-there are a lot of new tools and competing standards. In 2021, we announced the launch of OSV, a database of open source vulnerabilities built partially from vulnerabilities found through Google's OSS-Fuzz program. OSV has grown since then and now includes a widely adopted OpenSSF schema and a vulnerability scanner. In this blog post, we'll cover how these tools help maintainers track vulnerabilities from discovery to remediation, and how to use OSV together with other SBOM and VEX standards. Vulnerability Databases The lifecycle of a known vulnerability begins when it is discovered. To reach developers, the vulnerability needs to be added to a database. CVEs are the industry standard for describing vulnerabilities across all software, but there was a lack of an open source centric database. As a result, several independent vulnerability databases exist across different ecosystems. To address this, we announced the OSV Schema to unify open source vulnerability databases. The schema is machine readable, and is designed so dependencies can be easily matched to vulnerabilities using automation. The OSV Schema remains the only widely adopted schema that treats open source as a first class citizen. Since becoming a part of OpenSSF, the OSV Schema has seen adoption from services like GitHub, ecosystems such as Rust and Python, and Linux distributions such as Rocky Linux. Thanks to such wide community adoption of the OSV Schema, OSV.dev is able to provide a distributed vulnerability database and service that pulls from language specific authoritative sources. In total, the OSV.dev database now includes 43,302 vulnerabilities from 16 ecosystems as of March 2023. Users can check OSV for a comprehensive view of all known vulnerabilities in open source. Every vulnerability in OSV.dev contains package manager versions and git commit hashes, so open source users can easily determine if their packages are impacted because of the familiar style of versioning. Maintainers are also familiar with OSV's community driven and distributed collaboration on the development of OSV's database, tools, and schema. Matching The next step in managing vulnerabilities is to determine project dependencies and their associated vulnerabilities. Last December we released OSV-Scanner, a free, open source tool which scans software projects' lockfiles, SBOMs, or git repositories to identify vulnerabilities found in the ]]> 2023-03-08T12:04:53+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/03/osv-and-vulnerability-life-cycle.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8316726 False Tool,Vulnerability None 4.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Vulnerability Reward Program: 2022 Year in Review past years, we are sharing our 2022 Year in Review statistics across all of our programs. We would like to give a special thank you to all of our dedicated researchers for their continued work with our programs - we look forward to more collaboration in the future! AndroidThe Android VRP had an incredible record breaking year in 2022 with $4.8 million in rewards and the highest paid report in Google VRP history of $605,000! In our continued effort to ensure the security of Google device users, we have expanded the scope of Android and Google Devices in our program and are now incentivizing vulnerability research in the latest versions of Google Nest and Fitbit! For more information on the latest program version and qualifying vulnerability reports, please visit our public rules page. We are also excited to share that the invite-only Android Chipset Security Reward Program (ACSRP) - a private vulnerability reward program offered by Google in collaboration with manufacturers of Android chipsets - rewarded $486,000 in 2022 and received over 700 valid security reports. We would like to give a special shoutout to some of our top researchers, whose continued hard work helps to keep Android safe and secure: Submitting an impressive 200+ vulnerabilities to the Android VRP this year, Aman Pandey of Bugsmirror remains one of our program's top researchers. Since submitting their first report in 2019, Aman has reported more than 500 vulnerabilities to the program. Their hard work helps ensure the safety of our users; a huge thank you for all of their hard work! Zinuo Han of OPPO Amber Security Lab ]]> 2023-02-22T12:01:42+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/02/vulnerability-reward-program-2022-year.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8312532 False Vulnerability,Guideline None 2.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Hardening Firmware Across the Android Ecosystem publications, talks, Pwn2Own contest winners, and CVEs targeting exploitation of vulnerabilities in firmware running in these secondary processors. Bugs remotely exploitable over the air (eg. WiFi and cellular baseband bugs) are of particular concern and, therefore, are popular within the security research community. These types of bugs even have their own categorization in well known 3rd party exploit marketplaces. Regardless of whether it is remote code execution within the WiFi SoC or within the cellular baseband, a common and resonating theme has been the consistent lack of exploit mitigations in firmware. Conveniently, Android has significant experience in enabling exploit mitigations across critical attack surfaces. Applying years worth of lessons learned in systems hardening Over the last few years, we have successfully enabled compiler-based mitigations in Android - on the AP - which add additional layers of defense across the platform, making it harder to build reproducible exploits and to prevent certain types of bugs from becoming vulnerabilities. Building on top of these successes and lessons learned, we're applying the same principles to hardening the security of firmware that runs outside of Android per se, directly on the bare-metal hardware. In particular, we are working with our ecosystem partners in several areas aimed at hardening the security of firmware that interacts with Android: Exploring and enabling compiler-based sanitizers (Bound]]> 2023-02-21T12:29:09+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/02/hardening-firmware-across-android.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8312262 False Vulnerability None 4.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Announcing OSV-Scanner: Vulnerability Scanner for Open Source OSV-Scanner, a free tool that gives open source developers easy access to vulnerability information relevant to their project. Last year, we undertook an effort to improve vulnerability triage for developers and consumers of open source software. This involved publishing the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) schema and launching the OSV.dev service, the first distributed open source vulnerability database. OSV allows all the different open source ecosystems and vulnerability databases to publish and consume information in one simple, precise, and machine readable format. The OSV-Scanner is the next step in this effort, providing an officially supported frontend to the OSV database that connects a project's list of dependencies with the vulnerabilities that affect them. OSV-Scanner Software projects are commonly built on top of a mountain of dependencies-external software libraries you incorporate into a project to add functionalities without developing them from scratch. Each dependency potentially contains existing known vulnerabilities or new vulnerabilities that could be discovered at any time. There are simply too many dependencies and versions to keep track of manually, so automation is required. Scanners provide this automated capability by matching your code and dependencies against lists of known vulnerabilities and notifying you if patches or updates are needed. Scanners bring incredible benefits to project security, which is why the 2021 U.S. Executive Order for Cybersecurity included this type of automation as a requirement for national standards on secure software development.The OSV-Scanner generates reliable, high-quality vulnerability information that closes the gap between a developer's list of packages and the information in vulnerability databases. Since the OSV.dev database is open source and distributed, it has several benefits in comparison with closed source advisory databases and scanners: Each advisory comes from an open and authoritative source (e.g. the RustSec Advisory Database) Anyone can suggest improvements to advisories, resulting in a very high quality database The OSV format unambiguously stores information about affected versions in a machine-readable format that precisely maps onto a developer's list of packages The above all results in fewer, more actionable vulnerability notifications, which reduces the time needed to resolve them Running OSV-Scanner on your project will first find all the transitive dependencies that are being used by analyzing manifests, SBOMs, and commit hashes. The scanner then connects this information with the OSV database and displays the vulnerabilities relevant to your project. ]]> 2022-12-13T13:00:47+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/12/announcing-osv-scanner-vulnerability.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8294656 False Tool,Vulnerability None 3.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Memory Safe Languages in Android 13 across products, and across the industry. On Android, we're now seeing something different - a significant drop in memory safety vulnerabilities and an associated drop in the severity of our vulnerabilities. Looking at vulnerabilities reported in the Android security bulletin, which includes critical/high severity vulnerabilities reported through our vulnerability rewards program (VRP) and vulnerabilities reported internally, we see that the number of memory safety vulnerabilities have dropped considerably over the past few years/releases. From 2019 to 2022 the annual number of memory safety vulnerabilities dropped from 223 down to 85. This drop coincides with a shift in programming language usage away from memory unsafe languages. Android 13 is the first Android release where a majority of new code added to the release is in a memory safe language. As the amount of new memory-unsafe code entering Android has decreased, so too has the number of memory safety vulnerabilities. From 2019 to 2022 it has dropped from 76% down to 35% of Android's total vulnerabilities. 2022 is the first year where memory safety vulnerabilities do not represent a majority of Android's vulnerabilities. ]]> 2022-12-01T11:58:33+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/12/memory-safe-languages-in-android-13.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8286362 False Vulnerability None 4.0000000000000000 GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Our Principles for IoT Security Labeling 2022-11-02T14:12:24+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/11/our-principles-for-iot-security-labeling.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=7981120 False Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Announcing GUAC, a great pairing with SLSA (and SBOM)! rise in software supply chain attacks, a Log4j vulnerability of catastrophic severity and breadth, and even an Executive Order on Cybersecurity. It is against this background that Google is seeking contributors to a new open source project called GUAC (pronounced like the dip). GUAC, or Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition, is in the early stages yet is poised to change how the industry understands software supply chains. GUAC addresses a need created by the burgeoning efforts across the ecosystem to generate software build, security, and dependency metadata. True to Google's mission to organize and make the world's information universally accessible and useful, GUAC is meant to democratize the availability of this security information by making it freely accessible and useful for every organization, not just those with enterprise-scale security and IT funding. Thanks to community collaboration in groups such as OpenSSF, SLSA, SPDX, CycloneDX, and others, organizations increasingly have ready access to: Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) (with SPDX-SBOM-Generator, Syft, kubernetes bom tool) signed attestations about how software was built (e.g. SLSA with SLSA3 Github Actions Builder, Google Cloud Build) vulnerability databases that aggregate information across ecosystems and make vulnerabilities more discoverable and actionable (e.g. OSV.dev, Global Security Database (GSD)). These data are useful on their own, but it's difficult to combine and synthesize the information for a more comprehensive view. The documents are scattered across different databases and producers, are attached to different ecosystem entities, and cannot be easily aggregated to answer higher-level questions about an organization's software assets. To help address this issue we've teamed up with Kusari, Purdue University, and Citi to create GUAC, a free tool to bring together many different sources of software security metadata. We're excited to share the project's proof of concept, which lets you query a small dataset of software metadata including SLSA provenance, SBOMs, and OpenSSF Scorecards. What is GUAC Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC) aggregates software security metadata into a high fidelity graph database-normalizing entity identities and mapping standard relationships between them. Querying this graph can drive higher-level organizational outcomes such as audit, policy, risk management, and even developer assistance. Conceptually, GUAC occupies the “aggregation and synthesis” layer of the software supply chain transparency logical model: ]]> 2022-10-20T13:01:02+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/10/announcing-guac-great-pairing-with-slsa.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=7739960 False Tool,Vulnerability Uber None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro: The next evolution in mobile security 1 Pixel phones also get better every few months with Feature Drops that provide the latest product updates, tips and tricks from Google. And Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro users will receive at least five years of security updates2, so your Pixel gets even more secure over time. Your protection, built into PixelYour digital life and most sensitive information lives on your phone: financial information, passwords, personal data, photos – you name it. With Google Tensor G2 and our custom Titan M2 security chip, Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro have multiple layers of hardware security to help keep you and your personal information safe. We take a comprehensive, end-to-end approach to security with verifiable protections at each layer - the network, application, operating system and multiple layers on the silicon itself. If you use Pixel for your business, this approach helps protect your company data, too. Google Tensor G2 is Pixel's newest powerful processor custom built with Google AI, and makes Pixel 7 faster, more efficient and secure3. Every aspect of Tensor G2 was designed to improve Pixel's performance and efficiency for great battery life, amazing photos and videos. Tensor's built-in security core works with our Titan M2 security chip to keep your personal information, PINs and passwords safe. Titan family chips are also used to protect Google Cloud data centers and Chromebooks, so the same hardware that protects Google servers also secures your sensitive information stored on Pixel. And, in a first for Google, Titan M2 hardware has now been certified under Common Criteria PP0084: the international gold standard for hardware security components also used for identity, SIM cards, and bankcard security chips.]]> 2022-10-11T19:22:42+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/10/google-pixel-7-and-pixel-7-pro-next.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=7482584 False Spam,Malware,Vulnerability,Guideline,Industrial APT 40 None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Use-after-freedom: MiraclePtr investigate many solutions – both in C++ and in new programming languages. The most common type of memory safety bug is the “use-after-free”. We recently posted about an exciting series of technologies designed to prevent these. Those technologies (collectively, *Scan, pronounced “star scan”) are very powerful but likely require hardware support for sufficient performance. Today we're going to talk about a different approach to solving the same type of bugs. It's hard, if not impossible, to avoid use-after-frees in a non-trivial codebase. It's rarely a mistake by a single programmer. Instead, one programmer makes reasonable assumptions about how a bit of code will work, then a later change invalidates those assumptions. Suddenly, the data isn't valid as long as the original programmer expected, and an exploitable bug results. These bugs have real consequences. For example, according to Google Threat Analysis Group, a use-after-free in the ChromeHTML engine was exploited this year by North Korea. Half of the known exploitable bugs in Chrome are use-after-frees: Diving Deeper: Not All Use-After-Free Bugs Are Equal Chrome has a multi-process architecture, partly to ensure that web content is isolated into a sandboxed “renderer” process where little harm can occur. An attacker therefore usually needs to find and exploit two vulnerabilities - one to achieve code execution in the renderer process, and another bug to break out of the sandbox. The first stage is often the easier one. The attacker has lots of influence in the renderer process. It's easy to arrange memory in a specific way, and the renderer process acts upon many different kinds of web content, giving a large “attack surface” that could potentially be exploited. The second stage, escaping the renderer sandbox, is trickier. Attackers have two options how to do this: They can exploit a bug in the underlying operating system (OS) through the limited interfaces available inside Chrome's sandbox. Or, they can exploit a bug in a more powerful, privileged part of Chrome - like the “browser” process. This process coordinates all the other bits of Chrome, so fundamentally has to be all-powerful. We imagine the attackers squeezing through the narrow part of a funnel: ]]> 2022-09-13T12:59:14+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/09/use-after-freedom-miracleptr.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=6873356 False Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Fuzzing beyond memory corruption: Finding broader classes of vulnerabilities automatically OSS-Fuzz-our community fuzzing service that regularly checks 700 critical open source projects for bugs-detected a serious vulnerability (CVE-2022-3008): a bug in the TinyGLTF project that could have allowed attackers to execute malicious code in projects using TinyGLTF as a dependency. The bug was soon patched, but the wider significance remains: OSS-Fuzz caught a trivially exploitable command injection vulnerability. This discovery shows that fuzzing, a type of testing once primarily known for detecting memory corruption vulnerabilities in C/C++ code, has considerable untapped potential to find broader classes of vulnerabilities. Though the TinyGLTF library is written in C++, this vulnerability is easily applicable to all programming languages and confirms that fuzzing is a beneficial and necessary testing method for all software projects. Fuzzing as a public service OSS-Fuzz was launched in 2016 in response to the Heartbleed vulnerability, discovered in one of the most popular open source projects for encrypting web traffic. The vulnerability had the potential to affect almost every internet user, yet was caused by a relatively simple memory buffer overflow bug that could have been detected by fuzzing-that is, by running the code on randomized inputs to intentionally cause unexpected behaviors or crashes that signal bugs. At the time, though, fuzzing was not widely used and was cumbersome for developers, requiring extensive manual effort. Google created OSS-Fuzz to fill this gap: it's a free service that runs fuzzers for open source projects and privately alerts developers to the bugs detected. Since its launch, OSS-Fuzz has become a critical service for the open source community, helping get more than 8,000 security vulnerabilities and more than 26,000 other bugs in open source projects fixed. With time, OSS-Fuzz has grown beyond C/C++ to detect problems in memory-safe languages such as Go, Rust, and Python. Google Cloud's Assured Open Source Software Service, which provides organizations a secure and curated set of open source dependencies, relies on OSS-Fuzz as a foundational layer of security scanning. OSS-Fuzz is also the basis for free fuzzing tools for the community, such as ClusterFuzzLite, which gives developers a streamlined way to fuzz both open source and proprietary code before committing changes to their projects. All of these efforts are part of Google's $10B commitment to improving cybersecurity and continued work to make open source software more secure for everyone. New classes of vulnerabilities Last December, OSS-Fuzz ]]> 2022-09-08T12:00:15+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/09/fuzzing-beyond-memory-corruption.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=6786657 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Announcing Google\'s Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program (OSS VRP) to reward discoveries of vulnerabilities in Google's open source projects. As the maintainer of major projects such as Golang, Angular, and Fuchsia, Google is among the largest contributors and users of open source in the world. With the addition of Google's OSS VRP to our family of Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRPs), researchers can now be rewarded for finding bugs that could potentially impact the entire open source ecosystem.Google has been committed to supporting security researchers and bug hunters for over a decade. The original VRP program, established to compensate and thank those who help make Google's code more secure, was one of the first in the world and is now approaching its 12th anniversary. Over time, our VRP lineup has expanded to include programs focused on Chrome, Android, and other areas. Collectively, these programs have rewarded more]]> 2022-08-30T07:15:00+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2023/08/Announcing-Googles-Open-Source-Software-Vulnerability-Rewards-Program .html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=6624226 False Vulnerability,Guideline None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Announcing the Open Sourcing of Paranoid\'s Library https://github.com/google/paranoid_crypto). The library is developed and maintained by members of the Google Security Team, but it is not an officially supported Google product.Why the Project?Crypto artifacts may be generated by systems with implementations unknown to us; we refer to them as “black boxes.” An artifact may be generated by a black-box if, for example, it was not generated by one of our own tools (such as Tink), or by a library that we can inspect and test using Wycheproof. Unfortunately, sometimes we end up relying on black-box generated artifacts (e.g. generated by proprietary HSMs).After the disclosure of the ROCA vulnerability]]> 2022-08-24T13:14:56+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/08/announcing-open-sourcing-of-paranoids.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=6505273 False Vulnerability,Threat None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog SBOM in Action: finding vulnerabilities with a Software Bill of Materials SBOMs)-a list of all the components, libraries, and modules that are required to build a piece of software. In the wake of the 2021 Executive Order on Cybersecurity, these ingredient labels for software became popular as a way to understand what's in the software we all consume. The guiding idea is that it's impossible to judge the risks of particular software without knowing all of its components-including those produced by others. This increased interest in SBOMs saw another boost after the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its Secure Software Development Framework, which requires SBOM information to be available for software. But now that the industry is making progress on methods to generate and share SBOMs, what do we do with them?Generating an SBOM is only one half of the story. Once an SBOM is available for a given piece of software, it needs to be mapped onto a list of known vulnerabilities to know which components could pose a threat. By connecting these two sources of information, consumers will know not just what's in what's in their software, but also its risks and whether they need to remediate any issues.In this blog post, we demonstrate the process of taking an SBOM from a large and critical project-Kubernetes-and using an open source tool to identify the vulnerabilities it contains. Our example's success shows that we don't need to wait for SBOM generation to reach full maturity before we begin mapping SBOMs to common vulnerability databases. With just a few updates from SBOM creators to address current limitations in connecting the two sources of data, this process is poised to become easily within reach of the average software consumer. OSV: Connecting SBOMs to vulnerabilitiesThe following example uses Kubernetes, a major project that makes its SBOM available using the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) format-an international open standard (ISO) for communicating SBOM information. The same idea should apply to any project that makes its SBOM available, and for projects that don't, you can generate your own SBOM using the same bom tool Kubernetes created.We have chosen to map the SBOM to the Open Source Vulnerabilities (OSV) database, which describes vulnerabilities in a format that was specifically designed to map to open source package versions or commit hashes. The OSV database excels here as it provides a standardized format and aggregates information across multiple ecosystems (e.g., Python, Golang, Rust) and databases (e.g., Github Advisory Database (GHSA), Global Security Database (GSD)).To connect the SBOM to the database, we'll use the SPDX spdx-to-osv tool. This open source tool takes in an SPDX SBOM document, queries the OSV database of vulnerabilities, and returns an enumeration of vulnerabilities present in the software's declared components.Example: Kubernetes' SBOMThe first step is to download Kubernetes' SBOM, which is publicly available and contains information on the project, dependencies, versions, and ]]> 2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/06/sbom-in-action-finding-vulnerabilities.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=5145917 False Tool,Vulnerability Uber None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Announcing the winners of the 2021 GCP VRP Prize record-breaking year for our Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP). We paid a total of $8.7 million in rewards, our highest amount yet. 2021 saw some amazing work from the security research community. It is worth noting that a significant portion of the reports we received were for findings in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products. It is heartening to see an increasing number of talented researchers getting involved in cloud security.We first announced the GCP VRP Prize in 2019 to encourage security researchers to focus on the security of GCP, in turn helping us make GCP more secure for our users, customers, and the internet at large. Even 3 years into the program, the submissions we are getting never cease to amaze us. After careful evaluation of the submissions, we are excited to announce the 2021 winners:First Prize, $133,337: Sebastian Lutz for the report and write-up Bypassing Identity-Aware Proxy. Sebastian's excellent write-up outlines how he found a bug in Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) which an attacker could have exploited to gain access to a user's IAP-protected resources by making them visit an attacker-controlled URL and stealing their IAP auth token.Second Prize, $73,331: Imre Rad for the report and write-up GCE VM takeover via DHCP flood. The flaw described in the write-up would have allowed an attacker to gain access to a Google Compute Engine VM by sending malicious DHCP packets to the VM and impersonating the GCE metadata server.Third Prize, $73,331: Mike Brancato for the report and write-up Remote Code Execution in Google Cloud Dataflow. Mike's write-up describes how he discovered that Dataflow nodes were exposing an unauthenticated Java JMX port and how an attacker could have exploited this to run arbitrary commands on the VM under some configurations.Fourth Prize, $31,337: Imre Rad for the write-up The Speckle Umbrella story - part 2 which details multiple vulnerabilities that Imre found in Cloud SQL.(Remember, you can make multiple submissions for the GCP VRP Prize and be eligible for more than one prize!)Fifth Prize, $1,001: Anthony Weems for the report and write-up Remote code execution in Managed Anthos Service Mesh control plane. Anthony found a bug in Managed Anthos Service Mesh and came up with a clever exploit to execute arbitrary commands authenticated as a Google-managed per-project service account.Sixth Prize, $1,000: Ademar Nowasky Junior for the report and write-up Command Injection in Google Cloud Shell. Ademar found a way to bypass some of the validation checks done by Cloud Shell. This would have allowed an attacker to run arbitrary commands in a user's Cloud Shell session by making them visit a maliciously crafted link.Congratulations to all the winners!Here's a video that with more details about each of the winning submissions.New Details About 2022 GCP VRPWe will pay out a total of $313,337 to the top seven submissions in the 2022 edition of the GCP VRP Prize. Individual prize amou]]> 2022-06-03T15:04:57+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/06/announcing-winners-of-2021-gcp-vrp-prize.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4956077 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog I/O 2022: Android 13 security and privacy (and more!) here. We're also making even more modules updatable directly through Google Play System Updates so we can automatically upgrade more system components and fix bugs, seamlessly, without you having to worry about it. We now have more than 30 components in Android that can be automatically updated through Google Play, including new modules in Android 13 for Bluetooth and ultra-wideband (UWB). Last year we talked about how the majority of vulnerabilities in major operating systems are caused by undefined behavior in programming languages like C/C++. Rust is an alternative language that provides the efficiency and flexibility required in advanced systems programming (OS, networking) but Rust comes with the added boost of memory safety. We are happy to report that Rust is being adopted in security critical parts of Android, such as our key management components and networking stacks. Hardening the platform doesn't just stop with continual improvements with memory safety and expansion of anti-exploitation techniques. It also includes hardening our API surfaces to provide a more secure experience to our end users. In Android 13 we implemented numerous enhancements to help mitigate potential vulnerabilities that app developers may inadvertently introduce. This includes making runtime receivers safer by allowing developers to specify whether a particular broadcast receiver in their app s]]> 2022-05-11T15:49:52+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/05/io-2022-android-13-security-and-privacy.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593780 False Spam,Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Vulnerability Reward Program: 2021 Year in Review launched bughunters.google.com in 2021, a public researcher portal dedicated to keeping Google products and the internet safe and secure. This new platform brings all of our VRPs (Google, Android, Abuse, Chrome, and Google Play) closer together and provides a single intake form, making security bug submission easier than ever. We're excited about everything the new Bug Hunters portal has to offer, including:More opportunities for interaction and a bit of healthy competition through gamification, per-country leaderboards, awards/badges for certain bugs, and more!A more functional and aesthetically pleasing leaderboard. We know a lot of you are using your achievements in our VRPs to find jobs (we're hiring!) and we hope this acts as a useful resource.A stronger emphasis on learning: bug hunters can improve their skills through the content available in our new ]]> 2022-04-12T17:47:40+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/02/vulnerability-reward-program-2021-year.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593792 False Vulnerability,Guideline None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Find and $eek! Increased rewards for Google Nest & Fitbit devices Google Nest security commitments, in which we committed to engage with the research community to examine our products and services and report vulnerabilities.We are now looking to deepen this relationship and accelerate the path toward building more secure devices. Starting today, we will introduce a new vulnerability rewards structure for submissions impacting smart home (Google Nest) and wearables (Fitbit) devices through our Bug Hunters platform. Bonus!We are paying higher rewards retroactively for eligible Google Nest and Fitbit devices reports submitted in 2021. And, starting today, for the next six months, will double the reward amount for all new eligible reports applicable to Google Nest & Fitbit devices in scope.We will continue to take reports on our web applications, services, and mobile apps at their existing reward levels. Please keep those coming! An enhanced rewards programBuilding on our previous programs to improve devices' embedded security posture, we're bringing all our first-party devices under a single program, starting with Google Nest, Fitbit, and Pixel.This program extends the Android Security Reward Program, making it easier for researchers to submit a vulnerability in first-party devices and improving consistency across our severity assignments. Refer to the Android and Google Devices Security Reward Program for more details.What interests us?We encourage researchers to report firmware, system software, and hardware vulnerabilities. Our wide diversity of platforms provides researchers with a smorgasbord of environments to explore. What's next?We will be at the Hardwear.io conference this year! The VRP team is looking forward to meeting our security peers in person. We'll be talking about the architecture of a couple of our devices, hoping to give security researchers a head start in finding vulnerabilities. We'll have plenty of swag, too!We will continue to enhance the researchers' experience and participation. We intend to add training documentations and target areas that interest us as we grow the program.A huge thanks to Sarah Jacobus, Adam Bacchus, Ankur Chakraborty, Eduardo' Vela" , Jay Cox, and Nic Watson. ]]> 2022-04-05T10:48:50+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/04/find-and-eek-increased-rewards-for.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593788 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog What\'s up with in-the-wild exploits? Plus, what we\'re doing about it. Chrome release blog, you may have noticed that phrases like 'exploit for CVE-1234-567 exists in the wild' have been appearing more often recently. In this post we'll explore why there seems to be such an increase in exploits, and clarify some misconceptions in the process. We'll then share how Chrome is continuing to make it harder for attackers to achieve their goals. How things work today While the increase may initially seem concerning, it's important to understand the reason behind this trend. If it's because there are many more exploits in the wild, it could point to a worrying trend. On the other hand, if we're simply gaining more visibility into exploitation by attackers, it's actually a good thing! It's good because it means we can respond by providing bug fixes to our users faster, and we can learn more about how real attackers operate. So, which is it? It's likely a little of both. Our colleagues at Project Zero publicly track all known in-the-wild “zero day” bugs. Here's what they've reported for browsers: First, we don't believe there was no exploitation of Chromium based browsers between 2015 and 2018. We recognize that we don't have full view into active exploitation, and just because we didn't detect any zero-days during those years, doesn't mean exploitation didn't happen. Available exploitation data suffers from sampling bias. Teams like Google's Threat Analysis Group are also becoming increasingly sophisticated in their efforts to protect users by discovering zero-days and in-the-wild attacks. A good example is a bug in our Portals feature that we fixed last fall. This bug was discovered by a team member in Switzerland and reported to Chrome through our bug tracker. While Chrome normally keeps each web page locked away in a box called the “renderer sandbox,” this bug allowed the code to break out, potentially allowing attackers to steal information. Working across multiple time zones and teams, it took the team three days to come up with a fix and roll it out, as detailed in our video on the process: Why so many exploits? There are a number of factors at play, from changes in vendor and attacker behavior, to changes in the software itself. Here are four in particular that we've been discussing and exploring as a team. First, we believe we're seeing more bugs thanks to vendor transparency. Historically, many browser makers didn't announce that a bug was being exploited in the wild, even if they knew it was happening. Today, most major browser makers have increased transparency via publishing details in release communications, and that may account for more publicly tracked “in the wild” exploitation. These efforts have been spearheaded by bo]]> 2022-03-23T13:03:26+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2022/03/whats-up-with-in-wild-exploits-plus.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593789 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Understanding the Impact of Apache Log4j Vulnerability linked list, which continues to be updated, only includes packages which depend on log4j-core.##More than 35,000 Java packages, amounting to over 8% of the Maven Central repository (the most significant Java package repository), have been impacted by the recently disclosed log4j vulnerabilities (1, 2), with widespread fallout across the software industry. The vulnerabilities allow an attacker to perform remote code execution by exploiting the insecure JNDI lookups feature exposed by the logging library log4j. This exploitable feature was enabled by default in many versions of the library.This vulnerability has captivated the information security ecosystem since its disclosure on December 9th because of both its severity and widespread impact. As a popular logging tool, log4j is used by tens of thousands of software packages (known as artifacts in the Java ecosystem) and projects across the software industry. User's lack of visibility into their dependencies and transitive dependencies has made patching difficult; it has also made it difficult to determine the full blast radius of this vulnerability. Using Open Source Insights, a project to help understand open source dependencies, we surveyed all versions of all artifacts in the Maven Central Repository to determine the scope of the issue in the open source ecosystem of JVM based languages, and to track the ongoing efforts to mitigate the affected packages.How widespread is the log4j vulnerability?As of December 16, 2021, we found that 35,863 of the available Java artifacts from Maven Central depend on the affected log4j code. This means that more than 8% of all packages on Maven Central have at least one version that is impacted by this vulnerability. (These numbers do not encompass all Java packages, such as directly distributed binaries, but Maven Central is a strong proxy for the state of the ecosystem.)As far as ecosystem impact goes, 8% is enormous. The average ecosystem impact of advisories affecting Maven Central is 2%, with the median less than 0.1%.]]> 2021-12-21T10:54:50+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/12/understanding-impact-of-apache-log4j.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593795 False Vulnerability,Patching None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Apache Log4j Vulnerability latest version.Based on findings in our ongoing investigations, here is our list of product and service updates as of December 17th (CVE-2021-44228 & CVE-2021-45046):Android is not aware of any impact to the Android Platform or Enterprise. At this time, no update is required for this specific vulnerability, but we encourage our customers to ensure that the latest security updates are applied to their devices.Chrome OS  releases and infrastructure are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.Chrome Browser releases, infrastructure and admin console are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.Google Cloud has a specific advisory dedicated to updating customers on the status of GCP and Workspace products and services. Google Marketing Platform, including Google Ads is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability. This includes Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, Google Ads, Analytics (360 and free), Optimize 360, Surveys 360 & Tag Manager 360. YouTube  is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability. We will continue to update this advisory with the latest information. ]]> 2021-12-17T21:11:02+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/12/apache-log4j-vulnerability.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593794 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Improving OSS-Fuzz and Jazzer to catch Log4Shell Log4Shell vulnerability has set the internet on fire. Similar to shellshock and heartbleed, Log4Shell is just the latest catastrophic vulnerability in software that runs the internet. Our mission as the Google Open Source Security Team is to secure the open source libraries the world depends on, such as Log4j. One of our capabilities in this space is OSS-Fuzz, a free fuzzing service that is used by over 500 critical open source projects and has found more than 7,000 vulnerabilities in its lifetime. We want to empower open source developers to secure their code on their own. Over the next year we will work on better automated detection of non-memory corruption vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell. We have started this work by partnering with the security company Code Intelligence to provide continuous fuzzing for Log4j, as part of OSS-Fuzz. Also as part of this partnership, Code-Intelligence improved their Jazzer fuzzing engine to make it capable of detecting remote JNDI lookups. We have awarded Code Intelligence $25,000 for this effort and will continue to work with them on securing the open source ecosystem.Caption: OSS-Fuzz and Jazzer finding the Log4Shell VulnerabilityVulnerabilities like Log4Shell are an eye-opener for the industry in terms of new attack vectors. With OSS-Fuzz and Jazzer, we can now detect this class of vulnerability so that they can be fixed before they become a problem in production code.Over the past year we have made a number of investments to strengthen the security of critical open source projects, and recently announced our $10 billion commitment to cybersecurity defense including $100 million to support third-party foundations that manage open source security priorities and help fix vulnerabilities.We appreciate the maintainers, security engineers and incident responders that are working to mitigate Log4j and make our internet ecosystem safer. Check out our documentation to get started using OSS-Fuzz.]]> 2021-12-16T17:28:18+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/12/improving-oss-fuzz-and-jazzer-to-catch.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593796 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Empowering the next generation of Android Application Security Researchers The external security researcher community plays an integral role in making the Google Play ecosystem safe and secure. Through this partnership with the community, Google has been able to collaborate with third-party developers to fix thousands of security issues in Android applications before they are exploited and reward security researchers for their hard work and dedication. In order to empower the next generation of Android security researchers, Google has collaborated with industry partners including HackerOne and PayPal to host a number of Android App Hacking Workshops. These workshops are an effort designed to educate security researchers and cybersecurity students of all skill levels on how to find Android application vulnerabilities through a series of hands-on working sessions, both in-person and virtual. Through these workshops, we've seen attendees from groups such as Merritt College's cybersecurity program and alumni of Hack the Hood go on to report real-world security vulnerabilities to the Google Play Security Rewards program. This reward program is designed to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in apps on Google Play, and keep Android users, developers and the Google Play ecosystem safe. Today, we are releasing our slide deck and workshop materials, including source code for a custom-built Android application that allows you to test your Android application security skills in a variety of capture the flag style challenges. These materials cover a wide range of techniques for finding vulnerabilities in Android applications. Whether you're just getting started or have already found many bugs - chances are you'll learn something new from these challenges! If you get stuck and need a hint on solving a challenge, the solutions for each are available in the Android App Hacking Workshop here. As you work through the challenges and learn more about the techniques and tips described in our workshop materials, we'd love to hear your feedback. Additional Resources: If you want to learn more about how to prepare, launch, and run a Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) or discover how to work with external security researchers, check out our VDP course here. If you're a developer looking to build more secure applications, check out Android app security best practices here. ]]> 2021-12-14T13:01:03+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/12/empowering-next-generation-of-android.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593797 False Vulnerability None None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Exploring Container Security: A Storage Vulnerability Deep Dive high severity vulnerability that allowed workloads to have access to parts of the host filesystem outside the mounted volumes boundaries. Although the vulnerability was patched back in September we thought it would be beneficial to write up a more in-depth analysis of the issue to share with the community.We assessed the impact of the vulnerability as described in vulnerability management in open-source Kubernetes and worked closely with the GKE Storage team and the Kubernetes Security Response Committee to find a fix. In this post we'll give some background on how the subpath storage system works, an overview of the vulnerability, the steps to find the root cause and the fix, and finally some recommendations for GKE and Anthos users.Kubernetes Filesystems: Intro to Volume SubpathThe vulnerability, CVE-2021-25741, was caused by a race condition during the creation of a subpath bind mount inside a container, and allowed an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the underlying node filesystem and its sensitive files. We'll describe how that system is supposed to work, and then talk about the vulnerability.The volume subpath feature in Kubernetes enables sharing a volume in multiple containers inside a pod. For example, we could create a Pod with an InitContainer that creates directories with pre-populated data in a mounted filesystem volume. These directories can then be used by containers in the same Pod by mounting the same volume and optionally specifying a subpath field to limit what's visible inside the container.While there are some great use cases for this feature, it's an area that has had vulnerabilities discovered in the past. The kubelet must be extra cautious when handling user-owned subpaths because it operates with privileges in the host. One vulnerability that has been previously discovered involved the creation of a malicious workload where an InitContainer would create a symlink pointing to any location in the host. For example, the InitContainer could mount a volume in /mnt and create a symlink /mnt/attack inside the container pointing to /etc. Later in the Pod lifecycle, another container would attempt to mount the same volume with subpath attack. While preparing the volumes for the container, the kubelet would end up following the symlink to the host's /etc instead of the container's /etc, unknowingly exposing the host filesystem to the container. A previous fix made sure that the subpath mount location is resolved and validated to point to a location inside the base volume and that it's not changeable by the user in between the time the path was validated and when the container runtime bind mounts it. This race condition is known as time of check to time of use (TOCTOU) where the subject being validated changes after it has been validated.These validations and others are summarized in the following container lifecycle sequence diagram.]]> 2021-12-02T15:00:00+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/12/exploring-container-security-storage.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593798 False Vulnerability Uber None GoogleSec - Firm Security Blog Pixel 6: Setting a new standard for mobile security 5 years of security updates and the most layers of hardware security. These new Pixel smartphones take a layered security approach, with innovations spanning across the Google Tensor system on a chip (SoC) hardware to new Pixel-first features in the Android operating system, making it the first Pixel phone with Google security from the silicon all the way to the data center. Multiple dedicated security teams have also worked to ensure that Pixel's security is provable through transparency and external validation. Secure to the Core Google has put user data protection and transparency at the forefront of hardware security with Google Tensor. Google Tensor's main processors are Arm-based and utilize TrustZone™ technology. TrustZone is a key part of our security architecture for general secure processing, but the security improvements included in Google Tensor go beyond TrustZone. Figure 1. Pixel Secure EnvironmentsThe Google Tensor security core is a custom designed security subsystem dedicated to the preservation of user privacy. It's distinct from the application processor, not only logically, but physically, and consists of a dedicated CPU, ROM, one-time-programmable (OTP) memory, crypto engine, internal SRAM, and protected DRAM. For Pixel 6 and 6 Pro, the security core's primary use cases include protecting user data keys at runtime, hardening secure boot, and interfacing with Titan M2TM. Your secure hardware is only as good as your secure OS, and we are using Trusty, our open source trusted execution environment. Trusty OS is the secure OS used both in TrustZone and the Google Tensor security core. With Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro your security is enhanced by the new Titan M2TM, our discrete security chip, fully designed and developed by Google. In this next generation chip, we moved to an in-house designed RISC-V processor, with extra speed and memory, and made it even more resilient to advanced attacks. Titan M2TM has been tested against the most rigorous standard for vulnerability assessment, AVA_VAN.5, by an independent, accredited evaluation lab. Titan M2™ supports Android Strongbox, which securely generates and stores keys used to protect your PINs and password, and works hand-in-hand with Google Tensor security core to protect user data keys while in use in the SoC. Moving a step higher in the system, Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro ship with Android 12 and a slew of Pixel-first and Pixel-exclusive features. Enhanced ControlsWe aim to giv]]> 2021-10-27T15:01:30+00:00 http://security.googleblog.com/2021/10/pixel-6-setting-new-standard-for-mobile.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4593802 False Malware,Vulnerability None None