www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-01T22:59:55+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Exploiting null-dereferences in the Linux kernel oops, which is distinct from a kernel panic. A panic occurs when the kernel determines that there is no safe way to continue execution, and that therefore all execution must cease. However, the kernel does not stop all execution during an oops - instead the kernel tries to recover as best as it can and continue execution. In the case of a task, that involves throwing out the existing kernel stack and going directly to make_task_dead which calls do_exit. The kernel will also publish in dmesg a “crash” log and kernel backtrace depicting what state the kernel was in when the oops occurred. This may seem like an odd choice to make when memory corruption has clearly occurred - however the intention is to allow kernel bugs to more easily be detectable and loggable under the philosophy that a working system is much easier to debug than a dead one. The unfortunate side effect of the oops recovery path is that the kernel is not able to perform any associated cleanup that it would normally perform on a typical syscall error recovery path. This means that any locks that were locked at the moment of the oops stay locked, any refcounts remain taken, any memory otherwise temporarily allocated remains allocated, etc. However, the process that generated the oops, its associated kernel stack, task struct and derivative members etc. can and often will be freed, meaning that depending on the precise circumstances of the oops, it’s possible that no memory is actually leaked. This becomes particularly important in regards to exploitation later. Reference count mismanagement overview Refcount mismanagement is a fairly well-known and exploitable issue. In the case where software improperly]]> 2023-01-19T09:33:48+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2023/01/exploiting-null-dereferences-in-linux.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8302606 False Guideline None 4.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google DER Entitlements: The (Brief) Return of the Psychic Paper XMPP, an instant messaging protocol based on XML. More specifically, my research focused on how subtle quirks in XML parsing can be used to undermine the security of such applications. (If you are interested in learning more about that research, I did a talk on it at Black Hat USA 2022. The slides and the recording can be found here and here). At some point, when a part of my research was published, people pointed out other examples (unrelated to XMPP) where quirks in XML parsing led to security vulnerabilities. One of those examples was a vulnerability dubbed Psychic Paper, a really neat vulnerability in the way Apple operating system checks what entitlements an application has. Entitlements are one of the core security concepts of Apple’s operating systems. As Apple’s documentation explains, “An entitlement is a right or privilege that grants an executable particular capabilities.” For example, an application on an Apple operating system can’t debug another application without possessing proper entitlements, even if those two applications run as the same user. Even applications running as root can’t perform all actions (such as accessing some of the kernel APIs) without appropriate entitlements. Psychic Paper was a vulnerability in the way entitlements were checked. Entitlements were stored inside the application’s signature blob in the XML format, so naturally the operating system needed to parse those at some point using an XML parser. The problem was that the OS didn’t have a single parser for this, but rather a staggering four parsers that were used in different places in the operating system. One parser was used for the initial check that the application only has permitted entitlements, and a different parser was later used when checking whether the application has an entitlement to perform a specific action. ]]> 2023-01-12T08:59:29+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2023/01/der-entitlements-brief-return-of.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8300585 False Vulnerability,Guideline,Prediction None 3.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Exploiting CVE-2022-42703 - Bringing back the stack attack CVE-2022-42703 (P0 issue 2351 - Fixed 5 September 2022), a bug Jann Horn found in the Linux kernel's memory management (MM) subsystem that leads to a use-after-free on struct anon_vma. As the bug is very complex (I certainly struggle to understand it!), a future blog post will describe the bug in full. For the time being, the issue tracker entry, this LWN article explaining what an anon_vma is and the commit that introduced the bug are great resources in order to gain additional context.Setting the sceneSuccessfully triggering the underlying vulnerability causes folio->mapping to point to a freed anon_vma object. Calling madvise(..., MADV_PAGEOUT)can then be used to repeatedly trigger accesses to the freed anon_vma in folio_lock_anon_vma_read():struct anon_vma *]]> 2022-12-08T11:04:18+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/12/exploiting-CVE-2022-42703-bringing-back-the-stack-attack.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8289267 False Vulnerability,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Mind the Gap FirstCon22 titled 0-day In-the-Wild Exploitation in 2022…so far. A key takeaway was that approximately 50% of the observed 0-days in the first half of 2022 were variants of previously patched vulnerabilities. This finding is consistent with our understanding of attacker behavior: attackers will take the path of least resistance, and as long as vendors don't consistently perform thorough root-cause analysis when fixing security vulnerabilities, it will continue to be worth investing time in trying to revive known vulnerabilities before looking for novel ones. The presentation discussed an in the wild exploit targeting the Pixel 6 and leveraging CVE-2021-39793, a vulnerability in the ARM Mali GPU driver used by a large number of other Android devices. ARM's advisory described the vulnerability as: Title                    Mali GPU Kernel Driver may elevate CPU RO pages to writable CVE                   CVE-2022-22706 (also reported in CVE-2021-39793) Date of issue      6th January 2022 Impact                A non-privileged user can get a write access to read-only memory pages [sic]. The week before FirstCon22, Maddie gave an internal preview of her talk. Inspired by the description of an in-the-wild vulnerability in low-level memory management code, fellow Project Zero researcher Jann Horn started auditing the ARM Mali GPU driver. Over the next three weeks, Jann found five more exploitable vulnerabilities (2325, 2327, ]]> 2022-11-22T13:05:40+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/11/mind-the-gap.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221922 False Vulnerability,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google A Very Powerful Clipboard: Analysis of a Samsung in-the-wild exploit chain 2022-11-10T13:10:11+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-very-powerful-clipboard-samsung-in-the-wild-exploit-chain.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221923 False Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google RC4 Is Still Considered Harmful 2310 with the handling of RC4 encryption that allowed you to authenticate as another user if you could either interpose on the Kerberos network traffic to and from the KDC or directly if the user was configured to disable typical pre-authentication requirements.This blog post goes into more detail on how this vulnerability works and how I was able to exploit it with only a bare minimum of brute forcing required. Note, I'm not going to spend time fully explaining how Kerberos authentication works, there's plenty of resources online. For example this blog post by Steve Syfuhs who works at Microsoft is a good first start.BackgroundKerberos is a very old authentication protocol. The current version (v5) was described in RFC1510 back in 1993, although it was updated in RFC4120 in 2005. As Kerberos' core security concept is using encryption to prove knowledge of a user's credentials the design allows for negotiating the encryption and checksum algorithms that the client and server will use. For example when sending the initial authentication service request (AS-REQ) to the Key Distribution Center (KDC) a client can specify a list supported encryption algorithms, as predefined integer identifiers, as shown below in the snippet of the ASN.1 definition from RFC4120.]]> 2022-10-27T12:48:24+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/10/rc4-is-still-considered-harmful.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221925 False Vulnerability,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Racing against the clock -- hitting a tiny kernel race window https://crbug.com/project-zero/2247) in the Linux kernel. (While trying to explain to someone how the fix for CVE-2021-0920 worked - I was explaining why the Unix GC is now safe, and then got confused because I couldn't actually figure out why it's safe after that fix, eventually realizing that it actually isn't safe.) It's a fairly narrow race window, so I was wondering whether it could be hit with a small number of attempts - especially on kernels that aren't built with CONFIG_PREEMPT, which would make it possible to preempt a thread with another thread, as I described at LSSEU2019. This is a writeup of how I managed to hit the race on a normal Linux desktop kernel, with a hit rate somewhere around 30% if the proof of concept has been tuned for the specific machine. I didn't do a full exploit though, I stopped at getting evidence of use-after-free (UAF) accesses (with the help of a very large file descriptor table and userfaultfd, which might not be available to normal users depending on system configuration) because that's the part I was curious about. This also demonstrates that even very small race conditions can still be exploitable if someone sinks enough time into writing an exploit, so be careful if you dismiss very small race windows as unexploitable or don't treat such issues as security bugs. The UAF reproducer is in our bugtracker.The bug In the UNIX domain socket garbage collection code (which is needed to deal with reference loops formed by UNIX domain sockets that use SCM_RIGHTS ]]> 2022-08-24T12:08:43+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/03/racing-against-clock-hitting-tiny.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221935 False Tool,Guideline APT 25 2.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google CVE-2021-30737, @xerub\'s 2021 iOS ASN.1 Vulnerability @xerub. Phrack published @xerub's writeup so go check that out first. As well as doing my own vulnerability research I also spend time trying as best as I can to keep up with the public state-of-the-art, especially when details of a particularly interesting vulnerability are announced or a new in-the-wild exploit is caught. Originally this post was just a series of notes I took last year as I was trying to understand this bug. But the bug itself and the narrative around it are so fascinating that I thought it would be worth writing up these notes into a more coherent form to share with the community.Background On April 14th 2021 the Washington Post published an article on the unlocking of the San Bernardino iPhone by Azimuth containing a nugget of non-public information: "Azimuth specialized in finding significant vulnerabilities. Dowd [...] had found one in open-source code from Mozilla that Apple used to permit accessories to be plugged into an iPhone’s lightning port, according to the person." There's not that much Mozilla code running on an iPhone and even less which is likely to be part of such an attack surface. Therefore, if accurate, this quote almost certainly meant that Azimuth had exploited a vulnerability in the ASN.1 parser used by Security.framework, which is a fork of Mozilla's NSS ASN.1 parser. I searched around in bugzilla (Mozilla's issue tracker) looking for candidate vulnerabilities which matched the timeline discussed in the Post article and narrowed it down to a handful of plausible bugs including: 1202868, 1192028, 1245528. I was surprised that there had been so many exploitable-looking issues in the ASN.1 code and decided to add auditing the NSS ASN.1 parser as an quarterly goal. A month later, having predictably done absolutely ]]> 2022-08-24T12:04:12+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/04/cve-2021-30737-xerubs-2021-ios-asn1.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221933 False Vulnerability,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google CVE-2021-1782, an iOS in-the-wild vulnerability in vouchers writeup published last week looking at an ASN.1 parser bug, this blog post is based on the notes I took as I was analyzing the patch and trying to understand the XNU vouchers subsystem. I hope that this writeup serves as the missing documentation for how some of the internals of the voucher subsystem works and its quirks which lead to this vulnerability. CVE-2021-1782 was fixed in iOS 14.4, as noted by @s1guza on twitter: This vulnerability was fixed on January 26th 2021, and Apple updated the iOS 14.4 release notes on May 28th 2021 to indicate that the issue may have been actively exploited: ]]> 2022-08-24T12:02:07+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/04/cve-2021-1782-ios-in-wild-vulnerability.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221932 False Hack,Tool,Vulnerability,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google The More You Know, The More You Know You Don\'t Know 2020, 2019]. Each year we’ve looked back at all of the detected and disclosed in-the-wild 0-days as a group and synthesized what we think the trends and takeaways are. The goal of this report is not to detail each individual exploit, but instead to analyze the exploits from the year as a group, looking for trends, gaps, lessons learned, successes, etc. If you’re interested in the analysis of individual exploits, please check out our root cause analysis repository. We perform and share this analysis in order to make 0-day hard. We want it to be more costly, more resource intensive, and overall more difficult for attackers to use 0-day capabilities. 2021 highlighted just how important it is to stay relentless in our pursuit to make it harder for attackers to exploit users with 0-days. We heard over and over and over about how governments were targeting journalists, minoritized populations, politicians, human rights defenders, and even security researchers around the world. The decisions we make in the security and tech communities can have real impacts on society and our fellow humans’ lives. We’ll provide our evidence and process for our conclusions in the body of this post, and then wrap it all up with our thoughts on next steps and hopes for 2022 in the conclusion. If digging into the bits and bytes is not your thing, then feel free to just check-out the Executive Summary and Conclusion.Executive Summary 2021 included the detection and disclosure of 58 in-the-wild 0-days, the most ever recorded since Project Zero began tracking in mid-2014. That’s more than double the previous maximum of 28 detected in 2015 and especially stark when you consider that there were only 25 detected in 2020. We’ve tracked publicly known in-the-wild 0-day exploits in this spreadsheet since mid-2014. While we often talk about t]]> 2022-08-24T12:00:49+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-more-you-know-more-you-know-you.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221931 False Vulnerability,Patching,Guideline None 2.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google The curious tale of a fake Carrier.app App splash screen showing the Vodafone carrier logo and the text My Vodafone. App splash screen showing the Vodafone carrier logo and the text "My Vodafone" (not the legitimate Vodadone app) Although this looks like the real My Vodafone carrier app available in the App Store, it didn't come from the App Store and is not the real application from Vodafone. TAG suspects that a target receives a link to this app in an SMS, after the attacker asks the carrier to disable the target's mobile data connection. The SMS claims that in order to restore mobile data connectivity, the target must install the carrier app and includes a link to download and install this fake app. This sideloading works because the app is signed with an enterprise certificate, which can be purchased for $299 via the Apple Enterprise developer program. This program allows an eligible enterprise to obtain an Apple-signed embedded.mobileprovision file with the ProvisionsAllDevices key set. An app signed with the developer certificate embedded within that mobileprovision file can be sideloaded on any iPhone, bypassing Apple's App Store review process. While we understand that the Enterprise developer program is designed for companies to push "trusted apps" to their staff's iOS devices, in this case, it appears that it was being used to sideload this fake carrier app. In collaboration with Project Zero, ]]> 2022-08-24T11:58:33+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/06/curious-case-carrier-app.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221928 False Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google The quantum state of Linux kernel garbage collection CVE-2021-0920 (Part I) root cause of the CVE-2021-0920 vulnerability. In the second post, we'll dive into the in-the-wild 0-day exploitation of the vulnerability and post-compromise modules.Overview of in-the-wild CVE-2021-0920 exploits A surveillance vendor named Wintego has developed an exploit for Linux socket syscall 0-day, CVE-2021-0920, and used it in the wild since at least November 2020 based on the earliest captured sample, until the issue was fixed in November 2021.  Combined with Chrome and Samsung browser exploits, the vendor was able to remotely root Samsung devices. The fix was released with the November 2021 Android Security Bulletin, and applied to Samsung devices in Samsung's December 2021 security update. Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) discovered Samsung browser exploit chains being used in the wild. TAG then performed root cause analysis and discovered that this vulnerability, CVE-2021-0920, was being used to escape the sandbox and elevate privileges. CVE-2021-0920 was reported to Linux/Android anonymously. The Google Android Security Team performed the full deep-dive analysis of the exploit. This issue was initially discovered in 2016 by a RedHat kernel developer and disclosed in a public email thread, but the Linux kernel community did not patch the issue until it was re-reported in 2021. Various Samsung devices were targeted, including the Samsung S10 and S20. By abusing an ephemeral race condition in Linux kernel garbage collection, the exploit code was able to obtain a use-after-free (UAF) in a kernel sk_buff object. The in-the-wild sample could effectively circumvent CONFIG_ARM64_UAO, achieve arbitrary read / write primitives and bypass Samsung RKP to elevate to root. Other Android devices were also vulnerable, but we did not find any exploit samples against them. Text extracted from captured samples dubbed the vulnerability “quantum Linux kernel garbage collection”, which appears to be a fitting title for this blogpost.Introduction CVE-2021-0920 is a use-after-free (UAF)]]> 2022-08-24T11:55:31+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/08/the-quantum-state-of-linux-kernel.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221926 False Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Understanding Network Access in Windows AppContainers configuration issue with the Windows Firewall which allowed the restrictions to be bypassed and allowed an AppContainer process to access the network. Unfortunately Microsoft decided it didn't meet the bar for a security bulletin so it's marked as WontFix. As the mechanism that the Windows Firewall uses to restrict access to the network from an AppContainer isn't officially documented as far as I know, I'll provide the details on how the restrictions are implemented. This will provide the background to understanding why my configuration issue allowed for network access. I'll also take the opportunity to give an overview of how the Windows Firewall functions and how you can use some of my tooling to inspect the current firewall configuration. This will provide security researchers with the information they need to better understand the firewall and assess its configuration to find other security issues similar to the one I reported. At the same time I'll note some interesting quirks in the implementation which you might find useful.Windows Firewall Architecture Primer Before we can understand how network access is controlled in an AppContainer we need to understand how the built-in Windows firewall functions. Prior to XP SP2 Windows didn't have a built-in firewall, and you would typically install a third-party firewall such as ZoneAlarm. These firewalls were implemented by hooking into Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) drivers or implementing user-mode Winsock Service Providers but this was complex and error prone. While XP SP2 introduced the built-in firewall, the basis for the one used in modern versions of Windows was introduced in Vista as the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). However, as a user you wouldn't typically interact directly with WFP. Instead you'd use a firewall product which exposes a user interface, and then configures WFP to do the actual firewalling. On a default installation of Windows this would be the Windows Defender Firewall. If you installed a third-party firewall this would replace the Defender component but the actual firewall would still be implemented through configuring WFP. ]]> 2022-08-23T12:40:09+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2021/08/understanding-network-access-windows-app.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221942 False Guideline None 2.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google 2022 0-day In-the-Wild Exploitation…so far here. For the last three years, we’ve published annual year-in-review reports of 0-days found exploited in the wild. The most recent of these reports is the 2021 Year in Review report, which we published just a few months ago in April. While we plan to stick with that annual cadence, we’re publishing a little bonus report today looking at the in-the-wild 0-days detected and disclosed in the first half of 2022.         As of June 15, 2022, there have been 18 0-days detected and disclosed as exploited in-the-wild in 2022. When we analyzed those 0-days, we found that at least nine of the 0-days are variants of previously patched vulnerabilities. At least half of the 0-days we’ve seen in the first six months of 2022 could have been prevented with more comprehensive patching and regression tests. On top of that, four of the 2022 0-days are variants of 2021 in-the-wild 0-days. Just 12 months from the original in-the-wild 0-day being patched, attackers came back with a variant of the original bug.   Product 2022 ITW 0-day Variant Windows win32k CVE-2022-21882 CVE-2021-1732 (2021 itw) iOS IOMobileFrameBuffer CVE-2022-22587 ]]> 2022-06-30T06:00:00+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/06/2022-0-day-in-wild-exploitationso-far.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221927 False Vulnerability,Patching,Guideline None None ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google Zooming in on Zero-click Exploits revealed at Pwn2Own, showing that it does indeed have a fully remote attack surface. The following post details my investigation into Zoom. This analysis resulted in two vulnerabilities being reported to Zoom. One was a buffer overflow that affected both Zoom clients and MMR servers, and one was an info leak that is only useful to attackers on MMR servers. Both of these vulnerabilities were fixed on November 24, 2021. Zoom Attack Surface Overview Zoom’s main feature is multi-user conference calls called meetings that support a variety of features including audio, video, screen sharing and in-call text messages. There are several ways that users can join Zoom meetings. To start, Zoom provides full-featured installable clients for many platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iPhone. Users can also join Zoom meetings using a browser link, but they are able to use fewer features of Zoom. Finally, users can join a meeting by dialing phone numbers provided in the invitation on a touch-tone phone, but this only allows access to the audio stream of a meeting. This research focused on the Zoom client software, as the other methods of joining calls use existing device features. Zoom clients support several communication features other than meetings that are available to a user’s Zoom Contacts. A Zoom Contact is a user that another user has added as a contact using the Zoom user interface. Both users must consent before they become Zoom Contacts. Afterwards, the users can send text messages to one another outside of meetings and start channels for persistent group conversations. Also, if either user hosts a meeting, they can invite the other user in a manner that is similar to a phone call: the other user is immediately notified and they can join the meeting with a single click. These features represent the zero-click attack surface of Zoom. Note that this attack surface is only available to attackers that have convinced their target to accept them as a contact. Likewise, meetings are part of the one-click attack surface only for Zoom Contacts, as other users need to click several times to enter a meeting. That said, it’s likely not that difficult for a dedicated attacker to convince a target to join a Zoom call even if it takes multiple clicks, and the way some organizations use Zoom presents interesting attack scenarios. For example, many groups host public Zoom meetings, and Zoom supports a paid Webinar feature where large groups of unknown attendees can join a one-way video conference. It could be possible for an attacker to join a public meeting and target other attendees. Zoom also relies on a server to transmit audio and video streams, and end-to-end encryption is off by default. It could be possible for an attacker to compromise Zoom’s servers and gain access to meeting data.]]> 2022-01-18T09:28:18+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/01/zooming-in-on-zero-click-exploits.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221937 False Vulnerability,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 ProjectZero - Blog de recherche Google This shouldn\'t have happened: A vulnerability postmortem Network Security Services (NSS) is Mozilla's widely used, cross-platform cryptography library. When you verify an ASN.1 encoded digital signature, NSS will create a VFYContext structure to store the necessary data. This includes things like the public key, the hash algorithm, and the signature itself. struct VFYContextStr {    SECOidTag hashAlg; /* the hash algorithm */    SECKEYPublicKey *key;    union {        unsigned char buffer[1];        unsigned char dsasig[DSA_MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN];        unsigned char ecdsasig[2 * MAX_ECKEY_LEN];        unsigned char rsasig[(RSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS + 7) / 8];    } u;    unsigned int pkcs1RSADigestInfoLen;    unsigned ch]]> 2021-12-01T14:27:11+00:00 https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2021/12/this-shouldnt-have-happened.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8221939 False Vulnerability,Guideline None 2.0000000000000000