www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-02T23:49:40+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Flyetyeti apt sert des logiciels malveillants de boîte de cuisine à l'aide de winrar<br>FlyingYeti APT Serves Up Cookbox Malware Using WinRAR The Russia-aligned FlyingYeti\'s phishing campaign exploited Ukrainian citizens\' financial stress to spread Cookbox malware.]]> 2024-05-31T15:10:54+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/flyingyeti-apt-cookbox-malware-winrar www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8510679 False Malware None None Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les flics essaignent l'infrastructure de botnet de cybercriminalité mondiale dans 2 OP massifs<br>Cops Swarm Global Cybercrime Botnet Infrastructure in 2 Massive Ops Europol undertook dropper malware botnet takedown while US law enforcement dismantled a sprawling cybercrime botnet for hire.]]> 2024-05-30T20:20:19+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/cops-swarm-global-botnet-cybercrime-infrastructure-in-two-massive-ops www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8510231 False Malware,Legislation None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Microsoft: \\ 'Moonstone Sheet \\' APT MELDS ESPIONAGE, OBJECTIFS FINANCIERS<br>Microsoft: \\'Moonstone Sleet\\' APT Melds Espionage, Financial Goals North Korea\'s newest threat actor uses every trick in the nation-state APT playbook, and most of cybercrime\'s tricks, too. It also developed a whole video game company to hide malware.]]> 2024-05-29T20:04:06+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/microsoft-moonlight-sleet-apt-melds-espionage-financial-goals www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8509553 False Malware,Threat None None Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch 90+ applications malveillantes totalisant 5,5 millions de téléchargements se cachent sur google play<br>90+ Malicious Apps Totaling 5.5M Downloads Lurk on Google Play The dangerous Anatsa banking Trojan is among the malware being spread to Android users via decoy mobile apps in recent months.]]> 2024-05-28T14:20:51+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/90-malicious-apps-55-million-downloads-google-play www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8508604 False Malware,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Application de générateur de voix AI utilisé pour déposer des logiciels malveillants Gipy<br>AI Voice Generator App Used to Drop Gipy Malware Users get duped into downloading malicious files disguised to look like an application that uses artificial intelligence to alter voices.]]> 2024-05-24T17:21:20+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/ai-voice-generator-used-to-drop-gipy-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8506240 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La Chine APT a volé des secrets géopolitiques du Moyen-Orient, Afrique et amp; AMP;Asie<br>China APT Stole Geopolitical Secrets From Middle East, Africa &amp; Asia One of China's biggest espionage operations owes its success to longstanding Microsoft Exchange bugs, open source tools, and old malware.]]> 2024-05-23T10:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/china-apt-stole-geopolitical-secrets-from-middle-east-africa-and-asia www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8505338 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Novel Edr-killing & apos; GhosenEngine & apos;Les logiciels malveillants sont conçus pour la furtivité<br>Novel EDR-Killing &apos;GhostEngine&apos; Malware Is Built for Stealth The previously unknown malware (aka Hidden Shovel) is a ghost in the machine: It silently attacks kernel drivers to shut down security defense systems and thus evade detection.]]> 2024-05-22T14:11:54+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/novel-edr-killing-ghostengine-malware-stealth www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8504808 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch YouTube devient le dernier front de bataille pour le phishing, Deepfakes<br>YouTube Becomes Latest Battlefront for Phishing, Deepfakes Personalized phishing emails with fake collaboration opportunities and compromised video descriptions linking to malware are just some of the new tricks.]]> 2024-05-21T20:24:42+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/youtube-becomes-latest-frontier-for-phishing-deepfakes www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8504282 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch 400k serveurs Linux recrutés par Resurrected Ebury Botnet<br>400K Linux Servers Recruited by Resurrected Ebury Botnet Cryptocurrency theft and financial fraud are the new M.O. of the 15-year-old malware operation that has hit organizations around the globe.]]> 2024-05-17T16:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/400k-linux-servers-recruited-by-resurrected-ebury-botnet www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8501709 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Experts américains de l'IA ciblés dans la campagne Sugargh0st Rat<br>US AI Experts Targeted in SugarGh0st RAT Campaign Researchers believe the attacker is likely China-affiliated, since a previous version of the malware was used by a China nation-state attack group.]]> 2024-05-16T19:35:58+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/us-ai-experts-targeted-in-sugargh0st-rat-campaign www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8501155 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'seiche \\' Un malware zéro cliquez sur des données de cloud privé<br>\\'Cuttlefish\\' Zero-Click Malware Steals Private Cloud Data The newly discovered malware, which has so far mainly targeted Turkish telcos and has links to HiatusRat, infects routers and performs DNS and HTTP hijacking attacks on connections to private IP addresses.]]> 2024-05-01T17:34:12+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/cuttlefish-zero-click-malware-steals-private-cloud-data www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8491941 False Malware,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Pour endommager les systèmes OT, les pirates exploitent les USB, les anciens bugs &Malware<br>To Damage OT Systems, Hackers Tap USBs, Old Bugs & Malware USBs have something the newest, hottest attack techniques lack: the ability to bridge air gaps.]]> 2024-04-30T17:28:56+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/to-damage-ot-systems-hackers-tap-usbs-old-bugs-and-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8491396 False Malware,Industrial None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les pirates créent des liens de phishing légitime avec Ghost Github, GitLab Commentaires<br>Hackers Create Legit Phishing Links With Ghost GitHub, GitLab Comments An utterly innocuous feature in popular Git CDNs allows anyone to conceal malware behind brand names, without those brands being any the wiser.]]> 2024-04-23T19:33:37+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/hackers-create-legit-phishing-links-with-ghost-github-gitlab-comments www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8487585 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Evil XDR: Le chercheur transforme le logiciel Palo Alto en logiciel malveillant parfait<br>Evil XDR: Researcher Turns Palo Alto Software Into Perfect Malware It turns out that a powerful security solution can double as even more powerful malware, capable of granting comprehensive access over a targeted machine.]]> 2024-04-19T03:20:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/evil-xdr-researcher-turns-palo-alto-software-into-perfect-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8485078 False Malware,Technical None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Sneaky Shellcode: les fibres Windows offrent une exécution du code anti-EDR<br>Sneaky Shellcode: Windows Fibers Offer EDR-Proof Code Execution Two new code-execution techniques, Poison Fiber and Phantom Thread, take advantage of a little-known Windows OS workhorse to sneak shellcode and other malware onto victim machines.]]> 2024-04-18T08:29:53+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/sneaky-shellcode-windows-fibers-edr-proof-code-execution www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8484611 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Dangereux ICS Maleware cible les organisations en Russie et en Ukraine<br>Dangerous ICS Malware Targets Orgs in Russia and Ukraine "Kapeka" and "Fuxnext" are the latest examples of malware to emerge from the long-standing conflict between the two countries.]]> 2024-04-17T20:31:30+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/dangerous-new-ics-malware-targets-orgs-in-russia-and-ukraine www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8484345 False Malware,Industrial None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La variante Lockbit 3.0 génère des logiciels malveillants personnalisés et autonomes<br>LockBit 3.0 Variant Generates Custom, Self-Propagating Malware Kaspersky researchers discovered the new variant after responding to a critical incident targeting an organization in West Africa.]]> 2024-04-16T13:41:32+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/lockbit-3-0-variant-generates-custom-self-propagating-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8483461 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La plate-forme d'analyse des logiciels malveillants de CISA \\ pourrait favoriser une meilleure menace Intel<br>CISA\\'s Malware Analysis Platform Could Foster Better Threat Intel But just how the government differentiates its platform from similar private-sector options remains to be seen.]]> 2024-04-12T20:50:01+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/cisa-s-new-malware-analysis-platform-could-enable-better-threat-intelligence www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8480964 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le service redis expiré a maltraité pour utiliser Metasploit Meterpreter malicieusement<br>Expired Redis Service Abused to Use Metasploit Meterpreter Maliciously Attackers have compromised an 8-year-old version of the cloud platform to distribute various malware that can take over infected systems.]]> 2024-04-11T18:22:12+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/outdated-redis-service-abused-to-spread-meterpreter-backdoor www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8480187 False Malware,Cloud None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch TA547 utilise un compte-gouttes généré par LLM pour infecter les orgs allemands<br>TA547 Uses an LLM-Generated Dropper to Infect German Orgs It\'s finally happening: Rather than just for productivity and research, threat actors are using LLMs to write malware. But companies need not worry just yet.]]> 2024-04-10T18:48:47+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/ta547-uses-llm-generated-dropper-infect-german-orgs www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8479529 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch L'araignée solaire tourne de nouveaux logiciels malveillants pour piéger les entreprises financières saoudiennes<br>Solar Spider Spins Up New Malware to Entrap Saudi Arabian Financial Firms An ongoing cyberattack campaign with apparent ties to China uses a new version of sophisticated JavaScript remote access Trojan JSOutProx and is now targeting banks in the Middle East.]]> 2024-04-08T06:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/solar-spider-spins-up-new-malware-to-entrap-saudi-arabian-banks www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8477926 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le téléchargeur malveillant latrodectus reprend là où Qbot s'est arrêté<br>Malicious Latrodectus Downloader Picks Up Where QBot Left Off Initial access brokers are using the new downloader malware, which emerged just after QBot\'s 2023 disruption.]]> 2024-04-04T21:25:15+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/new-loader-takes-over-where-qbot-left-off www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8476130 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Des milliers d'entreprises australiennes ciblées avec \\ 'fiable \\' Agent Tesla Rat<br>Thousands of Australian Businesses Targeted With \\'Reliable\\' Agent Tesla RAT Latest campaign underscores wide-ranging functionality and staying power of a decade-old piece of information-stealing malware.]]> 2024-04-04T21:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/remote-workforce/thousands-of-australian-businesses-targeted-with-agent-tesla-rat www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8476055 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch L'acteur de menace lié à la Chine Taps \\ 'Peculiar \\' malware pour échapper à la détection<br>China-Linked Threat Actor Taps \\'Peculiar\\' Malware to Evade Detection UNAPIMON works by meticulously disabling hooks in Windows APIs for detecting malicious processes.]]> 2024-04-02T23:05:39+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/china-linked-threat-actor-using-peculiar-malware-to-hide-malicious-activities www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8474873 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les attaquants abusent de la fonctionnalité Google AD pour cibler Slack, les utilisateurs de notion<br>Attackers Abuse Google Ad Feature to Target Slack, Notion Users Campaign distributes malware disguised as legitimate installers for popular workplace collaboration apps by abusing a traffic-tracking feature.]]> 2024-04-02T19:23:59+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/attackers-use-google-ad-feature-to-target-slack-notion-users www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8474800 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch XZ utilise la porte dérobée implantée dans une attaque de chaîne d'approvisionnement soigneusement exécutée et soigneusement exécutée<br>XZ Utils Backdoor Implanted in Carefully Executed, Multiyear Supply Chain Attack Had a Microsoft developer not spotted the malware when he did, the outcome could have been much worse.]]> 2024-04-01T21:25:52+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/xz-utils-backdoor-implanted-in-intricate-multi-year-supply-chain-attack www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8474250 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les logiciels malveillants Theoon augmentent avec un botnet malveillant pour la location<br>TheMoon Malware Rises Again with Malicious Botnet for Hire Outdated SOHO routers and IoT devices being hijacked by TheMoon to operate an anonymous hacker botnet service called Faceless.]]> 2024-03-29T18:06:20+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/themoon-malware-rises-malicious-botnet-for-hire www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8472706 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Tycoon \\' Kit malware contourne Microsoft, Google MFA<br>\\'Tycoon\\' Malware Kit Bypasses Microsoft, Google MFA Threat actors are widely adopting the fast-growing, low-cost phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform, which is sold via Telegram.]]> 2024-03-27T16:57:55+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/tycoon-malware-kit-bypasses-microsoft-google-mfa www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8471483 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Agenda mondial Ransomware cible des serveurs VMware ESXi<br>Worldwide Agenda Ransomware Wave Targets VMware ESXi Servers A new, improved variant on the group\'s malware combines fileless infection, BYOVD, and more to cause havoc in virtual environments.]]> 2024-03-26T21:14:26+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/agenda-ransomware-vmware-esxi-servers www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8471002 False Ransomware,Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch L'APT russe libère une variante plus mortelle des logiciels malveillants d'essuie-glace acide<br>Russian APT Releases More Deadly Variant of AcidRain Wiper Malware New AcidPour variant can attack a significantly broader range of targets including IoT devices, storage area networks, and handhelds.]]> 2024-03-22T21:58:48+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/russian-apt-releases-more-deadly-variant-of-acidrain-wiper-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8468712 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Kaspersky identifie trois nouvelles menaces de logiciels malveillants Android<br>Kaspersky Identifies Three New Android Malware Threats 2024-03-20T18:56:01+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/kaspersky-identifies-three-new-android-malware-threats www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8467470 False Malware,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Wolf duvel<br>\\'Fluffy Wolf\\' Spreads Meta Stealer in Corporate Phishing Campaign Unsophisticated threat actor is targeting Russian companies with both readily available malware and authentic software.]]> 2024-03-20T14:29:10+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/fluffy-wolf-spreads-meta-stealer-in-corporate-phishing-campaign www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8467372 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les pirates se faisant passer pour des cabinets d'avocats Phish Global Orgs en plusieurs langues<br>Hackers Posing as Law Firms Phish Global Orgs in Multiple Languages Companies trust lawyers with the most sensitive information they\'ve got. Attackers are aiming to exploit that bond to deliver malware.]]> 2024-03-20T12:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/hackers-posing-law-firms-phish-global-orgs-multiple-languages www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8467283 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les autorités brésiliennes arrêtent les membres du groupe de cybercriminalité bancaire<br>Brazilian Authorities Arrest Members of Banking Trojan Cybercrime Group Interpol assisted in the operation, in which analysts identified Grandoreiro group members by analyzing and matching malware samples.]]> 2024-03-18T20:25:03+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/brazilian-authorities-arrest-members-of-banking-trojan-cybercrime-group www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8466275 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Fujitsu: logiciels malveillants sur les ordinateurs de l'entreprise a exposé des données clients<br>Fujitsu: Malware on Company Computers Exposed Customer Data It remains unclear how long the IT services giant\'s systems were infiltrated and just how the cyberattack unfolded.]]> 2024-03-18T20:20:40+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/fujitsu-malware-on-company-computers-exposed-customer-data www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8466276 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Windows SmartScreen Bypass Flaw exploité pour déposer Darkgate Rat<br>Windows SmartScreen Bypass Flaw Exploited to Drop DarkGate RAT Attackers use Google redirects in their phishing attack leveraging a now-patched vulnerability that spreads the multifaceted malware.]]> 2024-03-14T14:23:05+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/windows-smartscreen-bypass-flaw-exploited-to-drop-darkgate-rat www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8463835 False Malware,Vulnerability None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'pixpirate \\' rat déclenche invisiblement les transferts de câbles des appareils Android<br>\\'PixPirate\\' RAT Invisibly Triggers Wire Transfers From Android Devices A multitooled Trojan cuts apart Brazil\'s premier wire transfer app. Could similar malware do the same to Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal?]]> 2024-03-13T10:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/pixpirate-rat-invisibly-triggers-wire-transfers-android-devices www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8463087 False Malware,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Cloud-y Linux Malware Rains sur Apache, Docker, Redis &Confluence<br>Cloud-y Linux Malware Rains on Apache, Docker, Redis & Confluence "Spinning YARN" cyberattackers wielding a Linux webshell are positioning for broader cloud compromise by exploiting common misconfigurations and a known Atlassian Confluence bug.]]> 2024-03-06T22:36:53+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/cloud-y-linux-malware-rains-apache-docker-redis-confluence www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8460038 False Malware,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La Corée du Nord frappe les bugs de screenconnect pour laisser tomber \\ 'toddleshark \\' malware<br>North Korea Hits ScreenConnect Bugs to Drop \\'ToddleShark\\' Malware North Korea\'s latest espionage tool is tough to pin down, with random generators that throw detection mechanisms off its scent. The DPRK is using the recent critical bugs in ConnectWise ScreenConnect, a remote desktop tool, to deliver the bug.]]> 2024-03-05T19:46:08+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/remote-workforce/north-korea-screenconnect-bugs-toddleshark-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8459472 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Un logiciel malveillant PLC amélioré et de type Stuxnet vise à perturber l'infrastructure critique<br>Improved, Stuxnet-Like PLC Malware Aims to Disrupt Critical Infrastructure A newly developed PLC malware does not require physical access to target an ICS environment, is mostly platform neutral, and is more resilient than traditional malware aimed at critical infrastructure.]]> 2024-03-05T19:43:13+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/improved-stuxnet-like-plc-malware-disrupt-critical-infrastructure www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8459473 False Malware,Industrial None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le ver Genai zéro cliquez sur les logiciels malveillants, les modèles d'empoisonnement<br>Zero-Click GenAI Worm Spreads Malware, Poisoning Models 35 years after the Morris worm, we\'re still dealing with a version of the same issue: data overlapping with control.]]> 2024-03-04T22:51:02+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/zero-click-genai-worm-malware-poisoning-models www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8459027 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch FBI, CISA Release IOCs for Phobos Ransomware Threat actors using the malware have infected systems within government, healthcare, and other critical infrastructure organizations since at least 2019.]]> 2024-02-29T22:49:41+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/fbi-cisa-release-iocs-for-phobos-ransomware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8457209 False Ransomware,Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les cyberattaques attirent les diplomates de l'UE avec des offres de dégustation de vin<br>Cyberattackers Lure EU Diplomats With Wine-Tasting Offers A targeted attack aiming to exploit geopolitical relations between India and Europe delivers previously undocumented, uniquely evasive backdoor malware.]]> 2024-02-28T18:07:30+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/cyberattackers-lure-eu-diplomats-wine-tasting-offers www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8456566 False Malware,Threat None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch UAC-0184 cible l'entité ukrainienne en Finlande avec Remcos Rat<br>UAC-0184 Targets Ukrainian Entity in Finland With Remcos RAT The IDAT Loader malware was used to deliver the cyber espionage tool, employing steganography, a seldom-seen technique in real-world attacks.]]> 2024-02-26T19:57:01+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/uac-0184-targets-ukrainian-entity-finland-remcos-rat www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8455530 False Malware,Tool None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Lovers \\ 'Spat?Ministère des affaires étrangères russes en Corée du Nord<br>Lovers\\' Spat? North Korea Backdoors Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry First Brad and Jennifer, now Kim and Putin? Romance truly is dead, as North Korea is caught spying (again) on its partner to the north with the Konni malware.]]> 2024-02-23T18:52:05+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/north-korea-backdoors-russian-foreign-affairs-ministry www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8454235 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch New Wave of \\ 'anatsa \\' Banking Trojans cible les utilisateurs d'Android en Europe<br>New Wave of \\'Anatsa\\' Banking Trojans Targets Android Users in Europe Users have already downloaded droppers for the malware from Google\'s official Play store more than 100,000 times since last November.]]> 2024-02-20T22:48:25+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/mobile-security/new-wave-of-anatsa-banking-trojan-attacks-targets-android-users-in-europe www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8452912 False Malware,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le service Cloud Run de Google \\ répartit plusieurs chevaux de Troie bancaires<br>Google\\'s Cloud Run Service Spreads Several Bank Trojans A surging bank malware campaign abuses Google Cloud Run and targets Latin America, with indications that it\'s spreading to other regions, researchers warn.]]> 2024-02-20T20:41:11+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/google-cloud-run-spreading-several-bank-trojans- www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8452872 False Malware,Cloud None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch iOS, Android Malware vole des visages pour vaincre la biométrie avec des swaps IA<br>iOS, Android Malware Steals Faces to Defeat Biometrics With AI Swaps Southeast Asia is learning the hard way that biometric scans are nearly as easy to bypass as other kinds of authentication data, thanks to a creative banking Trojan.]]> 2024-02-15T22:03:54+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/ios-malware-steals-faces-defeat-biometrics-ai-swaps www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8450576 False Malware,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Surge dans \\ 'Hunter-Killer \\' malware découvert par Picus Security<br>Surge in \\'Hunter-Killer\\' Malware Uncovered by Picus Security 2024-02-15T21:37:31+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/surge-in-hunter-killer-malware-uncovered-by-picus-security www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8450578 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le DOJ brise le botnet militaire russe dans le démontage de l'ours fantaisie<br>DoJ Breaks Russian Military Botnet in Fancy Bear Takedown The feds disrupted a Russian intelligence SOHO router botnet notable for being built with Moobot malware rather than custom code.]]> 2024-02-15T20:29:21+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/doj-breaks-russian-military-botnet- www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8450559 False Malware APT 28 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Russian APT Turla Wields Novel MALware de porte dérobée contre les ONG polonaises<br>Russian APT Turla Wields Novel Backdoor Malware Against Polish NGOs A spate of recent cyber-espionage attacks showcases Turla\'s brand-new modular custom malware, and an expansion of the state-sponsored group\'s scope of targets.]]> 2024-02-15T15:45:36+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/russian-apt-turla-novel-backdoor-malware-polish-ngos www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8450469 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le malware de Bumblebee bourdonne sur la scène après une interruption de 4 mois<br>BumbleBee Malware Buzzes Back on the Scene After 4-Month Hiatus Cyberattacks targeting thousands of US organizations wields a new attack vector to deliver the versatile initial-access loader - and is a harbinger of a surge in threat activity.]]> 2024-02-14T16:43:26+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/bumblebee-malware-buzzes-back-4-month-hiatus www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8450070 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch GLUPTEBA BOTNET Ajoute UEFI Bootkit à Cyberattack Toolbox<br>Glupteba Botnet Adds UEFI Bootkit to Cyberattack Toolbox A malware with every malicious feature in the book is adding new pages, with a fresh ability to invade the lowest levels of a Windows machine.]]> 2024-02-13T21:30:15+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/glupteba-botnet-burrows-windows-systems-new-uefi-bootkit www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8449736 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch MacOS ciblé par une nouvelle porte dérobée liée au ransomware Alphv<br>MacOS Targeted by New Backdoor Linked to ALPHV Ransomware MacOS data exfiltration malware poses as an update for Visual Studio code editor.]]> 2024-02-09T21:48:11+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/macos-targeted-by-new-backdoor-linked-to-alphv-ransomware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8448498 False Ransomware,Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'coyote \\' Le malware commence sa chasse, s'attaquant à 61 applications bancaires<br>\\'Coyote\\' Malware Begins Its Hunt, Preying on 61 Banking Apps Brazil, the world\'s center for banking Trojan malware, has produced one of its most advanced tools yet. And as history shows, Coyote may soon expand its territory.]]> 2024-02-08T21:14:16+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/coyote-malware-preying-61-banking-apps www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8448171 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \Ret<br>\\'Ov3r_Stealer\\' Malware Spreads Through Facebook to Steal Crates of Info A tangled web of attackers use various social media tactics to propagate the novel threat, which has several execution methods and exfiltrates data to Telegram.]]> 2024-02-08T16:34:52+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/novel-ov3r_stealer-spreads-facebook-steal-info www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8448084 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La Chine a attrapé le rat en laisse conçu pour les appareils FortiGate<br>China Caught Dropping RAT Designed for FortiGate Devices Dutch military intelligence warns that new malware, called "Coathanger," was found in multiple FortiGate devices during an incident response, and that Chinese-state actors are using the persistent RAT for espionage.]]> 2024-02-08T14:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/china-dropping-rat-designed-fortigate-devices www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8448028 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Variante fraîche \\ 'Mispadu Stealer \\' émerge<br>Fresh \\'Mispadu Stealer\\' Variant Emerges Latest iteration of the malware appears aimed at targets in Mexico.]]> 2024-02-05T22:38:14+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/fresh-mispadu-stealer-variant-emerges www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8447066 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La campagne MacOS malveillers présente une nouvelle technique de livraison<br>macOS Malware Campaign Showcases Novel Delivery Technique Threat actor behind the Activator macOS backdoor is using pirated apps to distribute the malware in what could be a botnet-building operation.]]> 2024-02-02T20:03:22+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/macos-malware-campaign-showcases-novel-delivery-technique www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8446099 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Apple avertit que les changements de téléchargement d'iPhone augmenteront les cyber-menaces<br>Apple Warns iPhone Sideloading Changes Will Increase Cyber Threats The tech giant says that being more open to comply with EU regulations brings risks such as malware, fraud, and scams.]]> 2024-01-30T21:55:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/apple-warns-iphone-sideloading-increase-cyber-threats www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8444945 False Malware,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Cherryloader \\' Les logiciels malveillants permettent une exécution sérieuse de privilèges<br>\\'CherryLoader\\' Malware Allows Serious Privilege Execution A sporty, modular downloader allows hackers to cherry-pick their exploits - in this case, two powerful tools for gaining admin access in a Windows system.]]> 2024-01-25T17:40:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/cherryloader-downloader-serious-privilege-execution www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8443069 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch MacOS malware cible Bitcoin, Exodus cryptowallets<br>MacOS Malware Targets Bitcoin, Exodus Cryptowallets The malware substitutes genuine apps with compromised versions, enabling attackers to pilfer credentials and recovery phrases, thus gaining access to wallets and their contents.]]> 2024-01-23T21:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/macos-malware-targets-bitcoin-exodus-cryptowallets www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8442265 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Google: Coldriver apt de Russie \\ se déchaîne \\ 'spica \\' malware<br>Google: Russia\\'s ColdRiver APT Unleashes Custom \\'Spica\\' Malware Just in time for the US election season, one of the Kremlin\'s favorite hack-and-leak spy groups - Star Blizzard - has developed its very first custom backdoor.]]> 2024-01-18T23:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/russia-coldriver-apt-unleashes-custom-spica-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8440442 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Nouveau nouveau macOS MacOs Backdoor sur les sites Web chinois<br>Stealthy New macOS Backdoor Hides on Chinese Websites Modified malware from the Khepri open source project that shares similarities with the ZuRu data stealer harvests data and drops additional payloads.]]> 2024-01-18T15:44:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/stealthy-backdoor-found-hiding-in-pirated-macos-apps www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8440331 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'chaes \\' Le code d'infostealer contient des notes d'amour de chasse à la menace cachée<br>\\'Chaes\\' Infostealer Code Contains Hidden Threat Hunter Love Notes Analysis of the infostealer malware version 4.1 includes hidden ASCII art and a shout-out thanking cybersecurity researchers.]]> 2024-01-18T15:15:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/chaes-infostealer-code-threat-hunter-love-notes www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8440332 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch 80 millions de dollars en crypto disparaissent dans un enfer de malware drainer en tant que service<br>$80M in Crypto Disappears into Drainer-as-a-Service Malware Hell "Infernal Drainer" campaign represents a dangerous evolution in crypto-drainers, credibly spoofing Coinbase and maintaining a vast infrastructure-for-rent biz.]]> 2024-01-17T21:24:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/80m-crypto-disappears-drainer-malware-hell www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8440043 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les infostateurs sophistiqués de macOS dépassent la détection intégrée d'Apple \\<br>Sophisticated MacOS Infostealers Get Past Apple\\'s Built-In Detection Emerging malware variants can evade various static-signature detection engines, including XProtect, as attackers rapidly evolve to challenge defense systems.]]> 2024-01-17T16:15:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/sophisticated-macos-infostealers-apple-built-in-detection www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8439956 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Pikabot Malware surface en remplacement de Qakbot pour les attaques Black Basta<br>Pikabot Malware Surfaces As Qakbot Replacement for Black Basta Attacks An emerging threat actor, Water Curupira, is wielding a new, sophisticated loader in a series of thread-jacking phishing campaigns that precede ransomware.]]> 2024-01-10T16:29:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/pikabot-malware-qakbot-replacement-black-basta-attacks www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8437569 False Ransomware,Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Méfiez-vous des canaux YouTube armées répartissant le voleur de Lumma<br>Beware Weaponized YouTube Channels Spreading Lumma Stealer Videos promoting how to crack popular software circumvent Web filters by using GitHub and MediaFire to propagate the malware.]]> 2024-01-09T15:35:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/weaponized-youtube-channels-spread-lumma-stealer www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8437192 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch États-Unis, Israël a utilisé l'espion néerlandais pour lancer des logiciels malveillants Stuxnet contre l'Iran<br>US, Israel Used Dutch Spy to Launch Stuxnet Malware Against Iran Report says US and Israel spent $1 billion to develop the infamous Stuxnet virus, built to sabotage Iran\'s nuclear program in 2008.]]> 2024-01-09T02:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/us-israel-dutch-spy-stuxnet-malware-against-iran www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8436803 False Malware None 5.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch La Corée du Nord fait ses débuts \\ 'spectralblur \\' malware au milieu de l'assaut macOS<br>North Korea Debuts \\'SpectralBlur\\' Malware Amid macOS Onslaught The post-exploitation backdoor is the latest in a string of custom tools aimed at spying on Apple users.]]> 2024-01-05T20:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/north-korea-debuts-spectralblur-malware-amid-macos-onslaught www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8435266 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Battleroyal \\' Les pirates offrent un rat Darkgate en utilisant chaque astuce<br>\\'BattleRoyal\\' Hackers Deliver DarkGate RAT Using Every Trick The shadowy threat actor uses some nifty tricks to drop popular malware with targets that meet its specifications.]]> 2023-12-21T22:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/battleroyal-hackers-deliver-darkgate-rat www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8427012 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Chameleon Android Trojan offre un pontage biométrique<br>Chameleon Android Trojan Offers Biometric Bypass A more sophisticated version of a "work in progress" malware is impersonating a Google Chrome app to attack a wider swath of mobile users.]]> 2023-12-21T16:20:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/chameleon-android-trojan-offers-biometric-bypass www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8426879 False Malware,Mobile None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Iranien \\ 'verworm \\' cyber spies ciblent les télécommunications africaines et les FAI<br>Iranian \\'Seedworm\\' Cyber Spies Target African Telcos & ISPs Seedworm, aka MuddyWater, drops PowerShell-based malware on victims using living-off-the-land techniques.]]> 2023-12-20T17:25:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/iranian-seedworm-cyber-spies-target-african-telcos-isps www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8426244 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les observations de Qakbot fraîches confirment que le retrait récent a été un revers temporaire<br>Fresh Qakbot Sightings Confirm Recent Takedown Was a Temporary Setback Microsoft and several others have reported seeing the noxious malware surfacing again in a campaign targeting the hospitality industry.]]> 2023-12-19T23:05:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/new-qakbot-sightings-confirm-law-enforcement-takedown-was-temporary-setback www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8425743 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les cyberattaques pro-hamas ont objectif \\ 'PEROGI \\' malware à plusieurs cibles du Moyen-Orient<br>Pro-Hamas Cyberattackers Aim \\'Pierogi\\' Malware at Multiple Mideast Targets Gaza Cybergang has created a new backdoor version stuffed with tools to spy on and attack targets.]]> 2023-12-15T18:51:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/pro-hamas-attackers-hit-multiple-middle-eastern-targets www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8423330 False Malware,Tool None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Complexe \\ 'nkabuse \\' Les logiciels malveillants utilisent la blockchain pour se cacher sur les machines Linux, IoT<br>Complex \\'NKAbuse\\' Malware Uses Blockchain to Hide on Linux, IoT Machines The multifaceted malware leverages the NKN blockchain-based peer-to-peer networking protocol, operating as both a sophisticated backdoor and a flooder launching DDoS attacks.]]> 2023-12-15T18:20:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/nkabuse-malware-blockchain-hide-linux-iot www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8423331 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le groupe Lazarus est toujours à la main Log4Shell, en utilisant des rats écrits en \\ 'd \\'<br>Lazarus Group Is Still Juicing Log4Shell, Using RATs Written in \\'D\\' The infamous vulnerability may be on the older side at this point, but North Korea\'s primo APT Lazarus is creating new, unique malware around it at a remarkable clip.]]> 2023-12-11T16:15:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/lazarus-group-still-juicing-log4shell-rats-written-d www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8421118 False Malware,Vulnerability APT 38 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Microsoft: groupe mystère ciblant les opérateurs de télécommunications liés aux Apts chinois<br>Microsoft: Mystery Group Targeting Telcos Linked to Chinese APTs Analysis shows evidence the previously unknown Sandman group shares backdoor malware with various Chinese APT groups.]]> 2023-12-11T16:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/microsoft-mystery-group-targeting-telcos-chinese-apts www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8421098 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Headcrab \\' Les variantes de logiciels malveillants réquisitionnent des milliers de serveurs<br>\\'HeadCrab\\' Malware Variants Commandeer Thousands of Servers New techniques in a second variant of the malware improved functionality and communication commands.]]> 2023-12-07T18:53:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/headcrab-malware-variants-commandeer-thousands-of-servers www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8419978 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Krasue Rat utilise le rootkit linux du serme pour attaquer les télécommunications<br>Krasue RAT Uses Cross-Kernel Linux Rootkit to Attack Telecoms A stealthy malware is infecting the systems of telecoms and other verticals in Thailand, remaining under the radar for two years after its code first appeared on VirusTotal.]]> 2023-12-07T17:43:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/krasue-rat-cross-kernel-linux-rootkit-telecom www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8419958 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Un nouveau logiciel malveillant GH0ST RAT plus fantasme hante les cyber-cibles mondiales<br>A New, Spookier Gh0st RAT Malware Haunts Global Cyber Targets A decade and a half after Gh0st RAT first appeared, the "SugarGh0st RAT" variant aims to make life sweeter for cybercriminals.]]> 2023-11-30T20:50:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/new-spookier-gh0st-rat-uzbekistan-south-korea www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8418151 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Macos malware mix & match: les apts nord-coréens suscitent des attaques fraîches<br>macOS Malware Mix & Match: North Korean APTs Stir Up Fresh Attacks Lazarus and its cohorts are switching loaders and other code between RustBucket and KandyKorn macOS malware to fool victims and researchers.]]> 2023-11-28T17:30:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/north-korean-apts-mix-and-match-malware-components-to-evade-detection www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8417572 False Malware APT 38,APT 38 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch L'APT lié au Hamas Wields New Sysjoker Backdoor contre Israël<br>Hamas-Linked APT Wields New SysJoker Backdoor Against Israel Gaza Cybergang is using a version of the malware rewritten in the Rust programming language.]]> 2023-11-27T17:44:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/hamas-linked-apt-wields-new-sysjoker-backdoor-against-israel www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8417281 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Hamas-Linked APT Wields New SysJoker Backdoor Against Israel Gaza Cybergang is using a version of the malware rewritten in the Rust programming language.]]> 2023-11-26T22:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/hamas-linked-apt-wields-new-sysjoker-backdoor-against-israel www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8418320 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les logiciels malveillants utilisent la trigonométrie pour suivre les traits de souris<br>Malware Uses Trigonometry to Track Mouse Strokes The latest LummaC2 infostealer version includes a novel anti-sandbox trick to avoid detonating when no human mouse movements are detected.]]> 2023-11-20T22:01:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/malware-trigonometry-track-mouse-strokes www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8415053 False Malware,Technical None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Tirer parti de Sandbox et des aliments de renseignement sur les menaces pour lutter contre les cyber-menaces<br>Leveraging Sandbox and Threat Intelligence Feeds to Combat Cyber Threats Combining a malware sandbox with threat intelligence feeds improves security detection, analysis, and response capabilities.]]> 2023-11-20T08:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/leveraging-sandbox-and-threat-intelligence-feeds-to-combat-cyber-threats www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8414726 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les logiciels malveillants à queue de canard ciblent l'industrie de la mode<br>Ducktail Malware Targets the Fashion Industry Threat actors distributed an archive containing images of new products by major clothing companies, along with a malicious executable disguised with a PDF icon.]]> 2023-11-13T19:09:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/ducktail-malware-targets-fashion-industry www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8411237 False Malware,Threat None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'BLAZESTEALER \\' Python Malware permet une prise de contrôle complète des machines des développeurs<br>\\'BlazeStealer\\' Python Malware Allows Complete Takeover of Developer Machines Checkmarx researchers warn that BlazeStealer can exfiltrate information, steal passwords, disable PCs, and take over webcams.]]> 2023-11-09T23:15:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/-blazestealer-python-malware-complete-takeover-developer www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8408794 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Comment déjouer les attaques de logiciels malveillants qui peuvent tromper la protection antivirus<br>How to Outsmart Malware Attacks That Can Fool Antivirus Protection One of the main challenges for Android users is protecting themselves malicious applications that can damage devices or perform other harmful actions.]]> 2023-11-09T18:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/how-to-outsmart-malware-attacks-that-can-fool-antivirus-protection www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8408639 False Malware,Mobile None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Les débuts de Bluenoroff Apt de la Corée du Nord \\ ont mal des logiciels malveillants<br>North Korea\\'s BlueNoroff APT Debuts \\'Dumbed Down\\' macOS Malware Kim Jong-Un\'s hackers are scraping the bottom of the barrel, using script kiddie-grade malware to steal devalued digital assets.]]> 2023-11-07T20:11:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/north-korea-bluenoroff-apt-dumbed-down-macos-malware www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8407439 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'kandykorn \\' macos malware attire les ingénieurs cryptographiques<br>\\'KandyKorn\\' macOS Malware Lures Crypto Engineers Posing as fellow engineers, the North Korean state-sponsored cybercrime group Lazarus tricked crypto-exchange developers into downloading the hard-to-detect malware.]]> 2023-11-03T18:55:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/kandykorn-macos-malware-lures-crypto-engineers www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8405460 False Malware APT 38,APT 38 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch \\ 'Manticore marqué \\' déchaîne le cyber-espionnage iranien le plus avancé à ce jour<br>\\'Scarred Manticore\\' Unleashes the Most Advanced Iranian Cyber Espionage Yet The government-backed APT\'s new malware framework represents a step up in Iran\'s cyber sophistication.]]> 2023-11-02T14:46:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/dr-global/-scarred-manticore-unleashes-most-advanced-iranian-espionage www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8404734 False Malware APT 34 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Kits de repas malware \\ '\\' servir les attaques de rats sans tracas<br>Malware \\'Meal Kits\\' Serve Up No-Fuss RAT Attacks The wider availability of turnkey cyberattack kits in the criminal underground is leading to a glut of campaigns using remote access Trojans (RATs).]]> 2023-10-31T19:45:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/malware-meal-kits-serve-up-no-fuss-rat-attacks www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8403701 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Arid Viper Camouflages Maleware dans l'application de datation à imitation<br>Arid Viper Camouflages Malware in Knockoff Dating App The APT group uses updates from the app to get the user to download the malware.]]> 2023-10-31T17:44:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/dr-global/arid-viper-camouflages-malware-in-knockoff-dating-app www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8403649 False Malware APT-C-23 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Google Dynamic Search Ads a abusé pour libérer les logiciels malveillants \\ 'déluge \\'<br>Google Dynamic Search Ads Abused to Unleash Malware \\'Deluge\\' An advanced feature of Google targeted ads can allow a rarely precedented flood of malware infections, rendering machines completely useless.]]> 2023-10-30T22:08:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/google-dynamic-search-ads-malware-deluge www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8403170 False Malware,Threat None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Complex Spy Platform StripedFly Bites 1M Victims Sophisticated Windows and Linux malware for stealing data and conducting cyber espionage has flown under the radar, disguised as a cryptominer.]]> 2023-10-26T13:15:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/complex-spy-platform-stripedfly-bites-1m-victims-disguised-as-a-cryptominer www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8400863 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Kimsuky de la Corée du Nord se double de la commande de bureau à distance<br>North Korea\\'s Kimsuky Doubles Down on Remote Desktop Control The sophisticated APT employs various tactics to abuse Windows and other built-in protocols with both custom and public malware to take over victim systems.]]> 2023-10-18T16:11:47+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/north-korea-s-kimsuky-doubles-down-on-remote-desktop-control www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8397354 False Malware APT 43 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Attention: les attaquants cachent des logiciels malveillants dans les mises à jour du navigateur \\ '\\'<br>Watch Out: Attackers Are Hiding Malware in \\'Browser Updates\\' Updating your browser when prompted is a good practice, just make sure the notification comes from the vendor themselves.]]> 2023-10-17T16:34:38+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/watch-out-attackers-hiding-malware-browser-updates www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8396798 False Malware None 2.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Shellbot fissure les serveurs SSH Linux, fait ses débuts à une nouvelle tactique d'évasion<br>ShellBot Cracks Linux SSH Servers, Debuts New Evasion Tactic The botnet - built for DDoS, backdooring, and dropping malware - is evading standard URL signature detections with a novel approach.]]> 2023-10-13T17:42:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/shellbot-cracks-linux-ssh-servers-debuts-new-evasion-tactic www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8395222 False Malware None 3.0000000000000000