www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-06T12:53:34+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Rapport de ransomware du T2 2023: le nombre de victimes atteint de nouveaux sommets<br>Q2 2023 Ransomware Report: Victim Count Hits New Heights mise à jour malveillant
Q2 2023 Ransomware Report: Victim Count Hits New Heights - Malware Update]]>
2023-07-28T12:44:53+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Q2-2023-Ransomware-Report-Victim-Count-Hits-New-Heights.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8362739 False Ransomware,Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Kaspersky - Kaspersky Research blog Rapport sur les tendances APT Q2 2023<br>APT trends report Q2 2023 This is our latest summary of the significant events and findings, focusing on activities that we observed during Q2 2023.]]> 2023-07-27T10:00:22+00:00 https://securelist.com/apt-trends-report-q2-2023/110231/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8362154 False Threat,Studies None 2.0000000000000000 The Hacker News - The Hacker News est un blog de news de hack (surprenant non?) La montée alarmante des infostelleurs: comment détecter cette menace silencieuse<br>The Alarming Rise of Infostealers: How to Detect this Silent Threat A new study conducted by Uptycs has uncovered a stark increase in the distribution of information stealing (a.k.a. infostealer or stealer) malware. Incidents have more than doubled in Q1 2023, indicating an alarming trend that threatens global organizations. According to the new Uptycs\' whitepaper, Stealers are Organization Killers, a variety of new info stealers have emerged this year, preying]]> 2023-07-26T16:23:00+00:00 https://thehackernews.com/2023/07/the-alarming-rise-of-infostealers-how.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8361688 False Threat,Studies,Prediction None 2.0000000000000000 AlienVault Lab Blog - AlienVault est un acteur de defense majeur dans les IOC Ransomware Business Model - Qu'est-ce que c'est et comment le casser?<br>Ransomware business model-What is it and how to break it? a new ransomware attack after every two seconds by 2031 while the companies lose between $1 and $10 million because of these attacks. As the security landscape evolves, cybercriminals change their tactics and attack vectors to maximize their profit potential. Previously, ransomware attackers employed tactics like email phishing, remote desktop protocol vulnerabilities, supply chain issues, and exploit kits to breach the system and implant the ransomware payloads. But now attackers have significantly changed their business model. Organizations need to adopt a proactive stance as more ransomware gangs emerge and new tactics are introduced. They must aim to lower their attack surface and increase their ability to respond to and recover from the aftermath of a ransomware attack. How is ransomware blooming as a business model? Ransomware has emerged as a thriving business model for cybercriminals. It is a highly lucrative and sophisticated method in which the attackers encrypt the data and release it only when the ransom is paid. Data backup was one way for businesses to escape this situation, but those lacking this had no option except to pay the ransom. If organizations delay or stop paying the ransom, attackers threaten to exfiltrate or leak valuable data. This adds more pressure on organizations to pay the ransom, especially if they hold sensitive customer information and intellectual property. As a result, over half of ransomware victims agree to pay the ransom. With opportunities everywhere, ransomware attacks have evolved as the threat actors continue looking for new ways to expand their operations\' attack vectors and scope. For instance, the emergence of the Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model encourages non-technical threat actors to participate in these attacks. It allows cybercriminals to rent or buy ransomware toolkits to launch successful attacks and earn a portion of the profits instead of performing the attacks themselves. Moreover, a new breed of ransomware gangs is also blooming in the ransomware business. Previously, Conti, REvil, LockBit, Black Basta, and Vice Society were among the most prolific groups that launched the attacks. But now, the Clop, Cuban, and Play ransomware groups are gaining popularity as they exploit the zero-day vulnerability and impact various organizations. Ransomware has also become a professionalized industry in which attackers demand payments in Bitcoins only. Cryptocurrency provides anonymity and a more convenient way for cybercriminals to collect ransom payments, making it more difficult for law enforcement agencies to trace the money. Though the FBI discourages ransom]]> 2023-07-25T10:00:00+00:00 https://cybersecurity.att.com/blogs/security-essentials/ransomware-business-model-what-is-it-and-how-to-break-it www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8361250 False Ransomware,Malware,Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Studies,Medical None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Les coûts de violation de données atteignent un record mais tombent pour certains<br>Data Breach Costs Hit Record High but Fall For Some IBM\'s annual study finds over half of breached firms pass costs on]]> 2023-07-25T08:30:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/data-breach-costs-record-high-fall/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8361121 False Data Breach,Studies None 2.0000000000000000 AlienVault Lab Blog - AlienVault est un acteur de defense majeur dans les IOC Certification professionnelle de la gouvernance de l'intelligence artificielle - AIGP<br>Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Certification - AIGP 2023-07-24T10:00:00+00:00 https://cybersecurity.att.com/blogs/security-essentials/artificial-intelligence-governance-professional-certification-aigp www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8360707 False Studies ChatGPT 2.0000000000000000 Silicon - Site de News Francais Fuites de données : ce qui influe sur le délai de remédiation 2023-07-24T09:44:48+00:00 https://www.silicon.fr/fuites-donnees-delai-remediation-470256.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8360708 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine La nouvelle étude met en évidence la résilience de l'infrastructure critique \\<br>New Study Highlights Critical Infrastructure\\'s Resilience They exhibited a 20% higher threat detection behavior than the industry average]]> 2023-07-20T16:00:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/study-critical-infrastructures/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8359298 False Threat,Studies,Industrial None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine La moitié des projets open source de l'IA référence les packages de buggy<br>Half of AI Open Source Projects Reference Buggy Packages Study also finds LLMs are poor at detecting malicious code]]> 2023-07-20T10:00:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/half-ai-open-source-projects-buggy/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8359202 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais La recherche Cybeready montre que les employés plus récents et non formés présentent un cyber-risque accru pour les organisations<br>CybeReady Research Shows Newer, Untrained Employees Pose Heightened Cyber Risk to Organizations rapports spéciaux
CybeReady Research Shows Newer, Untrained Employees Pose Heightened Cyber Risk to Organizations Pose Heightened Cyber Risk to Organizations - Special Reports]]>
2023-07-19T19:28:55+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/CybeReady-Research-Shows-Newer-Untrained-Employees-Pose-Heightened-Cyber-Risk.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358947 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le rapport sur la sécurité du sel identifie des vulnérabilités API importantes et l'activité des attaquants dans les services financiers et les compagnies d'assurance<br>Salt Security Report Identifies Significant API Vulnerabilities and Attacker Activity in Financial Services and Insurance Companies rapports spéciaux
Salt Security Report Identifies Significant API Vulnerabilities and Attacker Activity in Financial Services and Insurance Companies Industry-focused report shows nearly 70% of financial services and insurance companies have suffered rollout delays due to API security, 92% have had security issues in production APIs - Special Reports]]>
2023-07-19T19:21:12+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Salt-Security-Report-Identifies-Significant-API-Vulnerabilities-and-Attacker.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358948 False Vulnerability,Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Les nouvelles recherches révèlent que les employés d'infrastructures critiques sont plus susceptibles de détecter et de signaler les e-mails de phishing et malveillants<br>New Research Reveals Critical Infrastructure Employees Are More Likely to Detect and Report Phishing and Malicious Emails rapports spéciaux
New Research Reveals Critical Infrastructure Employees Are More Likely to Detect and Report Phishing and Malicious Emails Two thirds report a real malicious email attack within first year of training; threat detection behavior is 20 percent higher than industry average - Special Reports]]>
2023-07-19T15:30:14+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/New-Research-Reveals-Critical-Infrastructure-Employees-Are-More-Likely-to.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358869 False Threat,Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future CloudFlare rapporte une augmentation des attaques sophistiquées DDOS<br>Cloudflare reports surge in sophisticated DDoS attacks Groupes de piratage - Beaucoup basés en Russie - ont frappé les entreprises au deuxième trimestre de cette année avec des attaques bien planifiées de déni de service distribué (DDOS), selon de nouvelles recherches.Un mardi rapport du fournisseur de réseau de livraison de contenu CloudFlare a révélé que le nombre total de demandes DDOS d'avril à juin a atteint5,4 billions - 15% de plus que
Hacking groups - many based in Russia - pummeled companies in the second quarter of this year with well-planned distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, according to new research. A Tuesday report from content delivery network provider Cloudflare found that the total number of DDoS requests from April to June reached 5.4 trillion - 15% more than]]>
2023-07-19T14:03:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/cloudflare-reports-surge-in-ddos-attacks-q2-2023 www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358825 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Silicon - Site de News Francais Qualité logicielle : comment Decathlon Technology la mesure 2023-07-19T12:53:28+00:00 https://www.silicon.fr/qualite-logicielle-indicateurs-decathlon-technology-470163.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358809 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Soc Radar - Blog spécialisé SOC Présentation du rapport de menace DDOS de Cloudflare \\<br>Overview of Cloudflare\\'s 2023 Q2 DDoS Threat Report Cloudflare, une société de sécurité Internet renommée, a récemment publié un rapport complet concernant les attaques DDOS ...
>Cloudflare, a renowned internet security company, has recently released a comprehensive report concerning DDoS attacks... ]]>
2023-07-19T10:34:33+00:00 https://socradar.io/overview-of-cloudflares-2023-q2-ddos-threat-report/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358749 False Threat,Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future Législateurs: HHS ne protége pas adéquatement les dossiers de santé contre les forces de l'ordre<br>Legislators: HHS is failing to adequately protect health records from law enforcement Les législateurs demandent au ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux à empêcher les forces de l'ordre d'accéder aux dossiers de la reproduction et d'autres dossiers de santé sans mandat.Le lettre envoyée mardi par les sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) et Patty Murray (D-Wa), La représentante Sara Jacobs (D-CA) et d'autres exhorte également le secrétaire du HHS, Xavier Becerra, à élargir les réglementations fédérales de santé à
Lawmakers are demanding the Department of Health and Human Services to bar law enforcement from accessing reproductive and other health records without a warrant. The letter sent Tuesday by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Patty Murray (D-WA), Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) and others also urges HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra to broaden federal health regulations to]]>
2023-07-18T18:46:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/protected-health-information-law-enforcement-warrants-lawmakers-hhs www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358423 False Studies,Medical None 2.0000000000000000
IT Security Guru - Blog Sécurité Des millions de modèles de marche du clavier trouvés dans les mots de passe compromis<br>Millions of Keyboard Walk Patterns Found in Compromised Passwords Today, the Specops Software research team revealed the results of their latest findings on the use of keyboard walk patterns in compromised passwords. The top keyboard walk pattern found in compromised password was ‘qwert’, followed by ‘qwerty’ which found in compromised passwords more than 1 million times. Keyboard walk patterns are passwords compromised of keys […] ]]> 2023-07-18T14:31:52+00:00 https://www.itsecurityguru.org/2023/07/18/millions-of-keyboard-walk-patterns-found-in-compromised-passwords/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=millions-of-keyboard-walk-patterns-found-in-compromised-passwords www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8358283 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Bleeping Computer - Magazine Américain Des milliers d'images sur Docker Hub Fak Auth Secrets, Clés privées<br>Thousands of images on Docker Hub leak auth secrets, private keys Researchers at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany published a study revealing that tens of thousands of container images hosted on Docker Hub contain confidential secrets, exposing software, online platforms, and users to a massive attack surface. [...]]]> 2023-07-16T10:09:18+00:00 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/thousands-of-images-on-docker-hub-leak-auth-secrets-private-keys/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8357469 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 We Live Security - Editeur Logiciel Antivirus ESET Key findings from ESET Threat Report H1 2023 – Week in security with Tony Anscombe Here\'s how cybercriminals have adjusted their tactics in response to Microsoft\'s stricter security policies, plus other interesting findings from ESET\'s new Threat Report]]> 2023-07-14T13:30:00+00:00 https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/videos/key-findings-eset-threat-report-h1-2023-week-security-tony-anscombe/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8382253 False Threat,Studies,Medical None 4.0000000000000000 TechRepublic - Security News US Gartner: En raison du stress, la moitié des cyber-dirigeants changeront d'emploi, et un quart quittera le terrain<br>Gartner: Due to stress, half of cyber leaders will change jobs, and a quarter will quit the field Among the strategic propositions in Gartner\'s 2023-2024 cybersecurity outlook are that organizations need to institute cultural changes to lower pressure on security teams.]]> 2023-07-13T19:19:58+00:00 https://www.techrepublic.com/article/top-cybersecurity-predictions/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8356173 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Palo Alto Network - Site Constructeur Un leader dans les rapports de Nesaas et Ztna Marketscape de Nesaas et Ztna de IDC \\<br>A Leader in IDC\\'s 2023 NESaaS and ZTNA MarketScape Reports Palo Alto Networks est un leader de la dernière IDC Network Edge Security en tant que service (NESAAS) et Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Marketscape Rapports.
>Palo Alto Networks is a leader in the latest IDC Network Edge security as a service (NESaaS) and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) MarketScape reports. ]]>
2023-07-13T13:00:49+00:00 https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/blog/2023/07/idcs-2023-nesaas-and-ztna-marketscape-reports/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8356121 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future Les gangs de ransomware ont extorqué 449 millions de dollars cette année: chaîne analyse<br>Ransomware gangs have extorted $449 million this year: Chainalysis Les gangs de ransomwares ont fonctionné avec un bénéfice à peu près au cours des six premiers mois de l'année, extorquant plus de 449 millions de dollars auprès des victimes, selon la société de recherche Blockchain Chainalysis.Le chiffre est probablement pâle par rapport aux totaux réels car la recherche ne se penche que sur les portefeuilles de crypto-monnaie surveillés par l'entreprise si les tendances
Ransomware gangs have operated at a near-record profit in the first six months of the year, extorting more than $449 million from victims, according to blockchain research firm Chainalysis. The figure likely pales in comparison to the actual totals because the research only looks at cryptocurrency wallets being monitored by the firm If the trends]]>
2023-07-12T18:25:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/ransomware-gangs-extorted-record-amounts www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8355447 False Ransomware,Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Chainalysis dévoile son mid-year crime report : les ransomwares en passe de connaître la 2ème année la plus importante de leur histoire Investigations]]> 2023-07-12T13:30:41+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Chainalysis-devoile-son-mid-year-crime-report-les-ransomwares-en-passe-de.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8355314 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Les volumes de page d'escroquerie augmentent 304% par an<br>Scam Page Volumes Surge 304% Annually Social media and messaging apps are main conduit]]> 2023-07-12T09:00:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scam-page-volumes-surge-304/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8355053 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Veeam Data Protection Trends Report 2023 : les entreprises françaises prévoient d\'augmenter leur budget de protection des données de 6,8 % pour renforcer leur cyber-résilience face aux ransomwares Investigations]]> 2023-07-12T07:45:47+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Veeam-Data-Protection-Trends-Report-2023-les-entreprises-francaises-prevoient-d.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8355039 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le nouveau rapport met en évidence des coûts et fréquences de cybercriminalité choquantes<br>New Report Highlights Shocking Business Cybercrime Costs & Frequency rapports spéciaux
New Report Highlights Shocking Business Cybercrime Costs & Frequency - Special Reports]]>
2023-07-03T08:09:36+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/New-Report-Highlights-Shocking-Business-Cybercrime-Costs-Frequency.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8351753 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
The Hacker News - The Hacker News est un blog de news de hack (surprenant non?) Nouvelles recherches: 6% des employés colleront des données sensibles dans les outils Genai comme Chatgpt<br>New Research: 6% of Employees Paste Sensitive Data into GenAI tools as ChatGPT The revolutionary technology of GenAI tools, such as ChatGPT, has brought significant risks to organizations\' sensitive data. But what do we really know about this risk? A new research by Browser Security company LayerX sheds light on the scope and nature of these risks. The report titled "Revealing the True GenAI Data Exposure Risk" provides crucial insights for data protection stakeholders and]]> 2023-06-15T17:28:00+00:00 https://thehackernews.com/2023/06/new-research-6-of-employees-paste.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8345727 False Studies ChatGPT,ChatGPT 5.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Rapport Global State of Cybersecurity 2023 d\'Infoblox : les organisations françaises sont plus susceptibles d\'avoir subi une violation de systèmes que les autres pays de l\'EMEA Investigations]]> 2023-06-13T13:25:08+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Rapport-Global-State-of-Cybersecurity-2023-d-Infoblox-les-organisations.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8344829 False General Information,Studies,Guideline None 2.0000000000000000 CyberArk - Software Vendor Les six principaux risques de sécurité de l'identité aggravant la cyber dette et élargissant la surface d'attaque<br>Top Six Identity Security Risks Compounding Cyber Debt and Expanding the Attack Surface The prolonged period of low-capital costs and widely available funding may be over, yet digital adoption persists as business leaders seek to unlock efficiencies and innovation everywhere. This is driving exponential but often unsecure identity...]]> 2023-06-13T12:31:05+00:00 https://www.cyberark.com/blog/top-six-identity-security-risks-compounding-cyber-debt-and-expanding-the-attack-surface/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8344788 False Studies,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Étude Surfshark : 50 applications de jeux mobiles populaires en France classées par " soif de données ", 74 % utilisent des publicités de tiers Investigations]]> 2023-06-12T09:13:00+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Etude-Surfshark-50-applications-de-jeux-mobiles-populaires-en-France-classees.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8344341 False General Information,Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch CL0P Gang s'est assis sur l'exploit pour Moveit Flaw pendant près de 2 ans<br>Cl0P Gang Sat on Exploit for MOVEit Flaw for Nearly 2 Years Over that time, the group carried multiple tests to see if the exploit worked and to identify potential victims. It was like "turning the doorknob" to check for access, a researcher says.]]> 2023-06-09T16:23:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/cl0p-gang-exploit-moveit-flaw-2-years www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8343712 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Etude Fortinet : 75 % des organisations industrielles ont subi au moins une intrusion en 2022 Investigations]]> 2023-06-08T08:07:36+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Etude-Fortinet-75-des-organisations-industrielles-ont-subi-au-moins-une.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8343270 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais L'ILTA et le groupe conversant publient la première enquête d'analyse comparative de la cybersécurité de l'industrie juridique<br>ILTA and Conversant Group Release First Cybersecurity Benchmarking Survey of the Legal Industry rapports spéciaux / /
ILTA and Conversant Group Release First Cybersecurity Benchmarking Survey of the Legal Industry Joint Research Highlights Disconnect Between Legal IT and Recommended Cybersecurity Practices - Special Reports / ]]>
2023-06-08T07:20:42+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/ILTA-and-Conversant-Group-Release-First-Cybersecurity-Benchmarking-Survey-of.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8343257 True Studies None 4.0000000000000000
InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Cves augmente de 25% en 2022 à un autre record élevé<br>CVEs Surge By 25% in 2022 to Another Record High Volume of new vulnerabilities has increased three-fold in a decade]]> 2023-06-07T08:30:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/cves-surge-25-2022-another-record/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8342957 False Studies,Industrial None 2.0000000000000000 Data Security Breach - Site de news Francais Environ 35 % des vulnérabilités ICS identifiées ne sont toujours pas corrigées 2023-06-07T08:09:05+00:00 https://www.datasecuritybreach.fr/systemes-de-controle-industriels/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8342952 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais La nouvelle étude de Veracode révèle que la sécurité des logiciels dans les organismes du secteur public est insuffisante Investigations]]> 2023-06-07T07:47:24+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/La-nouvelle-etude-de-Veracode-revele-que-la-securite-des-logiciels-dans-les.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8342944 False Studies,Medical None 3.0000000000000000 Silicon - Site de News Francais Cybersécurité : 5 points à retenir du DBIR 2023 2023-06-06T15:23:00+00:00 https://www.silicon.fr/cybersecurite-5-points-retenir-dbir-2023-467192.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8342625 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Une étude mondiale de Fortinet indique que 75 % des organisations industrielles ont subi au moins une intrusion en 2022 Produits
Une étude mondiale de Fortinet indique que 75 % des organisations industrielles ont subi au moins une intrusion en 2022 Au cours des 12 prochains mois, 95 % des entreprises s\'attendent à ce que la cybersécurité OT relève des responsabilités des RSSI et non plus des Managers - Produits]]>
2023-06-06T10:49:50+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Une-etude-mondiale-de-Fortinet-indique-que-75-des-organisations-industrielles.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8343290 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine La Corée du Nord fait 50% des revenus des cyberattaques: rapport<br>North Korea Makes 50% of Income from Cyber-Attacks: Report US assessment highlights significance of offensive capabilities]]> 2023-06-05T09:40:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/north-korea-makes-50-income/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8342099 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais L'Institut SANS et l'Institut des études bancaires du Kowait forgent un partenariat puissant pour fortifier l'éducation à la cybersécurité au Koweït<br>SANS Institute and Kuwait Institute of Banking Studies Forge Powerful Partnership to Fortify Cybersecurity Education in Kuwait opinion
SANS Institute and Kuwait Institute of Banking Studies Forge Powerful Partnership to Fortify Cybersecurity Education in Kuwait - Opinion]]>
2023-05-25T12:21:51+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/SANS-Institute-and-Kuwait-Institute-of-Banking-Studies-Forge-Powerful.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8339341 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
TrendLabs Security - Editeur Antivirus Abuser des services Web utilisant des services de rupture automatisés et des proxys résidentiels<br>Abusing Web Services Using Automated CAPTCHA-Breaking Services and Residential Proxies This blog entry features three case studies that show how malicious actors evade the antispam, antibot, and antiabuse measures of online web services via residential proxies and CAPTCHA-breaking services.]]> 2023-05-25T00:00:00+00:00 https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/23/e/abusing-web-services-using-automated-captcha-breaking-services-and-residential-proxies.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8339272 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Fortinet - Fabricant Materiel Securite Les principaux points à retenir du 5e rapport annuel de Fortinet State of OT et de cybersécurité<br>Key Takeaways from the 5th Annual Fortinet State of OT and Cybersecurity Report Get key takeaways from the 5th Annual Fortinet State of OT and Cybersecurity Report, as well as best practices organizations can adopt to continually improve on protecting their IT and OT networks.]]> 2023-05-24T12:56:00+00:00 https://www.fortinet.com/blog/ciso-collective/fortinet-state-of-ot-cybersecurity-annual-report-takeaways www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8339033 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le nouveau rapport sur le phishing de lance de Barracuda montre que 50% des organisations étudiées ont été victimes de phishing de lance en 2022<br>New spear phishing report by Barracuda shows that 50% of organisations studied were victims of spear phishing in 2022 rapports spéciaux
New spear phishing report by Barracuda shows that 50% of organisations studied were victims of spear phishing in 2022 ● Barracuda Networks research finds 24% of organisations studied had at least one email account compromised through account takeover ● On average, it takes nearly two days for organisations to detect an email security incident ● Malicious actors send an average of 370 malicious emails from each compromised account - Special Reports]]>
2023-05-24T12:14:53+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/New-spear-phishing-report-by-Barracuda-shows-that-50-of-organisations-studied.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8339025 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Security Intelligence - Site de news Américain NIST lance l'initiative de cybersécurité pour les petites entreprises<br>NIST Launches Cybersecurity Initiative for Small Businesses Pour les petites organisations, le paysage actuel de la cyber-menace est brutal.Alors que les violations des grands noms volent les gros titres, les petites entreprises souffrent le plus d'attaques de ransomwares.De plus, d'autres études révèlent que seulement la moitié de toutes les petites entreprises sont préparées pour une cyberattaque.Face à ces défis, NIST crée une nouvelle initiative pour aider. & # 160;À [& # 8230;]
>For small organizations, the current cyber threat landscape is brutal. While big-name breaches steal the headlines, small businesses suffer the most from ransomware attacks. Additionally, other studies reveal that only half of all small businesses are prepared for a cyberattack. In the face of these challenges, NIST is creating a new initiative to help.  To […] ]]>
2023-05-22T13:00:00+00:00 https://securityintelligence.com/articles/nist-launches-cybersecurity-initiative-for-small-businesses/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8338432 False Ransomware,Threat,Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Enquête Fortinet : 78% des entreprises se pensent protégées des ransomwares, pourtant 50% en sont victimes Investigations]]> 2023-05-22T11:21:13+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Enquete-Fortinet-78-des-entreprises-se-pensent-protegees-des-ransomwares.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8338398 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Nouvelle étude Trellix : Taiwan confronté à une hausse alarmante de cyberattaques depuis fin 2022 Malwares]]> 2023-05-17T13:51:18+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Nouvelle-etude-Trellix-Taiwan-confronte-a-une-hausse-alarmante-de-cyberattaques.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337364 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Microsoft Digital Defence Rapport: Menaces et cyber-mercenaires de l'État-nation<br>Microsoft Digital Defense Report: Nation-State Threats and Cyber Mercenaries In part three of this three-part series, Microsoft dissects these twinned threats and what organizations can do to reduce or eliminate their risk.]]> 2023-05-17T13:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/microsoft/microsoft-digital-defense-report-nation-state-threats-and-cyber-mercenaries www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337349 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Cybermenace : Microsoft Teams, vecteur privilégié des cybercriminels - Recherches Proofpoint Malwares]]> 2023-05-17T12:04:54+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Cybermenace-Microsoft-Teams-vecteur-privilegie-des-cybercriminels-Recherches.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337335 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Security Through Education - Security Through Education Médias sociaux: soyez conscient de ce que vous partagez<br>Social Media: Be Aware of What You Share Two scammers are currently being prosecuted for deploying a romance scam against at least two victims, successfully stealing over £200,000. […]]]> 2023-05-17T12:00:04+00:00 https://www.social-engineer.org/general-blog/social-media-be-aware-of-what-you-share/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337328 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le nouveau rapport de recherche d'Osterman révèle que les programmes de cyber-résilience ne sont pas à court, avec plus de la moitié des dirigeants de la sécurité révélant que leur main-d'œuvre n'est pas préparé pour une cyberattaque<br>New Osterman Research Report Finds Cyber Resilience Programs are Falling Short, With More Than Half of Security Leaders Revealing Their Workforce Is Not Prepared for A Cyberattack rapports spéciaux
New Osterman Research Report Finds Cyber Resilience Programs are Falling Short, With More Than Half of Security Leaders Revealing Their Workforce Is Not Prepared for A Cyberattack ● While 86% of organisations have a cyber resilience program, more than half of respondents say their organisation lacks a comprehensive approach to assessing cyber resilience ● Almost half of respondents (46%) say their employees would not know what to do if they received a phishing email, despite years of security awareness training and phishing tests ● 52% say their organisation lacks a comprehensive approach to assessing cyber resilience - Special Reports]]>
2023-05-17T10:40:40+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/New-Osterman-Research-Report-Finds-Cyber-Resilience-Programs-are-Falling-Short.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337320 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Lexisnexis Risk Solutions Rapport Cybercrime révèle une augmentation annuelle de 20% du taux d'attaque numérique mondial<br>LexisNexis Risk Solutions Cybercrime Report Reveals 20% Annual Increase in Global Digital Attack Rate mise à jour malveillant / /
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Cybercrime Report Reveals 20% Annual Increase in Global Digital Attack Rate Elevated attack rate expected to remain during 2023 as Cybercrime Becomes More Sophisticated and Widespread - Malware Update / ]]>
2023-05-17T08:24:42+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/LexisNexis-Risk-Solutions-Cybercrime-Report-Reveals-20-Annual-Increase-in.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337290 True Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Shadow API Usage Surges 900%, Revealing Alarming Lack of API Visibility Among Enterprises Special Reports]]> 2023-05-16T15:33:26+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Shadow-API-Usage-Surges-900-Revealing-Alarming-Lack-of-API-Visibility-Among.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8336995 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais 57% of office workers do not know what phishing means, according to latest study Special Reports
57% of office workers do not know what phishing means, according to latest study Independent research from Encore reveals misalignment between cybersecurity training perceptions and realities - Special Reports]]>
2023-05-16T08:07:41+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/57-of-office-workers-do-not-know-what-phishing-means-according-to-latest-study.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8336884 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Kaspersky - Kaspersky Research blog La nature des cyberincidents en 2022<br>The nature of cyberincidents in 2022 Kaspersky Incident Response report for 2022: incident response statistics, key trends and conclusions, expert recommendations.]]> 2023-05-16T08:00:57+00:00 https://securelist.com/kaspersky-incident-response-report-2022/109680/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8336882 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Juniper Research Study Reveals Staggering Cost of Vulnerable Software Supply Chains New data shows cyberattacks targeting software supply chains will cost the global economy $80.6 billion annually by 2026.]]> 2023-05-11T21:43:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/operations/juniper-research-study-reveals-staggering-cost-of-vulnerable-software-supply-chains- www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8335754 True Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Edge Ecosystem The 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report examines how edge use cases are evolving, how organizations are changing to deliver better business outcomes through digital first experiences, and how an integrated ecosystem can work together to put security at the core of edge computing.]]> 2023-05-11T13:00:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/2023-at-t-cybersecurity-insights-report-edge-ecosystem www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8335623 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Les mauvais robots représentent désormais 30% de tout le trafic Internet<br>Bad Bots Now Account For 30% of All Internet Traffic Figure is highest since records began, says Imperva]]> 2023-05-11T08:30:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/bad-bots-now-comprise-30-of-all/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8335557 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais L'étude de recherche de Juniper révèle un coût stupéfiant des chaînes d'approvisionnement des logiciels vulnérables<br>Juniper Research Study Reveals Staggering Cost of Vulnerable Software Supply Chains rapports spéciaux
Juniper Research Study Reveals Staggering Cost of Vulnerable Software Supply Chains New Data Shows Cyberattacks Targeting Software Supply Chains Will Cost the Global Economy $80.6 Billion Annually by 2026 - Special Reports]]>
2023-05-11T08:06:15+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Juniper-Research-Study-Reveals-Staggering-Cost-of-Vulnerable-Software-Supply.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8335562 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000
Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le rapport de conformité au charbon dévoile l'horizon suivant en conformité<br>Coalfire Compliance Report Unveils the Next Horizon in Compliance Compliance automation now mission critical to managing and monetizing multiple frameworks.]]> 2023-05-10T21:58:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/coalfire-compliance-report-unveils-the-next-horizon-in-compliance www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8335447 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Seuls 39% des décideurs de la sécurité informatique le considèrent comme un catalyseur d'entreprise<br>Only 39% of IT Security Decision-Makers See it As Business Enabler The Delinea report also suggests 36% of them believe cybersecurity is only important for compliance]]> 2023-05-09T16:00:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/39-security-decision-makers-see/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8334844 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le rapport 2023 de Datadog sur l\'état de la sécurité des applications présente les principales tendances en matière d\'AppSec Investigations]]> 2023-05-09T09:25:23+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Le-rapport-2023-de-Datadog-sur-l-etat-de-la-securite-des-applications-presente.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8334735 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 ProofPoint - Firm Security L'anxiété du Ciso revient dans un contexte de préoccupation accrue des cyberattaques matérielles<br>CISO anxiety returns amid heightened concern of material cyberattacks 2023-05-09T09:02:21+00:00 https://www.proofpoint.com/us/newsroom/news/ciso-anxiety-returns-amid-heightened-concern-material-cyberattacks www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337242 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 ProofPoint - Firm Security Le stress de la cybersécurité revient après un bref calme: Rapport de point de vue<br>Cybersecurity stress returns after a brief calm: Proofpoint report 2023-05-09T08:58:41+00:00 https://www.proofpoint.com/us/newsroom/news/cybersecurity-stress-returns-after-brief-calm-proofpoint-report www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8337243 False Studies,Prediction None 4.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Le nombre quotidien de cyber-incidents motivés par l'homme a augmenté de 1,5 fois en 2022<br>The Daily Number of Human-Driven Cyber Incidents Increased by 1.5 Times in 2022 2023-05-03T21:40:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/remote-workforce/the-daily-number-of-human-driven-cyber-incidents-increased-by-1-5-times-in-2022 www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8333269 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Plus de 700 cyberattaques sur les agences gouvernementales depuis 2006: 2023 \\ 'Q1 était pleine de cas de cyber-espionnage<br>Over 700 cyberattacks on government agencies since 2006: 2023\\'Q1 was full of cyber espionage cases mise à jour malveillant
Over 700 cyberattacks on government agencies since 2006: 2023\'Q1 was full of cyber espionage cases Surfshark\'s chart of the week shows - Malware Update]]>
2023-05-03T13:25:29+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Over-700-cyberattacks-on-government-agencies-since-2006-2023-Q1-was-full-of.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8333143 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
01net. Actualites - Securite - Magazine Francais Voici les 20 mots de passe les plus utilisés en France… et c\'est vraiment triste Les Français continuent de choisir des mots de passe non sécurisés. D'après une étude de NordPass, les internautes ne parviennent pas à changer leurs habitudes. Ils utilisent encore et toujours des codes d'accès qu'un pirate peut " cracker " en moins d'une seconde… Découvrez la liste des mots de passe à ne surtout pas utiliser.]]> 2023-05-03T10:30:00+00:00 https://www.01net.com/actualites/voici-20-mots-de-passe-plus-utilises-france-vraiment-triste.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8333081 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Silicon - Site de News Francais Sécurité applicative : 5 enseignements du rapport Datadog 2023-05-03T10:13:54+00:00 https://www.silicon.fr/5-enseignements-rapport-datadog-464380.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8333088 False Studies,Prediction None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Third Annual Bitwarden World Password Day Survey Shows Enthusiasm For Passwordless Technology rapports spéciaux
Third Annual Bitwarden World Password Day Survey Shows Enthusiasm For Passwordless Technology • 56% of global respondents (53% UK) are excited about passwordless authentication options like biometrics, passkeys, or security keys • Best practices are still diluted by bad habits, with 85% of global respondents (88% UK) reusing passwords across multiple sites and 58% relying on memory for their passwords (63% UK) • 52% of global respondents (56% UK) use easily identifiable information in their passwords, such as company/brand names, well-known song lyrics, pet names, and names of loved ones - Special Reports]]>
2023-05-02T11:42:41+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Third-Annual-Bitwarden-World-Password-Day-Survey-Shows-Enthusiasm-For-138478.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8332809 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Red Hat Publie Les R & eacute; Sultats de Son Rapport "L'état de la sécurité de Kubernetes en 2023"<br>Red Hat publie les résultats de son rapport " The State of Kubernetes Security in 2023 " Investigations
Red Hat publie les résultats de son rapport " The State of Kubernetes Security in 2023 " - Investigations]]>
2023-04-26T08:17:21+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Red-Hat-publie-les-resultats-de-son-rapport-The-State-of-Kubernetes-Security-in.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8331189 False Studies Uber 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Le troisième sondage annuel de la Journée du mot de passe du monde Bitwarden montre l'enthousiasme pour la technologie sans mot de passe<br>Third Annual Bitwarden World Password Day Survey Shows Enthusiasm For Passwordless Technology rapports spéciaux
Third Annual Bitwarden World Password Day Survey Shows Enthusiasm For Passwordless Technology 56% of global respondents (53% UK) are excited about passwordless authentication options like biometrics, passkeys, or security keys Best practices are still diluted by bad habits, with 85% of global respondents (88% UK) reusing passwords across multiple sites and 58% relying on memory for their passwords (63% UK) 52% of global respondents (56% UK) use easily identifiable information in their passwords, such as company/brand names, well-known song lyrics, pet names, and names of loved ones - Special Reports]]>
2023-04-25T15:12:48+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Third-Annual-Bitwarden-World-Password-Day-Survey-Shows-Enthusiasm-For.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8330968 False Studies,Prediction None 2.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Les cyberattaquants ont utilisé plus de 500 outils et tactiques en 2022, selon l\'étude Active Adversary Report de Sophos Investigations]]> 2023-04-25T12:56:55+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Les-cyberattaquants-ont-utilise-plus-de-500-outils-et-tactiques-en-2022-selon-l.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8330911 False Studies,Prediction None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Etude Forrester Consulting : NETSCOUT nGenius Enterprise Performance Management a permis un ROI de 234 % Magic Quadrant]]> 2023-04-25T12:30:03+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Etude-Forrester-Consulting-NETSCOUT-nGenius-Enterprise-Performance-Management-a.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8330913 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Inviciti Security lance son rapport annuel sur l'indicateur de Spring AppSec<br>Invicti Security launches its annual Spring AppSec Indicator Report rapports spéciaux / /
Invicti Security™ released the findings of its annual Spring AppSec Indicator Report. As a pioneer in dynamic application security testing (DAST), interactive application security testing (IAST), and software composition analysis (SCA), Invicti Security commissioned the report to assess the impact and prevalence of modern web vulnerabilities. - Special Reports / ]]>
2023-04-24T13:54:58+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Invicti-Security-launches-its-annual-Spring-AppSec-Indicator-Report.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8330594 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Rapport Avanan: Liens de phishing via LinkTree<br>Avanan Report: Phishing Links via Linktree mise à jour malveillant
Avanan Report: Phishing Links via Linktree By Jeremy Fuchs, Cybersecurity Researcher/Analyst at Avanan, A Check Point Software Company - Malware Update]]>
2023-04-24T13:20:42+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Avanan-Report-Phishing-Links-via-Linktree.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8330598 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Cyber Benchmark de Wavestone : les entreprises réduisent leur exposition aux risques cyber Investigations / ]]> 2023-04-18T21:43:14+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Cyber-Benchmark-de-Wavestone-les-entreprises-reduisent-leur-exposition-aux.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8329056 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Netwrix Annual Security Survey: 68% des organisations ont connu une cyberattaque au cours des 12 derniers mois<br>Netwrix Annual Security Survey: 68% of Organizations Experienced a Cyberattack Within the Last 12 Months The most common consequences were unplanned expenses, loss of competitive edge, and decreased sales.]]> 2023-04-18T21:39:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/netwrix-annual-security-survey-68-of-organizations-experienced-a-cyberattack-within-the-last-12-months www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8329044 True Studies None 1.00000000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Mandiant dévoile le rapport M-Trends 2023 Investigations]]> 2023-04-18T13:47:41+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Mandiant-devoile-le-rapport-M-Trends-2023.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8328899 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Étude SoSafe : Une personne sur cinq se fait piéger par des emails de phishing générés par l\'IA Investigations]]> 2023-04-18T13:30:11+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Etude-SoSafe-Une-personne-sur-cinq-se-fait-pieger-par-des-emails-de-phishing.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8328900 False Studies None 5.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Netwrix a annoncé la sortie de son rapport annuel sur les tendances de la sécurité hybride mondiale 2023<br>Netwrix announced the release of its annual global 2023 Hybrid Security Trends Report nouvelles commerciales
NETWRIX ANNUAL SECURITY SURVEY: 68 PERCENT OF ORGANISATIONS EXPERIENCED A CYBERATTACK WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS The most common consequences were unplanned expenses, loss of competitive edge and decreased sales - Business News]]>
2023-04-18T13:25:40+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Netwrix-announced-the-release-of-its-annual-global-2023-Hybrid-Security-Trends.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8328902 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future La douleur de l'industrie technologique est le gain de la NSA \\, Cyber Leader dit à propos des licenciements<br>Tech industry\\'s pain is NSA\\'s gain, cyber leader says about layoffs La National Security Agency a connu un coup de pouce dans ses efforts de recrutement à la suite de vagues de licenciements chez des géants de la technologie comme Google et Microsoft, a déclaré mardi un haut responsable."Nous avons obtenu une hausse", a déclaré Rob Joyce, directeur de la NSA de la NSA, [lors d'un événement] (https://www.csis.org/events/conversation-cybersecurity-nsas-rob-joyce) au centre pourÉtudes stratégiques et internationales à Washington."Ce que je
The National Security Agency has seen a boost in its recruitment efforts following waves of layoffs at tech giants like Google and Microsoft, a senior official said on Tuesday. “We\'ve gotten some uptick,” NSA Director of Cybersecurity Rob Joyce said [during an event](https://www.csis.org/events/conversation-cybersecurity-nsas-rob-joyce) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “What I]]>
2023-04-11T17:34:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/nsa-hiring-tech-layoffs-rob-joyce www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326730 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine L'élimination de 2% des expositions pourrait protéger 90% des actifs critiques<br>Eliminating 2% of Exposures Could Protect 90% of Critical Assets The findings come from the latest report by XM Cyber and the Cyentia Institute]]> 2023-04-11T15:30:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/eliminating-2-exposures-protect-90/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326695 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 Silicon - Site de News Francais Cyber Offensive : les retex de Decathlon et Hydro-Québec 2023-04-11T08:32:57+00:00 https://www.silicon.fr/cyber-offensive-retex-decathlon-et-hydro-quebec-462485.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326552 False Studies None 4.0000000000000000 The Hacker News - The Hacker News est un blog de news de hack (surprenant non?) Top 10 des tendances de cybersécurité pour 2023: de zéro confiance à la cyber-assurance<br>Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends for 2023: From Zero Trust to Cyber Insurance As technology advances, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated. With the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, cybercrime is on the rise, as evidenced by the fact that cyberattacks caused 92% of all data breaches in the first quarter of 2022. Staying current with cybersecurity trends and laws is crucial to combat these threats, which can significantly impact business development]]> 2023-04-10T17:08:00+00:00 https://thehackernews.com/2023/04/top-10-cybersecurity-trends-for-2023.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326330 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 SecurityWeek - Security News La plupart des chemins d'attaque sont des impasses, mais 2% mènent à des actifs critiques: Rapport<br>Most Attack Paths Are Dead Ends, but 2% Lead to Critical Assets: Report La société de gestion de la posture de sécurité XM Cyber a pris des dizaines de milliers d'évaluations de trajectoire d'attaque impliquant plus de 60 millions d'expositions affectant 20 millions d'entités en 2022.
>Security posture management firm XM Cyber took tens of thousands of attack path assessments involving more than 60 million exposures affecting 20 million entities during 2022. ]]>
2023-04-10T14:00:26+00:00 https://www.securityweek.com/most-attack-paths-are-dead-ends-but-2-lead-to-critical-assets-report/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326346 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Soc Radar - Blog spécialisé SOC Cyberattaques majeures en revue: mars 2023<br>Major Cyberattacks in Review: March 2023 La cybersécurité reste une préoccupation majeure pour les organisations de toutes tailles en tant que & # 160; cyberattaques & # 160; devenir plus sophistiqués et fréquents ....
>Cybersecurity remains a major concern for organizations of all sizes as cyberattacks become more sophisticated and frequent.... ]]>
2023-04-10T13:03:42+00:00 https://socradar.io/major-cyberattacks-in-review-march-2023/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326329 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
InformationSecurityBuzzNews - Site de News Securite Analyse détaillée des meilleurs gestionnaires de mots de passe en 2023<br>Detailed Analysis Of The Best Password Managers In 2023 Online security is now a top worry for all internet users in the digital era. Using secure and distinctive passwords for each of your online accounts is one of the primary steps to protecting your online identity and sensitive data. However, with so many accounts to manage, it can be challenging to remember every password […]]]> 2023-04-10T12:51:37+00:00 https://informationsecuritybuzz.com/detailed-analysis-password-managers/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8326328 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 The State of Security - Magazine Américain Les ressources énergétiques distribuées et la sécurité du réseau<br>Distributed Energy Resources and Grid Security As the United States government, the energy industry, and individual consumers work toward cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions, it is crucial to consider how new and advancing technologies affect, and are affected by, cybersecurity concerns. ­­­­Increasing use of smart energy devices can be useful for consumers to have more control over their energy consumption, but can also pose a security risk if the devices and systems are not adequately protected. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) recently released a report discussing certain trends and challenges to consider as the...]]> 2023-04-04T02:48:43+00:00 https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/distributed-energy-resources-and-grid-security www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8324593 False Studies,Legislation None 3.0000000000000000 InfoSecurity Mag - InfoSecurity Magazine Applications non approuvées utilisées par 32% des travailleurs à distance<br>Unapproved Apps Used By 32% of Remote Workers Latest Lookout report also suggested 46% of remote employees saved work files to personal devices]]> 2023-04-03T15:30:00+00:00 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/unapproved-apps-used-32-remote/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8324384 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000 IT Security Guru - Blog Sécurité Seuls 10% des travailleurs se souviennent de toute leur formation en cybersécurité [Only 10% of workers remember all their cyber security training] New research by CybSafe found only 10% of workers remember all their cybersecurity training. This is exposing companies to cyber risk. 1000 US and UK office workers told CybSafe about their cybersecurity training. Half of employees get regular security training courses. A quarter of respondents get none. Cybersecurity training does not include new technologies The […] ]]> 2023-03-30T14:27:48+00:00 https://www.itsecurityguru.org/2023/03/30/only-10-of-workers-remember-all-their-cyber-security-training/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=only-10-of-workers-remember-all-their-cyber-security-training www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323471 False Studies,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future L'attaque de la chaîne d'approvisionnement contre le fournisseur de téléphones commerciales 3CX pourrait avoir un impact sur des milliers d'entreprises [Supply-chain attack on business phone provider 3CX could impact thousands of companies] Les pirates ont peut-être compromis les réseaux de milliers d'entreprises en raison d'une attaque de chaîne d'approvisionnement contre la société de téléphone en entreprise 3CX, ce qui a confirmé jeudi que son application de bureau avait été regroupée de logiciels malveillants.3CX fournit des systèmes de téléphonie de bureau à plus de 12 millions d'utilisateurs quotidiens dans plus de 600 000 entreprises, comme il le prétend sur son site Web,
Hackers may have compromised the networks of thousands of businesses due to a supply-chain attack on the enterprise phone company 3CX, which confirmed on Thursday its desktop app had been bundled with malware. 3CX provides office phone systems to more than 12 million daily users at over 600,000 companies, as it claims on its website,]]>
2023-03-30T11:55:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/3cx-supply-chain-malware-attack www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323420 False Vulnerability,Threat,Studies None 3.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Proofpoint remonte la piste de cybercriminels ciblant des organisations militaires et gouvernementales en Europe et aux États-Unis Malwares]]> 2023-03-30T11:48:07+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Proofpoint-remonte-la-piste-de-cybercriminels-ciblant-des-organisations.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323428 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Les nouvelles recherches publiées par HitSeCure ™ soulignent le rôle de la sécurité fondée sur les résultats dans l'amélioration de la résilience, de la compétitivité et de la productivité des organisations [New research published by WithSecure™ highlights the role of outcome-based security in improving resilience, competitiveness, and productivity for organizations] rapports spéciaux
Reactionary approach to security hindering businesses New research published by WithSecure™ highlights the role of outcome-based security in improving resilience, competitiveness, and productivity for organizations. - Special Reports]]>
2023-03-30T11:26:15+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/New-research-published-by-WithSecure-TM-highlights-the-role-of-outcome-based.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323430 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000
The Register - Site journalistique Anglais Une autre année, un autre gang nord-coréen dépassant les logiciels malveillants et crypto-vole nommé [Another year, another North Korean malware-spreading, crypto-stealing gang named] Mandiant identifies \'moderately sophisticated\' but \'prolific\' APT43 as global menace Google Cloud\'s recently acquired security outfit Mandiant has named a new nasty from North Korea: a cyber crime gang it calls APT43 and accuses of a five-year rampage.…]]> 2023-03-30T04:40:47+00:00 https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/03/30/mandian_apt43_north_korea/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323334 False Studies,Prediction APT 43 2.0000000000000000 DarkTrace - DarkTrace: AI bases detection Une conversation par e-mail changeante: la sécurité des e-mails est coincée en regardant vers le passé [A Shifting Email Conversation: Email Security is Stuck Looking to the Past] As attackers move from low sophistication, spray-and-pray campaigns to more targeted and sophisticated attacks, email security needs to understand the organization, not past attacks, to be able to keep up with attacker innovation and stop novel attacks on the first time of asking.]]> 2023-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 https://darktrace.com/blog/shifting-email-conversation www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323396 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000 CyberScoop - scoopnewsgroup.com special Cyber Le fournisseur de vote en ligne a payé la recherche universitaire pour tenter de influencer les législateurs américains [Online voting provider paid for academic research in attempt to sway U.S. lawmakers] Democracy Live a dirigé des recherches académiques visant à démontrer la sécurité de son produit et a utilisé ce matériel dans les campagnes de lobbying.
>Democracy Live directed academic research aimed at demonstrating its product\'s security and used that material in lobbying campaigns. ]]>
2023-03-29T19:33:50+00:00 https://cyberscoop.com/democracy-live-research-online-voting/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323057 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Dark Reading - Informationweek Branch Google: des logiciels espions commerciaux utilisés par les gouvernements chargés d'exploits zéro-jours [Google: Commercial Spyware Used by Governments Laden With Zero-Day Exploits] Google TAG researchers reveal two campaigns against iOS, Android, and Chrome users that demonstrate how the commercial surveillance market is thriving despite government-imposed limits.]]> 2023-03-29T16:53:00+00:00 https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/google-spyware-governments-zero-day-exploits www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8323010 False Threat,Studies None 2.0000000000000000 Recorded Future - FLux Recorded Future Campagnes spyware à l'aide de zéro-jours trouvés en Italie, en Malaisie, au Kazakhstan, aux EAU [Spyware campaigns using zero-days found in Italy, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, UAE] Deux campagnes de logiciels espions ciblés impliquant plusieurs exploits zéro-jours pour les versions Android, iOS et mobiles du navigateur Chrome ont été démasqués par des chercheurs de Google mercredi.Une campagne a ciblé des gens en Italie, en Malaisie et au Kazakhstan, tandis que l'autre opérait aux Émirats arabes unis (EAU), ont déclaré les chercheurs.Google a qualifié les campagnes «distinctes, limitées et
Two targeted spyware campaigns involving several zero-day exploits for Android, iOS and mobile versions of the Chrome browser were unmasked by researchers from Google on Wednesday. One campaign targeted people in Italy, Malaysia and Kazakhstan, while the other operated in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the researchers said. Google called the campaigns “distinct, limited and]]>
2023-03-29T12:00:00+00:00 https://therecord.media/spyware-google-italy-malaysia-kazakhstan-uae www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8322949 False Studies None 2.0000000000000000
Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Les attaques de phishing en hausse de 61 % entre 2021 et 2022, à quoi s\'attendre en 2023 ? Points de Vue / ]]> 2023-03-28T21:30:00+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Les-attaques-de-phishing-en-hausse-de-61-entre-2021-et-2022-a-quoi-s-attendre.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8322463 False Threat,General Information,Studies None 3.0000000000000000 IT Security Guru - Blog Sécurité Le rapport d'efficacité de la cybersécurité de Cymulate \\'s 2022 révèle que les organisations laissent des chemins d'attaque communs exposés [Cymulate\\'s 2022 Cybersecurity Effectiveness Report reveals that organizations are leaving common attack paths exposed] Cymulate, the leader in cybersecurity risk validation and exposure management, today released the company\'s “2022 Cybersecurity Effectiveness Report” which analyzed the results of over a million security posture validation assessments, including 1.7 million hours of offensive cybersecurity testing within Cymulate\'s production environments. The report provides critical insights in global cybersecurity effectiveness, critical findings and top attack tactics, techniques, and procedures […] ]]> 2023-03-28T14:20:05+00:00 https://www.itsecurityguru.org/2023/03/28/cymulates-2022-cybersecurity-effectiveness-report-reveals-that-organizations-are-leaving-common-attack-paths-exposed-in-their-quest-to-combat-emergent-threats/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cymulates-2022-cybersecurity-effectiveness-report-reveals-that-organizations-are-leaving-common-attack-paths-exposed-in-their-quest-to-combat-emergent-threats www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8322539 False Studies,Guideline None 3.0000000000000000 Global Security Mag - Site de news francais Etude CyberArk : pour 92 % des entreprises, la sécurité des identités est essentielle pour un déploiement robuste du Zero Trust Investigations]]> 2023-03-28T13:10:29+00:00 https://www.globalsecuritymag.fr/Etude-CyberArk-pour-92-des-entreprises-la-securite-des-identites-est.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8322530 False Studies None 3.0000000000000000