www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-05-20T20:33:11+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr knowbe4 - cybersecurity services CyberheistNews Vol 13 # 24 [Le biais de l'esprit \\] le prétexage dépasse désormais le phishing dans les attaques d'ingénierie sociale<br>CyberheistNews Vol 13 #24 [The Mind\\'s Bias] Pretexting Now Tops Phishing in Social Engineering Attacks CyberheistNews Vol 13 #24 CyberheistNews Vol 13 #24  |   June 13th, 2023 [The Mind\'s Bias] Pretexting Now Tops Phishing in Social Engineering Attacks The New Verizon DBIR is a treasure trove of data. As we will cover a bit below, Verizon reported that 74% of data breaches Involve the "Human Element," so people are one of the most common factors contributing to successful data breaches. Let\'s drill down a bit more in the social engineering section. They explained: "Now, who has received an email or a direct message on social media from a friend or family member who desperately needs money? Probably fewer of you. This is social engineering (pretexting specifically) and it takes more skill. "The most convincing social engineers can get into your head and convince you that someone you love is in danger. They use information they have learned about you and your loved ones to trick you into believing the message is truly from someone you know, and they use this invented scenario to play on your emotions and create a sense of urgency. The DBIR Figure 35 shows that Pretexting is now more prevalent than Phishing in Social Engineering incidents. However, when we look at confirmed breaches, Phishing is still on top." A social attack known as BEC, or business email compromise, can be quite intricate. In this type of attack, the perpetrator uses existing email communications and information to deceive the recipient into carrying out a seemingly ordinary task, like changing a vendor\'s bank account details. But what makes this attack dangerous is that the new bank account provided belongs to the attacker. As a result, any payments the recipient makes to that account will simply disappear. BEC Attacks Have Nearly Doubled It can be difficult to spot these attacks as the attackers do a lot of preparation beforehand. They may create a domain doppelganger that looks almost identical to the real one and modify the signature block to show their own number instead of the legitimate vendor. Attackers can make many subtle changes to trick their targets, especially if they are receiving many similar legitimate requests. This could be one reason why BEC attacks have nearly doubled across the DBIR entire incident dataset, as shown in Figure 36, and now make up over 50% of incidents in this category. Financially Motivated External Attackers Double Down on Social Engineering Timely detection and response is crucial when dealing with social engineering attacks, as well as most other attacks. Figure 38 shows a steady increase in the median cost of BECs since 2018, now averaging around $50,000, emphasizing the significance of quick detection. However, unlike the times we live in, this section isn\'t all doom and ]]> 2023-06-13T13:00:00+00:00 https://blog.knowbe4.com/cyberheistnews-vol-13-24-the-minds-bias-pretexting-now-tops-phishing-in-social-engineering-attacks www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8344804 False Spam,Malware,Vulnerability,Threat,Patching ChatGPT,ChatGPT,APT 43,APT 37,Uber 2.0000000000000000