www.secnews.physaphae.fr This is the RSS 2.0 feed from www.secnews.physaphae.fr. IT's a simple agragated flow of multiple articles soruces. Liste of sources, can be found on www.secnews.physaphae.fr. 2024-06-02T03:26:51+00:00 www.secnews.physaphae.fr Mandiant - Blog Sécu de Mandiant Pole Voûte: cyber-menaces aux élections mondiales<br>Poll Vaulting: Cyber Threats to Global Elections   Executive Summary The election cybersecurity landscape globally is characterized by a diversity of targets, tactics, and threats. Elections attract threat activity from a variety of threat actors including: state-sponsored actors, cyber criminals, hacktivists, insiders, and information operations as-a-service entities. Mandiant assesses with high confidence that state-sponsored actors pose the most serious cybersecurity risk to elections. Operations targeting election-related infrastructure can combine cyber intrusion activity, disruptive and destructive capabilities, and information operations, which include elements of public-facing advertisement and amplification of threat activity claims. Successful targeting does not automatically translate to high impact. Many threat actors have struggled to influence or achieve significant effects, despite their best efforts.  When we look across the globe we find that the attack surface of an election involves a wide variety of entities beyond voting machines and voter registries. In fact, our observations of past cycles indicate that cyber operations target the major players involved in campaigning, political parties, news and social media more frequently than actual election infrastructure.   Securing elections requires a comprehensive understanding of many types of threats and tactics, from distributed denial of service (DDoS) to data theft to deepfakes, that are likely to impact elections in 2024. It is vital to understand the variety of relevant threat vectors and how they relate, and to ensure mitigation strategies are in place to address the full scope of potential activity.  Election organizations should consider steps to harden infrastructure against common attacks, and utilize account security tools such as Google\'s Advanced Protection Program to protect high-risk accounts. Introduction  The 2024 global election cybersecurity landscape is characterized by a diversity of targets, tactics, and threats. An expansive ecosystem of systems, administrators, campaign infrastructure, and public communications venues must be secured against a diverse array of operators and methods. Any election cybersecurity strategy should begin with a survey of the threat landscape to build a more proactive and tailored security posture.  The cybersecurity community must keep pace as more than two billion voters are expected to head to the polls in 2024. With elections in more than an estimated 50 countries, there is an opportunity to dynamically track how threats to democracy evolve. Understanding how threats are targeting one country will enable us to better anticipate and prepare for upcoming elections globally. At the same time, we must also appreciate the unique context of different countries. Election threats to South Africa, India, and the United States will inevitably differ in some regard. In either case, there is an opportunity for us to prepare with the advantage of intelligence.  ]]> 2024-04-25T10:00:00+00:00 https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/cyber-threats-global-elections/ www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8500393 False Ransomware,Malware,Hack,Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Legislation,Cloud,Technical APT 43,APT 29,APT 31,APT 42,APT 28,APT 40 3.0000000000000000 ProofPoint - Cyber Firms De l'ingénierie sociale aux abus DMARC: Ta427 \\'s Art of Information Gathering<br>From Social Engineering to DMARC Abuse: TA427\\'s Art of Information Gathering 2024-04-16T06:00:54+00:00 https://www.proofpoint.com/us/blog/threat-insight/social-engineering-dmarc-abuse-ta427s-art-information-gathering www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8483299 False Malware,Tool,Threat,Conference APT 43,APT 37 2.0000000000000000 The Hacker News - The Hacker News est un blog de news de hack (surprenant non?) Des pirates Kimsuky déploient Appleseed, Meterpreter et Tinynuke dans les dernières attaques<br>Kimsuky Hackers Deploying AppleSeed, Meterpreter, and TinyNuke in Latest Attacks Nation-state actors affiliated to North Korea have been observed using spear-phishing attacks to deliver an assortment of backdoors and tools such as AppleSeed, Meterpreter, and TinyNuke to seize control of compromised machines. South Korea-based cybersecurity company AhnLab attributed the activity to an advanced persistent threat group known as Kimsuky. “A notable point about attacks that]]> 2023-12-29T14:39:00+00:00 https://thehackernews.com/2023/12/kimsuky-hackers-deploying-appleseed.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8430708 False Tool,Threat APT 43 3.0000000000000000 Anomali - Firm Blog Anomali Cyber Watch: l'environnement virtuel personnalisé cache Fluorshe<br>Anomali Cyber Watch: Custom Virtual Environment Hides FluHorse, BabyShark Evolved into ReconShark, Fleckpe-Infected Apps Add Expensive Subscriptions Figure 1 - IOC Summary Charts. These charts summarize the IOCs attached to this magazine and provide a glimpse of the threats discussed. Trending Cyber News and Threat Intelligence Deconstructing Amadey’s Latest Multi-Stage Attack and Malware Distribution (published: May 5, 2023) McAfee researchers have detected a multi-stage attack that starts with a trojanized wextract.exe, Windows executable used to extract files from a cabinet (CAB) file. It was used to deliver the AgentTesla, Amadey botnet, LockBit ransomware, Redline Stealer, and other malicious binaries. To avoid detection, the attackers use obfuscation and disable Windows Defender through the registry thus stopping users from turning it back on through the Defender settings. Analyst Comment: Threat actors are always adapting to the security environment to remain effective. New techniques can still be spotted with behavioral analysis defenses and social engineering training. Users should report suspicious files with double extensions such as .EXE.MUI. Indicators associated with this campaign are available in the Anomali platform and users are advised to block these on their infrastructure. MITRE ATT&CK: [MITRE ATT&CK] T1562.001: Disable or Modify Tools | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1555 - Credentials From Password Stores | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1486: Data Encrypted for Impact | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1027 - Obfuscated Files Or Information Tags: malware:Amadey, malware-type:Botnet, malware:RedLine, malware:AgentTesla, malware-type:Infostealer, malware:LockBit, malware-type:Ransomware, abused:Wextract.exe, file-type:CAB, file-type:EXE, file-type:MUI, target-program:Windows Defender, target-system:Windows Eastern Asian Android Assault – FluHorse (published: May 4, 2023) Active since May 2022, a newly-detected Android stealer dubbed FluHorse spreads mimicking popular apps or as a fake dating application. According to Check Point researchers, FluHorse was targeting East Asia (Taiwan and Vietnam) while remaining undetected for months. This stealthiness is achieved by sticking to minimal functions while also relying on a custom virtual machine that comes with the Flutter user interface software development kit. FluHorse is being distributed via emails that prompt the recipient to install the app and once installed, it asks for the user’s credit card or banking data. If a second factor authentication is needed to commit banking fraud, FluHorse tells the user to wait for 10-15 minutes while intercepting codes by installing a listener for all incoming SMS messages. Analyst Comment: FluHorse\'s ability to remain undetected for months makes it a dangerous threat. Users should avoid installing applications following download links received via email or other messaging. Verify the app authenticity on the official com]]> 2023-05-09T20:02:00+00:00 https://www.anomali.com/blog/anomali-cyber-watch-custom-virtual-environment-hides-fluhorse-babyshark-evolved-into-reconshark-fleckpe-infected-apps-add-expensive-subscriptions www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8334939 False Malware,Tool,Threat APT 43,APT 37 3.0000000000000000 The Hacker News - The Hacker News est un blog de news de hack (surprenant non?) N. Corée des pirates de Kimsuky utilisant un nouvel outil Recon Reonshark dans les dernières cyberattaques<br>N. Korean Kimsuky Hackers Using New Recon Tool ReconShark in Latest Cyberattacks The North Korean state-sponsored threat actor known as Kimsuky has been discovered using a new reconnaissance tool called ReconShark as part of an ongoing global campaign. "[ReconShark] is actively delivered to specifically targeted individuals through spear-phishing emails, OneDrive links leading to document downloads, and the execution of malicious macros," SentinelOne researchers Tom Hegel]]> 2023-05-05T15:49:00+00:00 https://thehackernews.com/2023/05/n-korean-kimsuky-hackers-using-new.html www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8333757 False Tool,Threat APT 43 3.0000000000000000 Anomali - Firm Blog Anomali Cyber Watch: Deux attaques de la chaîne d'approvisionnement enchaînées, leurre de communication DNS furtive de chien, Evilextractor exfiltrates sur le serveur FTP<br>Anomali Cyber Watch: Two Supply-Chain Attacks Chained Together, Decoy Dog Stealthy DNS Communication, EvilExtractor Exfiltrates to FTP Server Figure 1 - IOC Summary Charts. These charts summarize the IOCs attached to this magazine and provide a glimpse of the threats discussed. Trending Cyber News and Threat Intelligence First-Ever Attack Leveraging Kubernetes RBAC to Backdoor Clusters (published: April 21, 2023) A new Monero cryptocurrency-mining campaign is the first recorded case of gaining persistence via Kubernetes (K8s) Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), according to Aquasec researchers. The recorded honeypot attack started with exploiting a misconfigured API server. The attackers preceded by gathering information about the cluster, checking if their cluster was already deployed, and deleting some existing deployments. They used RBAC to gain persistence by creating a new ClusterRole and a new ClusterRole binding. The attackers then created a DaemonSet to use a single API request to target all nodes for deployment. The deployed malicious image from the public registry Docker Hub was named to impersonate a legitimate account and a popular legitimate image. It has been pulled 14,399 times and 60 exposed K8s clusters have been found with signs of exploitation by this campaign. Analyst Comment: Your company should have protocols in place to ensure that all cluster management and cloud storage systems are properly configured and patched. K8s buckets are too often misconfigured and threat actors realize there is potential for malicious activity. A defense-in-depth (layering of security mechanisms, redundancy, fail-safe defense processes) approach is a good mitigation step to help prevent actors from highly-active threat groups. MITRE ATT&CK: [MITRE ATT&CK] T1190 - Exploit Public-Facing Application | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1496 - Resource Hijacking | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1036 - Masquerading | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1489 - Service Stop Tags: Monero, malware-type:Cryptominer, detection:PUA.Linux.XMRMiner, file-type:ELF, abused:Docker Hub, technique:RBAC Buster, technique:Create ClusterRoleBinding, technique:Deploy DaemonSet, target-system:Linux, target:K8s, target:​​Kubernetes RBAC 3CX Software Supply Chain Compromise Initiated by a Prior Software Supply Chain Compromise; Suspected North Korean Actor Responsible (published: April 20, 2023) Investigation of the previously-reported 3CX supply chain compromise (March 2023) allowed Mandiant researchers to detect it was a result of prior software supply chain attack using a trojanized installer for X_TRADER, a software package provided by Trading Technologies. The attack involved the publicly-available tool SigFlip decrypting RC4 stream-cipher and starting publicly-available DaveShell shellcode for reflective loading. It led to installation of the custom, modular VeiledSignal backdoor. VeiledSignal additional modules inject the C2 module in a browser process instance, create a Windows named pipe and]]> 2023-04-25T18:22:00+00:00 https://www.anomali.com/blog/anomali-cyber-watch-two-supply-chain-attacks-chained-together-decoy-dog-stealthy-dns-communication-evilextractor-exfiltrates-to-ftp-server www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8331005 False Ransomware,Spam,Malware,Tool,Threat,Cloud APT 38,ChatGPT,APT 43,Uber 2.0000000000000000 Anomali - Firm Blog Anomali Cyber Watch: Takeover comptable, APT, Banking Trojans, Chine, Cyberespionage, Inde, Malspam, Corée du Nord, Phishing, Skimmers, Ukraine et Vulnérabilités [Anomali Cyber Watch: Account takeover, APT, Banking trojans, China, Cyberespionage, India, Malspam, North Korea, Phishing, Skimmers, Ukraine, and Vulnerabilities] Figure 1 - Diagrammes de résumé du CIO.Ces graphiques résument les CIO attachés à ce magazine et donnent un aperçu des menaces discutées. Cyber News et Intelligence des menaces campagne de phishingCible l'industrie chinoise de l'énergie nucléaire (Publié: 24 mars 2023) Actif Depuis 2013, le groupe amer (T-APT-17) est soupçonné d'être parrainé par le gouvernement indien.Des chercheurs Intezer ont découvert une nouvelle campagne amère ciblant les universitaires, le gouvernement et d'autres organisations de l'industrie de l'énergie nucléaire en Chine.Les techniques sont cohérentes avec les campagnes amères observées précédemment.L'intrusion commence par un e-mail de phishing censé provenir d'un véritable employé de l'ambassade du Kirghizistan.Les pièces jointes malveillantes observées étaient soit des fichiers HTML (CHM) compilés à Microsoft, soit des fichiers Microsoft Excel avec des exploits d'éditeur d'équation.L'objectif des charges utiles est de créer de la persistance via des tâches planifiées et de télécharger d'autres charges utiles de logiciels malveillants (les campagnes amères précédentes ont utilisé le voleur d'identification du navigateur, le voleur de fichiers, le keylogger et les plugins d'outils d'accès à distance).Les attaquants se sont appuyés sur la compression LZX et la concaténation des cordes pour l'évasion de détection. Commentaire de l'analyste: De nombreuses attaques avancées commencent par des techniques de base telles que des e-mails injustifiés avec une pièce jointe qui oblige l'utilisateur à l'ouvrir.Il est important d'enseigner l'hygiène de base en ligne à vos utilisateurs et la sensibilisation au phishing.Il est sûr de recommander de ne jamais ouvrir de fichiers CHM joints et de garder votre bureau MS Office entièrement mis à jour.Tous les indicateurs connus associés à cette campagne amère sont disponibles dans la plate-forme Anomali et il est conseillé aux clients de les bloquer sur leur infrastructure. mitre att & amp; ck: [mitre att & amp; ck] t1589.002 - rassembler l'identité des victimesInformations: Adresses e-mail | [mitre att & amp; ck] t1566.001 -Phishing: attachement de espionnage | [mitre at]]> 2023-03-28T21:28:00+00:00 https://www.anomali.com/blog/anomali-cyber-watch-account-takeover-apt-banking-trojans-china-cyberespionage-india-malspam-north-korea-phishing-skimmers-ukraine-and-vulnerabilities www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=8322667 False Malware,Tool,Threat,Cloud APT 43,APT 37 2.0000000000000000 Anomali - Firm Blog Anomali Cyber Watch: Mobile Malware Is On The Rise, APT Groups Are Working Together, Ransomware For The Individual, and More Figure 1 - IOC Summary Charts. These charts summarize the IOCs attached to this magazine and provide a glimpse of the threats discussed. Trending Cyber News and Threat Intelligence What’s With The Shared VBA Code Between Transparent Tribe And Other Threat Actors? (published: February 9, 2022) A recent discovery has been made that links malicious VBA macro code between multiple groups, namely: Transparent Tribe, Donot Team, SideCopy, Operation Hangover, and SideWinder. These groups operate (or operated) out of South Asia and use a variety of techniques with phishing emails and maldocs to target government and military entities within India and Pakistan. The code is similar enough that it suggests cooperation between APT groups, despite having completely different goals/targets. Analyst Comment: This research shows that APT groups are sharing TTPs to assist each other, regardless of motive or target. Files that request content be enabled to properly view the document are often signs of a phishing attack. If such a file is sent to you via a known and trusted sender, that individual should be contacted to verify the authenticity of the attachment prior to opening. Thus, any such file attachment sent by unknown senders should be viewed with the utmost scrutiny, and the attachments should be avoided and properly reported to appropriate personnel. MITRE ATT&CK: [MITRE ATT&CK] Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 | [MITRE ATT&CK] Phishing - T1566 Tags: Transparent Tribe, Donot, SideWinder, Asia, Military, Government Fake Windows 11 Upgrade Installers Infect You With RedLine Malware (published: February 9, 2022) Due to the recent announcement of Windows 11 upgrade availability, an unknown threat actor has registered a domain to trick users into downloading an installer that contains RedLine malware. The site, "windows-upgraded[.]com", is a direct copy of a legitimate Microsoft upgrade portal. Clicking the 'Upgrade Now' button downloads a 734MB ZIP file which contains an excess of dead code; more than likely this is to increase the filesize for bypassing any antivirus scan. RedLine is a well-known infostealer, capable of taking screenshots, using C2 communications, keylogging and more. Analyst Comment: Any official Windows update or installation files will be downloaded through the operating system directly. If offline updates are necessary, only go through Microsoft sites and subdomains. Never update Windows from a third-party site due to this type of attack. MITRE ATT&CK: [MITRE ATT&CK] Video Capture - T1125 | [MITRE ATT&CK] Input Capture - T1056 | [MITRE ATT&CK] Exfiltration Over C2 Channel - T1041 Tags: RedLine, Windows 11, Infostealer ]]> 2022-02-15T20:01:00+00:00 https://www.anomali.com/blog/anomali-cyber-watch-mobile-malware-is-on-the-rise-apt-groups-are-working-together-ransomware-for-the-individual-and-more www.secnews.physaphae.fr/article.php?IdArticle=4134740 False Ransomware,Malware,Tool,Vulnerability,Threat,Guideline APT 43,Uber,APT 36,APT-C-17 None