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Source Google.webp ProjectZero
Identifiant 8221935
Date de publication 2022-08-24 12:08:43 (vue: 2022-11-25 18:05:33)
Titre Racing against the clock -- hitting a tiny kernel race window
Texte TL;DR: How to make a tiny kernel race window really large even on kernels without CONFIG_PREEMPT:use a cache miss to widen the race window a little bitmake a timerfd expire in that window (which will run in an interrupt handler - in other words, in hardirq context)make sure that the wakeup triggered by the timerfd has to churn through 50000 waitqueue items created by epoll Racing one thread against a timer also avoids accumulating timing variations from two threads in each race attempt - hence the title. On the other hand, it also means you now have to deal with how hardware timers actually work, which introduces its own flavors of weird timing variations.Introduction I recently discovered a race condition ( in the Linux kernel. (While trying to explain to someone how the fix for CVE-2021-0920 worked - I was explaining why the Unix GC is now safe, and then got confused because I couldn't actually figure out why it's safe after that fix, eventually realizing that it actually isn't safe.) It's a fairly narrow race window, so I was wondering whether it could be hit with a small number of attempts - especially on kernels that aren't built with CONFIG_PREEMPT, which would make it possible to preempt a thread with another thread, as I described at LSSEU2019. This is a writeup of how I managed to hit the race on a normal Linux desktop kernel, with a hit rate somewhere around 30% if the proof of concept has been tuned for the specific machine. I didn't do a full exploit though, I stopped at getting evidence of use-after-free (UAF) accesses (with the help of a very large file descriptor table and userfaultfd, which might not be available to normal users depending on system configuration) because that's the part I was curious about. This also demonstrates that even very small race conditions can still be exploitable if someone sinks enough time into writing an exploit, so be careful if you dismiss very small race windows as unexploitable or don't treat such issues as security bugs. The UAF reproducer is in our bugtracker.The bug In the UNIX domain socket garbage collection code (which is needed to deal with reference loops formed by UNIX domain sockets that use SCM_RIGHTS 
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