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Source ProofPoint.webp ProofPoint
Identifiant 8386764
Date de publication 2023-09-20 05:00:00 (vue: 2023-09-22 16:02:53)
Titre Les logiciels malveillants chinois apparaissent sérieusement dans le paysage des menaces de cybercriminalité
Chinese Malware Appears in Earnest Across Cybercrime Threat Landscape
Texte Key Takeaways Proofpoint has observed an increase in activity from specific malware families targeting Chinese-language speakers. Campaigns include Chinese-language lures and malware typically associated with Chinese cybercrime activity. Newly observed ValleyRAT is emerging as a new malware among Chinese-themed cybercrime activity, while Sainbox RAT and related variants are recently active as well. The increase in Chinese language malware activity indicates an expansion of the Chinese malware ecosystem, either through increased availability or ease of access to payloads and target lists, as well as potentially increased activity by Chinese speaking cybercrime operators.   Overview Since early 2023, Proofpoint observed an increase in the email distribution of malware associated with suspected Chinese cybercrime activity. This includes the attempted delivery of the Sainbox Remote Access Trojan (RAT) – a variant of the commodity trojan Gh0stRAT – and the newly identified ValleyRAT malware. After years of this malware not appearing in Proofpoint threat data, its appearance in multiple campaigns over the last six months is notable.  The phrase “Chinese-themed” is used to describe any of the observed content related to this malicious activity, including lures, malware, targeting, and any metadata that contains Chinese language usage. Campaigns are generally low-volume and are typically sent to global organizations with operations in China. The email subjects and content are usually written in Chinese, and are typically related to business themes like invoices, payments, and new products. The targeted users have Chinese-language names spelled with Chinese-language characters, or specific company email addresses that appear to align with businesses\' operations in China. Although most campaigns have targeted Chinese speaking users, Proofpoint observed one campaign targeting Japanese organizations, suggesting a potential expansion of activity.  These recently identified activity clusters have demonstrated flexible delivery methods, leveraging both simple and moderately complex techniques. Commonly, the emails contain URLs linking to compressed executables that are responsible for installing the malware. However, Proofpoint has also observed Sainbox RAT and ValleyRAT delivered via Excel and PDF attachments containing URLs linking to compressed executables.  Proofpoint researchers assess those multiple campaigns delivering Sainbox RAT and ValleyRAT contain some similar tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). However, research into additional activity clusters utilizing these malwares demonstrate enough variety in infrastructure, sender domains, email content, targeting, and payloads that researchers currently conclude that all use of these malwares and associated campaigns are not attributable to the same cluster, but likely multiple distinct activity sets.  The emergence and uptick of both novel and older Chinese-themed malware demonstrates a new trend in the overall 2023 threat landscape. A blend of historic malware such as Sainbox – a variant of the older Gh0stRAT malware – and the newly uncovered ValleyRAT may challenge the dominance that the Russian-speaking cybercrime market has on the threat landscape. However, the Chinese-themed malware is currently mostly targeted toward users that likely speak Chinese. Proofpoint continues to monitor for evidence of increasing adoption across other languages.  For network defenders, we include several indicators of compromise and Emerging Threats detections to provide the community with the ability to cover these threats. Campaign Details  Proofpoint has observed over 30 campaigns in 2023 leveraging malware typically associated with Chinese cybercrime activity. Nearly all lures are in Chinese, although Proofpoint has also observed messages in Japanese targeting organizations in that country.  Gh0stRAT / Sainbox Proofpoint has observed an increase in a variant of Gh0stRAT Proofpoint researchers refer to as Sainbox. Sainbox was first i
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Tags Malware Tool Threat Prediction
Notes ★★★

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