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Source securityintelligence.webp Security Intelligence
Identifiant 8390963
Date de publication 2023-10-03 13:00:00 (vue: 2023-10-03 14:06:28)
Titre L'importance de l'infrastructure comme code (IAC) lors de la sécurisation des environnements cloud
The importance of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) when Securing cloud environments
Texte > Selon le rapport de la menace des données de Thales 2023, 55% des organisations subissant une violation de données ont rapporté & # 8220; Erreur humaine & # 8221;comme cause principale.Ceci est encore aggravé par les organisations confrontées à des attaques de cybercriminels de plus en plus sophistiqués avec une large gamme d'outils automatisés.Alors que les organisations déplacent davantage leurs opérations vers le cloud, elles [& # 8230;]
>According to the 2023 Thales Data Threat Report, 55% of organizations experiencing a data breach have reported “human error” as the primary cause. This is further compounded by organizations now facing attacks from increasingly sophisticated cyber criminals with a wide range of automated tools. As organizations move more of their operations to the cloud, they […]
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Condensat “human 2023 >according attacks automated breach cause cloud code compounded criminals cyber data environments error” experiencing facing from further have iac importance increasingly infrastructure more move now operations organizations primary range report reported securing sophisticated thales threat tools when wide
Tags Data Breach Threat Cloud
Notes ★★

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