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cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-04-24 14:09:31 Un MSSP partage les derniers ransomwares: ce qui est en place, et que faire à ce sujet
An MSSP Shares the Latest in Ransomware: What\\'s Up, and What to Do About It
(lien direct)
> Quelles sont les principales tendances des ransomwares aujourd'hui?& # 8211;Stephen Salinas, responsable du marketing de produit, stellaire Cyber San Jose, Californie & # 8211;24 avril 2024 Tout le monde se préoccupe des ransomwares depuis des années maintenant, mais le paysage change toujours, il est donc important de rester debout
>What are the major trends in ransomware today? – Stephen Salinas, Head of Product Marketing, Stellar Cyber San Jose, Calif. – Apr. 24, 2024 Everyone has been concerned with ransomware for years now, but the landscape is always changing, so it\'s important to stay up
Ransomware ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-04-23 13:36:45 Démasquer le véritable coût des cyberattaques: au-delà de la rançon et de la récupération
Unmasking The True Cost Of Cyberattacks: Beyond Ransom And Recovery
(lien direct)
> Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Lisez l'histoire complète dans The Hacker News Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;23 avril 2024 Alors que de nombreuses personnes ont tendance à se concentrer sur la compréhension de la compréhension de la façon et de la raison pour laquelle ils ont été ciblés par des violations de sécurité, il y a un plus grand,
>This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Read the Full Story in the Hacker News Sausalito, Calif. – Apr. 23, 2024 While many people tend to focus on understanding how and why they were targeted by security breaches, there’s a larger,
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-04-19 12:52:31 Les CISO doivent former leurs équipes sur l'IA pour lutter contre les cyber-menaces futures
CISOs Must Train Their Teams On AI To Combat Future Cyber Threats
(lien direct)
> Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Lisez l'histoire complète dans la sécurité Infowatch Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;19 avril 2024 Dans une sécurité Infowatch & # 160; Article, Shailesh Rao, président de la division cortex de Palo Alto Networks, observe que les principaux officiers de sécurité de l'information
>This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Read the Full Story in Security Infowatch Sausalito, Calif. – Apr. 19, 2024 In a Security Infowatch article, Shailesh Rao, president of the Cortex division at Palo Alto Networks, observes that chief information security officers
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-04-05 12:50:29 Gouvernance de la cybersécurité: un chemin vers la cyber-maturité
Cybersecurity Governance: A Path To Cyber Maturity
(lien direct)
> Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Lisez l'histoire complète dans TechTarget Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;5 avril 2024 Dans un paysage de menace de plus en plus difficile, de nombreuses organisations ont du mal à développer et à mettre en œuvre une gouvernance efficace de cybersécurité.TechTarget rapporte & # 160; que & # 160; les dommages de la cybercriminalité sont projetés
>This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Read the Full Story in TechTarget Sausalito, Calif. – Apr. 5, 2024 In an increasingly challenging threat landscape, many organizations struggle with developing and implementing effective cybersecurity governance. TechTarget reports that damages from cybercrime are projected
Threat ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-03-28 14:41:47 EDR vs XDR: les principales différences
EDR vs XDR: The Key Differences
(lien direct)
> Et le nouveau XDR vaut-il le prix?& # 8211;Aimei Wei, directeur technique, stellaire Cyber San Jose, Californie & # 8211;27 mars 2024 Alors que la détection et la réponse des points finaux (EDR) et la détection et la réponse prolongées (XDR) représentent toutes deux des outils cruciaux dans l'arsenal de cybersécurité d'aujourd'hui, il peut
>And is the newer XDR worth the price? – Aimei Wei, Chief Technical Officer, Stellar Cyber San Jose, Calif. – Mar. 27, 2024 While Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) both represent crucial tools in today\'s cybersecurity arsenal, it can
Tool Technical ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-03-15 13:36:39 Quand changer votre mot de passe Wi-Fi.Mieux vaut prévenir que désolé.
When To Change Your Wi-Fi Password. Better Safe Than Sorry.
(lien direct)
> Cette semaine à Cybersecurity des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211; lisez l'histoire complète à Newsweek Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;15 mars 2024 Newsweek Rapports & # 160; qu'en règle générale, vous devriez changer votre mot de passe Wi-Fi & # 160; tous les trois mois.De cette façon, si votre mot de passe est saisi lors d'une données
>This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine –Read the Full Story in Newsweek Sausalito, Calif. – Mar. 15, 2024 Newsweek reports that as a general rule, you should change your Wi-Fi password every three months. That way, if your password is grabbed during a data
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-03-05 23:33:52 Security Nudge: 60-Seconds Of Cyber Protection For Employees Globally (lien direct) > Prise par Cybsafe, développeurs de la plate-forme de gestion des risques humains & # 8211;Écoutez un nouvel épisode chaque semaine sur Securitynudge.com Le registre rapporte que le nombre de cadres supérieurs d'entreprise entravés par une campagne de phishing en cours continue d'augmenter avec les cybercriminels enregistrant des centaines de centaines
>Brought to you by CybSafe, developers of the Human Risk Management Platform – Listen to a new episode every week at SecurityNudge.com The Register reports that the number of senior business executives stymied by an ongoing phishing campaign continues to rise with cybercriminals registering hundreds
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-29 16:33:28 Une discussion avec Michael Hamilton, fondatrice de Critical Insight, et Stephen Salinas, Stellar Cyber
A Discussion with Michael Hamilton, Founder of Critical Insight, and Stephen Salinas, Stellar Cyber
(lien direct)
> Les dernières tendances, défis et solutions dans le paysage de la cybersécurité & # 8211;Stephen Salinas, responsable du marketing de produit, stellaire Cyber San Jose, Californie & # 8211;1 mars 2024 Steve: & # 160; Bonjour, bon après-midi, bonne soirée.Merci de nous rejoindre aujourd'hui.Je m'appelle Steve Salinas.I & # 8217; m la tête
>The latest trends, challenges, and solutions in the cybersecurity landscape – Stephen Salinas, Head of Product Marketing, Stellar Cyber San Jose, Calif. – Mar. 1, 2024 Steve: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Thanks for joining us today. My name is Steve Salinas. I’m the head
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-26 18:27:00 Mise en œuvre de SIEM: stratégies et meilleures pratiques
SIEM Implementation: Strategies and Best Practices
(lien direct)
> Apprenez à optimiser votre solution SIEM avec des stratégies et des pratiques clés.& # 8211;Aimei Wei, directeur technique, stellaire Cyber San Jose, Californie & # 8211;26 février 2024 Les systèmes de gestion de la sécurité et de la gestion des événements (SIEM) jouent un rôle central dans la posture de cybersécurité des organisations avec
>Learn how to optimize your SIEM solution with key strategies and practices. – Aimei Wei, Chief Technical Officer, Stellar Cyber San Jose, Calif. – Feb. 26, 2024 Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems play a pivotal role in the cybersecurity posture of organizations with
Technical ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-26 14:23:52 Écoles K-12 sous Cyberattack.Le manque d'éducation à la cybersécurité est un problème.
K-12 Schools Under Cyberattack. Lack Of Cybersecurity Education Is A Problem.
(lien direct)
> Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Lisez la Full Newsday Story Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;26 février 2024 Rapports de Newsday & # 160; que les écoles de Long Island ont connu une forte augmentation du nombre de hacks informatiques signalés et d'autres cyber-incidents en 2023 comparés
>This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Read the Full Newsday Story Sausalito, Calif. – Feb. 26, 2024 Newsday reports that Long Island schools saw a big increase in the number of reported computer hacks and other cyber incidents in 2023 compared
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-17 14:49:01 Google lance \\ 'AI Cyber Defense Initiative \\' à la Conférence de sécurité de Munich
Google Launches \\'AI Cyber Defense Initiative\\' At The Munich Security Conference
(lien direct)
Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Écoutez l'interview du magazine Cybercrime Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;17 février 2024 Google & # 8217; S & # 8216; AI Cyber Defense Initiative, & # 8217;Lancé à la Conférence de sécurité de Munich le 16 février, signale une conviction que l'expérience de l'entreprise dans
This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Listen to the Cybercrime Magazine Interview Sausalito, Calif. – Feb. 17, 2024 Google’s ‘AI Cyber Defense Initiative,’ launched at the Munich Security Conference on Feb. 16, signals a belief that the company’s experience in
Conference ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-15 17:07:14 Sécuriser les chaînes d'approvisionnement en XDR ouvert
Securing Supply Chains with Open XDR
(lien direct)
> Comment l'Open XDR fournit un moyen efficace et complet de lutter contre les menaces & # 8211;Aimei Wei, directeur technique, stellaire Cyber San Jose, Californie & # 8211;15 février 2024 Les cyberattaques sont en hausse dans chaque industrie, mais les sociétés de logiciels et leurs clients restent particulièrement vulnérables parce que
>How Open XDR provides an effective and comprehensive means of combating threats – Aimei Wei, Chief Technical Officer, Stellar Cyber San Jose, Calif. – Feb. 15, 2024 Cyberattacks are on the rise in every industry, but software companies and their clients remain especially vulnerable because
Technical ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-12 15:28:54 90+ Statistiques de cybercriminalité 2024: coût, industries et tendances
90+ Cyber Crime Statistics 2024: Cost, Industries & Trends
(lien direct)
Cette semaine en cybersécurité des éditeurs du magazine Cybercrime & # 8211;Lire l'histoire complète de Today \\ dans Astra Security Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;2 février 2024 Astra Security, une société mondiale de tests de pénétration avec des bureaux à New Delhi, en Inde, et Clayton, Del., Comprend des faits, des chiffres, des prédictions et
This week in cybersecurity from the editors at Cybercrime Magazine – Read today\'s full story in Astra Security Sausalito, Calif. – Feb. 2, 2024 Astra Security, a global penetration testing company with offices in New Delhi, India, and Clayton, Del., features facts, figures, predictions, and
cybersecurityventures.webp 2024-02-01 19:26:04 Le monde stockera 200 zettabytes de données d'ici 2025
The World Will Store 200 Zettabytes Of Data By 2025
(lien direct)
> 50% de toutes les données à stocker dans le cloud parrainé par Arcserve & # 8211;Steve Morgan, rédacteur en chef Northport, N.Y. & # 8211;8 juin 2020 Le rapport de surface d'attaque de données 2020 (téléchargement PDF) prédit la quantité totale de données dont le monde aura besoin pour protéger
>50 percent of all data to be stored in the cloud Sponsored by Arcserve – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Northport, N.Y. – June 8, 2020 The 2020 Data Attack Surface Report (download PDF) predicts the total amount of data that the world will need to protect
Cloud ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-09-29 20:19:48 Qui \\ est qui en ransomware
Who\\'s Who In Ransomware
(lien direct)
> Gangs et souches pour se méfier en 2023 parrainés par dissimulation & # 8211;Charlie Osborne, rédacteur en chef du magazine Cybercrime-at-Garning London & # 8211;29 septembre 2023 Les ransomwares sont l'un des défis de sécurité les plus virulents et les plus difficiles auxquels les organisations sont confrontées.Cybersecurity Ventures prédit que les ransomwares attaqueront une entreprise, un consommateur ou
>Gangs and strains to beware of in 2023 Sponsored by Conceal – Charlie Osborne, Cybercrime Magazine Editor-at-Large London – Sep. 29, 2023 Ransomware is one of the most virulent and difficult security challenges organizations face. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts ransomware will attack a business, consumer, or
Ransomware ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-09-18 15:27:21 Attaques de la chaîne d'approvisionnement du logiciel pour coûter au monde 60 milliards de dollars d'ici 2025
Software Supply Chain Attacks To Cost The World $60 Billion By 2025
(lien direct)
> Dommages prévus pour croître de 15% en glissement annuel jusqu'en 2031 Rapport de téléchargement & # 8211;Steve Morgan, rédacteur en chef Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;18 septembre 2023 & # 160;Le rapport d'attaque de la chaîne d'approvisionnement des logiciels 2023 est parrainé par SNYK.Cybersecurity Ventures prédit que le coût annuel mondial de la chaîne d'approvisionnement des logiciels
>Damages predicted to grow by 15 percent year-over-year through 2031 Download Report – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Sep. 18, 2023  The 2023 Software Supply Chain Attack Report is sponsored by Snyk. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the global annual cost of software supply chain
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-09-14 19:13:23 Cyber-risques révélés à partir de plus de 3 000 pensions
Cyber Risks Revealed From 3,000+ Pentests
(lien direct)
> Résultats du rapport de renseignement de test de pénétration de Breachlock 2023 & # 8211;Steve Morgan, rédacteur en chef Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;14 sept. 2023 & # 160;Si vous voulez un aperçu approfondi de l'état de test de pénétration avec des informations de sécurité critiques sur les applications, les API, les réseaux, le cloud, le DevOps et l'IoT aussi
>Results from the 2023 BreachLock Penetration Testing Intelligence Report – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Sep. 14, 2023  If you want an in-depth look at the state of penetration testing with critical security insights across applications, APIs, networks, cloud, DevOps, and IoT as well
Studies ★★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-08-09 20:07:28 2023 Rapport de phishing par industrie
2023 Phishing By Industry Benchmarking Report
(lien direct)
> Découvrez comment vous allez par rapport à vos pairs de taille similaire.Rapport de téléchargement & # 8211;Steve Morgan, rédacteur en chef Sausalito, Californie & # 8211;9 août 2023 Les cybermenaces continuent de croître alors que les criminels reposent sur les méthodes d'attaque éprouvées tout en développant de nouveaux plus sophistiqués
>Find out how you are doing compared to your peers of similar size. Download Report – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Aug. 9, 2023 Cyber threats continue to grow as criminals rely on the tried and tested attack methods while developing new, more sophisticated
Studies ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-05-11 15:34:47 RSA Conference 2023: It Takes A Village To Raise A Cybersecurity Industry (lien direct) > Mettez en surbrillance le plus grand cyber-rassemblement du monde du monde parrainé par SecurityScored & # 8211;David Braue Melbourne, Australie & # 8211;11 mai 2023 L'idée que la prochaine guerre mondiale se déroulera avec des cyber-armes, plutôt que des armes cinétiques, a des décennies - mais ce n'est que
>Highlight reel of the world\'s largest cyber gathering Sponsored by SecurityScored – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – May 11, 2023 The idea that the next world war will be fought with cyber weapons, rather than kinetic weapons, is decades old - but it is only
Conference ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-04-07 15:03:59 Rapport CISO: si vous pouvez conduire un bus, vous pouvez combattre la cybercriminalité
CISO Report: If You Can Drive A Bus, Then You Can Fight Cybercrime
(lien direct)
> Leçons de HPE Ciso Bobby Ford comment construire une cyber armée & # 8211;David Braue Melbourne, Australie & # 8211;7 avril 2023 Le rapport CISO est parrainé par KnowBe4.Malgré tous les discours sur les dommages causés par les cybercriminels - par ransomware, un vol d'identification, des logiciels malveillants et
>Lessons from HPE CISO Bobby Ford how to build a cyber army – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Apr. 7, 2023 The CISO Report is sponsored by KnowBe4. Despite all the talk about the damage caused by cybercriminals - through ransomware, credential theft, malware and
Malware ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-03-02 20:06:11 CISO Report: What Did You Learn About Hackers During The Pandemic? (lien direct) >Tailor your security spending to your risk appetite, PNC Bank CISO Susan Koski advises – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Mar. 2, 2023 The CISO Report is sponsored by KnowBe4. “Well-funded” cybercriminals spent the pandemic methodically honing their industry knowledge and remote attack techniques - ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-02-02 21:11:33 Hacking The Keys To Your Kingdom (lien direct) >Can password managers be trusted? – Paul John Spaulding Northport, N.Y. – Feb. 2, 2023 Your passwords aren't safe. Government agencies and cybersecurity vendors recommend password managers to businesses and consumers. The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and KnowBe4, a leading security awareness Guideline ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-01-20 14:19:22 Building A Cybersecurity Business Around The World\'s Remote Workers (lien direct) >Talon Cyber Security: From pandemic-era startup to $100M VC darling in just 2 years – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jan. 20, 2023 One of the most significant legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the dramatic and irreversible modification of long-established work patterns that ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2023-01-19 21:03:31 How Geopolitics Affects Cybersecurity (lien direct) >Rampant cyber warfare means the risk of global collateral damage is very real – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jan. 19, 2023 News cameras may have focused on the kinetic war triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly a year ago, but cybersecurity analysts had ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-20 20:23:32 See What the Adversary Sees with Continuous Penetration Testing (lien direct) >Continuous Penetration Testing gives you the Attacker's POV so you can remediate accordingly. – Seemant Sehgal, CEO, BreachLock Amsterdam, Netherlands – Dec. 20, 2022 It’s no secret the internet is constantly being scanned by adversaries, looking for vulnerable spots on a company’s attack surface. Since ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-13 19:34:41 2022 Cybersecurity Person of the Year: Clare O\'Neil, Australia\'s Minister for Cyber Security (lien direct) >After a trial by fire, the world's first dedicated cyber security minister is ready to “punch back” – and make Australia “the world's most cyber-secure country” by 2030 – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Dec. 13, 2022 Cybercrime Magazine's “Cybersecurity Person of the Year,” Australian ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-12 18:14:23 Top 10 Cybersecurity Predictions and Statistics For 2023 (lien direct) >What you need to know about the trillion-dollar cyber economy over the next 5 years – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Northport, N.Y. – Dec. 10, 2022 Cybercrime Magazine extrapolates the top 10 market data points from our research in order to summarize the cybersecurity industry through Prediction ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-09 20:03:31 10 Hot Cyber Range Companies To Watch In 2023 (lien direct) >Bridging the cybersecurity skills gap with virtual hands-on experience – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Dec. 9, 2022 A cyber range is designed to mimic real-world scenarios that can be used to detect and react to simulated cyberattacks, and to enable practitioners to test ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-08 21:08:56 Cybersecurity Lists For 2023 (lien direct) >Find companies, events, and resources that keep you on the cutting edge of cyber – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Northport, N.Y. – Dec. 8, 2022 Looking for cybersecurity lists? Look no further… Cybersecurity Ventures researches, compiles and publishes lists of cybersecurity resources in Cybercrime Magazine. Our lists ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-12-01 20:32:42 Who\'s Hacked? Latest Data Breaches And Cyberattacks (lien direct) >Security intelligence from around the world Our daily alert provides boardroom and C-suite executives, CIOs, CSOs, CISOs, IT executives and cybersecurity professionals with a breaking news story we’re following. If there’s a cyberattack, hack, or data breach you should know about, then we’re on it. Data Breach ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-11-29 15:50:58 Cyber Range Blog: Latest News And Insights Backup (lien direct) >From the experts at Cloud Range Cyber The Cyber Range Blog is brought to you by Cloud Range Cyber, developers of cyber range solutions that proactively prepare your people. Be ready for today's threats and measurably reduce cyber risk with Cloud Range's flexible and customizable General Information ★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-11-21 21:04:43 Holiday Season 2022 Cybersecurity Resource Center (lien direct) >New! Get a FREE Kit from KnowBe4 – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief   Sausalito, Calif. – Nov. 21, 2022 Tis' the season to be jolly – if you're keeping cyber safe. Don't let a grinch steal your organization's data and money, or your employee's personally identifiable
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-11-13 00:38:49 Cyber Range & Cybersecurity Training News (lien direct) From the experts at Cloud Range Cyber Our weekly feed is brought to you Cloud Range Cyber, developers of cyber range solutions that proactively prepare your people. Be ready for today’s threats and measurably reduce cyber risk with Cloud Range’s flexible and customizable simulation solutions. 
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-11-02 17:13:25 PURE CYBER 100: Companies To Watch In 2023 (lien direct) >100 cybersecurity startups with $100 million or more in VC funding over the past two years – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Nov. 2, 2022 The inaugural PURE CYBER 100, compiled by Cybersecurity Ventures and published in Cybercrime Magazine, ranks companies that are focused exclusively
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-10-28 21:34:39 CISO Report: Dr Jay On Cyber Defense (lien direct) >Mastercard's SVP & Deputy CSO says stop, drop, and roll – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Oct. 28, 2022 The CISO Report is sponsored by KnowBe4. For years, many companies used to treat cybersecurity training like fire safety or CPR training: a once-a-year exercise, in
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-10-26 19:46:31 Conceal TV: Cybersecurity Expert Opinion (lien direct) >National security leaders on cyber threats and solutions. Brought to you by Conceal – Steve Morgan, Editor-in-Chief Sausalito, Calif. – Oct. 26, 2022 The Conceal TV channel features the top cybersecurity guest experts globally. This programming is brought to you by Conceal, a fast-growing company that Guideline
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-09-13 20:05:18 Cyber Threat Feed: Latest Advisories and Intelligence (lien direct) >Sponsored by eSentire The eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU) publishes security advisories, blogs, reports, industry publications and webinars based on its original research and the insights driven through proactive threat hunts. We keep you up-to-date on the latest. Loading… Threat
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-09-13 19:38:25 Ransomware Will Strike Every 2 Seconds By 2031 (lien direct) >Gangs, strains, and statistics CISOs and cybersecurity teams should know – Steve Morgan Sausalito, Calif. – Sep. 13, 2022 Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that by 2031, ransomware will cost victims $265 billion annually, and it will attack a business, consumer, or device every 2 seconds. Chief Ransomware
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-08-05 15:33:01 CISOs Look To Bake Simulation Into Cyber Defense (lien direct) >Cloud Range CEO Debbie Gordon explains how – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Aug.5, 2022 For all the new trends in cyber attacks and security defenses that CISOs have faced in recent years, it's easy to forget that security, like so many business processes, is
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-07-25 20:08:49 CISOs Learn How To Zero-Trust (lien direct) >Combating the insider threat – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jul. 25, 2022 For all the talk about nation-state attacks and malicious malware infections, any CISO will tell you one of the biggest issues they face on a daily basis is insider threats - particularly Malware Threat
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-07-25 19:56:49 Cybercrime: Lawyers Fight Back, When Banks Won\'t (lien direct) >How a restaurant reclaimed (some) of its stolen money – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jul. 25, 2022 When the family owners of Washington, D.C.-area restaurant Johnny Pistolas found out they had been compromised by thieves - who made off with $460,000 of their hard-earned ★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-07-18 14:16:48 One Year Later, Phishers Still Go After German Automakers (lien direct) >Luring buyers to malicious sites – Jonathan Zhang, CEO at Whois XML API Walnut, Calif. – Jul. 18, 2021 Cyber attacks often begin with an email containing a malicious file, a link to a phishing website, a fake invoice, or a payment request. The recently
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-07-14 18:01:43 Will Schools Ever Learn Cybersecurity? (lien direct) >Three schools hit by ransomware daily, but cyber education is still lagging – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jul.14, 2022 The recent compromise of Iowa's Cedar Rapids Community School District (CRCSD) - which sent around 750 students home after a major cybersecurity incident downed systems Ransomware
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-07-08 13:25:46 Diversity Advice From RSA Conference\'s Equality Lounge (lien direct) >Visible representation has helped Deloitte Cyber build a cyber culture that women feel “has their back” – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jul. 8, 2022 Stephanie Salih may have majored in engineering at the University of Florida, but it didn't take long before she realized Deloitte Deloitte ★★★★
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-23 17:25:23 Scenes From The World\'s Largest Cybersecurity Conference (lien direct) >Cybercrime Magazine and Secureworks In Real Life at RSAC 2022 – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jun. 23, 2022 After two years during which the COVID-19 pandemic forced security conferences to go virtual or be cancelled altogether, RSA 2022 was back in person this year
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-22 18:27:26 Application Security Goes Hollywood (lien direct) >Conceal rolls out the red carpet for black-hat drama – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jun. 22, 2022 Assertions that companies must bake security into their application development are hardly a surprise to any company working in the cloud era - but with many still
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-21 18:15:22 Don\'t Get BEC On Your Face (lien direct) >How to avoid business email compromise – Gil Friedrich New York City, N.Y. – Jun. 21, 2022 The hottest cybercrime out there is Business Email Compromise (BEC). It's a seemingly simple attack, whereby an executive is spoofed and then asks an underling for an urgent
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-20 13:11:50 DuckDuckGo Quacks On User Privacy (lien direct) >Microsoft ad-blocking exceptions put search engine CEO on defensive – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jun. 20, 2022 Web search engine DuckDuckGo has built a following by focusing on end-user privacy and blocking third-party trackers, but this reputation made it even more of a “shocker,”
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-16 19:03:48 CISO Report: Former FBI Agent On Cybersecurity And Culture (lien direct) >Fortune 500 CISO says small businesses are exposed – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jun. 16, 2022 The CISO Report is sponsored by KnowBe4. Working in small companies may provide “a huge advantage” by exposing security staff to other parts of the business operations, but
cybersecurityventures.webp 2022-06-10 20:59:19 Cybersecurity Barometer: Blue Skies Ahead (lien direct) >VCs pour billions more into cyber defense startups and emerging players in 1H 2022 – David Braue Melbourne, Australia – Jun. 10, 2022 Energy prices are soaring. Dizzying inflation is driving up interest rates. Gas prices are at record highs. Geopolitical instability is damaging supply
Last update at: 2024-04-27 14:08:15
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