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codingsec.webp 2016-09-01 16:00:15 Hacking Android Devices using androrat (lien direct) The android devices in the network can be hacked using Meterpreter Attack but most of the people are not aware that process is not safe, But for this sense we can use the AndroRAT(Android Remote Administration Tool) to hack any android device in the network. Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts in learning new skills, we only recommend that you test this tutorial on a system that belongs to YOU. We do not accept responsibility for anyone who thinks it's a good idea to try to use this to attempt to hack systems that
codingsec.webp 2016-08-31 17:00:21 How to implement string functions using user defined functions (lien direct) A user–defined function (UDF) is a function provided by the user of a program or environment, in a context where the usual assumption is that functions are built into the program or environment. A function has zero or more parameters. You can use local variables to store intermediate results. The function body consists of Igor operations, assignment statements, flow control statements, and calls to other functions. A function can return a numeric, string, wave reference or data folder reference result. It can also have a side-effect, such as creating a wave or creating a graph. Before we dive into the
codingsec.webp 2016-08-29 18:00:49 How to achieve Runtime polymorphism (lien direct) The word polymorphism means having many forms. Typically, polymorphism occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes and they are related by inheritance. C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function. Consider the following example where a base class has been derived by other two classes:   abstract class Figure { int dim1, dim2; Figure(int x, int y) { dim1 = x; dim2 = y; } abstract void area(); } class Triangle extends Figure { Triangle(int x, int y) {
codingsec.webp 2016-08-28 17:00:42 (Déjà vu) How to present Deployment diagrams in UML (lien direct) Introduction Deployment diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams used in modeling the physical aspects of an object-oriented system. A deployment diagram shows the configuration of run time processing nodes and the components that live on them. We use deployment diagrams to model the static deployment view of a system. A deployment diagram is a diagram that shows the configuration of run time processing nodes and the components that live on them. Common Properties A deployment is just a special kind of diagram that shares the same properties as all other diagrams like: a name and graphical contents.
codingsec.webp 2016-08-28 16:00:46 How to parse xml using SAX and DOM API\'s (lien direct) This article explains XML Processors and two of the popular XML document parsing APIs namely SAX and DOM. Java example programs are also provided. XML processors are needed for the following reasons: The processor must check the basic syntax of the document for well-formedness. The processor must replace all occurrences of an entity with its definition. The processor must copy the default values for attributes in a XML document. The processor must check for the validity of the XML document if either a DTD or XML Schema is included. Although an XML document exhibits a regular and elegant structure, that
codingsec.webp 2016-08-27 18:00:54 How to parse parentheses in a string using C Programming (lien direct) Parsing or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural language or in computer languages, conforming to the rules of a formal grammar. The term parsing comes from Latin pars (orationis), meaning part (of speech). The term has slightly different meanings in different branches of linguistics and computer science. Traditional sentence parsing is often performed as a method of understanding the exact meaning of a sentence or word, sometimes with the aid of devices such assentence diagrams. It usually emphasizes the importance of grammatical divisions such as subject and predicate. Within computational linguistics the
codingsec.webp 2016-08-26 16:00:24 Droidsniff – Stealing user\'s social credentials (lien direct) What is Droidsniff? DroidSniff was developed as a tool for testing the security of your accounts. This software is neither made for using it in public networks, nor for hijacking any other persons account. It should only demonstrate the poor security properties network connections without encryption have. So do not get DroidSniff to harm anybody or use it in order to gain unauthorized access to any account you do not own! Use this software only for analyzing your own security! Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts in learning new skills, we only recommend that
codingsec.webp 2016-08-25 18:00:05 Here are some Tips for the HR interview (lien direct) Following tips (in images) will guide you regarding the distinction between over smart and smart answers that can be given for several HR interview questions. Interviews usually take place face to face and in person, although modern communications technologies such as the Internet have enabled conversations to happen in which parties are separated geographically, such as withvideoconferencing software, and of course telephone interviews can happen without visual contact. Interviews almost always involve spoken conversation between two or more parties, although in some instances a “conversation” can happen between two persons who type questions and answers back and forth. Interviews can range
codingsec.webp 2016-08-25 17:00:51 Here are the Economics applied in the cloud computing (lien direct) There are three particularly compelling use cases for utility computing over conventional computing: When the demand varies over time. For example in conventional computing the organization has to invest (to meet demand) in capital expenditure prior to starting its operations and there is no guarantee that demand will always be below the expected margin. Utility computing (cloud) can scale the resources as per demand and the customer pays for only what they use. When demand is unknown in advance. For example a web start up will need to support a spike in demand when it becomes popular, followed by a ★★
codingsec.webp 2016-08-25 16:30:49 What are cloud simulators and it\'s applications (lien direct) Although cloud computing's inception spans over a decade, still there are many challenging issues which requires a significant amount of research to be done. It is impractical for medium to small sized educational institutions and other organizations to establish a physical cloud for conducting research on cloud computing. It is not possible to perform benchmarking experiments in repeatable, dependable, and scalable environments using real-world cloud environments. A solution for this is to use simulators (virtual reality) which can simulate a real cloud environment. A cloud simulator helps to model various kinds of cloud applications by creating data centers, virtual machines
codingsec.webp 2016-08-24 18:00:21 Here are top 28 facts amazing of Google (lien direct) In this article we have listed the top 28 amazing facts of the company google. On August 16, 2013, Google went down for 5 minutes and in that time, the global Internet traffic dropped by 40%. A single Google search requires more computing power than it took to send Apollo 11 to the Moon. Google has found GPA’s and test scores to be “worthless as criteria for hiring”; they have teams where 14% of their employees haven’t gone to college. Google was originally called”Backrub”. In 1999, the founders of Google actually tried to sell it to Excite for just US$1
codingsec.webp 2016-08-24 16:00:39 Difference between Apache and Nginx (lien direct) In this article we are going to spot out the differences between the Apache and Nginx web servers. Apache and Nginx are the two most common open source web servers in the world. Together, they are responsible for serving over 50% of traffic on the internet. Both solutions are capable of handling diverse workloads and working with other software to provide a complete web stack. Apache Apache provides a variety of multi-processing modules (Apache calls these MPMs) that dictate how client requests are handled. Basically, this allows administrators to swap out its connection handling architecture easily. Nginx Nginx came onto
codingsec.webp 2016-08-23 18:00:36 How to enable God mode in windows 10 (lien direct) If you are a long time Windows user you may remember the trick to enable the God mode for those who don't  it is a feature that gives all the access to the operating system control panel settings.   God Mode is just a way to access the master control panel in Windows 10 .The feature is useful for those in IT, those who manage a computer, and obviously for those advanced enthusiasts. Most consumers have little need for the feature, and in fact, it could lend itself to doing some damage to the OS.   Enable God Mode in
codingsec.webp 2016-08-22 16:00:55 Difference between python 2 and python 3 (lien direct) Python is a easy, extremely readable and versatile programming language.The goal of development of python is make the programming language easy to use which is easy to set up and Significantly easy to use Python is great choice for beginners. Python supports multiple programming styles including scripting and object oriented it can be used for general purpose or for a special purpose  it offers a lot of potential for those who want to add a new programming language to their CV. Python 2 Python 2 signalled a more transparent and inclusive language development process than earlier versions of Python with
codingsec.webp 2016-08-21 16:00:29 A guide on how to use apt-get commands in Linux (lien direct) In this guide we will provide you with a brief introduction on how to use the apt-get commands in the Linux Terminal, clean your packages and update your system. What is APT-GET?? If you are a Ubuntu user you may know that it is a extended build of the Debian Linux, While the Debian uses DPKG packaging system. A packaging system which will provide programs and applications for installation which will reduce the hassle of the user compiling the code from source. APT is the advanced package tool which is used to interact with the DPKG packages to do some
codingsec.webp 2016-08-19 16:00:34 A Program to demonstrate typedef usage with a struct (lien direct) In this article we are going to demonstrate how to use the typedef function in C-Programming. he C programming language provides a keyword called typedef, which you can use to give a type, a new names. Following is an example to define a term BYTE for one-byte numbers − typedef unsigned char BYTE; After this type definitions, the identifier BYTE can be used as an abbreviations for the typeunsigned char, for example.. BYTE b1, b2; By convention, uppercase letters are used for these definitions to remind the user that the type name is really a symbolic abbreviations, but you can
codingsec.webp 2016-08-19 15:46:06 Windows PowerShell got Open Sourced and available for all the platforms (lien direct) Lately Microsoft has been showing interest in Linux and other open source projects. Now it has even contributed to the open source by giving away it’s powerful PowerShell. What is PowerShell? PowerShell is an object-oriented programming language and interactive command line shell for Microsoft Windows. PowerShell was designed to automate system tasks, such as batch processing, and create systems management tools for commonly implemented processes. Basically it is a commandline based tool which is used to interact with shell using some object commands just like the Terminal which you use in the Linux or Windows Command prompt if you use Windows
codingsec.webp 2016-08-18 16:00:35 What is new in the Go 1.7 Programming language (lien direct) Go programming language version 1.7 which  is backed by a new ssa Compiler.SSA is a method of describing lower level of operation  SSA acts through an infinite number of registers Which provide well optimized passes the result is smaller code size and faster implementation.   In addition to the performance benefits of new SSA  backend Veera in new suite of tools that will allow developers to interact with SSA machinery  One of the search output and Optimisation passes resulted in the Go assembly language in order to disassemble the Go tool   $GOSAFUNC=main go build   This invocation will output
codingsec.webp 2016-08-16 18:00:54 Most Important frequently asked C++ interview questions (lien direct) In this article we are going to some of the most important and frequently asked interview questions. Question 1 What will the line of code below print out and Why? cout << 25u - 50; Well the Answer is just not -25. The answer is 4294967271, taking the compiler is 32bit. There are two types of operands in C++ which one differ from another generally the lower types will be promoted to higher types Higher types : long double, double, long int Lower types : unsigned int, int, float Question 2 What is diamond problem that can occur with C++??
codingsec.webp 2016-08-15 18:00:05 How to deploy the UML diagrams (lien direct) Introduction Deployment diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams used in modeling the physical aspects of an object-oriented system. A deployment diagram shows the configuration of run time processing nodes and the components that live on them. We use deployment diagrams to model the static deployment view of a system. A deployment diagram is a diagram that shows the configuration of run time processing nodes and the components that live on them. Common Properties A deployment is just a special kind of diagram that shares the same properties as all other diagrams like: a name and graphical contents. ★★
codingsec.webp 2016-08-15 11:57:06 August 2016 Ethical Hacking Challenge (lien direct) Hello all, Here is the August ethical hacking challenge, this will hopefully be the first of many (depending on feedback of this style) The challenge is based on a capture the flag style, your mission is to find the text file that is within the root directory. You will need to install VirtualBox if you don’t have it already, the network adapter is bridged so you should be able to pick up a DHCP address.   here is the link to the virtual machine image https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pebphs67gkjkuua/AAD5NYunTc_TVc1SiiGCp6o3a?dl=0 ★★
codingsec.webp 2016-08-14 16:00:06 How to steal cookies using Cross Site Scripting (lien direct) What is XSS? Well it is a way of inserting the malicious javascript code in your page in the form of the input therfore every time the page loads the script gets loaded in the webpage sense that the new code got inserted in the website Which is called the cross site scripting. oday tutorial was about Hacking Tutorial how to do Cookie Stealing via Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability with persistent type. This kind of vulnerability was much more dangerous than the non-persistent one, because it will affect the whole user of the website that has this kind of persistent
codingsec.webp 2016-08-13 16:00:49 What is PlayFair Cipher (old cryptography) (lien direct) The password of the user is stored in the format of the encrypted which is achieved by using one of the techniques of the cryptography. Today we  are going to discuss about the play fair cipher Playfair Cipher founded by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1854 also known as Polygraphic System using matrix 5 x 5. The Playfair is a primitive block cipher. Any new personal computer today can break a message encoded with it in a matter of seconds, even some skilled cryptogrophists and puzzle experts can even break it with nothing more than pen and paper. (maybe you who
codingsec.webp 2016-08-12 16:00:05 How to code your first sql injection vulnerability with python (lien direct) In this article we are going check if the website is vulnerable to the sql injection using a python script. It will work if and only if the variables are using the get method. We are currently using the python programming language We need an internet connection and a vulnerable website. You can easily find a website for testing using simple SQLi dorks, like inurl:”index.php?cat_id=”. You can find vulnerable site dumps over the web. Step by step Code your first simple SQLi checking vulnerability with Python: Before starting coding, make a new .py file. Importing main libraries This time we
codingsec.webp 2016-08-11 16:00:39 Web App vs Native App: which is best (lien direct) If you are on a startup or trying to start a startup  you may get to decide which one you want to work on the app that you start with will lead to the development which is a ladder or the snake which is the pit for your business. Mobile Vs Desktop Let's be completely honest: amount of mobile devices are growing up exponentially every year and no one can stop this expansion; even more – Google wants you to become mobile friendly, chastising those companies, who don't want to adjust their online services for mobile. Custom android app development services Guideline ★★★★★
codingsec.webp 2016-08-10 16:00:12 How to prevent Fraud for secure web (lien direct) In the past years the usage of the internet is doubled and cloud based services are rapidly increasing as well as the online businesses. Many of these websites face challenge of the fraudulent account creation by malicious users. First Thing First: Understand The Normal User Behavior Knowing your users is really key to identifying the malicious users. If you have identified a pattern for users who are good you may easily be able to provide them a good user experience. At the same you can also identify the users who are not showing normal behavior. Some of the common ways
codingsec.webp 2016-08-09 16:00:23 40 Hacking Tools to become a powerful hacker #part 2 (lien direct) Just Like we Discussed in the Part 1 of this post : https://codingsec.net/2016/08/40-free-best-tools-will-help-become-powerful-hacker/ Here are the Next 40 hacking Tools that will make your a powerful hacker   Packet Crafting To Exploit Firewall Weaknesses     Hping Earlier Hping was used as a security tool. Now it is used as a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet analyzer or assembler. You can use this for Firewall testing, advance port scanning, network testing by using fragmentation, TOS and different other protocols.   Scapy It is a powerful and interactive packet manipulation program. Scapy has the capability to decode or forge the packets of a
codingsec.webp 2016-08-08 16:00:42 Best Android Apps that provide security for your phone (lien direct) Now-a-Days the phone has become primary device for every person in the planet hence the security of the data has become the priority of the businesses. More over if your phone gets stolen and the phone is accessed by the undesired people it will lead into pretty big issues. Here are some apps that provide the security of the android device Lookout If you are on the lookout for a free mobile app that is capable of protecting your android device around the clock from a wide range of mobile threats then Lookout Mobile Security is the right answer for Guideline
codingsec.webp 2016-08-07 16:00:36 Neo4j can stop Brute Force Attack (lien direct) A Brute Force attack is a guess made by the software of your password we can target any website using brute force. This kinda attacks compromise user information like credit card data and bank account details thus hacker are able to perform the identity theft. Your credit card information can also be sold in the black market. What Is Brute Force Attack? In cryptography, Brute force attack is defined as a approach of systematically checking all possible passwords until the correct one is found. This type of attack may take time proportional to the complexity of password. Brute force attacks
codingsec.webp 2016-08-06 16:00:28 20 best Websites to download the hacked games (lien direct) Gaming daily helps your to learn strategy many people play games online daily.some hackers hack the games inorder to improve their hacking skills Here are some websites you can get hacked games. Hacked Arcade Games The website is one of the popular websites for hacked games. The website has more than 20k hacked games and has games across the category like action, arcade, defense and many others. Arcade Prehacks If you are looking for hacked online games this website is one of the best. It does not only offer various games but also offers a forum of discussion and also
codingsec.webp 2016-08-05 16:00:26 How virus enters into your computer (lien direct) In this article we will get to know how does virus like malware latches on our computer. well Malware is a deadly push that it can kill the computer software for good and your life by stealing your personal information can play with your money by keeping the system updated with the latest software you can keep out of the malware but even though new malware attacks comprimise the security of the computers. What is malware? It is nothing but a piece of software, which is designed in order to interrupt the nominal working of the system and causing all
codingsec.webp 2016-08-04 18:00:09 What are the classes in UML (lien direct) Modeling a system involves identifying the fundamental things (objects) in the system. These things are represented as classes in UML. The classes form the vocabulary (basic elements) of the system. Definition A class is a template or description for similar objects. Similar means objects have same attributes, operations, responsibilities and semantics. These classes may belong to problem domain or may belong to the solution or implementation for the problem. The graphical representation of a class in UML is a rectangle. Names Every class must have a name that distinguishes it from the other classes. The name is written as simple
codingsec.webp 2016-08-04 14:56:51 Google SEO Trick Leads Users to Online Scam (lien direct) Researchers from the Malwarebytes discovered a campaign which abuses the Google search which featured snippets to show links to websites that are compromised which eventually redirects the users to online scams and even exploit kits that spreading ransomware. The campaign depends on crooks identifying websites that are listed in “featured snippets,” a Google feature which shows answers to common questions by user. Most of the times, the links lead to safe websites like Wikipedia, but in some rare cases, they are also to personal blogs or news sites. In an active campaign that is detected by Jerome Segura of Malwarebytes, attackers are redirecting the users from a featured snippet for a Guideline
codingsec.webp 2016-08-04 11:21:23 Hacker Compromises Fosshub and Distributes MBR-Hijacking Malware (lien direct) A hacking crew  named of PeggleCrew has compromised Fosshub and embedded a malware inside the files hosted on the website and offered to download. According to Cult of Peggle, one of the four members in the group, the team breached the website and embedded one  malware payload inside some of files hosted on the Fosshub, a downloads portal, in a same category as Softpedia. “In short, a network service with no authentication was exposed to the internet,” the hacker told the Softpedia in an email. “We are able to grab data from the network service to obtain source code, passwords that led us further into infrastructure of the
codingsec.webp 2016-08-03 16:00:21 How the software development life cycle is determined using UML (lien direct) UML is a software development life cycle or process independent language. But to get most out of UML, the software development process should have the following properties: Use case driven Architecture centric Iterative and Incremental Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software development process framework developed by Rational Corporation which satisfies the above three properties. The overall software development life cycle can be visualized as shown below: Critical activities in each phase: Inception: Business case is established 20% of the critical use cases are identified Elaboration: Develop the architecture Analyze the problem domain (80% of use cases are identified) Construction:
codingsec.webp 2016-08-02 16:00:54 What is the software architecture of the UML (lien direct) A model is a simplified representation of the system. To visualize a system, we will build various models. The subset of these models is a view. Architecture is the collection of several views. The stakeholders (end users, analysts, developers, system integrators, testers, technical writers and project managers) of a project will be interested in different views. Architecture can be best represented as a collection five views: 1) Use case view, 2) Design/logical view, 3) Implementation/development view, 4) Process view and 5) Deployment/physical view. The five views can be summarized as shown in the below table: Structure diagrams Structure diagrams emphasize the
codingsec.webp 2016-07-31 16:00:15 How builder pattern works (lien direct) Intent: Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.   Motivation: A RTF (Rich Text Format) reader application should be able to convert a RTF document to several formats like: plain text or TeX representation or into a text widget which allows users to directly interact. The problem here is, the number of possible conversions is open ended. So, it should be easy to add a new conversion without modifying the reader. A solution to this problem is, the RTFReader class uses a TextConverter object that converts RTF
codingsec.webp 2016-07-30 18:16:43 WhatsApp Fails to Properly Delete Your Chats (lien direct) One of the biggest social messaging service, WhatsApp fails to properly delete conversations of its users, thus allowing attackers and law enforcement a few avenues to recover those deleted chats, found iOS developer Jonathan Zdziarski. The main issue here is  the SQLite database, which many other applications like WhatsApp and many other more mobile apps use to store data on the users phone on which the app is installed. Jonathan  discovered that, whenever a user deletes his WhatsApp conversation, SQLite’s general mode of operation is to mark the data as ‘deleted’ and add it to “free list” of the database entries that can be re-written by
codingsec.webp 2016-07-30 16:00:31 What is abstract factory pattern (lien direct) Intent: Abstract factory provides an interface to create a family of related objects, without explicitly specifying their concrete classes.   Also Known As: Kit.   Motivation: Modularization is a big issue in today's programming. Programmers are trying to avoid the idea of adding more code to the existing classes to encapsulate more general information. Let's consider an example of user interface toolkit which supports multiple look-and-feel standards such as Motif and Presentation Manager. Different look-and-feels define different appearances and behaviors for user interface widgets like scrollbars, buttons, radio buttons etc… To be portable across different look-and-feels standards, an application should ★★★★★
codingsec.webp 2016-07-29 23:19:49 Search Suggestions Can Crash Chrome and Firefox Browsers (lien direct) Security researchers from the Nightwatch Cybersecurity discovered a new way of crashing Firefox and Chromium browsers on mobile and desktop environments. This method relies on using search suggestions feature which both of these browsers support. The issue here is not a software bug, but a fault in design implementation which allows their attack to be executed. All browsers today have a search field or allow users to search through the URL address bar. Based on search engines supported inside the browser and search suggestions that can be shown as the user types his query. The experts at Nightwatch security said that if browser’s search engine provider does not protect
codingsec.webp 2016-07-29 16:00:12 How to pass parameter into java applet (lien direct) In this article we will learn about passing parameters to applets using the param tag and retrieving the values of parameters using getParameter method.   Parameters specify extra information that can be passed to an applet from the HTML page. Parameters are specified using the HTML's param tag.   Param Tag The <param> tag is a sub tag of the <applet> tag. The <param> tag contains two attributes: name and value which are used to specify the name of the parameter and the value of the parameter respectively. For example, the param tags for passing name and age parameters looks as shown below:
codingsec.webp 2016-07-28 22:44:41 Bitcoin is Not Anonymous anymore, EU Wants To Track Cryptocurrency Users (lien direct) The European Commission wants to take away anonymity from the virtual currencies by taking the user registers on a database so that they can be tracked. This proposal would provide EU with a huge record that contains the real-world identities of all the people who use cryptocurrencies and also the addresses of the virtual wallets where the money is held. Forms of Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can not be traced, thus making them a very popular choice for the cyber-criminals to fund their illegal activities. Most of the Ransomware attacks, for example, demand payments in the form of Bitcoin because it just leaves no identifiable paper trail to
codingsec.webp 2016-07-28 16:00:08 How to describe design patterns (lien direct) The information in a design pattern's documentation will be described as follows: Pattern name and classification: The pattern name specifies the essence of the pattern precisely. A good name is a key as it will become a part of our design vocabulary. Classification specifies the type of pattern.   Intent: A short statement that tells us what the pattern does and which design issue or problem the pattern addresses.   Also known as: Other well known names for the pattern, if any.   Motivation: A scenario that illustrates a design problem and how the class and object structures solve that ★★★★
codingsec.webp 2016-07-28 00:58:10 Windows Disk Cleanup Utility can be used to Bypass UAC (lien direct) Researchers recently found a new way to bypass the UAC(User Account Controls) in Windows that puts the devices at risk of being attacked. Researchers Matt Graeber and Matt Nelson said that this  unique method of bypassing the Windows UAC easily work under the survillence of security systems which avoid these types of scenarios. This new UAC bypass works fine on Windows 10 and unlike any other bypass methods. This does not raise ant red flag as the method does not rely on code injection techniques but uses an existing Windows scheduled task which is set up to run with highest privileges, said
codingsec.webp 2016-07-27 20:45:19 HACK COMPUTER USING INTERCEPTER-NG (android) (lien direct) INTERCEPTER-NG IS A MULTIFUNCTIONAL NETWORK TOOLKIT FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF IT SPECIALISTS. IT HAS FUNCTIONALITY OF SEVERAL FAMOUS SEPARATE TOOLS AND MORE OVER OFFERS A GOOD AND UNIQUE ALTERNATIVE OF WIRESHARK FOR ANDROID. NOW FOLLOW THE BELOW STEPS TO HACK COMPUTER, LAPTOP OR ANY OTHER DEVICE WHICH CONNECTED TO YOUR NETWORK. ARE YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD WIFI HACKING APP ANDROID TRY THIS. Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts in learning new skills, we only recommend that you test this tutorial on a system that belongs to YOU. We do not accept responsibility for anyone
codingsec.webp 2016-07-27 16:00:43 Programming in OOP : Types of inheritance (lien direct) In this article we will look at different types of inheritance and what types of inheritance are supported in Java. There are five types of inheritance based on how many base classes and derived classes are there in the inheritance relationship. They are as follows: Simple inheritance Multi-level inheritance Multiple inheritance Hierarchical inheritance Hybrid inheritance Let's look at each one of these five types of inheritance in more detail.   Simple inheritance: This is the most frequently used and most simple of the five types of inheritance. In this type of inheritance there is a single derived class which inherits
codingsec.webp 2016-07-27 10:51:32 Tutorial-How to use zANTI2 for hacking (lien direct) Zanti 2 is a android application which is made up for network penetration testing. What Zanti 2 can do? Scan the whole network show alive host in the network scan port through Nmap for port Scanning Scan Service on each port and find vulnerability. Perform Brute force attack Perform Shellshock etc vulnerability MITM: Man In The Middle Attack Session Hijacking SSL Striping Sniffing packets Replace image Redirect URL and IP Intercept and modified live download.   For Demonstration : Before install Zanti your Phone must be rooted .. In case your phone is not rooted search in the site you
codingsec.webp 2016-07-26 22:49:40 KickassTorrents Community Site Return Online Admins Vow to Bounce Back (lien direct) The arrest of Artem Vaulin the leader of KickassTorrents (KAT) in Poland by the United States’ Justice Department last week was an internet sensation. The website KAT was shut down but now it is slowly coming back to life. The admins of KAT and also thousands of its members have regrouped to resurrect their community by launching the katcr.co website and vowed to bounce back soon. Torrent Freak quoted KAT forum admin, Black “We should remember that Kickass Torrents is not just about uploading, but the heart and soul of KickassTorrents is our members, they are family and family is important as we know. Nothing can take that away Guideline
codingsec.webp 2016-07-26 16:00:22 How to perform type conversion and type casting in java (lien direct) In this article you will learn about Java type conversion and casting with appropriate examples. Converting a value from one type to another type (data type) is known as type conversion. Type conversion is of types based on how the conversion is performed: 1)Implicit conversion (also known as automatic conversion or coercion), 2)Explicit conversion (also known as type casting). Implicit Conversion or Coercion This type of conversion is performed automatically by Java due to performance reasons. Implicit conversion is not performed at all times. There are two rules to be satisfied for the conversion to take place. They are: The
codingsec.webp 2016-07-25 23:18:39 US Government is Paying $2 Million for Automatic Hacking System (lien direct) In this year’s DEF CON security conference which is scheduled to be held in Las Vegas on August, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is giving away a grand total of $4 million to all the seven teams participating in the Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC). The Cyber Grand Challenge was started in 2014. It is a classic Capture The Flag(CTF) competition, but with a kink. Here instead of making two teams of security researchers battle against each other in an attempt to hack or protect a device or network, the CGC will have seven teams that battle using automated computer programs which are built
Last update at: 2024-05-06 13:07:58
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